Just like a person standing in front of an abyss, if he looks down, he will be apprehensive.

This guy is absolutely abnormal.

The Herrscher of the Sky could not help clenching his teeth.

She regretted it.

As the Herrscher of space, her biggest reliance is her extremely powerful space movement ability.

As long as she wants to run, there are really few people in this world who can keep up with her.

This was the reason why she dared to use the "future" as a solicitation prop here, even though she knew that the person on the other side was stronger than herself, and might even be a lot stronger.

after all--

If the talk breaks down, you can still run away.

Although Su Han is very strong, judging from the memory of his own half body, he is probably only similar to the dumb goose.

Otherwise, he is unlikely to be the vice-captain of the Inextinguishable Blade, it should be the captain.

Maybe he can fight better than himself, but he definitely can't run by himself.

So, don't look at the abundance of talented warriors under the mandate of Heaven, what the heck is a traveler who can achieve a personality seal, the Herrscher of Reason has all the knowledge reserves of the previous era, and the restraint Herrscher is a phantom **** of civil war...

No matter how powerful you are, if you can't reach the enemy, it's useless.

I have been running all the time, and these three goods may not be able to find me if they are tied together.

The worst case is just to go to the moon by yourself and continue to throw meteorites.

When the enemy comes, run away.

Fight guerrilla warfare.

Although this lacks the domineering power of being an apostle of God, it is one of the few methods that can possibly defeat human civilization, or in other words, kill human civilization when he is in a weak position.

The only flaw is probably that if you act like this, you will be like a lost dog.

Therefore, Miss Kong Lu's idea is to try to be a white wolf with empty gloves. Su Han himself is one of the ceilings in the human beings that he is in contact with now. In addition, the resources in his hand can even pile him up to far more than the second time. The level of the collapse period.

If you can get it, you will earn it, and it is really worth the money.

So she is willing to put down her arrogance as a Herrscher and throw an olive branch to a human being.

But now she regrets it.

Su Han is far stronger than his half-body cognition...

It's even more evil than what I realize! !

Even if they didn't fight, at the moment when their eyes crossed, she already understood that this was not what she imagined and could be negotiated.

Recalling that the young man took the initiative to stimulate Qiyana to wake him up, it was like falling into a cave of ten thousand ghosts. The ultimate Senhan almost covered the soul of the Herrscher of the Sky. One is that the soul has been frozen.

People are swordsmen, and I am fish. When was the last time such a feeling of sadness appeared to me?

The Herrscher of the Sky lightly stroked his chest, recalling.

In Xi Lin's mind, the scene when she was still young flashed.

After an experiment ended, the girls who were the test subjects were sent back to the cage, and her next door, her close friend Avrora, was dying because of the excessive injection of Honkai energy...

"Please, save Avrora!!"

"As long as I can save her, I can do anything."

Howling like this, begging the experimenters to save their friends.

And the experimenter just took a lethal amount of solution from the test stand with a look of regret.

"Is it about to be scrapped? Well, let's collect more data while it can still be used..."


Avrora is dead.

Next up are Agata, Galina, Benares...

Just like seeing her best friends being buried one by one, the sense of helplessness filled her heart.

While the girl was desperate, the boy was still chattering.

"But, she's really good-looking, and she's so good-looking that I can't sleep a little at night."

"I sometimes wonder if I should just take out her soul and make a puppet, a puppet that won't move and is always charming."

The voice with a little lyrical feeling fell in the ears of the Herrscher, making it feel like sitting on pins and needles.

"That way, she can stay in the moment of beauty forever."

In the face of the solicitation from the Herrscher of the Sky, the boy who was completely flirting with the Herrscher of the Sky spread his hands, like a lunatic painter immersed in an art gallery.

At the moment when the Herrscher of the Sky trembled, the boy's tone changed.

"But fortunately, you showed up."

"Compared to Kiana, you are very feminine."

On the young man's face, the carefree look has always disappeared, replaced by a playful look.

"So, marry me."

"Give yourself to me as a toy, and in exchange, I will help you destroy Destiny, Anti-Entropy, and the World Snake."

"The ownership of the artificial lawyers has always been in my hands and is my family. As long as I am willing, even if the artificial lawyers are unwilling, they will be forced to execute orders."

"You should understand the concept of more than ten Herrschers shooting at the same time."

One Herrscher can make human civilization face heavy losses. If ten people come down at one time...

The answer is basically out.

Paying dignity and body in exchange for the opportunity to destroy all the resistance organizations in this world?

This is the deal that the pervert sent...

As long as you pay the price, you can complete the mission that God has entrusted to you...

You don't need to continue fighting this monster yourself.

The Herrscher lowered his eyes, his expression imperceptible.

"How about this kind of deal."

"You should understand that you are not my opponent. If I dare to stimulate Qiyana to release you, I am at least 70% sure."

"You only have a 30% chance of escaping from my hands."

Taking a serious shot, the young man whose 30% chance could be turned into 3/1000000 or even 3/10000000 had a little charm in his voice. He put his hand on the white and delicate shoulders of the Herrcher, as if playing the piano The version, moving slightly, stimulated the Herrscher's nerves.

Do you want to promise?

In exchange for support in this way of giving up dignity...

The scene of best friends dying in helplessness appeared in Herrscher's mind.

The young man's smiling face also overlapped with the indifferent expressions of the researchers.

Just because he was interested, he asked himself to marry.

Just for a fun toy, it will directly kill the hope of the entire human civilization.

High above, always treat others as toys or chess pieces...

absolutely not...

Absolutely don't promise this bastard! !

Almost at the moment when the marriage proposal came out, an astonishing killing intent erupted from Xi Lin's body, like a turbulent sea wave attracted by the moon.

In just an instant, the aura on her body became awe-inspiring and dangerous.

"Do not make jokes!!"

Miss Lawyer drank lowly.

The arrogant Persian cat turned into a bloodthirsty liger.

Chapter 32 Wake up, Jizo Yuhun

"Absolutely, only you can't forgive!!!"

The Herrscher roared loudly.

Endless imaginary power erupted from her body.

Almost in an instant, the incomparably manic imaginary power gathered under his master's will and turned into a long spear.

It was a spear transformed by imaginary power.

In theory, those spears could sneak silently into nothingness and then materialize in reality.

Imagine a scene where a spear pierced through your body without warning.

Even the best warriors will lose their combat effectiveness directly under the almost inexplicable sneak attack.

There was no explosion and no dazzling brilliance. At this moment, Xi Lin was like a top-level warrior. She quickly pierced the spear, and everything the spear encountered would pierce silently.

No one would doubt that the Arkong's spear could directly crucify all enemies on the barren land like a knife through butter.

However, is such an attack really useful in front of that boy?

"Did you get angry directly?"

The young man flicked his body extremely lightly, dodging those spears that were generated from nothingness like a prophet.


The sound of a landslide and ground cracking blasted the walls and ground inside the branch into rubble.

There was no problem in that scene even if there was an artillery unit dropping missiles here.

But that attack was just the beginning.

In the eyes of the Herrscher, who was unwilling to retreat, endless flames were burning.

She hates humans.

Whether male or female, young or old, good or bad, beautiful or ugly.

However, among all human beings, those who irritate her the most are those tyrannical rulers who are high above and treat everything as chess pieces or toys.

How could the towers of Babylon be built without them?

If they are willing to supervise, how dare those researchers make **** cases?

If they had a conscience, how could their friends die tragically in the snowfield?

Endless anger rose in the Herrscher's heart.

Human civilization needs to be destroyed.

However, the man in front of him needs to be killed.

"All the grievances, let's end here!!"

The flames in the Herrscher's eyes were burning like wildfires in Australia.

She shouted angrily.

"It still looks very human."

In this regard, the young man's eyes turned slightly.

The Herrscher of the Sky did not agree to his deal, and even decided to fight him because of this.

This is a good signal.

Love and hatred are never isolated.

If there is love, there will be hate, and if there is hate, there will be love. These are complementary.

If the Herrscher of the Sky chooses to give himself as a gift for the mission of God, then Su Han can only seal it regrettably, and then prepare to discard it.

There is no love and hatred anymore, it can only be said to be a doll of the Honkai God.

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