As for the historical process...

For those guys who were born in the past, it's completely off the table.

Therefore, the set of Spirit Son's transfer, if he is not watching from the side, is actually quite dangerous.

Could it be that in the future, someone will attack the spiritual transfer facility in Chaldea, trying to completely change history, angering himself, and destroying all the elements of spiritual transfer?

Big head, really big head...

Su Han couldn't help but stretched out his hand and pressed his temple.

However, in any case, the prey is at hand.

Having already hunted Hiyumaru, the boy who planned to let her attach to a creature casually, and turned into his own family by sucking blood, mentioned that the half-dead fox had been eroded by the Thunder and Lightning Ryoma.

It seems that he suddenly felt that it was inappropriate to treat the few father-in-laws in the three worlds in this way. It was like a child who had no tutoring and lost a cat. Then he took out a bit of True Ancestor's blood from his pocket and poured it into the man's mouth.

The blood of the vampire is a good thing.

The uncle who directly transformed other races into negative numbers of vitality and lived in debt, also gave him the power to summon the beasts.

And the blood of the true ancestor is even more precious.

"If it weren't for the fact that you are the father of Ya Yi, I would not have given you such pure blood of the true ancestor."

The boy who originally planned to dilute the blood of the true ancestors and let humans complete the evolution of the group murmured angrily, and then grabbed the stupid fox who probed his brain and lowered his figure, and then gave a whistle.

With the completion of that action, the surrounding "other world" also melted away like ice and snow that was scorched by the sun.

Then, the city made of reinforced concrete fell into the eyes of Miss Yae...

what is this?

Could it be that he is still in a different world now?

It's like a bumpkin entering the city... No, it was the bumpkin who entered the city. The fox girl looked at the world around her that was completely different from what she had in mind, and her expression suddenly became uneasy. The long ears were erect because of vigilance, and they followed the angle of the wind. , turned slightly, and looked on full alert.

"This is a modern city—Changkong City, um, that is, the Yae Village in the past. With the changes of the times, it is very reasonable for the village to become a city and the city to become a super city."

"Although I don't know what's going on... But anyway, you can go with me first."

I feel like next, maybe we need to investigate which one of the interested boys who wanted to change the past in the presence of himself, spoke to Yae Sakura on this side.

"I'll put you in place."


An extremely embarrassed look appeared on the fox girl's face.

She was still thinking of helping Karen's child deal with the problem. As a result, judging from the current situation, she seems to be eating plain rice next.

To be honest, this is undoubtedly an extremely... dignified thing for her as an elder.

She wanted to say something to regain her dignity, but she opened her mouth, but nothing came out.

After all, from the child's point of view, he was just an old antique who inexplicably stood in front of him and affected his hunting.

He was willing to help settle himself, probably out of the kindness he inherited from Karen.

The filter in front of her is too serious, it is estimated that the witch who can go to the Olympics as a referee is a little dejected.

It unfolded differently than she had imagined.

Silently followed him to the mansion, and then slammed back the ill-intentioned person, easily discerning who the girl around the child was a good match and who was a green tea, finished everything, watched the new child grow up, and waited for a boy with a milky voice. Said "I want to be the Lord of God", and then left dashingly, built a tombstone for himself beside Karen's tomb, and disappeared silently...

This is the way to say goodbye to the Miko and the world at Yae Shrine.

In the ideal, she is a taciturn and reliable elder. In reality, she is...

It seems to be a fox demon who eats rice.

Miss Yae felt melancholy in her heart like never before.

I always a country fox who has strayed into the city.

Chapter 18 Bishop Otto's Blood Race Experiment

Fu Hua.

People in Jianghu are called Shenzhou Flat, Immortal Aji, the oldest swindler of mankind who deceived the core of her daughter Herrscher.

This immortal who has not yet become a fraudster is now sitting at the gate of St. Freya Academy, handing out flyers to earn living expenses, while absently recalling the past.

Not long ago, her former comrade-in-arms appeared.

Su, who should have devoted his life to the Hengsha Project, seems to have discovered a very important variable and released Kevin who was imprisoned by it, preparing to use the particularity of that variable to complete the Ark Project, which was tacitly failed.

As the most expensive item in the plan, if you want to build an ark, you will undoubtedly need to spend a lot of assets.

For this reason, his last two old buddies soon went to Anti-Entropy and the United Nations, preparing to use physical and metaphysical means to obtain a large amount of material support.

As the last agent, Miss Fu Hua was naturally assigned a task.

She was expelled from the fire moth's partner, and asked her to be the agent of the new version of the Ark Project in the future.

In theory, she should now quickly go to find a certain teenager and discuss serious business with him.

However, that guy Su seemed to be infected by the boat tour next door and turned into a riddleman. He just said, "You don't need to take the initiative to find him, he will come to borrow your body next" and left floating.

Hard, hard.

Fist hardened.

Recalling the words that left countless room for imagination, Miss Fu Hua couldn't help clenching her fists.

That guy, will you die if you say a few more words?

This matter forced her to contact Otto and inquired with a favor.

"You mean Su Jun?"

"Su Jun's words seem to be planning to create a controllable person."

It seemed that he was busy with an experiment, and the man whose voice was not as enthusiastic in the past replied.

"The way he created the Herrscher is to find the adaptable holders of the Herrscher, put them in a high-concentration Houkai energy environment, forcibly spawn the Herrscher, and then use the unknown arms from another world to forcibly seal the Herrscher's personality , let the human personality replace the 'Herscher'."

"After that, he will form a team with 'The Herrscher' and go to another world to participate in a war that I don't know what it is."

that guy...

It seems that he intends to use his body to conceive a Herrscher? And then use the power of the Herrscher to participate in the battle of another world?

Fu Hua, who was once warned by Su not to delve into some things, could not help but take a deep breath.

If that's the case, perhaps su's words are understandable.

But then again, who did Su Na learn from?

In his memory, only Alicia, whose whereabouts are still unknown, can speak in such a strange tone, Fu Hua, recalling that Su Na always has a free and easy expression that sees through everything, and can't help frowning.

If you don't ask a wave of Otto, I guess I will think that the organization is in exchange for benefits, and I will marry myself and that guy!

"So, we just need to wait for the new 'Forerunner', right?"

Miss Fu Hua murmured while handing out flyers.

Although she already knew that someone would come to her next, but this feeling of being passive, made her feel a little uncomfortable.

Where did that guy go?


"Student Qiyana, you all enter the school gate with your left foot first, but you enter the small gate with your right foot first. Do you have any opinion on me?"

It was the sound of finding fault, which came from the school gate and attracted Miss Fu Hua's perception.

That voice was actually surprisingly nice, warm and fresh, but that speech made one want to frown, why should such a good voice be placed on such a person who is like a disciple in ancient times.

"Sir, molesting students is—"

Just like all decent characters, this fusion warrior who has not yet become the oldest fraudster can't help walking towards the school gate, scolding in a low voice.

Before he could finish speaking, he froze.

There are two reasons.

One: That couple has a good relationship.

Second: Someone at the center of the incident seems to be the principal.

Who in the court, sue this officer.jpg.

"Clam, Miss Ben gave you a substitute lesson for so long, just because you ate your meal, you are going to find fault?"

The white-haired girl with rice grains at the corners of her mouth put her hands on her hips and smiled at the man in front of her.

"Believe it or not, I'll go to your dormitory tonight and eat all the snacks in your refrigerator!!"

"If you dare to do this, I will directly cancel the student meals of St. Freya Academy and contract it all to the restaurant owner of the Shenzhou boarding school!"

The boy who was carrying a sack that seemed to be carrying a small mammal mercilessly made a speech belonging to a tyrannical ruler.

To be honest, it is undoubtedly extremely inappropriate to make such a statement directly.

After all, the main task of the Valkyries is to fight, and it will undoubtedly affect the health of the Valkyries if the Sima Shabi contractor of the Shenzhou Boarding School handles them.

However, Su Han did not hesitate to turn this into a threat to her.

Aside from the fact that his moral level is only a little higher than Otto's, the reason is probably that he finally settled Yae Sakura, and was going to find Theresa, who is a restraining Herrscher, to take a look at a half-crippled Corrosive Herrscher. As a result, he met Qiyana, a foodie, and was dragged to dinner by "explaining the tuition fee". Ordered two meals, but Qiana killed it all by herself.

He ate lonely.

"Are you talking about people?"

"Squad leader, come and judge!"

In Miss Fu Hua's shocked expression, the girl stretched out her hand and pulled it to Su Han.

"Miss, do you want to judge?"

At a glance, he recognized that someone present was the boy who knew the treasure body next and raised his eyebrows.

Miss Fu Hua was silent.

She really didn't expect that she would appear in this way in front of the allies of the moth who chased fire.

At the same time, Su Han was also looking at Fu Hua.

Fu Hua, the strange woman in the collapsed world view.

The Herrscher is also affected by memory. This master has tens of thousands of years of memory, and directly shocks the new Herrscher into an idiot.

If you imitate Fu Hua and inject the core of the Herrscher into the bodies of the fusion warriors, maybe there will be Herrscher calling themselves Kevin, Su, Alicia...

That scene should be pretty fun.

Su Han thought.

"I don't judge this matter."

In Miss Kiana's sudden collapsed expression, the immortal looked back and looked around, as if to see if it was appropriate to talk about something.

Very straightforward, Su Han gave the answer.

"Don't care about those things, Kiana is also a member of the Prometheus project, you don't need to care about some leaks."

"If there is no accident, you and her should be in the same batch, and there is even a probability that they will be assigned to the same battlefield."

"Also, I also helped you choose the landing site of the new Ark plan. I have several empires on the Terra Continent, and on the continent rich in witches, I also rely on the ability of money to make some poor kings stay overnight. Write me down in the genealogy, a few empires plus a dozen duchies, it should be enough to place people."

If nothing happened, the boy showed a suffocating banknote ability.

"If it's not enough, I can destroy the finances of several kingdoms by dumping luxury goods and low-priced crops, and buy a few principalities."

That speech, even a white-haired dumpling on the side couldn't help but widen his eyes.


Is this **** teacher so rich? !

"So, for the next thing, you just need to wait for me to get rid of the last pig, and that's it."

Having said that, the boy couldn't help but patted the sack on his shoulder.

There, the guy nicknamed the pig struggled violently.

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