The first time was when he died, biologically he died.

The second time was when he was buried, and people came to his funeral, remembering his life, and he died in society.

The third time was when the last person who remembered him forgot about him, and that's when he really died.

Death is not the end of life, forgetting is.

However, in Otto's view, the so-called "forgetting is the end of death" is quite ridiculous.

If only one person is remembered, that person is regarded as "alive", then the word "alive" is too cheap.

If a person's life is undisturbed, it is indeed difficult to call it alive.

However, if you don't even have the qualifications to be ignorant, then what about survival?

A person who is remembered and regarded as alive is just "someone" in the impression of others.

Physiological survival is the foundation of being alive.

Without this foundation, no matter how it is decorated, the dead are the dead.

The beautiful blond man looked at the bright blood and felt his heart speed up.

In order to make it possible for Karen to come alive, after getting Karen's corpse in the past, she used the God's Key to freeze her state to the state shortly after her death.

Although she has been confirmed dead, her body still has some vitality.

"Fallen God, if your blood can awaken Karen, I will become your most loyal believer."

A man who can be completely equal to the Pope swears in a way that is not like a Catholic believer at all, but like a Chinese person asking for the Dragon King.

Theresa, who was standing on the side, could even imagine that if the experiment failed, the bishop directly assigned the so-called "God" name to the list of devils in the Bible, and then added 3,000 words of insults to it.

"Grandpa, are you going to... prepare to revive Lord Karen?"

Beside the blond man, the short, white-haired girl looked at the man with a somewhat crazy expression, and was a little helpless.

Not long ago, she received a notice from her grandfather in her spare time when she was cleaning the deck.

"There is a secret mission at the headquarters that requires the key of God. Judas' oath is involved, please Captain Teresa Apocalis to quickly go to the headquarters."

The oath of Judas, the key of God, was broken down by Su Han long ago.

But fortunately, that power has become his own power, and he has become the key to a living god.

To this end, Theresa came to the headquarters.

Then, she saw Otto, who was asking herself to use the force of restraint to break the seal added to the corpse.


Want to try to resurrect a dead man with the blood of the true ancestors.

This thing is too incredible!

Not knowing that her successor's life was even more terrifying, Miss Teresa's heart trembled slightly.

"Of course."

In response, the blond man gave the final answer with a smile.

"My whole life, I have lived for this."

A few months ago, he and Su Han reached an agreement.

He provided Su Han with resources, and Su Han explored the possibility of resurrection for him.

Soon, the boy who had given him an infinite surprise came back, bringing with him the news that Chaldea would build in the near future and a bottle of undead blood.

To be honest, according to common sense, he just needs to wait here and it will be fine.

After Su Han builds the so-called Chaldea, he will go back to the past, revise history, find Karen's soul and bring it to this era.


It is too ridiculous to only put hope on outsiders.

The researcher who pinched the test tube of the blood of the true ancestor thought.

Before leaving everything to Su Han, it was because he was powerless. Now, he already has a treasure that can be used for resurrection experiments.

Compared with Su Han, he still prefers to do it himself.

The most reassuring thing is to do things through your own hands throughout the process, isn't it?

It's not that he doesn't believe in Su Han, but he believes more in his own man. He took the medicines that normal people couldn't understand from the medicine table in the laboratory, sucked them one by one with a needle, and placed them in the coffin sleeping soundly. On the edge of the undamaged Valkyrie.

"Get ready to break the seal."

The blond man gave the order to the granddaughter who could already be regarded as the key to living restraint.

"The resurrection experiment is about to begin."

Chapter 20 Sakura Donkey vs Otto, who will wear the green crown?

The headquarters of Destiny is located in Austria, and the distance from the extreme eastern branch in the territorial waters of Shenzhou is about half a hemisphere.

For this reason, if you want to go to Zhao Dongxing, the headquarters of Tianming, you obviously cannot count on the No. 11 bus.

Bronya sat on the plane and looked around.

Not long ago, Su Han chose to ask Rita to ask for the Herrscher's props.

The vast majority of them were sent to the Far East Branch by Rita, but there was no God key corresponding to "understanding".

This is not bad news for Miss Bronya.

The silver-grey-haired girl looked at the boy who was sitting opposite her, helplessly teaching a country fox how to use a mobile phone, her eyes flickering uncertainly.

That's the man who signed the contract with him.

The girl rubbed her neck, recalling the feeling after being bitten, her pretty face turned a little red.

That guy has a covenant with a certain doctor and will face the beast of mercy in the near future.

Although the highlight of that battle was his battle with the Beast of Mercy and even the backward tree-cutting movement, but before that, other singularities had to be cleared up, and those singularities were only available to the Herrscher. Qualified to go.

If he could not become the Herrscher of Reason, then he would not be able to fight side by side with Xier.

"Don't worry, Bronya."

Su Han, who was never worried that Otto would not hand things over to him, looked at the gray-haired girl who seemed a little nervous, raised his head, and said.

"The key of reason - Void Manzo is just a dispensable thing for Otto. It is just to let him hand over the sadness of Void Manzo. It is estimated that he has not seen one percent of Sakura."

Didn't see one percent of Sakura?

Big doubts appeared in Bronya's eyes.

She couldn't help but look at the fox witch who was sitting next to Su Han with a bun-like look on her face, with a puzzled expression.

The bumpkin witch didn't raise her head to answer her question, but just stared at the old mobile phone with a serious face, thinking whether this Hermes creation could allow her to contact Karen in advance.


Perhaps because of the unknown connection, the girl who felt intimacy with Su Han raised her head like a puppy and looked at the other person curiously.

"Because, Karen's relationship with Sister Sakura is better than her relationship with Otto."

The boy shrugged and gave the answer.

Otto doesn't actually hate Yae Sakura, and even appreciates Yae Sakura quite a bit.

The reason is very simple. It was Yae Sakura who rescued Karen when she was seriously injured and fled.

However, being grateful for someone and not wanting to see someone are not in conflict.

For example, most of the students are willing to thank a conscientious teacher, but if they really let them get along with that teacher day and night, I'm afraid they won't cry on the spot.

Karen and Otto have a good relationship.

However, the relationship between Karen and Sakura is outrageous.

How good the relationship between Karen and Sakura is, can be seen from Sakura's attitude to break up with Higumaru and **** Su Han not long ago.

Even if she had a green crown on her head and was mocked by Feiyuwan as a cuckold, she still chose to draw a knife, stood in front of Su Han, and even directly said that even if she and Feiyuwan Liuguang had the last drop of blood, she would send someone back to normal Word of the world.

"The relationship is good...?"

It's hard to imagine that the expressionless face of Miss Banya, who is a pretty beauty and the Valkyrie 500 years ago, rarely shows a little surprise.

Perhaps because she remembered that she wanted to help determine whether the girl next to Su Han was a good match, the witch put down the phone that had lost at least a dozen hairs on her head and looked at the girl in front of her.

Gray hair, gray eyes, and delicate facial features like dolls.

From the outside, it should be an impeccable beauty embryo.


The shrine maiden's gaze quickly shifted from the girl in front of her chest and the shape she had pressed out of the sofa, shook her head, and spoke as if she was remembering something.

He was too peaceful, and he was not in childbirth. He was far inferior to his development at the age of fourteen, and he was not even as good as himself.

"It may sound incomprehensible to the world, but my favorite."

The shrine maiden, who has been working hard to become a qualified elder so far, began to answer Banya's questions after rejecting Miss Banya.

For Yae Sakura-san, what kind of existence is Karen?

The answer is "the sustenance of life".

She was originally a gentle person, but after she escaped with her sister and was captured and was forced to kill her sister Yae Rin with her own hands, she closed her heart and turned herself into a fierce blade that performed sacrifices, unconditionally fulfilling the wishes of the villagers— —This is her destiny that was decided before she was born.

"It's agreed, sister, you want to be an excellent witch."

Her sister's tearful words before her death were like a spell that haunted her life. As Yae Sakura grew up following the expectations of the villagers, her self was gradually eaten away by the "miko's responsibility".

Before picking up the nun from the river, Yae Sakura was the shrine maiden of Yae Shrine, and she was only the shrine maiden of Yae Shrine.

Until one day, she picked up Karen from the river.

Karen didn't come to Yae Village in the extreme east without incident. She was a fugitive when she came to the extreme east.

She witnessed her best friend, Otto, in the basement of the church, conducting experiments that had absolutely nothing to do with humanity.

Otto is a peerless genius. He will get the medicine for the Black Death from human experiments. This is understood by people from the perspective of God.

But in the Middle Ages, so-called science was not so different from witchcraft.

Since the indulgences were issued, the nun then realized that the destiny of her place was not glorious.

No, maybe it can't be described as disgraceful.

Research weapons with Honkai energy and distribute them to ordinary soldiers, so that they can use their lives to go to the east.

Just because of some problems with the operation of funds, they issued indulgences in the name of God to exploit the people.

The name of Kaslana, who has been killed in the battle for generations, was angered and regarded as a lackey by the people.

After taking all this into consideration, even the innocent warrior will accumulate anger in his heart.

Such anger was suppressed until the day came.

She saw that her friend, with the permission of the destiny of ordering soldiers to pick up Honkai weapons to go to the east, and even issuing indulgences, was in contact with evil forces and kept injecting witch medicines into the poor people...

Like a fuse, she already hated the destiny, and she chose to escape with the source of pollution—the half-finished product of Jizo Yusoul.

Karen and Sakura are like people and shadows in a mirror.

It is also under a distorted social concept, and I also personally experienced the harm caused by this distorted concept. I want to use my own power to change all this, but I can't do anything...

The only difference is that Karen's resistance had a superficial effect, while Yae Sakura's resistance was snuffed out and turned into despair.

As if seeing another self, Yae Sakura instinctively brought the girl of unknown origin to her shrine.

"From now on, I will face everything ahead with you."

Just like when Otto was infected, the girl who was always full of energy brought hope to the witch whose heart was almost exhausted.

Since then, the shrine maiden of Yae Shrine is still Yae Sakura, but Yae Sakura is no longer just the shrine maiden of Yae Shrine.

It's your own redemption...

its own light.

Karen is her own! !

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