Wendy agrees.

Bronya is suitable for bullying, but since she doesn't have the core of Lili, it seems that she can't turn her into a shriveled Herrscher.

Thousands of people are too dishes, and there is no practical significance.


So, is that you?

The young man smiled as he looked at the white hair that was almost certain to be the Binding Herrscher in front of him and Judas who was built with the core of the Binding Herrscher as the core.

Remove Judas and the core will be there.

Coincidentally, there is also a Herrscher adaptability holder in front of him.

This is God's will.

"What's your look like?"

Feeling Su Han's strange gaze, Teresa couldn't help shivering.

I don't know if it's an illusion, she feels that her current virginity seems to be facing an unprecedented crisis.

Facing Theresa's question, the teenager just smiled, and then issued an invitation to Theresa.

"That...my world tree is quite big, you can come in and sit..."

Chapter 7 Lady Maid Want to join?

The Herrscher is not a physical existence, that's for sure.

Even if the prototype of the body is a fusion warrior of the second generation, its physical anti-strike ability is only the level of the beast turned orc.

The mental resistance is extremely strong, and the monkey version of Yu Duchen transformed by the angel of change is not enough to completely dominate the personality of the Herrscher.

The ability potential is extremely high, and it is obviously just that it has no surface-level combat power, and it can indeed forcibly restrain the spiritual power and magic power of "God".

However, it is well known that only mentioning potential but not power is a hooligan, and its output level is limited.

After the Herrscher's personality is sealed, it does not mean that it has completely disappeared. If it comes into contact with massive amounts of Honkai energy in an instant, there is a probability that the seal of the "sealing and releasing master" will be torn apart and reappear in the world.

Existence is a hidden danger that needs to be resolved.

If you use the power of reverse Kabbalah to forcibly dominate, it will affect its human personality, which is not suitable.

Activating the Angel of Nothing can obliterate it, but the Angel of Nothing consumes a lot of money and can easily cause accidental injuries, so it is not suitable to use.

Perhaps, from the metaphysical worldview of Xingyue, we can look for existences who are good at personality change, and completely remove or replace the Herrscher's personality with a human personality. This move is just in line with the Chaldean aid plan. Resolved at Chaldea.


... The blood of the true ancestor seems to have undergone some strange changes under the influence of inverse Kabbalah. If the contract time is too long, it may wake up the contracted person, ahem, need the ability holder to recite more Buddhist scriptures every day, to practice Zen.

- "On the first example of the Prometheus experiment"

The teenager with tooth marks and saliva still left on his face was holding a quill pen that was more meaningful than using, and wrote on kraft paper, which was also more meaningful than using, and recorded his experimental results.

Beside him, a white-haired pseudo-lolita with a big bag on her head was stuck on the sofa chair in an upside-down look, perhaps because her posture was too Gintama, and the spring was shining brightly, but she No charm.

"So, the head of the academy... ahem, the captain is the third Herrscher today—restraint?"

As if she had encountered something very outrageous, Rita, who was ordered to receive the research results, looked at the white-haired \"girl\" who was physically silenced, with a subtle expression.

"Well, unsurprisingly, Teresa has bound Herrscher adaptability."

The boy with the tooth marks on his face turned the pen, and then like throwing a flying needle, he put the quill into the ink bottle, and then stretched.

Perhaps because in his own domain, Su Han can change the rules of the world at will, and can go back in time at any time, Su Han did not prepare any facilities, and directly dragged Theresa to the world within his own tree of Kabbalah. , threw it in the realm, and then dismantled the key of God. Judas' oath, and then detonated the core of the Herrscher and the massive Honkai energy together.

After the massive Honkai Energy eroded Theresa to the extreme, it began to condense and turned into a new Herrscher core.

Then, naturally, he beat up a certain Herrscher who seemed to be a bit anti-human in the way of flying bricks, sealed his personality, and then obtained his family by sucking blood.

emmm, perhaps because of the need to test the appropriate degree of strength, the strength used by Su Han's physical silence method is gradually increasing, and the strength in the early stage is not heavy, and a certain white-haired ball often wakes up...

The bite marks and saliva on Su Han's face were left over from several strength tests.

However, no matter what, it was a test of the strength that could knock the Herrscher out.

Next, a certain process can be reproduced continuously, and then a new Chaldean A group can be organized.

There was some expectation in the young man's smile.

"Disintegrate the God's Key, and then destroy the Herrscher core or the Herrscher gem, so that the adaptable holders of Honkai Energy can accept the power of God. This plan has been completely realized."

"How about it, isn't it a great plan?"

As if showing off, the boy explained to the maid that Otto had assigned to him.

That speech made Rita, who was beside her, smile bitterly.

Creating a Herrscher, this job can be said to be not difficult at all, even Cocolia's anti-entropy first husband understands. The thing that really can be called technical content is how to control the Lawyer!

It's a bit outrageous for the group owner to brag about his own means of creating Herrschers, rather than his own control methods.


Having said that, is the manufacturing price of artificial Herrschers so high?

Rita frowned slightly.

Man-made Herrschers are different from natural Herrschers, each one needs a Herrscher core or Herrscher gem as the price.

Take Teresa as an example, the price of her incarnation as a Herrscher is the dissolution of Judas' oath.

And the oath of Judas is an uncompromising key to God. Even in the previous era when the level of technology was outrageous, it can also be called a treasured super weapon.

However, after recalling the face of her own boss, Rita became clear for a while.

Although it consumes a lot of money, for the bishop, the disintegration of a mere God's key is not a big deal.

after all--

For him, there is only one thing in this world that can be called a big thing.

And that matter can already be solved through Chaldea.

It was clear that Miss Rita, who Su Han had reached an agreement with Chaldeas, looked at the boy in front of him with a little curiosity.

Su Han's reputation in the group is actually quite subtle since Su Han directly beat up the three true ancestors, and then made Nangong's world a mess that month.

The Lezi people represented by Dadalia sincerely invited Su Han to travel with a welcome attitude, wanting to see whether the world will enter a new era because of the appearance of this group leader.

Romani, on the other hand, is a conservative group friend. As long as the group owner is mentioned, he will slap him and go to work overtime.

Because it was difficult to have a life as a "human", Dr. Romani cherished everything in front of him very much. He didn't like too many variables, and naturally he didn't like the mad dog-like changes brought about by Su Han.

How did Su Han persuade him to send an invitation letter.

Curious, really curious.

Perhaps because she is also a fun person, Miss Rita is a little curious about her current superior.

"Okay, the results of the first experiment have come out, and it's time to prepare for other changes."

"Please apply to the bishop for 'Gem of Desire', 'Stone of Tranquility', 'Plague Gem', 'Key of Ice' and 'Key of Reason' on my behalf."

The boy smiled and said something that made Rita stunned.

Apply for Thirst Gem, Tranquility Gem, Plague Gem, Ice Key and Reason Key in one go? !

Thirst Gem, Tranquility Gem, Plague Gem...

This is the harvest obtained by the destiny after paying a huge price to hunt down the second Herrscher, and it belongs to the strategic material that is considered to be able to create a Herrscher-level armament.

The Ice Key, the powerful God key sealed in the Destiny headquarters.

The Key of Reason, Bishop Otto's favorite weapon, the one that he carries with him.

If Su Han only needs one or two of them, Miss Rita would not care. After all, Su Han's strength and status are there.

But, ask for these in one go...

Is this to directly strip away the destiny? !

"Don't you think... it's a little unreasonable for you to ask for these things all at once?"

Resisting the urge to take a breath and let the global weather warm, Rita couldn't help but look at the boy's black pupils, which were a little red, and her voice was frightened.

"I think I might have less."

Facing Miss Rita's question, Su Han rolled his eyes.

Not to mention the Lost Belt that will only appear after Getia hits the streets, you have nine singularities in total, removing the initial F and the final ending, but there are still seven singularities.

Seven special spots and seven Lostbelts!

But what Destiny can provide is only the materials to make six Herrschers.

For the remaining position, he would have to go to Changkong City to dig a donkey and a donkey or find Fu Zhuangshi, so that she could give up the treatment, so that the treasure could be born.

That tone made the corner of Miss Rita's mouth twitch involuntarily.

Why is this guy able to say such outrageous things righteously!

Perhaps it was because of Yu Duchen's piece of feathers, the young man who was very sensitive to emotional changes said with a look of surprise in Miss Rita's stunned eyes.

"The supreme power of the destiny was handed over to me early in the morning."


As the words came out, Rita was really stunned.

The supreme power of destiny has been handed over?

Why doesn't she know?

The dazed and somewhat cute look fell into Su Han's eyes, which made him sigh involuntarily.

If he remembered correctly, Otto's introduction to Rita was that she was all-powerful at housekeeping, shrewd, good at psychological tactics and intelligence gathering...

But in front of me is a Er Ha!

"Ah, are you really the one in charge of assassination and intelligence gathering?"

Very straightforward, Su Han asked a topic that embarrassed Miss Rita.

"It feels silly and silly."

In response, Miss Rita could only return an embarrassed but polite smile.

Stupid, should she thank Su Han for saying that she is cute, or should she euphemistically explain that she is not an idiot like Captain Hollander?

She did get a little rude just now.

After all, someone suddenly said that the supreme power of the destiny had been handed over a long time ago. This kind of thing is a bit outrageous for the wage earners who belong to the destiny.

"Excuse me... Captain, can you explain a little bit about the transfer of power?"

Perhaps it was because the problems that were ushering in now were too outrageous, and Miss Rita's voice couldn't help being a little hurried.

"This kind of thing, when I came back, was already the default thing."

He almost never cares about things. He was begged by the old black snake to be the emperor in the ark world. He chose to run away, and let Su Han, who was in the top of Tarua, speak, and said what he and Otto could get without communication. contract.

"Mr. Bishop is a person who is very good at analyzing the situation. I am strong and he is weak. I can choose many people. I am the only reliable way for him to resurrect the person he loves the most."

Like an aloof monarch, the extremely lazy boy casually spoke words that silenced Rita.


Bishop Otto is a wise man.

When a smart person encounters someone who is irresistible and needs help, he will naturally do everything he can. If Su Han opens his mouth, I am afraid that the bishop of destiny will also fall into Su Han's hands.

after all--

For that monster, the aura of the Destiny Bishop is just a good-looking "chip".

So, even the bishop can only choose to obey, where did he come from, and how did he control the pattern of the world? How did it become so powerful?

Suddenly, she found that the maid, who knew almost nothing about her vice-captain, unexpectedly found that she was in fear, but in addition to the fear, there was also the desire to explore to the end.


If you look at it this way, you're really in danger.

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