To be honest, that hearty speech and sincere tone, if it were passed on as a video to Miss Irena, who was very familiar with Su Han, or to his dear sister, it would definitely attract scorn for a while.

Did this guy get kicked in the head by a donkey?

He actually put on the appearance of such a decent male protagonist.

As the group owner, the group members' impression of Su Han aside from being strong, smart, and good at trading is probably "crumbs".

It may be **** to let this person who may not be greedy for profit, but definitely see money, make a promise without receiving payment.

The last person who received this kind of treatment was Shokuhou Misaki.

The super-powerful lady who is super sticky to Su Han and classmate Su Han enjoy the treatment of walking with the male protagonist of Asaxi.

But it didn't take long for that to be proven secret.

Su Han prayed so well to the Bee-Shipping Exercise, in fact, because he knew that Miss Shizaki Kuangsan had already contacted the goose and wanted to send this physical idiot to exercise. He couldn't bear it, so he gave a little compensation.

Up to now, the hard-working child is still boxing with Hollander, and he has to take off at least three layers of skin when he comes out.

But now, Su Han can unconditionally agree to Banya, saying to her, "As long as it is within my ability, I will help."

Heck, really heck!

The answer caused Bronya to fall into a bit of astonishment.

He actually agreed without asking anything!

"You are mine, aren't you?"

Seemingly aware of Bronya's astonishment, the boy shrugged and said some really bizarre words.

Bronya is his property.

If it was an employment system, Su Han wouldn't mind squeezing child labor, and after the banya had been beaten or frozen, he would go to Terra Continent to become a statistician or something.

The biggest characteristic of capital is expansion. Without expansion, capitalists will have nothing.

However, Miss Banya sold it directly to herself.

In theory, Su Han only needs to start the contract a little bit, and some things that Miss Banya doesn't want will be enforced.

Obviously, this is some kind of concept more retro than capitalism.

Slave owners are basically more concerned about the life and death of their subordinates, after all, it is their own property.

As an existence wandering between capitalists and slave owners, Su Han will give different answers when facing the situation of employees or belongings.

What, what?

Bronya couldn't help but widen her eyes, and there was a little embarrassment in her delicate eyes.

But soon, that embarrassment turned to calm.

Property, this statement is too ambiguous.

An extremely cute girl, who is labeled as a possession, will make people think of it.

Probably a plaything...

Bronya thought.

However, if she just sacrificed her body as a plaything in exchange for the qualification that Xier's impulses would not be cleaned up, then even if she was treated as a maid of desire, she wouldn't care.

As long as there's nothing wrong with Sheila.

The girl prayed in her heart.

"Is it strange to take care of your belongings a little bit?"

The boy said casually.

"Besides, the only person who will ask you to come to intercede is your sister."

"Although it's not a good person, the relationship between you is still worth admiring, so I don't mind acting as an Asahi male lead at this time."

The boy was talking nonsense seriously.

He's actually a natural scumbag.

To distort his outrageous three views and transform into a lovely herbivorous man, he needs to use an elevator to clip himself to the point of losing his memory, and then be adopted and educated by a Notre Dame character.

Listening to those gentle words, Bronya's eyes fluctuated and her expression became complicated.

That is her nominal boss, someone who is inexplicably kind to herself, and among the people she knows, the person with the strongest comprehensive ability.

The identity is mysterious, the strength is strong, the temperament is gentle... At least he is gentle in front of himself, and he knows many secrets of the world.

Everyone is to overcome anxiety and fear in order to live with peace of mind, whether it is for fame and fortune, to dominate others, or to make money, it is all for peace of mind.

Getting married or making friends is also for peace of mind, and working for peace is actually making excuses for your own peace of mind.

The boss is the kind of person who, as long as he is willing to stand up, can easily resolve various seemingly unsolvable problems and make the people around him feel at ease.

Maybe it's good to just relax like this.

If the boss is willing to give himself a period of time to educate Xier, let her cut off the possibility of wanting revenge for Cocolia.

Bronya raised her head, looked at the boy, and found that the boy was also looking at her.

In the black eyes, there is a little curiosity and playfulness.

"If... if Xier is hostile to you, boss, can you give me some time to correct her thoughts?"

I definitely don't want to see the girl I love make a request for a girl who is going to give her life for a half-hearted adoptive mother.

In this regard, the boy's face flashed a little disappointment.

Can't you?

Bronya bit her lip involuntarily.

"For a long time, this is it?"

The young man who had thought about how to resolve Xier's resentment towards him seemed to have seen something quite incredible, covered his forehead and sighed.

"I thought you were enlightened, and you were going to ask me to disintegrate Heiyuan Baihua, use the Serenity Gem and the Death Law Core as her culture medium, and make her a super-scale Death Law, but in the end, it was just begging me for this. ."

What is this called?

Bronya was completely stunned, she was a little confused now.

"If it's just to dispel Xi'er's disgust for me, then it's better to go to Xingyue World."

Then the boy who was going to Model Moon World, who was discussing important matters with Mr. Romani, shrugged and said.

"She will hate me. After all, isn't it because I indirectly killed her unreliable adoptive mother? For that kind of thing, why not just go to the moon and get a necromancer?"

"It's not a high-tech job for Cocolia to meet Xier."

Death, necromancer?

Miss Bronya looked dull like a goose.

Before she could regain her senses, the boy had already started to take a taxi, ready to go to the airport, and then waved to Bronya.

"Okay, let's stop talking about it, it's time to prepare for the experiment."

"Next, we have to go to another world, otherwise there will be no necromancer for me to drive."

=========Dividing Line========

Mr. Romani has a headache.

Very headache.

As the current person in charge of Chaldea, this man who has lost all his talents, after learning that there will be people who will freeze after the next people are burned, he gave up using his own limit to exchange one for one, and killed the first one. The idea of ​​the beast Getia.

He was approached by Su Han, and finally chose the boy who believed that the magical reaction was very close to the adult beast, and promised to provide him with everything Chaldea can provide, and let him take action.

When he arrives, he will sweep away all the Holy Grail, directly fight with the first beast, and then fight against the more powerful alien god.

"Alien World God and Alien Star God, as a member of the Human Security Organization, have I become an audience?"

As if mocking himself, the doctor took a sip of his tea and sighed.

"To be honest, this is actually comprador behavior."

That's true.

Su Han is definitely not a good person.

Not long ago, the young man reached an agreement with himself and became Chaldea's help with the request of "Chaldea to provide various technologies".

Next, he will send his own Group A to replace the members of Group A who are now frozen and unfrozen, to fight against Humanity Burning and the more distant Humanity Freeze.

Being the demon king who killed gods was definitely not because of Chaldeas' technology and agreed to cooperate.

Spirit transfer technology is dangerous and powerful, but it really doesn't make any sense to a monster that can evolve into the world by its existence.

Of all the concepts of "world", this concept is undoubtedly the most incomprehensible.

Because this concept is the sum of everything.

Whether life, matter, space, or time, in this existence that is not so much a concept as a collection, it is only a part of it.

Almost naturally, the boy had the gift of time.

As long as he spends more than ten years studying the occult, and then focuses on understanding the next answers in the time domain, he will soon control the power of time.

At that time, going retrograde for tens of thousands of years is just a game that consumes a lot of money.

Undoubtedly, it was absolutely impossible for the young man to be transferred because of the spirit child. In his opinion, the so-called spirit child transfer was mostly just a tool he took away.

He came to this world, no doubt for the things that made him desire even more.

He came for Valhalla, and for the Imagination Tree.

He needs to devour the souls of the followers, as fuel to help himself retrograde the tree of Kabbalah, so that he can reach a higher level.

He needs enough magic power to rewrite the myth of the earth, so that the divine tree integrated with it can evolve again and develop into a real world tree.

Really scary guy.

Romani took a deep breath.

"Doctor, when will your new companion arrive?"

While the doctor was sighing, the cheerful-looking girl with orange-red hair didn't know when she came over from the corner, as if she was summoning some courage, she asked the doctor.

Fujimaru Tachibana.

A "novice" recruited to fill a vacancy among the 48 candidates for the Master of Chaldea, the organization for the survival of human rights.

Falls asleep at the Chaldean Council and is kicked out by Olga Marie, the director. When he came to his room, he was lucky to avoid the big explosion in the control room and survived by luck. Afterwards, the Humani Burning Incident was ushered in, and he became the only active human master.

This Master was supposed to bring the last person in Group A, Matthew Kyrielet, to repair the singularity.

However, because Romani received a batch of foreign aid, the focus of Chaldea's work was shifted to surveying singularities rather than repairing them.

As a result, almost all the traces of the seven singularities have been found, but Miss Lixiang, who is the only master, is doing everything she can, just hanging the name of the last master of mankind and accompanying her followers. exercise, as if placed.

To be honest, the vast majority of Chaldea's employees tend to think that Dr. Romani is not optimistic about the last Master, thinking that this girl is just a girl who comes to make up the number, and is not enough to carry the banner of saving humanity.

This is not difficult to understand, Fujimaru Rika is the first generation magician.

Unlike Emiya-san, who is clearly the first generation, but possesses 27 magic tricks, her magic circuits are pitifully small.

Magic Mark: None

Magic Circuit: Slightly stronger than Webb

Magic Ability: Ordinary

Magic Level: Ordinary

Apart from accidentally signing a contract with Mash, who was supposed to be the eighth member of Group A, there is basically no advantage.

"The doctor is not optimistic about Rika. For this reason, he activated the backhand that was probably prepared by the previous director, and summoned a new group A from another world."

It's not surprising that Chaldea's employees could come to this conclusion after using rational observation.

This kind of news, even if everyone deliberately kept it, did not tell it in front of a master who was abandoned, but it finally reached the ears of a girl named Fujimaru Rika.

Is your journey coming to an end?

The girl who was once entrusted with popularity looked at the doctor in front of her who was extremely reliable except when she was watching Meili's live broadcast, and felt that her heart was a little empty.

She was just a high school student who went with the flow. After experiencing the singularity F, she found her life goal at this stage and decided to fight for it.

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