Kiana Kaslana, this is the name given to him by the white-haired man.


From the moment she was called by that name, she lived as the daughter of the Kaslana family.

Abiding by the rules of knighthood of the Kaslana family, I am proud of the father who has been running around in northern Europe and has been fighting against Honkai beasts, and cherishes the memory of the mother who is unknown but should be very gentle...

Siegfried is Kiana's father.

Cecilia is Kiana's mother.

Theresa is Kiana's aunt.


Their association with themselves is based on the name Kiana.

In the vast sea of ​​people, there are only two people who are close to him but not because of the name Kiana, and who appear in his life.

One is Thunderbolt Bud.

That is the girl who became close friends with him in the Chiba dead man incident.

one is in front of

However, now Su Han's answer is indeed——

Her real name is not Kiana!

A burst of panic rose in "Kiana"'s heart.

"You are indeed the child admitted by Cecilia Shaniat and Siegfried Kaslana. However, your name should never be Kiana Kaslana."

The young man spoke very frankly and said.

Not long ago, he didn't tell her the truth because he was worried that Kiana would have a nervous breakdown because all his connections were related to the real Kiana.

Now, as a teaching assistant, she should be quite popular in St. Freya Academy.

I have my best friend Lei Dian Yayi, and a bunch of half-baked students, so I can make do with it myself, and that's enough for the time being.

So, let's use the truth to draw out the real "Sirin".

Depending on whether communication is possible, the decision is to extract it and regenerate it among the dolls, or directly use violence to destroy it.

The young man who is not very interested in the personality of the lawyer thinks.

after all--

It's really hard to get rid of what that fellow Xilin did.

The Herrscher's nature may be cruel, and as soon as the Herrscher of Consciousness is born, the entire destiny will be torn down.

Theoretically, Xilin might be better at talking than the child Herrscher.

If he had to choose between Xilin, who had not yet created a murderous cruelty, and the innocent, knowledgeable treasure, anyone with a little brain would understand that the former was more suitable as a negotiating object.


The treasure has not yet been born.

As long as Fu Hua's mother is willing to take good care of her, the tyrannical face of Shibao is estimated to be limited to "The sound of Otto's soul steel face crunching under my fist is so wonderful!" To this extent, the world will be Only Otto is injured in the world.

But Celine is different.

She may be better than the Herrscher of Consciousness, but after all, Xilin is one of the few Herrschers under the Honkai God who didn't jump back. She sent her relatives to destroy the city, flew to the moon and threw meteorites directly to the woman. Valkyrie kills...

She has already committed many sins.

The family is the vassal of the summoner. If the Herrscher is directly accepted as a family, then these things are things that Su Han must solve.

He must arrive at the past era and clean up these messes while ensuring that history does not deviate.

Obviously, compared to wasting so much effort to wipe the puffer fish's butt, it's a lot of trouble.

" that the name of the little princess of the Kaslana family?"

While Su Han was thinking about whether to stew the puffer fish or go over with her nose to wipe her buttocks, Kiana murmured to herself.

Kaslana's little princess...

Before that, Su Han had told him that Siegfried had two daughters altogether.

One of them is himself, and the other is an illegitimate daughter named "Silin".

But now, he calls "Kiana" the little princess...

Recalling the misery of running around in the snow and the loneliness of walking alone, the girl's face gradually became a little dazed.

The life I live is absolutely not related to the princess.


Kiana is the name of the little princess.


Kiana was completely silent.

Some things, even if they are not pointed out directly, can convey meaning.

Your sister's name is Celine, Celine Shaniat.

Shaniat, if nothing else, should be the surname of "Mother".

If you remove it, what remains is the name Sirin.

Perhaps it was because a certain teacher was really lazy and was not in class all the year round. As his student, Kiana was forced to consult a lot of teaching materials to facilitate the lectures.

Recalling the Herrscher's code names corresponding to different experimenters in the Herrscher experiment, Kiana's face became even paler.

There are many people called Sirin in this world, but if there is anything related to the concept of "empty"...there is only one.

In 2000, she appeared in Siberia in the Destiny Crusade, and died with Cecilia Shaniat, the strongest Valkyrie at the time, the Herrscher of the Sky! !

Finland - Oulu, Kazakhstan - Astana, Russia - Novosibirsk  …

In these cities, the notoriety of the Herrscher still spreads, and countless people were displaced and even lost their lives in that disaster...

Theoretically, when people are killed, they die.

However, such an iron law does not apply to monsters like the Herrscher.

What Walter Yang, the leader of Anti-Entropy, is best at is to store his will in the core of the Herrscher, and then when the time is right, use his ability to reconstruct his body and complete his resurrection.

Maybe other Herrschers can't complete the resurrection as easily as him, but if they just store their will in the core of the Herrscher and sleep, it's not impossible.

"The core of the Herrscher representing it always in my body?"

There was still a smile on the girl's face, but that smile was reluctant, it could only be said to be a forced smile.

If possible, she hoped that the unruly teacher in front of her would look at her with the same expression as she was sizing up a paramecia, and then complained, "The Key of the Sky has not disintegrated yet, where did the core of the sky come from?" He was so embarrassed that he punched him in the face that frightened him, beat him into a pig's head, handed over his meal card while crying, and was then forced to give himself a one-month meal ticket...


The truth is always cruel.

In the monitor's dream, she is also a beautiful girl with big breasts, but in fact she will make a bunch of straight girls croak and shout "Sister, I can".

Reality and imagination are different.

"The core of the Herrscher of the Sky is always in your body."

Very bland, the young man said the words that made the girl who could be called Kiana for a while, her heart sank to the bottom of the sea all of a sudden.

"Sirin's plan, Bishop Otto Apocalis used Kiana Kaslana and Herrscher Sirin's genes as primarchs to create artificial people."

"For unknown reasons, all the androids died, until the test body k423 was implanted in the Herrscher core..."

Here, everything has become clear.

He is an android code-named k423, and the essence of k423 is the apostle of the sky who is deeply favored by the Honkai God.

It was as if she was stripped of her clothes and forced to walk on the ice field of Siberia. The unprecedented chill made the girl feel a cold as if her soul was stiff. In just an instant, the girl's face turned pale as paper.

A deadly silence spread across the covered area.

"Are these real?"

After a long time, the girl spoke with difficulty and her voice was bitter.

"What do you think?"

The young man asked back.

"If you say so, then it's true."

After a long time, the girl spoke slowly. Her voice was the same as usual, but a layer of red appeared on the edge of her sapphire eyes, as if her eyes had been scorched by onions, or as if her eyes had entered sand, and then she Kneaded hard several times.

Sometimes people prefer to hear a lie, even if it is false.

Because lies are tender.

Gentleness can make people forget the scars.

The truth is too cruel, but it will become a sharp knife in front of vulnerable people. When the words fall, the sharp knife will bring out bloodstains.

I finally understood why Su Han said that she was a special girl and felt her heart throbbing in waves, as if a sharp knife had penetrated it, stirring in an orderly manner.

Cruel and indifferent.

"It's ridiculous, do you actually feel heartache because of a sad human being?"

In a trance, an extremely cold voice seemed to sound from his heart, causing the girl who was desperate because she knew her life experience to feel a little more panic in her heart.

Her intuition told her that she must not let the owner of that voice reappear.


Even if he struggled as hard as he could, the consciousness that belonged to human beings was constantly falling into confusion.

In this regard, the boy standing in front of the girl did not offer any help, and just stood there quietly, like a senior Tachibana.

Soon, the girl's blue eyes lost their brilliance, and the next moment, the girl's eyes turned golden.

Full of divine gold.

Chapter 30 Xilin, you are very moist, I want it.

Just like after Bronya was transformed into a Herrscher, the dress that belonged to the Herrscher appeared on her body, when the golden light bloomed, the pupil pattern of the girl turned into a diamond cross.

The long white hair was parted and fluttered in the wind.

Under the black off-shoulder dress is white armor, and four hemlines with collapse patterns extend. Beautiful legs wrapped in black stockings stretched out and stepped on the prismatic space fault.

Just like the reappearance of the king, the girl who loved to laugh before has turned into a cruel queen.

"Nice to meet you, Herrscher of the Sky - Sirin."

As if seeing an old acquaintance, the young man waved casually to the cold queen in front of him.

"Human... no, traveler from another world, do you know me?"

The Queen of Sora, who had seen the young man in front of her from Kiana's perspective, looked at the guy who was as almighty as a certain blue fat man in her "half body" concept, and a little fear flashed in her eyes.

In this world, there are some "monsters" that are feared by the same kind.

They often have extremely high intelligence and excellent intelligence gathering capabilities, long sleeves and good dance, and usually have a polite smile, or a carefree look that looks harmless to humans and animals...

However, when something of their interest comes to them, they show their fangs.

In this regard, anyone who has interacted with the bishop named Otto will understand how difficult such a monster is.

And the young man in front of him is of the same kind as that bishop.

What is different from that same person is that this person's origin and ability are even more bizarre. If Otto's actions can be predicted with rational judgment, this person's behavior will always be incomprehensible to ordinary people.

Force can already threaten the Herrscher, and its own methods are mysterious and unpredictable, and even understand the situation on his side...

Therefore, even Xilin was afraid of this young man who was obviously taking the initiative to wake him up.


Hearing that strange name, Su Han, who had been pigeon-to-dating for a long time, couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

The name is still quite catchy.

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