He smiled and waved, and countless bubbles appeared in the air.

Among those bubbles, a figure appeared.

Childhood like a doll, a boy who goes with the flow, and then——

Incomparably abrupt, the young man's expressionless face showed a thoughtful expression.

Then, the boy faced the dead man and moved him.


A team from another world arrives.

"Among so many people, I have only seen a man who calls himself 'Dadalia' and 'Su Han' who seems to have suddenly regained his personality."

Very flat, the man called su replied.

"Those people use a system of power that is completely different from our world, even beyond my comprehension."

"Considering that the guy is clearly holding 'Black Abyss', the holder of 'White Flower' cannot sense his position, and when he leaves, Qianjie Yicheng will lose his ability to observe, I can only understand that he From a place I can't see...or, another world."

"In addition, after the anti-entropy personnel left with him, they came back and became his loyal partners, and began to study our legacy 'Ark Project',"

In terms of gathering intelligence, the man who was simply a bug said without hesitation that he had investigated Su Han, and even turned over his descendants and the results of the anti-entropy investigation.

"The situation is already obvious. He has the power to continue the inheritance of human civilization in another world."

Very straightforward, the man named su spoke to his best friend.

The white-haired man was silent.

Various thoughts echoed in his mind, making it difficult for him to decide.

Su's ability, he believed.

Su is his best friend. Before the collapse of the collapse in the last era, Su was his tablemate, elementary school, junior high school, high school...

Until he gave up his studies in order to find Mei and became a soldier chasing fire moths, they were almost never separated.

To be honest, if su is a girl, then Mei's role in Kevin's life is probably only "a very powerful scientist".

For su, Kevin has twelve points of trust.


The words su said now are indeed a bit unbelievable.

An existence directly from another world is born as a member of his own world, and then restores his personality on a certain year, month, day, and then calls friends and starts various operations...

Honestly, this kind of thing is a bit outrageous.


In any case, it is a more reliable plan than the Stigma Project.

Looking at the dying friend, Kevin's eyes narrowed slightly.

He can be sure that if he insists on abandoning the Ark plan and launching the stigmata plan, then he will have to kill his best friend.


That's it.

Nothing more than the last year.

The man who already understood that his best friend's vitality was about to be exhausted by the Hengsha plan sighed softly.

If the new Ark plan takes effect, then the Stigmata plan does not need to exist.

If the new Ark plan fails, it will not affect the start of the stigmata plan.

"So, who is going to become the forerunner of the 'Ark' together with the visitor from another world?"

Compared with Su Han, he obviously trusts the same type of Kevin to ask questions.

"Are you still me, or, have you found the whereabouts of Alicia or Mebius and let them go?"

In response, Su just shook his head, and then waved at the space.

The next moment, the reflection of the Herrscher representing the "knowledge" of the previous era appeared in front of Kevin.

"The most suitable candidate is Hua."

Su replied.

Chapter 11 The whereabouts of Captain Teresa and Fu Hua


It is a very unfriendly place for players who are part-time commanders, travelers, and Swordsmen Tower all the year round.

Here, the salaries are extremely low, and from time to time there will be dwarfs to deduct wages. To be honest, the dwarf's sentence "Oops, there is no money to pay the captain's salary" is like a little donkey for the captain of the social animal. That "Knife Tower, you can't rest yet" is just as heart-stopping.


Feng Shui is not something that stays the same after all.

After someone took office in Jidong, became a minister and promoted Wuliang Takizi, the captain's position that had already been emptied was vacated.

As if he had lost half of his soul, the petite white-haired ball was holding a mop and dipped in water to clean the deck.

To be honest, if such a scene spreads to Destiny, it will definitely shock a lot of people's jaws.

The white-haired dumpling who clumsily handled the deck was also a very well-known existence in the Destiny.

Theresa Apocalis.

The owner of the Apocalis family, the future owner of Destiny, the S-class who conquered the Second Herrscher...

Some people are born with various auras, and Theresa is one of the ceilings even among many people born with auras.

Moreover, even if she did not count as the head of the Apocalypse family, she was still the captain of the Hyperion, and she was regarded as a senior cadre in the branch after the minister and deputy minister.

However, is this white-haired dumpling with a halo shrouded all over his body, and now he is actually working as a cleaner on a battleship?

This cannot be said to be unbelievable, it can only be said to be outrageous.

Of course, as the future master of Destiny, Miss Teresa's actions naturally have her own deep meaning.

Captain Destiny did not clean the deck in his professionalism.

Anyone who can command a warship, unless it is in Mongolia, is a high-end talent everywhere. Let the captain clean the deck. The captain may not mind, but the finance department will definitely send a warning.

Spending tens of millions of dollars to hire cleaners...

It can only be said that apart from Sima Zhong, no one should have such a hobby.

However, Hyperion Captain Teresa felt that if the captain had some spare time, he might be able to clean the deck.

after all--

A job, a job.

If the deck can be cleaned, then there is no need to pay extra to the cleaners.

"As long as I can finish cleaning this place, I can notify the property, pay me the cleaner's money, and I can buy a collector's edition of Homu comics!"

Before that, for the sake of his eldest niece, the white-haired dumpling who had emptied the small treasury looked at the half of the deck ahead and cheered himself up.

"So, Theresa, hold on, labor is the most glorious!!"

"Theresa... do you have a fever?"

The scene fell on the ex-captain who had seen a certain nun paddling for years, looking at the former superior who was struggling for a meager salary, with a subtle expression.

This sudden sense of industriousness really made her wonder if Teresa had burned out any part of her brain, and she started going into cleaner mode.

"What can I do!!"

In response, the white-haired dumpling who was cleaning the deck made Dilucchu's kitten-like face with Keli's voice.

"The captain's salary has already been squeezed out, and he has become a poor ghost!!"

"As a result, the ghost knows that I will be suddenly demoted to captain!"

The already poor tinkling captain spoke up, a story that could be heard... um, probably only made the players laugh, told from her mouth, with deep resentment in her voice.

"If I had known this was the case, I would have advanced the minister's salary."

Minister salary?

Listening to Teresa's complaint, Immeasurable Takizi suddenly seemed to remember something.

Like a thief, the senior official of Destiny looked around. After confirming that there was no one around, he mysteriously grabbed the hand of Teresa who was still cleaning the deck.

"You, what are you doing?"

Perhaps it was because Cecilia had already died, and she had never met a cherry donkey and a donkey. Theresa, who was considered a straight daughter for the time being, felt that eager and unusual attitude, and she had a layer of goose bumps on her body.

"I was just thinking, you should be able to use the minister's salary."

On the official website of St. Freya Academy not long ago, someone saw that the TD was "Bianca is the cutest in the world!", and the immeasurable Takiko, who posted a set of pictures of the new minister, looked at the good friend in front of him. , as if he had just recognized it, and looked at it carefully.


A series of question marks rose above Miss Teresa's head.

Minister salary?

Hey, hey, she's been fired!

Where does the minister's salary come from?

"Stop pretending, I've seen all those pictures."

Boundless Tajiko, who was completely bewildered by the heart of gossip, quickly took out her mobile phone from her pocket and clicked on the school forum.

Theresa looked at her good girlfriend with a puzzled look on her face.

"what picture?"

With great doubts, Teresa took the phone from Takizi Wuliang and swiped it.


Her expression suddenly froze.

"Shocked, the former principal has such a hobby!!"

"Is it the distortion of human nature or the loss of morality, the forty-year-old old woman unspoken rules of destiny..."

"The principal of the academy and the principal of the new school are in the same room, they are actually doing that kind of thing!!"

"What is this stuff!!"

Theresa, who was still strong enough to endure even when her salary was deducted, let out a shriek like a groundhog.


What the **** is this kind of title that is like clicking on UC? !

She swiped her phone diligently, trying to collect the author ID of the title that was definitely a misunderstanding, and wondered if a filthy dog ​​had been mixed in with her school at some point.


A suffocating scene appeared in front of her.

The handsome looking young man sat in the seat of the principal of the academy, and there was indeed a tooth mark that had not disappeared, and a faint trace of drool on his very upright face. On his collar, white hair was wrapped around.

And beside him, a white-haired ball was lying on the sofa, even if he fell asleep (?), his face was still blushing strangely.

There is no doubt that it was a picture passed out by a certain lady maid.

Theresa was silent.

As we all know, white hair is a rare attribute. In this academy, only myself and Kiana have white hair.

Although Miss Kiana is short, she is not short enough to compare her height with Bronya.

There is no doubt that the person lying on the sofa with a strange blushing face...

Just yourself.

"Theresa, you are really amazing."

Immeasurable Takiko, who was really surprised by Teresa, looked at the photo and was amazed.

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