"I admire Mr. Otto's dedication to Karen, but things like 'love' cannot be measured by hard work."

As if she was announcing something, the relationship with Karen, the country rusticity on the face of the good and unusual priestess was completely eliminated, and it was replaced by the ultimate sharpness.

"I will never let him take Karen away."

==========Dividing Line========

Otto Apocalis.

The direct descendant of the fusion warrior seventh Xi Tianhui, one of the few men in the world who has been recognized by the First God Key.

As the big boss of this level Yuan second only to Da Yan and Honkai God, this bishop is undoubtedly the ultimate villain.

Just because the First Herrscher did not agree with his own ideas, he refused to inherit the position of Bishop of Heaven and threatened the lives of New York residents and forced him to death in New York.

Because Siegfried showed the possibility of being uncontrollable, he directly dropped the collapse bomb, and killed the heroes who had just finished the crusade of the Second Herrscher.

In order to be able to see the possibility of man-made Herrschers, ignoring Cocolia caused the collapse of the Sky City, and privately adapted some Valkyries to Herrscher adaptations.

After Altovella's death, his humanity has been wiped out.

However, even such an ultimate villain has its own light in his heart.

As the last son of the family in that turbulent Europe, he was frail and sickly as a teenager.

His only advantage is wisdom, but in that era of advocating force, power was everything, and he seemed out of place for those who liked to study the knowledge of Honkai. All kinds of disappointments in his childhood made him withdrawn, no one cared about him, and his whole life seemed to be bleak, but that day, when he was testing his new invention, he met Karen, and she did not belittle him like everyone else. Instead, praise you as a great inventor.

Under the blue sky, the breeze blows her long hair, and the innocent smile shows. The holy and beautiful she and the still young Otto made a promise to save the world together.

The girl shared her small but big dream with him. From that moment on, he was needed by others, and Karen climbed over the wall and broke through the light in that lightless world, taking him to the world behind the wall, bringing the first light to his world.

God said, let there be light, and there is light, and light dispels darkness.

And it was the little girl who dispelled the darkness in Otto's heart.

In order to be able to see that smiling girl again, he would spend five hundred years, five thousand years, even fifty thousand years, until his soul shattered in the wind like burnt paper.

In order to revive the girl, he could try and fail again and again, until he got used to the feeling of failure and regarded it as normal.

Finding that ray of hope in the midst of infinite failures is the meaning of the life of a man named Otto.

And now, that wish is about to come true.

The blood of the true ancestor poured into the pale arm, bringing vitality.

Like a miracle, the girl who had been sealed for five hundred years had a little blood on her face.

The blood containing a very high concentration of magic power flows along the blood vessels, transforming the body that only has a trace of activity.

With the flow of blood, the heart that had been silent for a long time began to regain its vitality.

Like some kind of chain reaction, as the center that controls the life force—the center that controls the magic power after the heart beats, the brain also becomes active.

On the instrument, the indicators that have been reset to zero have changed again, and they are constantly beating like stocks.

It worked.

The man who was accustomed to failure, looked at the woman who was still sleeping, but started to breathe, and his body trembled slightly.

For many years, he has been living in the shadow of killing Karen.

And now, he has finally resurrected the person he loves the most.

"Grandpa, your experiment was successful."

Not long ago, the white-haired dumpling who helped Otto untangle the seal looked at the man whose expression was extremely ecstatic, with a complex expression that was difficult to attach.

In Teresa's impression, Grandpa was an elusive guy like a certain Su.

Always rude honorifics, always unpredictable smiles, always confident, never showing their true emotions...

But now, Otto is a gaffe.

Because a woman named Karen was resurrected.

"The wish I made five hundred years ago has come true."

The man who had been obsessed with it for five hundred years laughed, and his smile was rarely sincere.

"Theresa, it's up to you to succeed the appointed bishop."

Just like throwing away garbage, the man, in Teresa's shocked expression, announced that the highest authority of the destiny began to change.


Theresa suddenly widened her eyes.

She, a captain who wipes the deck, is going to directly succeed the bishop? !

"Next, my time may be used to take care of... Karen, I don't have time to deal with political affairs for the time being."

Before Teresa began to excuse herself, it was very straightforward. The man gave his reasons, and then shoved a golden cube into the hands of the silly white-haired dumpling.

"If Minister Su comes, remember to pass this to him."

"This is compensation for breaking the agreement."

The man who used to keep Su Han busy for a long time spoke bluntly.

Void Myriad Treasures, among the thirteen **** keys, is the most valuable one.

This item is used to soothe an egoist with extraordinary combat power, and the effect will be very good.

Next time, you should be ready to leave.

Obviously in a short period of time, Otto, who did not intend to deal with serious matters, took a deep breath, and with Teresa's stunned expression, he pushed Karen's hospital bed and quickly left the laboratory.

And the moment he stepped out the door, without warning, a young woman's voice came from far away in the corridor.

"Is Karen in there?"

That voice made Otto's face, who was waiting for Karen to wake up, suddenly turn blue.

He was not familiar with that voice.

However, he knew very well that there was only one woman in this world who would care about Kalen's recovery as much as he did! !

Damn it! !

Why is that fox still alive! !

Chapter 21 What, I'm Green? ! !

Yae Sakura.

One of the few people in the world who can touch Mr. Otto's mood.

Every time I think of this name, Otto's heart is full of mixed feelings.

If Faberci's traditional arts can express Otto's state of mind, this is probably the case.

The pure and kind Miko Yae saved the saint.

The priestess and saints of Yae Shrine begin to live together.

The fox-eared shrine maiden seduces the holy maiden without her business.

Unreasonable fox spirits are immoral and take love.

The despicable and shameless red donkey dares to break into the house privately! !

Hearing the woman's voice, Mr. Otto's face suddenly turned ashen.

Yae Sakura, that is definitely Yae Sakura! !

Otto never imagined that Karen would fall in love with him.

This is the result of rational analysis.

On the tree of imaginary numbers with infinite possibilities, Karen's death is almost the same as the old bug being blown up by the traveler, nailed to the quantum recording tape.

In the vast majority of possibilities, some vixen ran away with Miss Karen, but that was only the majority of the possibilities. Among the many remaining possibilities, it is not that there is no possibility that the bishop will bring the beauty back.

Possibilities of this type are typically the priestly route.

Mr. Otto, who made a fortune five hundred years ago, did not know if he had eaten the gall of a bear heart and a leopard, and ran directly with Karen, all the way to an unknown place, relying on Otto's IQ and Karen's force Forced the Higumaru to completely ko, and established an orphanage with Karen.

Although it didn't take long for Miss Karen to be like the world line was constricted, because Honkai could erode Hiccup, but in that possibility, Miss Huanxiu's real name was Sawamura Yinglulu.

However, as a person with ac count, Otto does not feel that he can win the final victory like a certain priest.

Karen will fall in love with Otto.

However, that was only under the premise that he chose to fight alongside him.

In five hundred years, too many people lost their lives because of him.

The Mandate of Heaven tragedy five hundred years ago, the siege of the Chinese warriors, the Second World War, the Great War of New York, the Second Collapse, the Secret Guardian Collapse...

The person who has contributed to Gao Zhiwei in this world is himself.

The most sinful person in this world is yourself.

Perhaps because of her own achievements, Karen won't say anything to herself, but, as you can imagine, that kind of tolerance is only Fu Hua's tolerance for Mei.

Such feelings, absolutely can not lead to the spark of love.

Karen may fall in love with "Otto", but she will never fall in love with herself.

If she fell in love with herself, then it could only prove that her experiment went wrong. Next, she would have to be cheeky to ask Su Han to start it again. That might lead to the birth of the Time Herrscher, and ripples in the sea of ​​​​quantum, making the world a big place. Changed Chaldea.

That's the device that would cause turmoil in the world.

As a last resort, even Otto wanted to prevent it from being built on this land.

Therefore, all Otto thought was to watch Karen get better and then leave to perform the bishop's duty that he had never seriously performed in the past five hundred years.

Theoretically speaking, he has no desire or desire, and now he should imitate his ancestor su to put on a kitten-like face and smile at the vicissitudes of the world.


Although I didn't hold out hope from the beginning, what do you mean by going straight to the door, you stupid fox? !

Looking at the red donkey running from a distance, Mr. Otto's face turned a touch of blue.

Find fault directly? !

Good guy, if you dare to break directly into the destiny, you will definitely not have your good fruit to eat!

Looking at the red donkey who was pulling a young man towards here, Mr. Otto felt like the corners of his mouth and eyes were electrocuted, and he twitched.


Karen can survive now because she has been frozen for five hundred years.

I can live to this day because I gave up my flesh and blood and directly ascended mechanically.

What the **** is this red donkey? !

Relying on mutation to forcibly continue life? !

Looking at the fox girl's face that was even more beautiful than Karen, Otto only felt that a burst of evil fire began to rise.

hard, hard...

Fist hardened.

Why is this guy still alive after five hundred years?

Could it be that the fantasy came to reality, and it was impossible to jump out of Karen's fantasy!

"Please keep quiet, the patient needs to rest."

Without hesitation, the man was about to rush to the hospital bed, took a step forward, and stopped the fox girl who was about to charge with a cold face.

Then, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

This country fox actually pulled a man along with him.

Iconic black hair, light red black pupils, slightly sharp canine teeth and red feathers around the neck...

Without a doubt, it was Su Han.

In just a few months, he usurped the divine right and became the existence of mythical life.

Even if the guy behind the fox is Su Han, he can't be so provocative...

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