That is the power of time.

Even the monkey version simulated by the Angel of Change still carries the basic power of the Angel of Time.

"like this."

The boy snapped his fingers slightly, and the next moment, the office that was in ruins because of the collision of the reloaded rabbit kept going backwards as if the reverse button had been pressed.


going backwards.

Bronya was completely silent.

She feels like fish on a sticky board, her fate is completely controlled by others, and even the right to die is held in the hands of the enemy.

Today, she finally understands what it means to feel powerless in the true sense.

"So...what do you want."

The girl's voice was weak and pleasant, like a dying white crane.

"Whatever you want, come and get it."

After saying this, the girl whose psychological defense had reached the limit closed her eyes.

There is no point in resisting.

So, just accept your fate.



The crisp sound of the metal key falling on the ground rang in Bronya's ear, making her stunned.

This was not what she had imagined.

"Take this, then go to the laboratory to meet your relatives and friends, then report to Theresa, and prepare to enter the laboratory you should go to."

The boy who looked like the embodiment of fear spoke lightly.

Chapter 10: On the Means of Taming the Banya and the Herrscher of Consciousness


The key to the lab...

It was as if she had encountered something she couldn't understand at all. The girl who had almost given up her desire to survive was completely fixed by what was happening in front of her. She looked at the dazzling brass key, her gray eyes were filled with a dazedness that was close to substantive. .

"Aren't you going to continue?"

It was as if he had encountered something very puzzling, the boy who was probably very good at workplace pua pinched the door from the ground that could not open any laboratory at all, but was a key that appeared as a token, and gently pressed it in front of the girl. Shaking lightly.

"Rosalia and Lilia have just received the hypermutation factor transplant. Although the operation was successful, they have just finished the operation, and they really want their family to accompany them."

"Xing, that man-in-law was rude, and was bullied a lot by the capable people who were also time-related during training. Now it is estimated that she is autistic and needs someone to comfort her."

"As the eldest sister, don't you go and see them?"

To be honest, such a statement is not really convincing.

Perhaps because the past was too sad, Bronya, like a writer with a trumpet over 60, never mind to speculate on others with the greatest malice.

The so-called reunion with family is just a means of controlling oneself and driving oneself to be used for it.

It became clear not long ago that the girl Su Han needed to serve for her knew this.

Although he doesn't know the reason, he seems to have some special characteristics and is favored by Su Han. Therefore, he hopes to put himself under his command, and doesn't mind letting the family members who are also high-level experimenters be properly treated.

It was almost inevitable that he would be used as a precious test item and then put on a special battlefield.

If nothing else, it won't look too good for you.

Bronya knew very well how slim the probability of "retreat" after entering a high-intensity battlefield.

Horse leather wraps.

A tragic and romantic story.

However, even if it is so sad, the probability of being wrapped in horse skin and brought back to the motherland is extremely slim.

When he dies, will the extremely rational man continue to give shelter to the compatriots in the orphanage?

Recalling that the boy's almost never changed, he was always relaxed and lazy, and every time he appeared, Bronya had the answer in her heart.

Don't have high expectations for it at all! !

To be honest, at this time, what should be done is to give a cold drink and die generously.

after all--

To serve a person who indirectly killed his adoptive mother, Liu Guang's last drop of blood, is really too filial.

Even if the so-called adoptive mother's love for her is not pure, and it may even be just a feeling of guilt for the test subject, but in any case, she is the woman who gave herself a "home".

Except for a certain Mr. Ai, who would attract Heath Ledger to follow him and try to figure out his every move, would anyone really be indifferent to "the death of the mother"?


The brass key swayed in front of the girl's eyes, and in a trance, Bronya seemed to see the children in the orphanage waving to her.

The illusion was so beautiful.

Beautiful when Bronya stretched out her hand instinctively.


Without too many accidents, the brass key fell and fell into the girl's hands.

Bronya felt the coldness of her palms, and inexplicably thought of the word boiled eagle.

Boil the eagle, that is the way hunters tame the falcon. By controlling its sleep, hunger and other means, the will of the falcon is consumed, and its pride is interrupted as much as possible, so as to establish its prestige.

This is a very dangerous link, because only part of the hawks will give in, and some arrogant hawks refuse to give in and will die in this link.

After boiling the eagle, hunters often give some fresh meat as a reward.

The previous deterrence flashed in Bronya's mind, but now, the key representing the family has also been thrown to herself.

And the young man, who was always smiling but not smiling, was looking at himself, like a hunter who was training a hound.

Your friends are still alive.

You can die proudly, like an eagle that soars to the last moment of its life, and is proud and graceful until it falls to the ground.

However, at the price, his partner is likely to become his substitute and accept his own suffering.

If you choose to accept gifts and tame, then you can get the most basic care and your family will be worry-free.


As long as you are under the command of the man in front of you and show your worth, your friends will have no worries.

That's what he gave to feed.

So, as long as you can continue to live and show your value, then the friends of the orphanage will be able to live well...

"Can you guarantee that my friends can live happily?"

After a long silence, the girl spoke.

She wanted a minimum guarantee that she could make a decision.

"Among your companions, with the exception of Xi'er, who is suspected of being a candidate for Death Law, the research value is quite average."

Very straightforward, the boy gave the answer.

"It belongs to the scope of research, but not research."

"Except for Xier who has to accept the Prometheus experiment like you, I can send them all back to Siberia directly."

"If you and Xier become my servants, like the demons you've seen before, your freedom will be limited to a certain extent, but in a sense, you will also live with me."

As the ability gradually evolved, the more and more evil boy gave the answer.

"I won't die, and you won't die."

Like the straw that broke the camel's back, the answer rose in Bronya's heart.


Xi'er can also use this opportunity to break free from the terrifying sea of ​​quantum.

To be the dependent of a person who indirectly caused the death of the adoptive mother, even if the adoptive mother felt guilty for her love for her, was still a very bad thing, but compared to the fact that there was no voice, no body, or even existence there, it was difficult to confirm It is a good choice to drift in the "sea" and be erased step by step.

Hillary will be saved.

And myself...

The girl couldn't help but clenched her fists and took a deep breath.

As long as Xier was around, there was nothing to fear.

Like an avalanche, Bronya's thoughts of her orphanage partner overwhelmed her filial piety to her unqualified mother.

Bronya squeezed the key tightly, raised her head, and looked at the boy.

"Next, am I going to report to Theresa?"

"You are welcome, Bronya."

Hearing that answer, a slight smile appeared on the boy's face.

==========Dividing Line==========

The sea of ​​quantum, the world of Sumeru mustard seeds.

A man with long blue-gray hair and plain clothes sat under the linden tree, stretched out his hand, and caught a falling leaf.

When the last era was about to be destroyed, every Forerunner was given a plan to fight the collapse by Dr. Mei.

Among them is the ark plan to leave the earth and open up a second home with the human gene pool.

There are also Tinder plans that entrust the forerunners to impart knowledge and civilization to the next generation of mankind.

As one of the pioneers, Su, in addition to the plan to "monitor Kevin", was also given the Hengsha plan to observe other "worlds" and find the possibility of defeating the collapse.

For various unknown reasons, these plans failed one after another.

The host of the Ark Project is missing, the Tinder Project has attracted a trial-level Honkai Beast, and the Hengsha Project has made no progress...

If it develops according to the worst situation, Kevin, who is next to the top of the Thirteen Heroes, will start the plan corresponding to him.

Stigma Project.

That was the last resort, the last chance for civilization to survive.

Covering the gathering place of human beings with high-intensity Honkai energy, distributing the global Honkai energy evenly to every human being, and eliminating the conditions for the generation of the big collapse—the dense Honkai energy, this kind of behavior prevents the collapse at the same time, It will also forcibly activate the scattered stigmata in human beings all over the world, so that humans can transform into new human beings that can adapt to the Houkai energy environment. surviving species.

As a price, more than 95% of the human beings in the world will die directly and turn into dead men.

There is no doubt that the cost is enormous.

The death of a large number of people will lead to the direct shutdown of modern facilities, and the collective death of government officials will destroy the most basic order. Next, it will be a tragic world that is difficult to describe in apocalyptic novels, and only a few survive. Those who are qualified to survive, and then under the guidance of the World Organization, reshape the civilization with difficulty in the ruins.

The initiator will be torn apart by survivors who have lost friends and relatives, and his name will become synonymous with Satan, completely nailed to the pillar of shame in human history.

"So, are you sure now that the new Ark plan is a far more reliable plan than the Stigmata plan?"

The cold words that reminded people of the ice came from the man who was stroking a leaf.

The source of the voice is a man.

White hair, blue eyes, and a scarlet pistol hanging from his waist.

It was the ancestor of the Kaslana family—the existence at the head of the Thirteen Heroes.

- Kevin.

In the era of King Arthur, the ultimate warrior decided to start the stigmata plan that would cause heavy casualties. He was plotted by his close friend Su, and was imprisoned in the sea of ​​​​quantum.

And now, he was released.

"Of course."

The man who refused to decide the fate of mankind like a **** and only wanted to be a leader stood up and opened his half-squinted eyes completely.

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