Also, Su Han, how did you manage to defeat the bug that even requires you to use the Orchid Goose as a combat unit? !

"However, Takamiya Mio has weaknesses."

The boy said the reason why he was able to win in the past.

"Although she is a god, she is an artificial creature made by ancient wizards after all, or a stepping stone for real gods. She is restrained by the magic of wizards."

"My hypermutation factor is Vishnu, the Honkai beast that can devour the factor of the beast. After transforming the blood of a licking dog's blood holder into a clone, I quickly got the sorcerer's The bloodline has gained the possibility to compete with it."

"Besides, she's a love-brained and deeply in love with a girl."

The understated words fell in K423's ears, but it made her hold her breath.

It's easy for Su Han to say, but the danger in it has already been revealed.

Ancient bloodlines, wizarding secrets, man-made gods...

That is undoubtedly walking a tightrope. If you are a little careless, Su Han who has not completed the accumulation will be directly obliterated.

"To be honest, the best solution at that time was not for me to fight with Mio Tsokiya, because even if I used the wizard's secret method, I might not be able to fight, and I would be hammered on the ground."

"However, after all, I am someone who can fight with her, and I also have a very good relationship with the person she loves. With just a little bit of hands and feet, I can hold the emperor to command the princes, and even the worst situation can be prepared. Instead of signing an agreement, in fact, she also threw an olive branch to me, and my fake witch, the unsealing master, and the unused Hurricane Knight are all gifts from her."

Qiyana finally got to know Su Han's communication skills positively.

This seemingly unscrupulous guy easily became an ally with a hostile god, and even received a huge gift...

Next, as long as you push the boat along the way, you can get the help of a **** without fighting.

No doubt, it was a profit.

Smart people know what to do next.


The fact is, Su Han used unknown means to complete the accumulation of power and killed the god.

"Why didn't you make an alliance with him?"

I always felt that Su Han was a self-interested girl and couldn't help but ask questions.

"Because Kurumi and Takamiya Mio are mortal enemies, if I talk to Takamiya Mio in peace, she may not say it, but she will be very sad."

Very casual, the boy laughed.

"If you give up the opportunity to post with beautiful girls just because of a little risk, you will lose a lot."

Because beauty is worth the risk?

"What does this have to do with me?"

Hearing that story, k423 felt a little flustered for no reason.

"'re beautiful too."

The boy clapped his hands and said something that could be described as incredible.

"So, let's make a deal, I'll help you solve the problem of the second collapse, you can stop talking and be a quiet and beautiful girl."

"In that case, I might be a little bit sexual, and maybe I might pursue you."

In the end, this lecher was greedy for his own body, but also despised his character?

Kiana's eyes widened, wanting to rebuke a few words.

However, the words of anger have been hidden before they can be heard.

In fact, if Su Han changes history in the past, as the half body of the Second Herrscher, there is a high probability that he will disappear...

If Su Han did this, there was a high probability that the bamboo basket would be empty.

However, he still did it.

In fact, he was just looking for a random reason to help himself.

Just helping myself.

An inexplicable feeling rose in the girl's heart.

It was similar to the feeling of being charmed before, but it seemed to be slightly different.

The girl turned her head to prevent Su Han from seeing her face.

"If I'm still 'me' then..."

"If we are in a relationship, I can accept it with reluctance."

ps: It is really hurtful to suddenly find that there is no outline.

Originally, a lot of content could be written in two volumes, but it turned out to be hilarious. I finished writing the two volumes in one volume, and the foreshadowing left for the second volume became a pit. If you continue to push the plot, then these pits will be very difficult. It's hard to deal with, now we can only fill in the hole here...

Alas, I'm so stupid, really...

Having said that, next, you hope to fill in some of the pits quickly, and then cut into the fgo plot?

Or should I fill most of the pits first, then cut into the fgo plot, and leave the extra pits in the Genshin Impact Scroll?

Feeling quite conflicted now.

Chapter 37 The Beast of Revenge and Fu Hua's Experiment

"Are you going to reverse history directly?"

After separating from Qiyana, a slightly ethereal voice came from behind Su Han.

Su Han turned back and looked over.

The source of the voice is a woman.

The facial features are dignified, the complexion is serious, and the chest is flat like a 45 sister.

That is Fu Hua, or hua.

As a pioneer who has been given the opportunity to act with Su Han, this young lady does not need to learn from her peers who are fighting against the world's major powers, forcing them to spit out the funds for building the ark.

However, her work is the most important.

She wants to follow Su Han, find a world suitable for survival, and then take over the Ark, so that human civilization can settle down in another world.

"Is there a problem?"

Looking at Fu Hua, who was one of the problem Herrscher trio, Su Han couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

This man's oldest swindler has always been hidden.

Now it's finally out.

"no problem."

The immortal spoke very calmly and said.

"Although you are one of the forerunners, you are not affiliated with Moth Chasing Fire, and I have no right to ask you to forcefully prioritize the interests of Moth Chasing Fire."

"Besides, you also said that even in the worst case, you have the ability to restore the new future to the current situation. Therefore, there is no need for me to stop you."

Speaking of this, her voice couldn't help but pause, her eyes burning.

"Although I don't doubt that you don't mind starting over, but I think starting over is still rather boring for you."

"If you insist on being curious, I am more curious, what is your back-up?"

"It's time resistance."

The young man answered very briskly.

\"Just like Kevin's fire resistance is full and Su's mental resistance is full, since it is faced with the possibility of being hurt by time, as long as you increase the time resistance, it will be fine.\"

"Time resistance?"

Fu Hua, who was hearing this term for the first time in his life, couldn't help being stunned.

The teacher is, mental resistance, fire resistance and so on are easy to understand. Genetic modification can be solved after a long-term trial of illusion, but what the **** is time resistance?

Is it possible to go back once a day?

Unexpectedly, Fu Hua's expression of time resistance was a little confused.

She has been in China for five thousand years, and although her memory is often deleted, with Su's counseling on the side, it can be considered that some of her past memories have been recovered.

During these five thousand years, she has always been in the position of "teacher", and her preaching has been deceived by heaven's karma.

Now, the idea of ​​time resistance caught her off guard.

"Please also ask."

Without much hesitation, the immortal named Fu Hua asked.

"Time is a rather difficult force to defend."

"After all, all living beings are born in time and space, like fish in a river, but it will be a river with countless forks. Once the upper source of the river changes, the fish in the river will be blown to the ground. In the branch of the completely unknown unknown."

"As long as you are in that river, you will have no power to fight back in front of the power of time."

The boy's words fell into Fu Hua's ears, causing her to frown.

If this is the case, isn't everything in the world unable to escape the power of time?

Could it be that Su Han really planned to play gg after the history changed, and then start the second week?

"The Restart of the Dark Mage" is on sale?

She opened her mouth to ask something, but finally closed her mouth.

Su Han was able to make Kevin and Su,

"However, no matter how fast the river is, it won't affect the birds and beasts standing on the bank just to drink, right?"

"So, jump out of the long river of time and let your time be independent of 'world time'."

"I originally possessed the power of the 'world'. Although the 'neighborhood' as a 'world' is incomplete, it may not be able to completely offset the 'correction' from this complete world, but it is a small world after all. Therefore, I am time resistant."

The boy shrugged and said.

"Having a relatively independent 'small world' is one of my successors."


Fu Hua was very keenly aware of this.

"One and the other?"

"Of course."

The boy smiled and raised his hand.

On the back of his hand, the red three-stroke pattern is extremely bright.

That is the connection between the Servant and the Master, and the Master controls the reins of the Servant.

Su Han has a total of two followers.

One is "Ishtar" who is now autistic, and the other is a Servant of the gods who has been fused by it.

- Angola Manuel.

"Actually, you can call me 'Angola Manuel'."

That boy said something that was quite easy to make people think of.

Angola Manuel?

Fu Hua was stunned.

The evil heart will live in the distance forever and curse the world, it is the sum of all evil in the world, the absolute evil.

As an old antique who has lived for five thousand years, her knowledge reserves are undoubtedly extremely powerful, and she naturally knows the name of Angola Mainu.

——The main **** of darkness in ancient Iranian mythology, the source of all evil and darkness. The old enemy of Ahura Mazda, the **** of goodness in Zoroastrianism.

"You don't understand, it's normal."

The boy who obviously sensed Fu Hua's puzzlement smiled. explained.

"In the far side of this world, there is another world, and in that world, there is an existence called beast."

"Beast is a catastrophe that has been rejected by human history. There are seven major evils of mankind in total. They were born from human civilization and become stronger and stronger with the development of human beings, but they destroy civilization from the inside of society, just like human nature. cancer cells.”

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