"You are the pig, your whole family are pigs!"

The incompetent and furious roar of the Herrscher of Erosion came out of the sack, causing Fu Hua and Qiana's faces to change.

As a fusion warrior of the previous era, Fu Hua smelled the smell of the enemies of the past and instantly went on alert.

Kiana's words...


"The surnamed Su, you are really a scumbag who will enter the game sooner or later."

Just estimating the size, Miss Kiana, who felt that a certain sack could not fit an adult girl, rolled her eyes and complained.

To be honest, if she hadn't known Su Han very well, she would have kicked her up by now.

People who traffic in people should be damned.

Kiana knew this.

"Principle, emptiness, thunder, wind, flame, death, consciousness, rock, ice, erosion, and restraint, there are a total of eleven disciplines, among them, in addition to erosion, there is still some training. Death is still wandering in the quantum sea, and needs to be salvaged. Everyone else is almost there."

In this regard, Su Han just mentioned the plan to be carried out next.

"Here is the Herrscher of Corruption."

"I still have things to deal with myself, so I can't watch her every day. I need Theresa, who has the power of restraint, to help me deal with it."

The boy who came to St. Freya Academy to find Theresa asked the two girls and "girls" who seemed to be related to Theresa.

"Is she sweeping decks at Hyperion now?"

Miss Fu Hua and Miss Qiana shook their heads at the same time.

Miss Fu Hua is a temporary loyalist to Otto. In fact, she doesn't pay much attention to Theresa, and naturally she doesn't understand the whereabouts of Theresa.

Qiana's meaning is different from Fu Hua.

She now pays for living expenses by her aunt, so she knows the whereabouts of Theresa very well.

"Auntie's words are probably at the headquarters now."


Su Han was stunned. He didn't quite understand what Teresa could do at the headquarters at this time.

Before he could continue to ask questions, Kiana, who was actually quite understanding, immediately gave a more detailed explanation.

"What special experiment is being conducted by the bishop, and she was forcibly recalled."

"What experiment?"

Vaguely, Su Han, who felt that he seemed to have overlooked something, suddenly became alert.

"It seems like... a blood race experiment."

Chapter 19 Celebrate, after that is the time of Otto's coronation

Otto is experimenting.

What kind of experiment would that be?

Su Han was lost in thought.

Based on the blood of the True Ancestor that he gave to him, he conducted experiments and needed the assistance of Teresa.

Could it be that because of doting on a certain dwarf, after getting the opportunity to improve his strength, he went to find that dwarf as soon as possible?

Su Han didn't care about the fox on the shoulder who was bumping around, and with Qiyana and Fu Hua's unclear expressions, he took out a tube of blood from his pocket.

That is the blood of the Third Primogenitor.

Su Han once drank and gave Otto's props.

As a prop that can create royal vampires, the power contained in this tube of blood is absolutely astonishing.

"Is it possible that Otto wants to use this to increase Theresa's talent limit?"

Su Han thought about a possibility.

As a clone of Karen, one of Teresa Otto's last two emotional concerns.

Judging from the degree of his doting on Theresa, he may indeed give most of the blood of the true ancestor to Theresa, hoping that she will become better.

However, if it is only to give the blood of the True Ancestor, does the word "experiment" need to be used?

Su Han recalled a certain summer event in his previous life with a thoughtful expression.

During a certain summer event, a captain who seemed to not exist rarely appeared in Destiny, and as Otto's subordinate, he activated Chikai Kazuya to search for the world line where Karen survived.


In one of the world lines, Otto created Teresa by injecting Vishnu genes and the power of erosion, and resurrected Karen with her power.

If it unfolded like that, it would be very interesting.

"As expected of you, even if you see the possibility of going back in time, do you believe in your own experiments more?"

With Qiyana and Fu Hua's unaware expressions, the boy sighed with emotion. ,

"Hey, surnamed Su, what's your expression like?"

Feeling that Su Han might be a bit icy, the white-haired ball couldn't help but stretch out his hand, touched Su Han's forehead, and measured the question of this inexplicable nonsense guy, looking worried.

Although Miss Qiyana is often abused by Su Han, her relationship with Su Han is actually not too bad.

For this white-haired dumpling who set out from Northern Europe alone to find his relatives since he separated from his adoptive father, even a little kindness is worth cherishing.

Although this guy forced himself to take a substitute class all day without getting paid, he would fight with himself for meals at every turn, even threatened himself with postponing graduation, and even robbed himself of Yayi...

However, this guy is probably his friend...

The expression on the white-haired dumpling's face was a little unstoppable.

Get rough!

Friend's wife, you're welcome..Bah, don't you understand this kind of thing? !

After all, this guy helped him find his aunt, and even a younger sister, and promised to help him find his father...

Miss Kiana, who didn't press Su Han's forehead with a hard fist, comforted herself in her heart, and inquired about Su Han's health with some malicious intent.

As a person who is used to wandering, Miss Kiana actually has the habit of stocking up antipyretics, cold medicines, even saline and hanging needles.

When necessary, it is not difficult for him to act as a carer.

"The body temperature is a little high, so I must be confused. Take it to my dormitory, where I have a full set of hanging needles, saline and antipyretics."

The white-haired dumpling, who will definitely be slippery later, vowed.

In this regard, Su Han just rolled his eyes, and patted the hand of the white-haired ball that was probably trying to take the opportunity to pierce himself a few more stitches.

"I just thought of one of the possibilities that some donkey doesn't know me."

? ? ?


A series of question marks rose above the heads of Qiyana and Fu Hua.

In essence, they are all naturally intelligent girls, but in this kind of situation, they really don't understand what Su Han is talking about.

"Okay, don't think too much, rest in peace, and prepare for the experiment tomorrow and the day after tomorrow."

It is estimated that within a week, the boy who made a full set of Herrschers except Qianren and End Yan clapped his hands, indicating that they can prepare.

"You can actually pack your bags now and prepare for things."

After saying this, the boy who had just placed Yae Sakura took out a mobile phone from his pocket and made a call.

At the same moment, in a certain room in the principal's dormitory, the priestess who carefully cleaned the rice cooker as if they were enshrining the divine artifact of Yuka's Soul God, jumped up abruptly as if frightened, drew her sword in an instant, and looked around.

However, after a while, as if remembering something, the witch put down the knife in her hand and took out an old computer from her pocket.

"It's a prop of our time, um, click this and you'll be able to answer letters."

Not long ago, a certain teenager explained this to himself.

There is no doubt that this is a miraculous prop.

Only God has the ability to allow people all over the world to communicate with each other thousands of miles apart.

The fox girl, who treated the phone like a Greek face to Hermes, respectfully saluted the old machine. Although she didn't know the real name of the imperial body, she still had to be polite.

After doing this, she carefully pinched the phone just now, and she was full of thoughts for a while.

Although she has not known each other for a long time, she understands that Kalen's child has extremely lofty power in this era, and he can even raise a whole family of women who seem to be called Saint Freya's mansion, and his status is estimated to be no lower than Kyoto. The Lord of Genji.

The powerful power combined with the lofty status made him almost stand at the top of the food chain, and almost no one dared to disturb him.

But that's just barely there.

After all, there will be some things that don't have long eyes to disturb people.

Is the child in any trouble?

Not content with the status of a country fox who eats white rice, the fox girl who urgently needed an occasion to prove her identity as an elder, like a warrior ready to go, solemnly pressed the answer button.

calm down.

Keep quiet.

Sakura, you are an elder, no matter what the situation is, you must maintain your majesty as an elder.

You must not continue to be a country fox eating rice!

"Lord Karen may be resurrected, do you want to take a look?"

In an understatement, the young man opened his mouth.

==========Dividing Line========

True Ancestor - The **** who fell to the ground, the name on the ground.

Just like the son of Dawn in the legend, they were stained with dust after entering the world, dissipated as gods, and turned into the ancestors of demons.

As their offspring or vampires, vampires possess powers that are completely unlike those of terrestrial creatures.

They are immortal.

Normal creatures wither like falling leaves after their vitality is exhausted, but vampires do not.

They inherited from the fallen gods, the power to survive even if the vitality is negative.

The more ancient life is, the easier it is to accumulate huge magic power. A group of monsters who should have run out of oil long ago, relying on "immortality", accumulated huge magic power, and used their lifespan to summon the most fierce and most ferocious beasts as themselves. the sword...

For this reason, they became the kings of the demons.

There is no doubt that it is a race with great potential.

Compared with the stigmata plan that will kill more than 90% of the world's human beings once implemented, the degraded blood of the true ancestor is reproduced by technological means, or the blood of the true ancestor is directly diluted and injected into the human body. It is a more acceptable reinforcement program.

The only flaw is probably that the new generation of vampires may cause some social and moral problems because they cannot distinguish between appetite and sexual interest.

However, as long as it is properly restrained, and the problem of racial transformation in batches is not difficult to solve.

This is the reason why Su Han donated the blood of the true ancestor to Otto.

He doesn't have a deep relationship with the collapse of this world, but no matter what, he lives in this world, and he wants the human civilization in this world all day long, which is obviously impossible.

Donating the blood of the true ancestor to the most powerful ruler in this world can greatly improve the efficiency of population strengthening.


As the strongest ruler in this world, after Mr. Otto obtained the blood of the true ancestor, he was more interested in another thing than the transformation of the population.

"The blood race is a race with negative vitality. The king, the true ancestor, can achieve immortality as long as one of the two important organs controlling the magical brain or the heart that controls the vitality is not completely destroyed. The closer the bloodline is to the true ancestor, The immortality of the blood race will be stronger."

It was a young man's introduction to the blood race.

Green-haired...cough, blond and blue-eyed man, skillfully used a needle to draw blood from the blood storage vessel, and then placed the blood-filled needle under the operating light and shook it gently.

Under the light, the blood glowed a fascinating color.

People's definition of death is extremely complicated.

Some people say that a person will die three times in his life.

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