What the **** is this guy talking about?

"Everyone in the orphanage, how are you doing now!"

Almost instinctively, the girl whispered to the boy in front of her.

During the time of being attacked by monsters, she heard the tall orc mention that he also has a desire to devour the children of the orphanage!

Recalling that monster's supernatural power that was about to subvert the common sense of physics, Bronya felt like a poisonous snake wrapped around her body, poking her skin with her fangs from time to time...

Extremely cold.

"You mean almond cookies, Erguotou girls?"

"Of course still alive."

He deliberately asked his subordinates, the boy who said some **** words, to clapp his hands and speak casually.

"Compared to Otto, who has ruled Destiny for 500 years to get the ur of the goose, the luck of that idiot woman in Cocolia is overwhelming."

"If you set up an orphanage casually, you will be able to adopt the perfect body of two fusion warriors and two stigmata ability holders. By the way, among those two stigma ability holders, there are still One is the adaptable holder of the Herrscher of Death, and the little killer picked up from the road is also a genius who can carry the core of the Herrscher... This luck really makes Otto and Walter tremble with their hands Take off your glasses and start reciting 'I'm from Hebei Province...'".

Having said this, Su Han couldn't help but admire.

Cocolia's luck is really outrageous.

She was a child who was casually adopted by a small warlord, and the quality was comparable to that of the talented warriors who were specially cultivated by Otto. As long as the younger generation grows up, it is only a matter of time before the power of anti-entropy flows into her hands.

Unfortunately, that guy is a nerd.

Su Han sighed.

Walter Yang is not a congenital Herrscher, plus he has been beaten all year round, his body is almost at the limit, sooner or later he will have to give up the core of Lily and then he will be laid off.

The good seedlings of anti-entropy are all in the hands of Cocolia, and the next generation leader is almost bound to Cocolia.

Will it take a few more years to die?

"Basically, they all have good talents, plus they are quite cute. It should feel good to hold them in my arms. Of course, I will keep them."

When it comes to dealing with low-level employees, the boy who probably has a lot in common with Wu Mian shrugged.

"If those two idiots talk, now they can voluntarily return their souls and become charcoal fire."

Those words that sounded almost nonsensical made Bronya's heart chill slightly.

Although Su Han's speech made people think of some kind of perversion, but, no matter what, it is better than being torn apart by the demons...

There is hope after all to live.

Besides, this guy is saying that he seems to want to recruit himself.

Although I don't know what the so-called Chaldean Expeditionary Force is and what the law of rice is, if I have value, I'll be able to win basic rights after all.

However, the young man's next sentence completely changed her soothing expression.

"So, except for the kid who is still floating in the quantum sea and needs su to lead the way, I have all sent to the laboratory."

Chapter 9 You should make a choice, shouldn't you?

"Except for the little guy who is still floating in the sea of ​​​​quantum, and it is estimated that you need Su to help lead the way to find it, I have sent all the others to the laboratory."

The teenager smiled, and in the girl's dull expression, he gave the sentence to the other children in the orphanage.

Seven singularities, seven Lostbelts.

Undoubtedly, for Su Han, who is looking forward to killing Getiah, letting his subordinates replace the real A group as the hiders in the Lostbelt, and then simultaneously cutting down trees, seven Herrschers are the least needed.

Herrscher of the Sky - Sirin.

The Herrscher of Thunder - Thunder Maiden.

Wind Herrscher - Wendy.

Ice Herrscher - Anna.

The Herrscher of Binding - Theresa.

This is a member that Destiny can provide. It is undoubtedly quite outrageous for an organization to provide the personnel and materials to make five Herrschers in one breath.

However, the number is still not enough, and two Herrschers are needed to correspond to the remaining two Lostbelts, as well as a certain number of alternate members.

"Of course, you don't have to worry about the whereabouts of the last person."

"The forerunners who once gave me great favors have gathered in the quantum sea, waiting to colonize another world. Before that, they wouldn't mind helping me get a test body."

The young man, Shi Shiran, said what he had to do next.

Such remarks are undoubtedly very ferocious and cruel, and even extremely villainous.

To be honest, if this matter spreads out, it is estimated that the group chat can also be renamed as "Underworld Force Training Camp".

After all, the boss is such a ghost, and the bottom is not going anywhere.

However, Su Han also had his own reasons for doing so.

His relationship with Banya is ridiculous.

In the case of not using Yu Duchen or the Jizo Yuhun still buried in Changkong City, coercion is obviously better than Xiaozhi's reasoning.

In order to better play the effect of inducement in the future, it is better to strengthen the coercion effect now.

"It won't be long before you will be reunited."

That is simply a super villain boy who said with a smile.

"In the laboratory."

Human experimentation.

A very sacred term, but it often appears in horror stories and movies.

1. It can promote both medical progress and even social progress ladder.

It can also lead to the loss of human rights and the fall of humanity.

One side is an angel and the other side is a demon. Perhaps this is the image that the concept of "human experiment" should have after anthropomorphizing.

But no matter how great it is, most people's impression of it will be because of the mass media and some extremely ugly cases recorded in the book as a devil, and avoid it like a scorpion.

Bronya is not one of those people.


She has really seen human experiments, and has really participated in human experiments!

In the experiment code-named "x-10", she was selected as the test subject and was about to participate in a nine-death experiment.

In order to save herself, her favorite sister revealed her secret that she was the holder of a complete stigma, and became an experimental guinea pig instead of herself!

The body was injected with massive amounts of Honkai energy, was forcibly elevated to the realm of quantum perception, and then directly decomposed...

How could she not understand the pain caused by forced human experimentation!

Hundreds of experimenters died on the spot and 80%... Among the remaining 20%, some people will die in a short period of time due to sequelae, and the remaining few lucky people will also be accompanied by sequelae for a lifetime. Only a very few lucky people can Draw strength from those terrifying experiments and become a superhuman being...

This is the data that can be obtained in the laboratory as long as the three major world organizations have permission in the collapsed world.

Just like asking people in Suzhou that "sweet and sour spare ribs are not added sugar, squirrel mandarin fish is added with pepper", the teenager gave the whereabouts of the children in the orphanage.

Except for Xier's family, all, not one leaked...

Sent to the human laboratory!

Bronya's body trembled violently. In theory, she should have lost her emotions. However, at the moment when the words fell, she could really feel that her blood seemed to have turned into alcohol, in the high temperature. start burning...

This guy, this guy actually treats his last family like this!

The extreme anger destroyed the sanity of the three no-girls, as if enchanted, strange scarlet patterns rose up on the girl's body, and the gray eyes also turned scarlet.

She drank lowly, squeezing every bit of strength in her body as if she was going to burn out her bone marrow, broke free from the ropes that bound her, and threw a fist at the boy.

At the same time, terrifying mechanical creatures appear behind them, concentrating all their power in one point at the command of their masters.

The small girl and the huge mechanical monster threw their fists at the same time, and threw their fists at the arrogant man.

It was a weapon gifted by the girl and her best friend, and they attacked with all their might.

This blow may not have the arrogance of Eden's Flame Sword that burns the sky and boils the sea, nor the arrogance of Hong Yu's reversing all phenomena, nor the arrogance of the divine tree that traces back to its roots and erases concepts.


That blow poured out everything the girl had.

Ordinary girls throwing fists at the existence of gods and demons, if such a scene is remembered by the painter as an oil painting, it must be a famous painting.

That high-spirited fighting spirit, that unyielding spirit, that look of death as if at home, and the grief that cannot be concealed, are really too wonderful.


Wonderful pictures and high fighting spirit, can you open the explosion mode?

A slender and slender hand, like a child imitating a policeman, makes a gun.


The onomatopoeia came out of the boy's mouth. The next moment, that ferocious and terrifying machine was like a giant god's machine, as if it was hit by an invisible light cannon. The huge mechanical head fell to the ground and rolled to Bronya's feet.

Almost at the moment of destroying the machine, the boy's hand had already passed over the girl's body and pressed against her face.


The girl's body instantly lost her balance, and she was pressed to the ground ruthlessly. The huge pain made Bronya's eyes dark for a while, and she almost fainted.

"This is not the Xingyue studio and the Xianjian studio. It is a dream to rely on love and hatred to defeat someone stronger than you. Why don't you try to shout 'I can't do anything' and see if you can successfully get Beng. The bad gods have mercy."

As if he was training a dog that barked and barked at its master at will, the boy did not hesitate to resort to violence and made a statement that could be regarded as a mockery.

"Of course, it's useless even if you become a lawyer."

"After all, you are only a Herrscher adaptability holder, not a final adaptability holder. Even if you become a Herrscher, the harm to me will not be greater than that of a grinning small dog."

The boy who sacrificed his maximum output in exchange for his comprehensive development of physique, element manipulation, and spiritual power spoke casually.

"If you want to kill me, it's better to let two or more beasts join forces, or the Herrscher of the End to take action."

This is...

Is there a real power gap?

An unprecedented sense of despair rose in Bronya's heart.

Before that, she did lose to Su Han's subordinates.

However, in that duel, although she was beaten all the way, before they showed the attitude of orcs and vampires, she had the power to fight back.

In front of Su Han, couldn't he even punch him in the face?

A great sense of sadness rose in Bronya's heart.

It's really funny.

When Cocolia's mother went crazy, she couldn't stop her.

After Xier fell into the sea of ​​​​quantum, she couldn't pull it out.

Now, he can't protect his last family.

I... can't really do anything?

"just kill me."

The girl made her final statement and then closed her eyes.

Obviously it is a duck, but it is a speech that should have been robbed of the goose.

"Kill you?"

As if he had encountered something very strange, the boy was stunned for a while, and then his expression became a little playful.

"Are you qualified to order me to kill?"

"I personally sent someone to find you. Do you think you are qualified to die before I get what I want?"

"Don't think about suicide, even if you die, I have a way to reverse the timeline and pull you back again."

At some point, one of the boy's eyes turned into a golden clock, twelve Roman numerals and three needles, as if to indicate something.

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