
As a result, she seemed to be fired.

"Lixiang, are you confused because your current position is unclear?"

Perhaps the keenness of King Solomon still remained in his body. The doctor noticed the look of the savior who was supposed to save the world in the original world line, and then sighed in his heart.

"Fujimaru Rika is a child with the destiny of the savior, emmm, it's not right to say that, the last Master - Fujimaru Rika is the appointed savior."

My group leader once said this to myself.

In theory, the child should have already embarked on the journey.

However, because of the selfishness of "I hope this child Lixiang will not be too tired", he let him, her and Matthew stay to exercise, instead of attacking the singularity.

This kind of gentleness is actually a blow to Lixiang.

Just getting a life purpose and then being kicked straight to the side is seen as transparent...

"Can you tell me what you think?"

Seriously, Romani looked into the eyes of the girl who seemed unwilling and asked.

"About your future."

The twenty-seventh chapter is too far to be effective, so I can only promise each other

In this world, only two people are imprisoned in the quantum sea.

One of them was Schrödinger, a scientist from the North American branch of the former Mandate of Heaven.

During the decisive battle in New York, Quantization used overclocking power to treat Walter and others, and then dissipated in Quantization, entering the sea of ​​​​quantum as a mimetic creature that lost the unitarity of quantum distribution.

As a member of the Anti-Entropy Science Group, this cat abuser will naturally not wait to die. She later stabilized her existence with the help of the holy sword "Hurlandelle" and jumped to the "World Bubble" in the sea of ​​​​quantum. middle.

Later, she even became an interdimensional traveler in the Quantum Sea, and finally returned to the real world using the Eye of the Abyss as a beacon.

There is no doubt that Dr. Schrödinger was lucky and excellent.

Because of luck, I got a holy sword that can elicit my Honkai power.

Because it is the ceiling of the quantum realm, she got rid of the quantum state and entered the world bubble the moment she touched the holy sword, avoiding the tragedy of falling into the gap of the world.

However, the other child was unfortunate.

Because she doesn't have the holy sword Serendelle, nor does she have any attainments in the quantum field.

Therefore, she can only sink into the bottom layer of the quantum sea, and everything is a world of nothingness.

That's a pretty, or rather cute, outrageous girl.

The black and bluish short shoulder-length hair is soft and shiny, the sea-like pupils are magnificent and outrageous, and the skin is snow-white with a jade-like luster.

She curled up with a small diary, like a milk cat abandoned in a rainy night, curled up in the cold.

As the lowest point of energy in the world, the gap between the world is the most perfect cage in this world.

No sound, no smell, and no touch.

Some are just endless nothingness.

The girl named Xier has been in the slit of the world in an environment similar to confinement for more than four months.

At some point, she raised her head and unfolded the notebook that was tightly held in her arms.

It was actually a very flimsy little book. In the diary that was blue in appearance and buttoned with butterfly-shaped threads, the girl in loneliness recorded the beautiful things she had experienced, and relied on reading her own past. , maintains the self.

However, the comfort that a notebook can bring is always limited.

When the not thick notebook was turned over, the girl fell into loneliness again.

Sheer Fleurier.

An extremely rare natural stigmata awakener in this world.

Just like Bronya, she lost her parents in the second collapse and was adopted into the Cocolia Orphanage.

"Then, it's agreed... No matter how slim the probability is, Bronya will find a way to rescue Seer."

"Before finding a way, Bronya will never give up!"

At that time, I made an agreement with my sister.

So, she stayed here waiting for her hero to save herself.

Just like back then, waiting for my sister to overcome all obstacles and save herself from this nothingness.

Sister Bronya will not give up looking for herself.

Reaching the sea of ​​​​quantum is already an extremely difficult task.

In the past few months, I have fallen into the slit of the world again, drifting constantly.

It can be said that even if it is my sister, it will be difficult to find herself if she enters the sea of ​​​​quantum again.

Can I wait until my sister finds me?

The expression on the girl's face was unprecedentedly fragile, like a flower destroyed in a storm.

If there is no encouragement in the middle, or if there is a fusion warrior who needs temporary subordinates to grab a handful, this delicate flower will soon wither.

"Is it really here?"

The boy's slightly vague voice rang out without warning.

It has been four months, and the girl who couldn't even hear her own voice raised her head, her blue eyes filled with brilliance.

There is no sound in the bottom layer of the quantum sea - the slit of the world.

Therefore, Seele has not heard the sound of the creature for four months.

But now, the boy's voice did reach her ears, and it seemed that it was a little fuzzy because of the distance.

However, that was indeed the voice of his own kind.

Is it someone?

Joy flooded my heart like a tide.

The girl, who was almost insane from being tortured by loneliness, stood up and looked around.

Anyone can.

Hurry up and talk to Sheila.

However, no one appeared in her field of vision.

There is only loneliness around him.

Was it a hallucination?

The girl who had also heard the voices of everyone in the orphanage many times became weak again, then squatted down, buried her head between her knees, and wept silently.

Also, apart from Sister Bronya, how could anyone come to the bottom of the Quantum Sea.

Moreover, even if someone would pass by, it would be difficult to see the quantized self.

"It looks like I'm being ignored?"

"Also said yes, quantized individuals can't hear the voice of physical creatures?"

There are really people!

Like a tide, the heart of the girl of joy rose.

Has anyone finally noticed themselves?

Excessive joy hit the girl's heart, causing her body to tremble slightly.

"Please calm down a little."

It seemed that she realized that the girl's emotions were fluctuating violently, and the voice belonging to the boy became gentler, comforting her.

As gentle as Sister Bronya.

"If there is anything you want to say, after you come out, speak slowly. It's not for girls to stay in such a broken place under the sea of ​​Quantum."

To save your own people?

The girl who had made an appointment with Bronya suddenly lost her senses.

So, isn't the hero who came to rescue him in the end, Sister Bronya?

"Next, please keep quiet and wait for Qianjie Yicheng to open the road to reality for you."

"Then, everything will be fine."

The boy who was in the second **** key looked at the girl who appeared in his field of vision and said so.

"Mmmm! Xi'er will be obedient."

The girl who was waiting for rescue touched the tears on her face, and her little face was full of strength.

"Xie'er... Did you endure so much suffering alone?"

Beside him, the girl with gray hair and gray eyes looked through the projection with an unprecedented sadness.

The subject of the x-10 experiment should be his own.

It should also be yourself who suffers from eternal prison here.

The girl grabbed the corner of her clothes hard, and the knuckles of her fingers were slightly white due to the excessive force.

Just when the girl was in great pain, a hand was placed on her head, causing her to raise her head involuntarily.

"Okay, don't put on such an ugly look, it's not cute anymore."

That elusive boy's face has always been troubled.

"I promised you to rescue Xi'er, so you should smile a little too."


Bronya was taken aback.

"Girls with a smile are cuter. I happen to like cute girls."

"So, don't frown."

The young man raised his eyebrows, thinking that it was to ease the atmosphere, while controlling Qianjie Yicheng, he made a joke.

"At such a time, you shouldn't say that the great kindness and virtue can't be repaid, and you can only be a cow and a horse for you."

"Being a cow or a horse?"

Bronya looked at the boy who said very strange words, with a slightly strange expression.

"It's a traditional saying in my hometown."

While adjusting Qianjie Yicheng, the boy turned his head and said to the girl.

"Being a cow and a horse in the next life actually means that you don't want to give anything."

Bronya, who felt that this statement was actually outrageous, raised her head, frowned, and said.

She felt that this statement really meant a bit of an empty-handed white wolf.

"Just kidding."

"The great kindness and virtue can't be repaid, and then according to the appearance of the rescuer, it is determined that the next sentence is 'be a cow and a horse in the next life' or 'you can only promise each other'."

"Of course, according to the appearance of the woman who repays her kindness, the man's answer will be either 'the girl's words are true' or 'the girl must never be'."

The boy shrugged and said.

"Because you have already worked for me in this life. If you want to repay your kindness, you can only overdraft in your next life and work for me as a secretary."

"With a capable secretary like you, I guess I can lie down in my next life, eat and wait until I die."

"Of course, if you can, it may be good to look like."

The young man looked at Miss Banya's extremely cute cheeks and said.

The boss is a real jerk.

Looking at the young man who obviously wanted to use chat to distract himself and make himself less sad, Bronya couldn't help thinking.

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