

Bengbu lived.

Really live in Bengbu.

The guardian of mankind mercilessly tampered with the cognition of the evil **** apostle, and let his respect for the evil **** be transferred to himself...

Are you the Demon King, or is she the Demon King?

Mr. Romani couldn't help but feel worried for Miss Fujimaru Tachika for a while.

Not long ago, Ms. Fujimaru Rika, who was depressed because of being abandoned, found him, hoping to follow the next new A-group as a trainee master, study and become an excellent master as much as possible. Chaldea and Renli gave their strength.

Because Miss Fujimaru Rika's mood is too sincere, if she refuses, it may seriously hurt the girl's self-esteem. Considering that she has the fate of a savior, it is hard to estimate that it is at least 30 cars, or even 300 cars. To the extent of the child, Mr. Romani approved it.

Now he regrets it.

Let the savior in your own world learn from this guy who is even more demon king than the demon king, always feel like a pill in his own world.

Sure enough, let's talk to Lixiang and let her and Matthew exercise together.

Dr. Romani had a new idea in his mind.

If he was with Su Han, the savior in his own world would soon become chaos. Evil.

"That's right, Romani."

"If I remember correctly, there should be a lot of holy relics in Chaldea."

"According to the ability of the previous generation's director, even in the realm of mythology, there will be one or two sacred relics at the strongest corner level in Chaldea."

Just like someone who is not good at words is ready to cut to the topic after the politeness, the young man suddenly spoke, making Dr. Romani's expression suddenly become serious.

"What are you asking about this for?"

This guy, Su Han, has never changed.

Even if there are some unrelated transactions between this guy and the man, most of them are only used to introduce topics, so that he is not so mean.

Now, he is over.

Next is the time to trade and order.

"I plan to prepare my own servants for my servants."

"As members of Group A who can contact the alien gods, they can't be alone, can't they?"

The boy casually gave his reasons for entrusting him.

Those words made Romani fall into deep thought.

Lostbelts - A history of underdogs based on wrong choices, wrong prosperity. remnants of history.

For an unknown purpose, the Alien God communicated with the captain of the A group, Kirshtalia, who was taken away by the crown bomb, and let him be his help.

When he was rescued by Alien Star God, Alien Star God only planned to save him alone, but at his request, other members of Group A could also be resurrected, so there were seven Lost News Belts.

Theoretically speaking, the Alien God only wants a strange news to bring.

But his most promising wage earner would not work until he received a salary, so he had to pay an extra six seeds of the fantasy tree.

Alien God - Kirshtalia - Hidden - Lostbelt.

As if he had finally figured it out, Romani couldn't help but take a deep breath.

"You want Kirshtalia to help you get the seeds of the fantasy tree and create more Lost Belts?!"

"Of course."

The young Shi Shiran gave the answer.

"For this reason, please let me release the frozen group A."

==========Dividing Line==========

Like waking up suddenly, k423 opened his eyes.

k423 felt like he had a dream.

In the dream, he became the Herrscher representing space, and decided to stand on the side of Honkai and launch the final rebellion against humanity.

In order to quickly increase his power to kill all human beings, he chose to send an invitation to the unremarkable teacher...


And was proposed by that bastard.

Heck! !

A friend's wife can't be deceived, it's quite outrageous for that guy to know that he likes Yayi and start with her.

As a result, that guy even stretched his claws out to himself! !

It’s okay to be greedy for your own body, and you have to sneer at the “other self” before expressing your attitude! !

That **** is indeed poisonous! !

Of course, he refused all of this.

Then, I started a fight with it...probably.

The light of the skyfire devoured almost everything, and then——

Then the guy changed weapons halfway, and replaced the great sword like the flaming sword of the Garden of Eden with a great sword that was evil no matter how you looked at it.

"Wake up, Jizo Yusoul, let this stupid woman, no, this world become what I want-!!"

Then the dream woke up.

Like waking up suddenly, k423 opened his eyes.

Without seeing the white ceiling, the sky was dark.

Where is this place?

K423's expression was a little dazed, she got up from the ground, her expression still carried the bewilderment she just woke up.

She struggled to get up, and a guy who was known for flipping tables when he couldn't afford it came into her field of vision.

He stood under the divine tree and looked up at the flowers blooming on the divine tree.

As a fusion of the tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil, this divine tree has always been extremely powerful.

Devouring the souls of the outside world as slaves, drawing power to promote the evolution of the master, and even turning it into a weapon.

Its trunk, flowers, and tree species are Su Han's three strongest weapons.

However, after rising with the absorbed power, the tree seems to have changed a little...

The tree spirit in the root of the tree, the stamen between the petals, the soul in the tree species.

In the battle plot, the three angels represent Manyuri, the garden **** Rinne, and an elf who has no information yet.

Perhaps because Su Han chose to convert a large amount of magic power into attribute points of his other attributes in order to solve the oppression of the Eye of Darkness on himself, his magic power reserves fell to less than one-tenth of Mio's, and these elves were never born. .

However, with the emergence of the magic power of the Eye of Darkness, and the power dedicated by the souls of the losers, Su Han's magic power is gradually returning to its peak value in the past.

"I always feel that it won't be long before there will be new guys among the elves."

The boy murmured.

"Speaking of which, it seems that the ten particles on this tree are also regenerating spiritual crystals. If they can establish a blood pact with the ten-point elves one by one, they may be able to connect with the particles of this tree and share my power."

Share the power?

Hearing those words, k423 couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Su Han almost has a mysterious desire to pursue power.

Back then, for a Herrscher gem, he brought a bunch of teammates who were only at the same level as his aunt, robbed Mei, beat himself, and even attacked Cocolia, the phantom **** of civil war.

In order to get the super-variable factor, this guy even used all the tricks and tricks to fool his stupid aunt.

After I can get in touch with the real high-level people, the next step is basically to jump around in major organizations, just to win resources to make myself stronger...

This kind of guy who is crazy about power, now actually wants to share his power with others?

Hell, is this the teacher you know?

"Oh, you're awake."

"Ciline, how are you feeling now?"

It seems that because Miss K423 got up too much, the young man laughed with a smile on his face.

The long eyelashes trembled slightly, and there was a warm smile in the obsidian-like eyes, and a bright light suddenly flashed.

looks great.

That smile inexplicably reminded Miss K423 of a certain Thunder Herrscher who was studying recipes.

She didn't even know if it was an illusion, but she suddenly felt that the young man's smile was even more gorgeous than Mei's.

Brilliant is like a god.

There is a gentle **** who always stands behind you, and when you are in danger, as long as you pray to it, you will bestow all graces and protect you.

That is completely different from Mei's charm.

K423 suddenly felt like his heartbeat started to speed up.

Her face was also flushing. Not long ago, she was still a girl who could **** a piece of bread with Su Han, but at this time, she unexpectedly felt shy.

In the world, people are accustomed to referring to the idea of ​​lust as love at first sight.

There is no doubt that the k423 felt the power of love at first sight.

Is this love?

Miss k423 even forgot for a while that her body had to be handled by someone.

When Miss K423 felt that there were countless monkey kings in her heart, the young man looked at her, his expression changed from that **** gentle to dignified, and then like a face change, it turned into an indescribable expression...

In the end, it turned into disgust.

"Tsk, it really doesn't have the air of femininity."

With the most gentle face, the young man spit out the most disdainful speech.

"If I had known, I wouldn't save you at all, just let Kong Lu be my teaching assistant."

As if a basin of cold water was poured on her head, Kiana woke up instantly.

This guy is completely different from what she thought.

Wait, why do you think that scumbag man is good-looking? !

Like a cat whose tail was stepped on, Miss K423 couldn't help but react.


Who in the entire St. Freya Academy does not know that the new principal is a scumbag.

Raising a room full of beautiful girls as lovers, and secretly searching for excellent Valkyries to organize their own personal guards, this kind of guy is nothing but crumbs.

Are you out of your mind? I thought he would be a gentle god.

Miss k423's eyes widened, and she wanted to punch this guy in the face as usual.

However, the moment she looked at the young man's face, her heart trembled slightly.

The emotion called guilt was clinging to her heart almost like a vine, making her want to slap herself twice to wake up.

That is "God"! !

Wait a minute, why do you think that the scumbag teacher...is a god?

Doubt rose in Kiana's heart.

Chapter 34: Kiana's Confusion

What the **** happened, I feel that this guy is a gentle god! !

Kiana felt her brain tremble.

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