

Fist tower meow hard.

written request for leave

The computer is broken and sent for repair. It is said that the light control ic is broken.

Three hundred and five will be delivered tomorrow.

Then I rented a second-hand Lenovo from a computer store for fifty to use for codewords.

As a result, this broken computer can't even run the code word app...

Even this request for leave was made by me using my mobile phone to log in.

It can only be said that the computer refreshed my understanding of the lower limit of the notebook.

Asking for a day off, the 8,000-character owed update and the remainder of the reward will be updated before the end of the month.

Chapter 25 Boss, can I ask you one thing?

"Boss, you look a little unhappy?"

A slightly milky voice sounded in the corridor outside a certain laboratory of Destiny.

The source of the voice was a cute girl with light gray eyes and long hair with no expression on her face.

With a petite stature, delicate face, and the ups and downs of his chest, Shang Xian was deeply relieved and accepted as the eldest disciple.

That's Bronya.

As Lily's candidate, this young lady followed Su Han to send Miss Yae to buckle her hat, and took back the Void Manzang along the way.

After being left in the hallway for nearly an hour, she saw a certain dejected teenager.

"Of course not happy."

The boy was holding the Book of Omniscience with a slightly sad expression on his face.

I just poured Teresa a cup of the blood of the true ancestors, expecting her to become the ultimate wingman to activate the skill - Wife Summoning.

"Damn, are you so possessed all these years?"

A long time ago, the boy who signed a Servant transfer agreement with Rin Tohsaka sighed.

As one of the three royal families, Miss Tohsaka Rin, in order to win, chose to owe a debt to buy a call talisman and summon two servants to cheat.

Then she triggered the Tohsaka family's ancestral skill - Chain Drop.

Soon, her Servant disappeared.

That guy was taken by Ishtar.

Su Han has always had some doubts about this, but he quickly came to a conclusion after holding Irena by the side as an analyst.

At the enthronement ceremony of Terra Ussas, Su Han tried to take the scumbag off as a shikigami, but he couldn't afford it, so he fused the spiritual base directly into the body of the useless young lady. Back to Valhalla by myself.

Thinking of this, Su Han couldn't help but stretched out his hand and looked at the back of his hand. On top of that, the three Command Spells of Yin Hong glowed a strange red.

The scumbag woman in Ishtar ran away, but the contract between Su Han and "Ishtar" seemed to continue.

For the sake of 1500 points, I sold myself directly, and I don't know how Tohsaka Rin's mentality has collapsed now.

Su Han sighed.

Maybe it's a trend.

This also happened to Teresa after she developed a vampire.

The similarity between the beast and himself exceeds the standard, and it has been summoned well and turned into possession.

"The number of 'containers' that go to Xingyue another day and ask for help to make one more 'container'."

The plan was to derive the Herrscher personalities of the artificial Herrschers, and then the destroyed boy gave his current attendant an answer.

"However, it's not a big problem if you think about it carefully."

"It does not affect the next time I go to find Xi'er, and then take the Herrscher group to find another world."

Su Han Shi Shiran explained.

This is the truth.

Although Su Han really wanted to post with the beautiful girls here, but if he continued to indulge like this, Romani would be giggling.

——Because Su Han promised to help get through the burning of human nature and the freezing of human nature, Dr. Romani did not choose to let the last Miss Master go to remove the singularity, but just kept on collecting.

If Su Han was so obsessed with women in the destiny, Chaldea would have to bite the bullet, and the doctor would have to continue to blow himself up.

Although Su Han is not very familiar with a certain champion list one, but after all, he is the peer of the group friend Jane in the past life, and it is time to pull it.

Although I want to go to "Prometheus Lab" now.

Recalling the appearance of the Herrscher adaptors who were preparing for the experiment there, Su Han couldn't help giving a thumbs up to the void.

Honkai God's aesthetic is really amazing.

Except for the social and animal appearance, like Mr. Yanri who worked overtime in Lezaha Mining for three months, she is a first-class beautiful girl.

It was decided that another day, let Chen Tianwu go to be the original **** to create Laizha Mining.

It just so happens that the guy and Dadalia are a seiyuu, maybe they can team up to mine together.

Su Han, who is still thankful for biting the same sex, opened a group chat, @Dr.Romani asked him to prepare a rest area for at least ten people, and then Aite took a look at Dadalia and told him his half-brother My brother is going to be the head miner soon, let him cooperate.

So, the next step is to see Xier?

Bronya's heart suddenly flashed a little at a loss.

Xier was the first person in her life to show a good impression of her.

Some people have almost never felt warmth in their life.

Perhaps, this is the person who lacks love.

After feeling the warmth that has never been felt, or irritable, or panic, trying to expel it from their own world or escape.

However, if the warmth is still retained, then the child who lacks love will naturally approach him instinctively.

Then, fall into midsummer.

From winter to midsummer, there is no buffer, and the next step is to vent your emotions.

When Otto was still young, no matter who stood in front of him and gave him affirmation, it would fill his life with hope and regard him as a white moonlight or a hero in his life.

And in Bronya's terrible childhood, the first light was the girl's smile.

So, Xier will be free next time.

A little warmth rose in Bronya's heart, Xier was the light in her life.

If Xier came back, how should I introduce everything to her now?

Tell her that Mama Cocolia committed a felony and was sentenced to death.

The purpose of Cocolia's establishment of the orphanage is not simple.

This is not difficult to understand.

An orphanage only has so many people, and as a result, anyone can control Honkai Energy. If those children were really picked up by Cocolia, then she probably doesn't need to think about usurping power.

Because with the outrageous **** luck of opening the door, as long as she thought about it, Walter should have smashed into the wall, and the core of Lily and Li would roll all the way to Cocolia's feet.

Those children were all collected by her.

Perhaps, in the beginning, the so-called Cocolia Orphanage was established for some experiments.

Whether as a warlord or a mother, Cocolia is a substandard.

As a warlord, that half-hearted woman is undoubtedly half-hearted. Perhaps because she was born in an orphanage in the past, she involuntarily placed some of her feelings on those little test subjects, so that she would be upset because of the safety of one or two test subjects. Can't sleep at night.

That half-assed woman is also unqualified as a mother.

She realized that she had feelings for the test subjects, but she did not choose to change the current status quo. Instead, she continued to carry out the past phalanx operations step by step. Even in the plan to save her daughter, she had to consider the role of a warlord. Benefit.

Perhaps after being unable to watch Xier's quantization, knowing that his brain was implanted by his adoptive mother, his father died indirectly at the hands of Cocolia, and Cocolia was also desperate for his own mother. Bronya's feelings for Cocolia have almost been wiped out.

Just like following the captain and forgetting the past, follow the victor and make the victor the master.

After tossing and turning for a long time, the girl came to a conclusion.

As a top assassin, she is quite a valuable "knife" in the military.

During that time, there were not ten but seven or eight bosses she changed, so she calmly accepted the reality of working for Su Han.

At the very least, following Su Han's words, the meals of the orphanage's partners were far incomparable in the past.

However, Will Seele accept the reality of Cocolia's mother so easily... No, Cocolia was sent to the anti-entropy by those who needed allegiance next, and then was hanged at the headquarters?

Bronya's heart couldn't help but panic.

Unlike someone like herself who was picked up halfway through and even lived in the orphanage for more than a year, Xier lived in the orphanage for much longer than her.

She is probably the one who has the closest relationship with Cocolia among all the children.

Even if she knew that Cocolia had problems, she would still be sad.

It's okay if it's just sad.

If other thoughts arise...

Bronya shivered involuntarily.

Kevin, the strongest warrior in the previous era, even if he preyed on a complete trial-level Honkai Beast, he was still a monster in a weak state.

And even if Su Han didn't use the equipment, he was able to get along with Kevin who had brought the special martial arts divine ordinance.

Su Han's fighting level is not high, which is not difficult to understand. He was an ordinary person a few months ago. In addition, because the angel he holds is too buggy, he doesn't need to care about martial arts. kind of thing.

You can clear the scene with a single shot of the Vientiane Sanctuary or the Altar of Extreme Death, so why bother fighting martial arts? It can be said that, excluding the combat experience drawn from his dependents, he can only know the poor instinct flow. Theoretically speaking, he is the type that loses his weapons and combat power and even a hundred or so...


In the case of being unarmed, he can still be on an equal footing with the strongest warriors in human civilization...

If Xier really had bad thoughts about this man, she would definitely die.

Bronya suddenly felt a chill.

"Speaking of which, you don't seem to be as happy as I thought."

It seemed that he sensed something was wrong, and the young man couldn't help but looked at Miss Banya next to him.

"You can see your favorite sister right away, don't you smile?"

"I think you should look pretty when you smile."

It is clear that she will be able to meet her favorite Xier soon, but the expression on her dignified face is indeed stiffer than before, even with a little fear.

Where does the fear come from?

Su Han couldn't help but feel a little puzzled in his heart.

In this regard, the girl narrowed her eyes, with a little sadness in her expression.

After a long time, she raised her head, looked into the boy's eyes, and opened her cherry lips lightly.

"Boss, can I ask you one thing?"

Chapter 26 Miss Banya Who Wants Peace of Mind and Unemployed Fujimaru Rika

ask for help?

Seeing the girl whose expression suddenly became extremely sad, Su Han couldn't help but be taken aback.

But it didn't take long for the young man to smile brightly, with a decent smile on his face.

"What's the matter? Tell me."

"As long as it is within my ability, I will help."

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