"Besides, with your dead ghost adoptive father in front of you, Kiana probably won't hate you too much. After all, her hatred for you is that you occupied her name and the well-known 'Cecilia and 'Cecilia'. The law of the sky perishes together', but the former is the cauldron of your pitiful father, and it was not the Herrscher of the Sky, Sirin, who killed her mother, but Bishop Otto Apokalis."

The young man said lightly.

"You are dead. For those who have died, it means nothing. For Kiana, it is just a tragedy."

"A girl who can barely be called a sister, who is riddled with grudges and finally understands the tragedy of life."


Kiana stood there, speechless.

Her face, which was originally covered with a smile, gradually became dazed.

She's a little bit at a loss as to what to do now.

If we say that in this world, who has the most miserable childhood, it is undoubtedly the banya.

The father who tried to embezzle and support the family was killed by Xilin's unknown aoe. His mother died early, and he basically had no impression of his mother. Later, he was taken by the military as a juvenile soldier, or even a killer. The woman who adopted him was still insane. Daddy's Cocolia...

Banya's childhood can only be said to be a miserable capital.

However, if you want to talk about who has the most grudges, it is k423.

The intricate relationship and the grievances between them made her unable to solve it all, and she couldn't help but feel the idea of ​​suicide.

The girl lowered her eyes and remained silent.

"Are you worried about what happened to you?"

As if he had encountered something extremely headache, the young man laughed as if mockingly.

"That kind of thing is completely incomprehensible."

It is very clear that the girl who is carrying all the victims of the second collapse gritted her teeth, and there was despair in her voice.

It's almost the fifth major collapse now, and it has been fourteen years since the second collapse.

How can I correct my own mistakes?

"No solution?"

"Why do you have this strange delusion?"

As if he had encountered something very strange, the young man couldn't help but raised his eyebrows in shock.

"Isn't it because a group of people died in the past?"

"How do you say it, it seems like it's a major event, but it's not impossible to solve."

That emotion seemed to have a kind of magic power, and it instantly infected the girl who was basically giving up on herself, making her stunned.

If Su Han can find out his dead father and sister, improve the relationship, and even restore Piston Celia, Kiana believes it, after all, his ability is there.

However, the second breakdown is not the same as sorting out the relationship.

Why, after the incident of hundreds of thousands of deaths, it would become so easy for Su Han?

Could it be that he planned to have a collective soul-calling here?

Although Destiny is a super organization, there are not many Valkyries in it, so many unclassified news will spread quickly.

She had always heard that Otto, Bishop of Destiny, and a fox girl were fighting over a woman to be the vice president of the Raoshizi Destiny Orphanage. .

The contested woman seemed to be someone from five hundred years ago, and it was Su Han who resurrected her.

Theoretically, since Su Han can resurrect people from five hundred years ago, resurrecting people from thirty years ago is probably within his grasp.

However, the casualties of the second collapse are there...

Even Su Han couldn't easily resurrect so many people at once.

Perhaps, if the facility called Chaldeas is rebuilt, the disasters of the past will be changed.

It is clear that before Su Han, Kiana, who planned to build Chaldeas to resurrect Karen, was thinking.

Su Han is a person who carries the pseudo-Yu Duchen all the year round. If he goes to the past, he can completely use the power of Yu Duchen to deceive Otto and Yae Sakura while saving Kalian to ensure the stability of the future.

However, the second collapse and saving private Karen are two completely different things.

To save the soldier Karen, you only need to deceive Otto and Yae Sakura.

And if you change the second collapse, the whole world needs to be deceived.

Su Han may be able to go back to the past and forcibly suppress the second collapse.

But in that case, the world line will be covered by a brand new future, and all the advantages he has accumulated now will be turned into nothingness.

The relationship between myself and him is not intimate enough to make him do his best...

Kiana's expression suddenly became a little sad.

"Have you heard of the Gerdios Knot?"

During the time when the girl's expression was gloomy, the boy suddenly spoke up and proposed a very famous concept.

Kiana nodded.

Although her educational level is not high, she was forced to be a teaching assistant for several months, and her knowledge was forcibly expanded.

Alexander invaded the Arabian Peninsula, a Persian territory in 333 BC, and occupied the once glorious ancient kingdom of Lentina.

In the center of the streets of the capital of Lentina there is a temple dedicated to Zeus, the **** of the sky, in which an ancient chariot is placed. There was the famous "Gerdios Knot" on this chariot at the time. According to local oracles, whoever can untie this knot will become the king of Asia.

Alexander visited the temple, saw the rope knot, unfastened his sword from his waist, and cut the rope in two with one sword.

The problem that caused countless sages to move their hairlines has been solved.

Sometimes the most complex problems can be solved in the simplest way.

"So, then I'll change the second collapse."

In Kiana's shocked expression, the young man said in an understatement.

Chapter 36 Here, make a contract

Su Han is going to the second collapse time? !

As if being criticized by the thunder, Kiana's face flashed unprecedented stunned.

That means, the timeline will change.

Su Han was not born strong.

In the beginning, he was just a third-rate mage who could not even observe the elements, and had no choice but to bleed blood as a means of combat.

He made his fortune by acquiring gems of conquest.

And the source of the gem of conquest is the second Herrscher, which is himself.

With only a slight change, it would be very difficult for Cocolia to obtain the Conquest Gems. You must know that Su Han was able to capture the Conquest Gems to a large extent because Cocolia was an illusory **** of civil war and was a layman in foreign wars.

If he accidentally falls into the destiny or the world snake, then it will be difficult for him to obtain the initial funds, and it will be difficult for him to establish prestige in front of his guys.

The accumulation in the early stage is very important in the process of a person's fortune.

If the second collapse changes, then the course of his life will also change.

If he is not careful, he will lose everything he has now.

"Do you know what you're talking about?!"

The k423's voice was a little sharper than usual.

"I guess so."

The young man said in a low-key manner.

"Modify the past and lead to a new future."

"You'll be screwed!!"

Looking at the boy who seemed to be heading for the second collapse, k423 quickly grabbed his shoulder and questioned.

This is not only a concern for Su Han, but also a concern for human civilization.

Su Han is a very important existence for the human civilization in the collapsed world.

The collapse series is actually quite bizarre.

Although everyone in the protagonist group is a protagonist template and is even willing to give everything for the beauty of the world, their contribution is actually not great, except for Kiana, who seems to be designated as a one-for-one with the Honkai limit, the other characters are at best. Senior Soldier.

The main force in the fight against the collapse is actually the group of giants who do nothing.

Dr. Mei created fusion warriors, created stigmata, created the key of god, and transformed the previous era into a war machine by himself. Even if he was defeated, he left a spark for the future.

Kevin is in charge of the stigmata plan. When he determines that humans cannot resist Honkai, he will force humans to evolve into new humans adapted to Honkai, and then rebuild civilization based on Honkai energy.

Otto, who spends most of his time playing Karen's fantasy, used the world bubble and the Second God's key in Hollander's body to try to connect the world within Hollander to the tree of imaginary numbers, creating a second world for mankind. home.

Everyone is full of tricks. In comparison, except for Kiana, who may end up blocking the collapse alone in the protagonist group, the others are really basically advanced soldiers.

As a member of the non-personnel team in this world, Su Han also has importance.

He is the agent of the New Fire Project and the founder of the Prometheus Project, the artificial Herrscher.

And these two plans are far more humane than the stigmata plan represented by Kevin, and more reliable than Otto's second home plan.

If there is a problem with Su Han, then the advantages accumulated by human civilization will be taken away in one wave.


As if aware of Kiana's worries, the boy smiled and said something quite incredible.

"I have a certain time resistance. In theory, even if history changes, I may remain the same. Or, even if my past is covered by a new future, I should be able to do it when necessary. With some stimulation, I can restore my current memory and some of my abilities."

"Memory and some abilities are enough for me to contact Su and Otto."

"So, my departure will not affect the survival of human civilization in this world."

That indifferent tone made Qiyana silent.

Su Han's meaning is very clear.

He is probably going to go to the second collapse to deal with his past.

At the risk of losing everything...

yourself, is it worth it?

K423 looked at the young man's handsome face and looked a little confused.

"Why... help me."

An almost murmur-like, untraceable voice came from her lips.

"Your question, Tokisaki Kurumi also asked me."

Facing the doubt, the young man brought some memories on his face.

Tokisaki Kurumi, the name k423 is not unfamiliar.

That was Su Han's nominal girlfriend, a well-mannered eldest lady.

However, what impresses k423 is not her almost incomprehensible time ability and amazing beauty, but her tolerance for Su Han.

Su Han is a very absurd guy. A romance can be written into a novel with at least three million words.

However, as Su Han's girlfriend, Tokisaki Kusan has no objection to Su Han's absurd behavior except for killing a certain physical idiot. The eldest lady will even take the initiative to care about those women who have an affair with Su Han. Children, if those girls have something to do, she will even leave her avatar to help out.

Has that guy ever asked a similar question?

An inexplicable feeling rose in k423's heart.

"At that time, the situation was probably that I, whose combat power was roughly equal to 2 Theresa, helped Tokisaki Kurumi, whose combat power was equal to three Ritas, and the duel was probably Mio Takamiya, the unawakened version of Landale, the three-car combat power. "

Su Han pondered for a while, and talked about the words that would definitely make all S-rank Valkyries rage like today.


Isn't that dead?

It is very clear that Hollander is actually a dd-level Valkyrie, K423's eyes widened.

A dumb goose can call three trains Theresa and three trains Rita! !

What is the origin of that Takamiya Mio?

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