The situation of knowledge law is rather special, so I will ignore it for the time being.

If the Herrscher's situation is eroded, I might be able to ask for his successor.

So, as long as Xier is taken away next, you can take the Herrscher team to flatten out the singularity.

Doctors can't wait.

Thinking that there will be a pile of Holy Grails and a pile of fantasy trees waiting for him to cut down, Su Han's mouth can't help but raise a smile.

But before that, let's try it out first, see if you can summon the moon or stargazing.


It doesn't take much time either.

When will I be able to kill this bastard?

Looking at the boy who was like a disaster star, Miss Teresa couldn't help but feel resentment in her heart.

Every encounter between Miss Teresa and Su Han is tragic.

Meeting with him and agreeing to rescue the real Kiana——the family property was emptied

Discovered that he had become his adjutant - he became a lawmaker, lost his first kiss, and was hammered

He successfully became the head of the Far East branch - he was sent to Hyperion as a cleaner


There is no doubt that this is Miss Teresa's history of suffering.

Miss Teresa recalled her past with that boy, and her delicate face added at least thirty years of vicissitudes.

If possible, the last thing Miss Teresa wants to do is to knock some **** to the ground and give her a hammer.

This guy really sucks.

First, I cheated my own money, and then I cheated, and I cheated half of the cheating... and the Ta Miao stopped! !

Thinking of this, Miss Teresa couldn't help grinding her teeth.

Although she is also very glad that Su Han is a gentleman in some aspects, otherwise, if she is innocent for a long time, her stomach may be enlarged...

But what the **** is that look of disgust!

In her mind, there was still a scene in which the boy wiped his face with a tissue with disgust, and flames could almost burst out of Miss Teresa's eyes.

This is simply the greatest insult to one's own charm!

Be sure to find time to get back to the place.

Definitely looking for a venue.

"Theresa, take this one."

When Miss Teresa was in her mind, how did she push a certain **** to the ground until she was distracted, forcing him to shout "Theresa is the cutest in the world", the young man's voice suddenly rang got up and interrupted her yy.

She stretched out her hand instinctively, and the next moment, a bottle of scarlet medicine fell into her hand.

"what is this?"

Miss Teresa looked at the scarlet liquid with a chill.

Not long ago, it seemed that his grandfather used this tip to infuse Saint Karen to resurrect her.

"This is a gift from my family."

The boy who was expecting Teresa to summon the moon or stargazing blinked and said so.

The power to hand over to the relatives?

Theresa was stunned for a moment, and after such a reminder, she remembered that she seemed to be Su Han's family.

She looked at the bright blood, and a strange feeling hit her heart.

Are you actually from Su Han?

Chapter 24 is broken, I am a wingman!

The blood of the true ancestor can turn people into the blood of royal vampires.

For the description of the blood, Teresa only learned a thing or two from her grandfather.

But that one or two was scary enough.

Endows the drinker with almost immortal vitality (essentially debt), summons the beasts that are not weaker than A-rank Valkyrie or even S-rank Valkyrie, and even gets a certain degree of magic talent bonus...

There is no doubt that such props are extremely rare.

Without too much hesitation, Teresa drank the bright red blood. If you didn't drink this high-level item, it would be a blood loss.

But then again, is Su Han so generous?

There were some doubts in Teresa's mind.

After all, the blood of the true ancestor is very precious, and even his grandfather didn't seem to get a lot of blood from Su Han's hands.

Now, the amount of the bottle Su Han gave him was much more than the bottle that Grandpa used for the experiment.

The reason here is...

Are you originally from Su Han?

Such thoughts rose in Teresa's mind, and she was startled herself.


This kind of weird remarks is like marrying that **** on a certain date and becoming his daughter-in-law.

How did you come up with such a strange idea?

Theresa couldn't help looking at the boy in the distance.

It was an extremely handsome young man, with hair dyed in ink, dignified features, slightly upturned corners of his mouth, and a faint smile.

There is no doubt that he is a beautiful young man, just like his grandfather, he can win the heart of a young girl who is pregnant just by relying on his appearance.

This guy looks surprisingly good.

For the first time ever, Miss Teresa realized that her nemesis might be a beautiful boy.

The handsome appearance is almost impeccable, the strength is strong enough to easily crush the Herrscher, and the resourcefulness is enough to support him in dealing with the three forces when he is weak...

If this guy is gentler, maybe he is really close to a perfect man.

In Teresa's mind, such an idea popped up inexplicably.


This guy isn't too bad.

After all, at that time, he took the initiative to give it away.

Recalling her fanatical appearance due to the influence of the blood clan, Miss Teresa's face couldn't help but turn a little uncomfortable red.

The whole body is hot, the mind is not clear, the body is eager to intercept a coolness from the outside world...

It can be said that if Su Han really wanted to do something at that time, he would definitely not resist, and he might even take the initiative.

Once the autopilot is turned on, what happens next is all your own fault.

Perhaps, Su Han's moral bottom line was unexpectedly high. ,

Strength, resourcefulness, charisma, and basic morality all passed, and his first kiss gave him...

If it is suitable, then maybe you can really try to get in touch.

As such thoughts emerged, Miss Teresa was almost jumped three feet high by her own thoughts.

You are crazy!

She has been bullied enough by Su Han now, and now she can't wait to be as far away as she can, how could she think of such a thought?

Besides, this guy's female predestined relationship is outrageous!

Tokisaki Kurumi, Irena, Raiden Mei, Bronya, Yae Sakura...

Even if she didn't get along with Su Han for a long time, Teresa could think of a series of names of girls related to the boy in front of her.

Thinking that this guy might be a good match is crazy!

In Su Han's shocked expression, the girl quickly stretched out her hand and slapped her face heavily to clear her mind.

Calm down, Theresa.

No matter how good that guy is, he is still an excellent scumbag man!

"Even if you don't want to be transformed into a blood clan, it's not like this."

Su Han's expression was completely "old man, subway, mobile phone".

Obviously, it was beyond his comprehension that a certain white-haired dumpling suddenly slapped himself twice.

According to his idea, the next development should be that Theresa turns into a blood clan, and then summons the beasts to see if she can summon her different world counterpart.

as a qualified sp.

Su Han undoubtedly has a love for Miss Yuexia and Miss Xingguan.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, what are your plans for giving me the blood of the true ancestor?"

Perhaps because the two slaps hurt him, the white-haired dumpling's voice was full of resentment at the moment.

This man is really a straight man of steel.

I slapped myself because of this guy, but this guy just stood by the side, stunned?

What's the matter with this white-haired dumpling today?

Have a fever?

Su Han looked at the slap print on Theresa's face with a puzzled expression.

No, with the physique of a fusion warrior, it may not be an accident if you lose the Himalayas or the Mariana Trench.

So, it's probably a draft.

Very arbitrary, Su Han judged the white-haired ball in front of him.

Next, just speak according to your previous thoughts.

With such thoughts in mind, Su Han opened his mouth and said slowly.

"Simply put, I fell in love with two girls."

Catch the stars and catch the moon.

This is probably what every three-player player wants to do.

A choice----The white horse has gone through the gap for more than a thousand years. A thousand years is too long, and so many things have changed; a thousand years is like a flash, and the promise is vivid in my eyes.

That's what the Queen is waiting for.

The shadow of blood lurking in the dark night, the real body of urban legends, the girl who is regarded as a demon by countless people is wandering in the deserted streets, waiting for someone in her life.

That is the bride under the moon.

Watching the stars in the new moon, embracing at the beginning of the moon.

She is definitely the best girl in the collapsed world view.

Perhaps it was because of the discovery of the time-space manipulation method in the neighboring world, that there was no need to worry about the young man in the Shura Field, and a smile appeared on his face.

"That's a child who is an allomorph to you, but is much cuter."

"One of them can only wander alone in the dark night. One of them is in a precarious era and needs a help."

"If you can, I want to see if you can summon them. If you can, then I can chase them boldly."

If Theresa couldn't summon anyone, the boy who might ask Su to use Chikai Kazuchi to find her said seriously.

As if pulling a trigger, Miss Teresa's face suddenly turned blank.

She raised her head and looked at Su Han with an extremely complicated expression. The moment her eyes met, Su Han saw that mmp was written in it.

She struggled in her heart for so long because of this bastard, but what this guy thought was to make himself a wingman and to soak up his own allomorph?

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