Heck, it's really too much of a **** hell.

She admits that she doesn't hate Su Han, but this is because Su Han is one of the best people in the world for her... Although this guy always gives her a bad intention, but it is indeed a group of her relatives and friends a member of .

But what does this have to do with Asahi! ! !

Is your voice soft? ! !

"What the **** did you do to me?"

Just like in Konoha Village, you can put the pot on the head of a Tuan, without even thinking about it, Miss K423 put the pot on Su Han's head,

In this world, apart from Su Han, no one would develop such a bizarre ability.

Capable bigwigs like Otto, Walter, and Kevin are busy with their own affairs and don't have time to fix things up.

Others simply do not have the ability to develop such a strange ability.

Su Han is the only one who is capable and idle.

"This is probably the sequelae of your clone."

In this regard, Su Han did not hide the past with giggling, and stated the reason very bluntly.

"It's really hard to convince or something."

"So, simply use Jizo Yushun and Mizuyu Duchen to reverse her likes and dislikes."

"Consider human civilization as a collapsed civilization, and regard the Lord of collapse as a human god."

"It may be that she used too much force, causing her emotions to have affected you."

"Next, you have to be more restrained, don't hug me like Teresa's second-hand."

As if he suddenly remembered something, the boy suddenly added.

"If you hug me directly, it will affect my reputation as a teacher."

Those words, Miss K423 couldn't help but have a blue vein on her head.

What does it mean to affect his reputation?

No, no, no, this scumbag man actually thinks he has a reputation?

This guy has a large yard of elves, loli, royal sisters, singers, wives, girls, and witches. Even so, he goes to hook up with other girls all day long.

Honestly, where does this stuff have a reputation?

Also, what the **** is that look of disgust on your face?

Your ta-miao was still proposing to the old lady just now, but after confirming that Kong-lu still retains his personality as a human, you directly replace it with this ugly face? !

Hard, fist hard.

Miss Kiana looked at someone who caused a lot of trouble for herself, but was still talking sarcastically, and felt like a fire was burning in her heart.

However, she still forcibly stopped her desire to put the **** Euler in front of her on thirty pages.

Although Su Han is sloppy and scumbag, he is not a person without rules.

Although this thing has bad taste, it is not that kind of pure scum.

after all--

This guy is an efficiency supremacist.

If he really wanted to knock himself out, he could use the whereabouts of the real Kiana and Siegfried to force himself. Even if he didn't do that, now Yu Duchen and Jizo Yuhun are probably already at max.

Judging from the power and ability of this guy, if he wants to, let alone himself, within half a year, all the girls in St. Freya and even some beautiful girls in other branches of Destiny will have a big belly.

He used such a powerful force against the Herrscher of the Sky, and it is estimated that he has his own reasons.

"Your reason is..."

Miss K423 took a deep breath, calmed down, and asked.

In this regard, the young man spread his hands and opened his mouth.

"The Herrscher of the Sky has human nature, but that guy's stance is too firm, and he is an uncooperative person who firmly stands on the side of the collapse."

"She is an experiment in the Babylonian laboratory of destiny, and she naturally hates this world."

"It's hard to convince her just by word of mouth."

"However, that guy is your half body. If I can, I don't really want to kill her."

k423 was silent.


Sinful Babel.

Even if he doesn't have much memory, k423 also understands that he once had many friends...

However, they are all dead.

As the fuel to promote the development of Destiny, it was burned out and died painfully.

In fact, the mood of the empty law is quite understandable.

K423 couldn't help looking at her hand, she understood that this hand controlled the power of space.

After all, if someone kills Mei, Teresa, and Su in front of her... This kind of scourge is destined to live for thousands of years.

If Mei, Teresa and the others shed blood in front of him, can he control himself and not start a massacre?


So sad.

Also, what should I do next?

The girl who originally thought of reconciling with her own sister and then went to beat Siegfried together became more and more confused.

Do you really deserve to appear in front of her?

As a sister...

Also, she is actually Celine.

Originally it was just a revenge against the destiny, but in the end it was a monster that angered all human beings and caused countless innocent people to be destroyed.

If there is **** in this world, you will definitely be at the bottom.

To repay the sins in the way of constant torture.

It was very difficult, Kiana said to herself in her heart.

However, unfortunately, there is no underworld underworld in this world, so if you want to repay the debt, you can only do your best to repay it while you are alive.

How can I repay the debt I owe?

K423's eyes suddenly dimmed.

She is probably one of the biggest sinners in the world.

Except for the scum of Otto, there should be no soul darker than myself in this world...

Now, it is not suitable for me to hang out with Yayi and the others, share delicious food, and live a warm and ordinary life.

What she should do is to pay her debts as best she can, and then die in the battle against Honkai...

"By the way, teacher, I may not be able to walk with you next time."

So far, the girl who used the title teacher to Su Han for the first time had a difficult smile on her face.

"I received a message from my father. I have to clean up my father. Next..."

"Qiana and Mei, I'll ask you to take care of them. When I get back, I'll treat you to fried chicken."

ps: When it comes to Konoha Pot King, I suddenly remember that there are only 48 Anbu people, and the number of people in Gen is one third of that of Anbu...

There are sixteen people under Danzo...


Chapter 35 I will reverse all phenomena

"Qiana and Mei, I'll ask you to take care of them. When I get back, I'll treat you to fried chicken."

It was almost difficult for the girl who wrote on her face, I won't come back, to make a speech that was close to that of Baidicheng's loneliness to her indifferent teacher.

This guy is probably half desperate.

Feeling the daze in that tone, Su Han couldn't help but sigh.

Miss Kiana was actually somewhat hostile to him.

This is not difficult to understand.

K423's life is almost a wilderness.

The adoptive father is a decadent man who has been beaten by reality and can only use alcohol to relieve his worries.

After the decadent man found out that his own power could not save the real daughter at all, he chose to pour all his last feelings into his adopted daughter. However, he was also seriously injured by the other side of k423, the Herrscher of the Sky. , in order not to continue to stimulate the Herrscher of the Sky, he chose to stay away.

In order to find her distant adoptive father, the young girl embarked on her own journey.

Raiden Mei is the only person in her life who has nothing to do with the name "Kiana" who has shown her sincere friendship.

Raiden Mei is a lonely but motherly girl, while k423 is a lonely person who lacks maternal love.

Naturally, they became mutually supportive partners.

It is almost a matter of course, that may be a girl born with lack of maternal love out of possessiveness, and she is almost hostile to all those who try to **** Raiden Meiyi from her.

But now, she now hopes that Su Han can help take care of Leidian Yayi and Qiana, who she owes the most...

The latter behavior is a request, hoping that Su Han can warm the heart of the injured child instead of himself.

And the former-

You must know that Leiden Yayi's secondary illness actually meant something to Su Han.

And even though Kiana knew this, she still chose to please...

Such a request is comparable to how Chongnomiya Mio helped Shiori to buy a cat-ear maid outfit to please Su Han.

Obviously, Kiana is not the goddess of Chong Gong Mio, who seems to have come out of Greek mythology. Unless she has to, she obviously does not want Raiden Mei to hang out with Su Han all day long.

Her gender is female, and she has a disadvantage in the competition. If Raiden Yayi really follows Su Han all day, then she will definitely play gg next.

However, even if she understood this, Kiana still chose to ask Su Han.

Because, for the rest of his life, he should be constantly atonement, and finally, like the ancestors of the Kaslana family, he died in the battle against the collapse...

"Goodbye, teacher, when you meet Kiana, remember to say hello to me."

The girl smiled, her smile still full of Alaska-like liveliness, but less heartless than before.

Not even ready to pack up, the girl ran towards the airport.

That direction is not the way to the dormitory of St. Freya Academy, Su Han sighed in his heart.

She wasn't looking for Siegfried, she was fleeing.

Run away from your family and friends.

"So, where are you going?"

As if encountering something very understandable, the boy appeared in front of the girl without warning and stopped her.

"Girls' family, after all, there are some things that are inappropriate to say."

Facing Su Han's obstruction, the girl chose to play stupid without hesitation.

"I'm in a hurry to go to the toilet. Could it be that you plan to follow me to the women's toilet? Are you going to be a hooligan?"

"If you are found out, I won't cover you up, you have to bear the name of immorality alone."

"Don't you think that it is very commendable to use the half-hearted power of the empty law to fight against Honkai, and then be hacked to death by the natural Herrscher who was born later."

In response to this, the young man's lips lightly parted, and he spoke words that silenced Miss K423.

"Or, do you think your death will make the real Kiana happier?"

"Stop talking nonsense. The living are not qualified to forgive others for the dead. Therefore, merit and sin are calculated separately, and there is no such thing as merit."

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