——The main body of the banquet of flames, the second of the twelve clones of the Fourth Primogenitor.

This was the result of the actions of a hunting force composed of prison inmates.

After confirming that the First Primogenitor was missing, an arms dealer with vacant power but incompetent combat skills decided to contact some Jewish guys in Eagle Sauce to discuss how to start a war business.


Then he was smashed to pieces.

The two true ancestral beasts are indeed powerful, but the criminals in the prison enchantment have no shortage of masters who can hold back the true ancestral beasts after gaining the power shared by Su Han.

Then, of course, the happy heads-up session.

Well, the mighty, ferocious, and powerful arms dealer singled out twenty weak and powerless vampires, werewolves, giants, and elves.

After a duel was over, these True Ancestors were given to Su Han by the criminals.

It is conceivable that as time continues, the remaining ten will quickly fall into his hands, and the banquet of flames will be completely ended.

"Is there anything inappropriate?"

Facing Kelsey's question, Su Han just casually shook the black tea cup in his hand.

"For taking blood or something, you only need to draw the first to third primordial ancestors. The fourth primogenitor is a bit redundant. Isn't it suitable to pack it back as a maid?"

No, not at all reasonable.

Looking at the boy who was completely aroused by the maid agreement with Nangong that month, Kelsey couldn't help covering his face,

This guy, like his old sister, is a master who can't stand temptation.

"Anyway, I think it's pretty good."

Unreasonable and strong, the young man stretched his back and told his desires.

"If it weren't for the problem of worldview, I would still try to raise 20,000 Misaka sisters."

When it comes to hordes, one cannot help but mention legions.

When it comes to Legion, I have to mention Yuriko Suzuka... ahem, sister Misaka.

Su Han thought about it, and then thought about whether he would meet a guy with a magical worldview in the future, and then get a sister Misaka Corps.

Although it can't bring any reinforcement to himself, it is an achievement anyway.

Just like when you arrive at the moon, you will raise old bugs, and in the jojo world view, you must beat the scumbag boss, in the magic forbidden world view, defeating the invincible party lo*ic*n, and robbing Misaka's sister is also a compulsory course.

If you don't get targeted by those old and immortal demon gods, maybe you can try to watch the waves in the world of the forbidden world.

Thinking like this, Su Han seriously chose to click on the function obtained because the consumption limit exceeded one million points - "group krypton service", cough "group customer service", and asked.

"If I go to the world view of the forbidden world, can the group chat guarantee that I will be treated as an aboriginal and will not be discovered by the devil and the big bald people, and then block the door?"

"Dear, this service is not open, but considering that you are a group vip and group owner, I am here to answer your message."

"You only need to pay 50 million points to open the world shield mode or draw character replacement cards with the help of European energy, considering that the latter's shipping probability is lower than that of fgoc with one single full treasure and two rounds of Yuanshen with ten consecutive full lives and special martial arts. Jing Wu, the group assistant recommends that you have difficulty in serving, instead of betting on your face."

If you want the entire Misaka sister army, the price is 50 million points, or you can find a worm arrow and give yourself an arrow to awaken the invincible star of the European Emperor.

Dry, it is indeed a group krypton suit.

With an expressionless face, Su Han, whose whole body was not enough to activate the project, turned off the group krypton server function and chose to return to reality.

You need a lot of points if you want to live unfettered.

So, the top priority now is to make money and earn points.

So, is there anything to earn points other than Terra Mine?

Condensing spiritual crystals by intercepting the power of the ley lines?

Pass, the birth of high-power spirit crystals will basically bring great damage to the world in which they live. In addition, this thing is a strengthening item for the spirit system. Compared with selling it directly, it is obviously better to give to girlfriends as gifts. Okay.

Participate in the Holy Grail War and sell the black cup?

Pass, summoning a few batches of Servants to be thugs through the Broken Cup War is almost the same, expecting that cup to sell 50 million points... I really want to eat peaches.

"I am really poor."

During the group chat, Su Han couldn't help sighing.

Those words, "?" popped out from the top of the heads of the group of friends who were present.

"Boss, are you in Versailles?"

The first person to make a sound was Irena, who was counting the head count outside. This witch, who had always been Su Han's job, questioned extremely sharply.

Su Han is a person from Versailles.

"Have it?"

In this regard, probably because he lived in the Palace of Versailles all the year round, the boy who did not notice the problem made a puzzled voice.

"I just...found an expensive feature in group chats, so it's a bit..."

Having said that, Su Han stopped.

I almost forgot that the group krypton server function is only open to those who consume more than five million points. I can get that function because I have the bonus of the group owner buff, and I can open it with a cumulative consumption of one million. Group krypton suit.

Except for him, all the people in the group add up, it is estimated that there is no one million points, not to mention the group krypton server function enabled by the achievement "Krypton Server Difficulty".

Forget it, let's not talk about it.

What he said will make people in the group feel what is called a class gap, and then try to come here to beg for food.

Thinking like this, Su Han closed his mouth and immediately began to change the subject.

"Speaking of which, haven't there been any newcomers in the group recently?"

"I always feel like I haven't seen a new face for a long time."

The addition of newcomers is what Su Han cares about the most.

after all--

Human desires are endless.

In his eyes now, points not calculated by w are meaningless.

However, there are not many ways to earn points.

Terra's Originium Mine, the oligarchic wealth of the bloodthirsty raiding world has been developed and is being developed, and it is temporarily impossible to count on it.

The ley lines of each world are basically determined to be used to transform into spiritual crystals, which will be used to strengthen Tokisaki Kurumi and the others.

There is a bit of trouble on the moon. After all, there is a thing called inhibition there. If you play too much, you will easily be brought to justice. Although Su Han felt that he had a chance of winning against most of the Lostbelt Kings, he still needed to consider the possibility of the gutter capsize.

In a short period of time, it seems that there are too many things that can be called new energy to earn points.

So, it would be nice if there were newcomers at this time.

If there are new people, there will be a world that can be developed, and points can be earned.

Obviously, there are still many things that need to be done, such as hunting the true ancestor, marrying Tarua, and even sending blood to the Honkai World to complete the collective evolution of mankind, promising the pioneers to find a colony, and helping Otto revive Karen. However, Su Han still started. Lamented the points.

What should I say, this product is probably out of money.

"Boss, you better wake up."

Irena, who had almost guessed what Su Han was thinking, sighed and typed a line.

"Because of the high degree of fishing, you have accumulated a large number of tasks that you have not dealt with. If you lie down again, your reputation will go bankrupt."

Su Han, who has been prostituting the goods of destiny and anti-entropy technology for free, the third **** key of the world snake is still in his hands, and he has not returned it so far.

Make no mistake, these are deals.

After receiving the goods, Su Han, the seller of pit goods, has not delivered the goods so far.

In the face of credit bankruptcy, Su Han obviously did not take it to heart.

"Don't worry, it's not a big problem."

"Otto and the others can't find me. As long as they can't find me, I don't have to face those problems."

The unreasonable and vigorous declaration appeared on the group chat screen, making the group chat silent all of a sudden.

"I always feel that Mr. group owner's reputation seems to be getting more and more difficult to describe."

A very subtle speech, sent from the account of the little donkey.

Perhaps because she was worried about Su Han's face, she didn't say words like "bad" and "laolai".

However, even so, it still caused the echo of the group members.

"u1s1, qs."

"In general reason, it is."

Facing the emotions of the group friends, Su Han rolled his eyes and said casually.

"Is it possible that they can send someone to the group to urge me?"

This broken group basically does not add new people very much, and it even makes people feel that this group has reached the upper limit, and it is impossible to add people.

Thinking like this, Su Han was going to close the group chat and ignore the group friends' comments on their negligent attitude towards work.


A burst of mechanized synthetic sound suddenly exploded in his ears.


Newcomer here?

Su Han, who had always wanted new people, quickly opened the group chat to check.

"Nail--, a new group friend 'mental control' joins the group chat."

Shokuhou praying?

Looking at the title, Su Han couldn't help sighing.

Ah, the world of this stuff costs 50 million for the entry fee alone, and it can't be developed at all!

It would be nice to have a second group friend.

So far, Su Hannian, who has never seen two group friends appearing together, is broken.


As if responding to something, the next moment, a new beep sounded.

"Nail——, the new group friend 'The Herrscher of Color' joins the group chat."

Herrscher of Color?

Su Han's expression suddenly became richer.


Really sent someone to rush to work! !

Chapter 53 Come out to mix, still pay

Probably came out of the shadow of the previous group owner being assassinated inexplicably. After a long silence, the group chat chose to start pulling people, and even pulled in two group friends at once.

One of the bee-eaters prayed.

Among the only seven superpowers in Academy City, he is ranked fifth, and the strongest psychic in Academy City, whose ability is called "psychological mastery".

He handles all mental phenomena with one hand, and like Yu Duchen, he is a universal superpower like a Swiss knife.

Of course, this was not what Su Han focused on.

Su Han wants new group friends in order to get a world that can be developed, not to send heads.

A fish tank with a Leviathan.

This metaphor is probably the most appropriate description of the worldview of the forbidden world.

Demon God, a thing with more and more outrageous settings as the version is updated.

From the original permission dog, to the magician who studies the truth of all things, to the ultimate creature who can knead the universe at will, these few things have been updated with the version (very outrageous), and they have become the gatekeepers of multi-dimensionality - hit If you win the Demon God, you are multi-dimensional, but if you can't beat it, you are super single.

A group of monsters that can generally knead the universe at will shrank on the earth, paralyzed there like dried salted fish.

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