The boy who was holding the script basically had nothing to do with the hero gave the answer in Yae Sakura and Otto's restless expressions.

"The current Lord Karen is Lord Karen. The difference from the real Lord Karen is only memory."

"It's not difficult to recover one's feelings when getting along with acquaintances."

Otto breathed a sigh of relief.

Karen's situation is not very serious.

After letting go of his heart, he couldn't help but look to his side again, where there was a little panic in the feelings of the fox goddess with long cherry hair.

Obviously, she was overwhelmed by the current state of affairs.

Mr. Otto is very grateful to Miss Yae, but he definitely doesn't like Miss Yae.

This is not difficult to understand.

Otto loves Karen and even regards it as a belief, and his greatest wish is Karen's happiness.

In theory, if Karen insisted on staying with someone other than him, Yae Sakura, he would leave with a smile, and maybe even help plan the wedding.

But is Otto's heart really willing to do this?

He is human and has his own desires.

He would be happy to see Karen being laughed at every day, and he would be even happier if the person who made Karen amused was himself.

However, when Kalian needed him most five hundred years ago, he did not stand up due to some things.

When he wanted to leave, there was already a fox beside the girl.

So, he's out.

He could only have an unhappy heart, congratulating the person he loved the most that he was finally not alone, and was jealous of the country fox.


Now, that country fox seems to be having some problems.

From the beginning, I didn't think that there was a rare smile on the face of the blond man who was able to hold the beauty.

Different from the calmness when he announced Teresa to replace him before, at this moment, his smile is like a happy man among happy people.

"Next, it's your business."

The boy who didn't really want to get involved in the emotional disputes between the three of them 500 years ago shrugged, and then walked over to the side of Karen's hospital bed and walked in the direction behind him.

Otto resurrected Karen by using the blood of the True Ancestor, which reminded him of a long-forgotten enhancement plan.

He had always wanted to try to use the blood of the true ancestor to give his family the ability to summon family members. The family of the true ancestor (fellow beast) once again summoned the family (fellow beast), and it might be interesting to go on like this.

Moreover, the current Karen is barely considered the original sin hunter.

Since there is the original sin hunter, how can there be no first embrace under the moon.

Compared with a certain foolish guy with white hair, the teenager who obviously prefers his official cp is thinking about it in his heart.

Although the relationship between Theresa, who was injected with the blood of the true ancestor, and the first hug under the moon, it is estimated that it only looks like it, but it is not bad to look like a white-haired ball under the moon.

Maybe, after this guy becomes a blood clan, he may be able to summon several of his own allomorphs with one summon.

By that time, under the moon, stargazing will be available.

The boy who thought so casually stepped into the experimenters, barely looking at anything, and spoke directly.

"Theresa, come here."

It was completely the words of a superior commanding his subordinates, and the young man directly gave instructions to Theresa, who was stupid and didn't understand what was going on.

"Clam, what's your tone?"

The white-haired dumpling, who was temporarily assigned a special position by Otto, had a fiery look on his face.

Miss Teresa doesn't like Su Han very much.

I don't like it very much.

This man took all his assets from himself in a transaction, and then molested himself.

To this day, I can't forget that, the feeling that was so eerie, Miss Teresa's delicate little face turned red all of a sudden.

Half shame, half anger.

For the reason of obtaining family members, he bit himself fiercely, making himself strange, and even took the initiative to kiss him...

As a result, after kissing him, this guy actually gave him a stick!

The day when Su Han was turned into a family member was a humiliation in Teresa's life.

On that day, she was eroded by the power of the blood clan, like a cabbage charging a pig for nothing...

It's been miserable enough to give in vain, and in the end, he was beaten by a wild boar to perform a set of radio gymnastics for elementary school students nationwide! !

After being beaten up, this ruthless **** assigned himself directly to the Hyperion as a cleaner! !

This bastard, are you going to bully yourself to death? !

"You are my subordinate, of course I use the tone of command."

Looking at Theresa, who was obviously blown up, Su Han couldn't help frowning.

Are these two goods in the period of rebellion? Actually disobedient.

It seems that she should deduct her salary as a cleaner on the grounds that "all the employees are left-footed first, but Captain Teresa's right foot is the first", so that she can understand who is the boss.

"I am now the bishop of destiny!"

Not long ago, the white-haired dumpling who had just succeeded the Archbishop of Heaven, looked at the young man who was nominally the head of the extreme eastern branch, with a fierce look in his eyes.

Before, I either asked for others, or my position was suppressed, which caused me to always be bullied miserably.

Now, he is the archbishop of destiny, the boss of this guy.

Although this guy is like a guest in a novel, he is very free and not very restricted, but after all, he is a member of the destiny.

So, let me sweep the deck next! !

The white-haired ball that had already swept the old deck on Hyperion opened slightly, wanting to give his first order after becoming a bishop.

"Director Su Han, I think your ability as a minister may require a certain amount of training. You should go to Hyperion to be a cleaner...ahem, captain."

In response, the young man smiled slightly, and then shook his fist in Bishop Teresa's terrified expression.

"Xia Ke Shang, have you heard of it?"

Chapter 23 Theresa, you are actually from my people

The Far East branch is actually not in the Far East.

Compared with the extreme east, it is actually located in the territorial waters of Shenzhou, and it is not too far from the magic capital.

It is not so much the extreme eastern branch, it is better to say that it is the Shenzhou branch or the second branch of the Shenzhou branch.

The reason why it is called the extreme eastern branch is probably because the extreme east is essentially a site of anti-entropy. Although in terms of power, destiny smashes anti-entropy, it is the second home of anti-entropy after all. A local branch in Dong'an is estimated to usher in a comprehensive counterattack against entropy.

Although the final victory must be the destiny, but this kind of thing is like the emperors of Shenzhou who built the Great Wall.

Directly sending troops to conquer the Western Regions is definitely a heroic move, but the price is to clean up the country's decades of financial losses, and after the expedition, the land that is obtained is poor.

As long as the guys outside the Great Wall can get richer, even if the property can be worth half of the consumption of the expedition, the emperors of Shenzhou will not be pinching their noses all day long to build the Great Wall.

It is also reasonable to support a branch in the extreme east.

If you win, what you get is the opportunity to establish a branch on an island country with limited resources and the few materials for the poor dogs of anti-entropy, but the price is the ultimate revenge of anti-entropy.

There will be more to lose than to gain.

As the branch head of the extreme eastern branch, the girl who still knew a little about the so-called extreme eastern culture looked at the boy in front of him who announced that he was going to show the extreme eastern culture, and his expression was a little stiff.

The traditional arts of the large nuclear ethnic group in the extreme east can drink nuclear waste water, bow, cut the abdomen, and—

Under the gram!

Looking at the smiling boy, Miss Teresa's expression became a little stiff.

As the successor that Mr. Otto personally cultivated, although she was too well protected, she seemed immature and even a little naive, but she still understood some things.

For example, the Void Manzang that his grandfather threw to him is a very good thing.

As a prop that Grandpa gave to Su Han, Su Han will definitely accept it. This prop is actually a favor.

Otto kept this in his hands, in fact, to prevent his own experiments from going wrong. After that, he had to carry out the Chaldean plan, preparing to use this to quell his sudden experiments and make Su Han a surprise compensation.

However, his experiments turned out to be successful.

Except for the memory problem, Miss Karen only remembered that her surname was Kaslana, and that she seemed to be saving the people. Everything was normal. Even the negative buffs on her body were forcibly cleaned up. Naturally, there is no need to consume a God Key in exchange for favors regarding Karen.

Therefore, Otto chose to give this to his granddaughter and let her sell her favor to Su Han.

Perhaps understanding this, this white-haired dumpling, who was here to show favor, tried to make a small joke.

For example, let Su Han experience the life of a captain for two days and feel a bag of rice that he lost his salary.

This kind of small revenge, for Su Han, who is not short of money now, can only be said to be a useless thought, something that can be passed with a smile...


"Ah, Captain Theresa, all the employees enter the entrance with their left foot first, but you enter with your right foot first. Is this dissatisfaction with the destiny?"

After that bad taste took over, the expression of the boy who was simply the ultimate swindler was very serious.

"If this is the case, I have some doubts about your ability to manage the destiny. I can only ask Mr. Otto to write me on the family tree of the Apocalis overnight and be crowned bishop to safeguard the destiny."

"Considering that Captain Teresa, you are a great danger to the destiny, I must continue to lower your position and let you start from the grassroots-well, the cleaners of the Hyperion."

Clam? !

Just let yourself be a cleaner?

Miss Teresa's eyes widened.

She just got a succession choice from Otto, and it turns out that this guy wants to write himself on his family tree and assign himself directly as a cleaner?

Too much!

Miss Teresa gritted her teeth and stared at the young man in front of him who almost had the young master finding fault written on his face, thinking about whether to use force to make this **** understand that she is the boss now.

As the Herrscher of Anti-Energy - The Herrscher of Binding, Miss Teresa is theoretically a super boss who can plunge all members of the fusion fighter into dark memories.

The so-called restraint is aimed at the Herrscher born of the fusion warrior.

After the Honkai Energy enters the existence of the Binding Herrscher, it will be eliminated directly. The next step is to start suppressing bioelectricity.

Among the fusion warriors of the previous era, even the thousand tribulations called the God of War were directly paralyzed the moment they entered the barrier, becoming a sick patient who would burp when no one pulled a hand. In order to smash this monster, Thirteen of the fusion warriors of the previous era died.

It is conceivable that this little dwarf who mopped the floor on Hyperion with a black face all day, after merging with the invincible Valkyrie Judas, simply wrote invincibility on his face. The goose who hangs on to the end, everyone goes together to the rhythm of being directly ko by her.

It can be said that Miss Teresa is now placed in many worlds and can already be used as the ultimate boss.

After all, the ability of the Herrscher of Binding is not an ordinary ghost.

However, can such an ability be useful to a guy who directly beat up the real Binding Herrscher and then sealed his personality?

Looking at the young man with a carefree smile, Teresa felt a chill in her heart.

Although I don't know what that guy has experienced, there is no doubt that the level of that guy's combat power is far beyond what this world should have.

There is no doubt that when a half-hearted Herrscher and this **** of another world fight, they will be pressed to the ground and rubbed.

"for you..."

Like a defeated rooster, the girl dejectedly took out an orange cube from her pocket.

That is the key of reason - the Void Ten Thousand Treasures.

The weapon made by Dr. Mei of the previous generation with the core of the First Herrscher, the Herrscher of Reason, is normally a golden regular hexahedron, which can be turned into a fluid. Weapons and props that can replicate the user's understanding of the construction principles, and even the keys of the gods.

Inside is an almost infinitely extending knowledge space, which stores the knowledge of previous generations of civilization collected by the Herrscher of Reason. This knowledge has been preserved along with the core of the Herrscher along with the particularity of the ability of the Herrscher of Reason. key, and the will of Prometheus, the super artificial intelligence designed by May, is also stored here.

And Miss Prometheus's performance is to directly expand Lao Yang's gravity to the level of pulling the global Honkai energy through analytical ability.

Without a doubt, this is the most precious of all the keys of the gods.

Next, the upgrade materials for Banya are also available.

Unceremoniously, Su Han took the **** key from the white-haired dumpling, then took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Banya, who had been a transparent person outside for a long time.

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