He felt that when he finished playing the Lost Tape, he would go to see Brother Long or Xia Ying shouting, "Traveler prays for a big guarantee, Traveler's copy of a small life."

Perhaps it was because he could rub the Herrscher in front of him on the ground with his bare hands. Su Han's spirit at the moment was actually quite deviated, and he had the idea of ​​going directly to Tivat Continent to form a feud with Xiaying and Longgezhuan Paimon.

It was decided, and then I would torture Brother Long or Xia Ying with 嘤嘤嘤, and then take Yayi to teach the Thor who can't cook...

After making this series of decisions that were completely entertaining, the young man couldn't help but look at the Herrscher who was standing in the void and watching him.

"Of course I know you."

The boy who had been thinking about whether to convert Fugu-san into his own family or just do it outright opened his mouth.

"Deeply favored by the Honkai God, in theory, the Herrscher with the strongest attribute panel in the world."

The strongest lawyer.

Hearing that title, the corners of Xilin's mouth couldn't help but smile a little.

No one hates flattery.

Perhaps it is because the Honkai God is the only existence that gives it power when it asks for help, so Sirin is actually a diehard fan of the Honkai God.

Known as the Herrscher who is deeply favored by the Honkai God, and given the title of the strongest, this kind of words came from the mouth of that erudite and knowledgeable fellow, which is undoubtedly something that can greatly satisfy Sirin's vanity. .

However, the next moment, the boy's words made her face a little ugly.

"However, it is estimated that you are not at that level now."

"Empty, death, flame, thunder, wind, you only have a Herrscher core now, and it is estimated that even Walter can replace you with the limit one-for-one."

The boy made a judgment.

Xilin's situation is very bad now.

The four Herrscher gems given to her by Honkai God were divided by destiny and anti-entropy. She had just woken up, and her Honkai energy reserves were insufficient.

With her current situation, even Walter Yangruo, who was cut down after the battle with the immeasurable Talonsuke, desperately estimated that he could send her on the road.

His own situation was completely understood.

The Herrscher of the Sky's expression was a little gloomy.

Her condition is really not good.

This is also the reason why she doesn't make a fuss according to her temperament now.

As soon as she unleashes the exceedingly high Honkai energy, the Valkyrie army, which belongs to the destiny, will swarm.

She beat the old master to death with random fists, she didn't want to go back to read the article as soon as she woke up.

I need an assistant...

An assistant who can restore his power quickly.

Xi Lin couldn't help looking at the young man who always had a carefree smile in front of him, her eyes turned slightly.

The current situation is that he is worthy of recovery and his strength is not complete.

On the human side, the two Herrschers of restraint and understanding have already been created. Even if the other Valkyries of Destiny are eating rice, if they cause a big stir, they will probably be killed together.

If you want to continue revenge, you need strength.

Recalling the term destiny, extreme disgust appeared on the queen's face.

Celine hates destiny very much.

She was born in a single-parent family. Her biological mother died of illness early and became an orphan. The sanctimonious researcher took Xilin away in the name of "hope", but pushed her to **** and faced the fate that life is worse than death.

The seeds of hatred have been sown since then, so that Shirin can no longer trust others. But in the Tower of Babylon, she also met Avrora, Agata, and Bella, and she never forgot them. The collapse tore Xilin's heart, but could not erase their figures from her heart.

Whenever recalling these names, Xilin will feel missed and sad. Until the end, she was eager to meet everyone again. These children ended up being sacrificed to the Tower of Babylon.

The so-called tragic is to destroy beautiful things for others to see.

And the most cruel side in the world is vividly displayed in front of Xi Lin.

With nothing left, only revenge was left. She used the power bestowed by the gods to wash the **** and deliver the punishment they deserved to those demons.

However, these demons still exist today.

Still sanctimonious, and even reached out to the realm of God.

- They have already started to create artificial Herrschers.

And even if he regained his strength today, it would be difficult for him to fight against the multiple artificial Herrschers.

A sense of urgency rose in the heart of the Herrscher of the Sky.

She has to get stronger.

At the moment when the artificial Herrscher plan has not yet fully unfolded, get back the power that God once gave him, and even become stronger.

And if you want to become stronger, the fastest way is to devour the core of other Herrschers.

And in this world, the person who has the authority to dismantle the God's Key and extract its Herrscher core is the young man in front of him.

Recalling the young man's scalp-numbing operations and his eye-opening behavior so far, the Herrscher of the Sky couldn't help but bring some thought into his eyes.

"Traveler from another world, are you willing to serve me?"

Barely concealing her desire, the white-haired queen stepped in front of the young man, her pure white hair fluttering lightly with a faint fragrance.


Is this a solicitation?

Su Han's expression couldn't help being a little weird.

Regarding the Herrscher of the Sky, a guy who might cause a lot of trouble when recruited into his hands, Su Han's final decision was actually to see how human this guy was.

If there is still some humanity, keep it and keep it as a family member.

If you don't have any at all, just wait until Xiao Shi is born, and pick up Shokuhou Kaohsiu, who is still exercising, and see if you can directly modify the personality of this guy to something you like, and if you can't, get rid of it.

As a result, in the process of judging, this puffer fish, which can only swell, actually attracts people?

Su Han looked at the girl whose life could be summed up as bloat - shriveled - bloated - shriveled in an infinite loop, with a strange expression.

It's a bit interesting, so let's play with her.

"If I obey you, what can you give me?"

Just as he was teasing the Persian cat at home, the young man could not help but look at the Apostle of God representing space with curious eyes.

Well, the main focus is on the legs.

Beautiful round slender jade legs, delicate and smooth ice muscles and jade bones, coupled with very charming black stockings, is really Ting Ting Yu Li.

Kong Lu's legs are pretty straight, and at first glance, they are beautiful legs that can be played for a lifetime.

It's really weird.

It's obviously using Kiana's body, but it's more feminine than Kiana.

"what do you want?"

Perhaps he really regarded the young man in front of him as negotiating with him, and a little joy flashed in the Herrscher's heart.

The biggest reason why the destiny is so difficult now is Su Han's help.

If you can get his help, then it will be extremely simple to fulfill Lord God's wish.

If you only need to pay some price, you can make it work for yourself, that is really a great thing.

Next, she will soon be able to access the Honkai Energy Reactor to restore the Honkai Energy storage, and then go to retrieve the Herrscher core left over from the previous era to complete the enhancement.

"Although this civilization will eventually be destroyed, after the destruction, something can be left behind."

Speaking of this, the Herrscher couldn't help opening his arms, like an incompetent politician issuing a blank check, and announced with a smile.

"Power, weapons, knowledge..."

"As long as you want, I can promise you all of this on behalf of my god, and maybe even give you the grace of a god."

"Those things are so vulgar."

In this regard, the young man smiled and said something that made the Herrscher's lady a little puzzled.

Don't like power, don't want weapons, don't want knowledge, so what?

"What do you want?" she asked impatiently.

In response, the boy just smiled and stretched out his hand, pointing at her.

"I think you are very moist, I want you."

Chapter 31 Who is the villain?

"I think you are very moist, I want you."

Just like pouring gel into water, the air was stagnant.

The Herrscher of the Sky's delicate face originally had a somewhat fanatical expression, as if being watched by Medusa, it became rigid.

What is this guy talking about?

Are you moist?

Want yourself? !

This is harassment! !

The Herrscher of the Sky and Su Han met for the first time.

As a result, this guy said that he was very moist as soon as he came up, and this kind of thing was obviously beyond the knowledge of the Herrscher of the Sky.

Goosebumps stood up on the queen's body.

"Is it hard to understand?"

As if he was issuing a criminal declaration, the boy smiled, and Shi Shiran said words that would probably make Miss Kiana furious on the spot.

"Kiana is a very beautiful girl."

"However, that guy is too stupid, and he can run around too much. It's like an Alaska. People can't, at least they can't be in estrus against the Alaska family."


Listening to the young man's description of his half body, the Herrscher of the Sky could not help but twitch slightly.

Herrschers often have dual personalities, but these dual personalities will eventually become the only one, just as the Herrscher of Thunder will eventually merge with Raiden Meiyi in the plot.

When the two personalities are fused, they will be the complete Herrscher.

The "Sirin" of the second Honkai period is a complete Herrscher whose human personality and Herrscher personality have been combined into one, falling to the Honkai side.

After that, her personality split again and became "Kiana" and "Herscher of the Sky".

In theory, they're all Sillyn.

It's just that one is the human face of Sirin, and the other is the Herrscher's Sirin.

Although she has always looked down on the guy who indulged in boring tenderness, and even gave up his IQ to deal with her because he was afraid that he would lose his friendship by digging into the origin of his friends, but Su Han called her half body Alaska, which made peace. Qiyana belongs to the two sides of one body, and she also feels a certain discomfort.

Having said that, Kiana is Alaska, what does it have to do with herself? !

"...you like my half body?"

Miss Herssertor of the Sky, who had already felt the unpleasant aura, bit her head and asked a question.

This guy feels really wrong to himself.

"Kiana is Alaska, which is a bit disappointing for me, who likes her skin very much."

In this regard, the boy spread his hands, as if he was expounding his thoughts on the podium, and elaborated.

As if caught by a huge star in the universe, the Herrscher of the Sky was attracted by the voice that seemed to have magic power, and then met the face of the young man.

The young man was smiling like a breeze, making people feel comfortable and even relaxed. Even if he knew that the person on the other side was not a partner at all, the magical appeal really made him relax.

However, if the line of sight moves upwards, it will be a pair of black eyes, a pair of strange eyes.

The depths of her eyes seemed to contain a barren world, and it seemed to hide an endless sea of ​​blood, immersing her mind into it, and even the howling of a ghostly spirit sounded in Xilin's ears.

Silently, Xilin shuddered.

This shiver has nothing to do with personal will, just an attack of instinct.

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