When I was very young, I didn't like the ordinary maid lady, who looked at the boy whose whole body was full of mysteries, and laughed at herself.

Knowing that the guy on the opposite side is super dangerous, a monster that the bishop can only choose to avoid, he actually wants to find out the situation.

However, even if she understood this, Miss Rita still had the desire to explore in her heart.

Curiosity killed the cat, and under her quiet exterior, she has always been a cat girl.

"Alright, alright, that's it for the chat."

Through the contract, the teenager who had seen his subordinates put a deflated Herrscher into a sack and successfully boarded the plane to be sent to the extreme east clapped his hands, signaling the end of the conversation.

Through Miss Teresa's sacrifice, he has learned the skill of "how to quickly and painlessly beat a person until he is completely unconscious", and he can start the next experiment.

As long as the test items and experimental materials are in place, an invincible new group A can be formed.

"The experimenters have already taken their places. Next, I will ask you to help me deliver the materials for the destiny."

"Your will."

Facing Su Han's order, the maid who was assigned by Otto to her side saluted slightly, and then quickly retreated to the door of the office.


As if remembering something, the girl who was about to exit the door suddenly turned around and asked a question in Su Han's somewhat confused expression.

"Excuse me, do you need a maid in your team that is going to another world?"

ps: When I mentioned Fu Zhuangshi, I suddenly remembered that with a picture, Fu Hua's undressed chest muscles are more outrageous than bodybuilders...

ps2: It’s an update today. I didn’t know I made a convertible bond in the morning, and then I didn’t know what was going on in my head. I @@my classmates and family members, and asked them to open an account, and then draw a convertible bond, Then I agreed to buy a share, and I was busy until the evening...

To be honest, the entire income is only 3,000 to 6,000, and even if it operates under the best circumstances, it will not exceed 8,000.

And it's easy to cause financial disputes, but I was so busy all day that I almost forgot about the update...

To be honest, I feel like my brain is really twitching.

Chapter 8 Your little friend, I have all sent to the laboratory

Headache, severe headache.

As if the brain had been emptied, a considerable part of the memory was blank.

As time passed, the memory gradually became clearer.

Roaring beasts, waking dead, winding snakes and vampires...

Horrible scenes appeared in her mind.

Even in a strange world with hundreds of races, the existence of the top predator came without warning, and appeared in front of the orphanage as a hunter.

"I really want to know what the heart of a person who is favored by the Lord tastes like."

"Of course the taste is wonderful, but, unfortunately, that taste is not something we can enjoy."

"Stupid dog, if you're not afraid of turning into fuel, you can try it."

"Of course, there seems to be some unplanned humans in the house not far away. You seem to be able to try it."

Like ghosts and ghosts crawling out of hell, those monsters, under the prompting of their masters, spoke words that only the demons dared to say directly.

Just a face-to-face, Bronya's body was shaking violently because of instinct.

She wanted to escape, but she ran far away.

It was the cry of survival instinct.

For ordinary humans, vampires and orcs are like anteaters standing in front of termites. There is no doubt that they are higher up in the food chain. No matter how brave and strong the warriors among termites are, but once they are not When there is a dispute, there is only one dead end.

But sometimes, the survival instinct will be restrained.

For example, behind his last family members.

A year ago, she lost her beloved sister, and half a month ago, her unreliable mother also died.

She couldn't lose any more loved ones.

To this end, she summoned the arms that her sister gave her, and moved forward.





"So, how long are you going to sleep?"

In order to prevent the serial rollover like the villain of the rpg game, the boy who directly sent the troops who could torture and kill an entire Destiny Branch squatted on the ground, like poking the face of a cat, poking the sleeping girl's cheek.

The facial features are exquisite like a well-carved doll. Even if he was beaten because of being deflated and had a few small scratches on his face, he still has the charm of a thrilling artwork.

Just like all prisoners, the girl was even tied up, and her mouth was even stuffed with a ball of cloth that she didn't know where it came from.

That's Bronya.

Not long ago, in order to collect the adaptability holders of the Herrscher, Su Han arranged a few subordinates to find Chen Tianwu and Bronya who were not in the destiny system.

Realizing that the enemy was an anomalous force, one of them chose to surrender directly after the captors promised to "won't hurt his family", and then was sent to the anti-entropy place to match with the Star of Eden, ready to be like Ophiuchus and Death Just like the emperor's younger brother, he worked as a wage earner for Su Han.

To be honest, the feedback that such a contract can get is far less than that of a blood-sucking contract. However, a blood-sucking contract can easily lead to some unsightly things. In order not to cause the future karius to be wiped out by an angel because of the situation where men are added to men Obliteration, so, it is better to use a simpler contract.

The other, because he was more rebellious, suffered a severe beating.

The one who is full of rebellious spirit is the ten thousand feet of banya who is now paralyzed on the ground.

As the boy's movements gradually became rough, as if he was awakened by something, his consciousness was gradually returning to his sleeping body.

what happened...

The girl who was brutally beaten by monsters from another world opened her eyes and her mind went blank.

Perhaps because the strength gap was too large, she couldn't even recall what kind of attack the enemy used to defeat her.


Where is this place?


A handsome young man caught her eye.

Black hair, black pupils, and straight facial features, when he smiles, it reminds people of the soft wind blowing in the bamboo forest.

The figure moved Bronya instantly.

She has seen the person in front of her.

Not long ago, he led a strange army to defeat the anti-entropic radicals, so that Mama Cocolia lost her rights and was brought back to the headquarters to be executed.

Since then, the possibility of Xier's return to the real world has been completely shattered.

The children of the orphanage were also exiled into the icy world.

This kind of experience made Bronya's impression of Su Han very deep - even if it turned into ashes, she could recognize it, and then she went to raise the ashes.


This time, he carried a sense of existence that was far stronger than all the existences he had encountered.

The same sudden presence as the sudden appearance of monsters that should not exist in this world.

If you want to make an analogy, you suddenly see Mount Everest or Mount Kilimanjaro appearing in front of you. Even if the peaks do not mean to oppress human beings, they can make people’s hearts rise just by standing there. Reverence for nature.

Bronya's heart trembled suddenly.

She remembered that the vampires and orcs had said that they were the ones "the Lord" wanted.

But now, when he woke up after being in a coma, what he saw was this face.

Is he the lord of those ghosts and ghosts?

A great sense of shock rose in the heart of the girl who had played against Su Han not long ago.

Obviously not long ago, he still needed external force to defeat Cocolia's mother...

Is it all an illusion? just acting?

It is completely unimaginable what a person can do to transform into a king who rules over evil spirits within a few months. The girl's body trembled instinctively.

She couldn't imagine that this young man who looked like a demon king in front of him had chosen to send a team to capture him for what reason!

"Long time no see, Bronya."

Just now, the boy who asked a certain maid to bring him the resources of destiny greeted his elementary school classmates in a tone that sounded like hello.

"By the way, what do you think, Rita wants to join your team and go on an expedition to another world?"

In Bronya's slightly confused expression, the young man asked a question, saying that the donkey's head is not the horse's mouth.

Miss Rita seems to be trying to get her life done.

Just before Rita went to see Otto with her letter, the maid asked herself, "Do you need maids in your team?"

The so-called team is naturally the Herrscher team.

As Su Han's family members and the warriors who attacked the singularity, except for a certain duck, they can generally awaken extremely powerful power as long as they shout "I can't do anything".

As the Destiny S-rank Valkyrie, Rita deserves the bottom and the most inspirational one. Miss Rita seems to want to enter it.

To be honest, this is a very embarrassing thing for Su Han.

after all--

Rita had almost written I want to live it up on her face.

Rita has been trained by her father since she was a child, and has been exposed to painting, gardening and other training. Under the elegant appearance, hidden is a longing for an unusual heart. After meeting the Valkyrie Ragnar, she was deeply in love with the Valkyrie. Yearning, with the almost outrageous power of action, became a Valkyrie.

You must know that Ragnar is a Valkyrie who yearns for peace and daily life. She expects Rita to grow up as an ordinary person, get married and have children, and live an ordinary life. She will not recommend Rita at all, or even Rita. Become the resistance of the Valkyrie.

Directly broke into the inner world without any way out, and then quickly became an A-level Valkyrie, and then became the pinnacle of the Valkyrie. It is conceivable that the lady maid's action ability and the exploration of the outside world, language negotiation and even information fraud And so on are quite outrageous levels.

It is conceivable that with the maid's exuberant cat-like curiosity, she will definitely cause trouble for herself.

However, if you think about it in a positive direction, that maid is almighty in housework, and she will definitely take care of everything in the team, including Su Han, who basically only shoots when facing Getia. Man, this is obviously very tempting for Su Han, who is a maid who can't do anything except make black tea.


If a witch who is a pseudo-lolita like Theresa can be more reliable, you don't have to worry about this kind of thing.

The boy who thought of a certain black long straight witch was "waste wood" slapped his mouth.

She said that she was a personal maid, but as a result, she had problems with her ability to live, and needed several fourth primogenitors to take care of her body. It was really useless.

However, having said that, the humiliating face of recommending a pillow seat is also quite cute.

Forgive her because she is cute.

During the time when Su Han was in a turmoil, the girl opposite did not say a word.

Although it is said that people will lose their language ability in times of great crisis, Miss Bronya is one of the most determined people among human beings. When Su Han has not liberated all his strength, it is not enough to directly fight between the two. war.

The main reason she doesn't answer is because...


Like a paramecia being hung up, the girl's pronunciation was extremely vague.

She can't speak at all! !

"Ah, I almost forgot, you still have a cloth in your mouth."

Without the most basic survival pressure, the boy whose tolerance for cute girls has greatly improved looked at the girl who was stuck with a cloth in his mouth, so he couldn't answer, stretched out his hand, and lifted the physical ban.

The bound girl coughed violently as a damp clump of clear, viscous liquid fell, and then took a deep breath of fresh air.

"Ban Ya, as the captain of the next Chaldean Expeditionary Force 1st squad, do you mind that there are many maids in the army who may lead to Fanliu's autism?"

When Miss Banya was trying her best to breathe, the boy's really confusing words fell into Bronya's ears again.

Chaldea Expedition What is that?

What is the meal law?

Bronya, who didn't understand what Su Han was talking about, widened her eyes.

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