Obviously, Su Han has no intention of going thousands of miles to send people's heads for the time being.

Naturally, he had no interest in Miss Shokuhou Misaki, who was ranked fifth among the seven disabled people in Academy City.

Compared with Miss Shokuhou Cao Qi, Su Han was more concerned about another lady.

- The Law of Color.

The Herrscher, the apostle of God under the collapsed world view, the greatest enemy of mankind.

However, under the version update of "overnight, turned against the whole class", the Herrschers of this era are becoming the mainstay of mankind's fight against the collapse one by one, so the word Herrscher has also become a joke.

For example, the Herrscher of Insects - Kiana, the Herrscher of Rice - Thunder and Lightning Mei, the Herrscher of the Shrink - Three Generations Walter, and the Green of Forgiveness - Otto.

In the collapsed world view, the degree of astringency can be called the Herrscher of Color, probably only...

"Group leader - Su Han?"

"It turns out that the vice-captain has been fishing here all the time?"

On the floating island of Destiny's Austrian headquarters, the maid, who was once dispatched by Otto to be a personal maid and part-time monitor for someone, looked at the title of the boy in the first row of the group list—nickname, with a slight expression in her expression. amazed.

Not long ago, the Bishop of Destiny entrusted the lady maid and the members of the Xuelian team to follow a guy who had an important role in destiny but disappeared all the time. Report to the bishop whether a certain cadre is doing serious business or fishing.

However, because of the scumbag's request for help, Su Han performed on the spot what is meant by disappearing on the spot.

Immediately after that, Tokisaki Kurumi also slipped away because of Miss Tarua's affairs. If there were still a group of elves still in the collapsed world, to be honest, Rita was a little doubtful that the vice-captain was carrying money. run away.

Looking at the very familiar name, this beautiful girl who was Su Han's subordinate pulled up the portrait, and soon, Su Han's speech fell into her field of vision.

"Don't worry, it's not a big problem."

"As long as Otto and the others can't find me, I don't have to work hard."


It was like a paid shit-like declaration, and it was recorded in the group chat records. The polite smile that Miss Rita often had on the face of the Secret Force of Destiny completely collapsed, and the corners of her mouth twitched slightly.

What the **** is the face of such a salary thief?

Rita felt that if she sent the current group chat record to the bishop, she would probably make the bishop's entire face black, take off his glasses with trembling hands, and then start to become incompetent and furious.

Bishop: The organization of Destiny needs a tiger in town, a wolf who is good at fighting, a diligent scalper, and Su Jun. As the best talent in the new generation of Destiny, what do you think you are?

Vice-captain: I am the grass on the wall, the rice bucket to eat, and the drum to quit the hall (proud).

I don't know if she was hallucinating, but Miss Rita felt that such a strange scene suddenly appeared in her mind.

So, what's next?

Miss Rita, who was mainly to find the vice-captain who had been missing for about half a month, placed her slender fingers on her attractive cherry lips and tapped lightly, her charming wine-red eyes flashing with thoughtful light.

At this time, directly urging the deputy captain to go back to work does not seem to be a very reasonable Yazi.

So, let me introduce myself first, and then go say hello to the vice-captain.

"Rita Roseweather, just call me Rita, everyone."

Just like in Destiny, this aristocratic Valkyrie chose to speak as a maid and introduced herself.

"Also - long time no see, Master Su Han."

The soft and delicate voice of the lady maid rang out in the group chat through voice transmission, and the tone that was like a long-awaited reunion made Miss Tokisaki frown.

The group members present did not speak for a while.

As soon as I came in, I called out the name of the group owner, and it felt like the old lover of the group owner came to the door.

At this time, it is better for unrelated people to act as a background board or go offline directly.

"My stomach hurts!!" (Romani)

"I'm going to deliver paper to Romani" (Dardalia)

“I’m going to monopolize toilet paper and sell it to Dada ducks at a high price” (Irena)

"I went to the Industry and Commerce Bureau to report Irena" (Tohsaka Rin)


Maybe it's because the people present are all established people with serious occupations, and they all have a certain ability to read the atmosphere. When they feel that the atmosphere is a bit wrong, most people choose to log off secretly or for extremely weird reasons. String.

In just an instant, the list in the group chat has been blackened.

The little donkey also chose to go offline, and then went online again soon.

After listening to her that her brother seemed to have encountered Shura Field, the doctor asked her to go back to the live broadcast. If she didn't report it, she would be in command center 996 for three days.

At first glance, only Su Han himself, Miss Kuangsan who smelled fox, the little donkey who was forced to be a live broadcast tool, and Shokuhou who didn't seem to understand anything, and the crumbs who liked to use an ambiguous tone. maid.

One male, four females.

So, what to say next?

"It's only half a month later, why are you so cold, Captain?"

As if encountering a very interesting thing, the lady maid who belongs to the Inextinguishable Blade said in a rather ambiguous tone.

"Lord Hollander and Lord Anna are always thinking of you, but they are talking about you every day."

"Please don't be so ambiguous about wanting a sandbag that can keep up with your own reflexes, and needing someone to handle the dark dishes you make at will."

In the face of Miss Rita's speech, Su Han felt a pain in his teeth.

This scumbag woman had to talk about these extremely ambiguous words when Tokisaki Kusan was there, she was simply possessed by Mapo and became a pleasure demon.

Ah this...

Seeing that resolute statement, the maid-girl who was far away in the collapsed world couldn't help but look at the kitchen next to her.

There, a chestnut-haired girl who temporarily learned to cook from herself is working energetically to make dishes that can be called delicious in Daehyun.

This talent can be regarded as a top five girl among the Valkyries of the Destiny generation. After learning that she was about to serve as the bodyguard of a branch chief, she began to try to improve her female power.

What to say?

Are all the girls in the Shaniat family so easy to give for nothing?

I vaguely remember that the acquaintance of the Valkyrie named Anna and her vice-captain was not pleasant, and the expression of Miss Rita, who even had a little friction, was a little subtle. Her description of the relationship between Hollander and Su Han was indeed mixed with water.

However, there seems to be no problem with her description of Miss Anna's admiration for a missing professional.

"Okay, I know, when I kill the remaining two true ancestors, and then hold a ceremony, I will return to the collapsed world to deal with the problems left over from history."

Before Miss Rita could say anything, the young man sighed and said.

As a debtor, he did owe a lot of favors in the collapsed world.

Among them, the goddess who helped the first green person, the green one who forgives, resurrect himself.

There is also the gift of anti-entropy, which can enhance the strength of human beings in all directions and make it easier to survive the difficulties.

Knock out the pioneers, send them to a world suitable for human development, and open the 2.0 version of the Ark Project.

These things really need to be dealt with.

Well, except for the first one, which is more troublesome, it is estimated that you have to ask the doctor for the technique of spiritual transfer, and the rest are easy to solve.

Regarding the matter of spanning five hundred years in one breath, the immature boy nodded, recalling the possibility of a deal mentioned by a doctor who lacked everything.

Having said that, the doctor's world line seems to be the world line where Alaya lies directly and Gaia pretends to be dead. In that world line, there is absolutely no need to worry about the crown Servant shouting "Allahhu Akbar", and Resurrection of the Age of Gods, grabbing the Holy Grail is called foundation restoration, and cutting the fantasy tree is called fantasy excision. If you think about it this way, go there to get a few cups, chop down trees, etc. It seems like a good idea.

The former can summon a bunch of heroic spirits to be their technical development employees and help them develop their abilities. The latter is more powerful. It can initialize the planet and rebuild the strange props of the new world. No matter how you think about it, the magic of that thing will not lose to the original. Elves, and the price points of the original elves' spirit crystals and reversed spirit crystals seem to be close to ten million.

Thinking of this, Su Han's eyes couldn't help but start to light up.

As long as they can develop to fullness, that's a million points.

Although Su Han has no shortage of points for the time being, but group chat is a deadly money thing, given enough points, even the "world shield mode" that blocks the perception of demons can be turned on, from the flattering degree to VIP customers. Look, as long as the points are enough, the group chat is estimated to be able to directly turn the difficult world into a Lihua-world.

"Just a little question, how many points are in the 'world tiaojiao mode'?"

Seemingly remembering something very serious, Su Han asked about the group krypton suit.

"This group chat is a serious group chat, there is no such strange service."

To be fair, the group of kryptonites issued a warning.

"Mr. group owner, you must understand that the most sacred existence in this world is the bright starry sky above our heads and the moral code of our hearts. It is inappropriate for you to make such bottomless requirements for group chats. I suggest you take a shower and wake up—"

"I can add points, one hundred and fifty percent of the original price."


The group krypton suit stopped talking.

After a long time, like a thief, a small page appeared in Su Han's line of sight, and then sent a message.

"According to the world rank and the level of force in the world, it can range from one million points to hundreds of millions."

That scene made Su Han awestruck.

Today, this group chat that recognizes points can really open the world tiaojiao mode.

"Sure enough, earning more points is correct."

In the bewildered expressions of Honjo Erya and Kelsey on the side, the ability and Gaetia's ability should be sent to the fighting beast, and the boy who is estimated to be able to cause a torn battle opened his mouth and sighed.

Decided, then go to kick Getia's door, and then meet fgo2.0.

"Please tell Bishop Otto, at most half a month, I will set off to another world to get you the way to travel through time."

As long as he tastes the sweetness, he will definitely get lost in the singularity and the Lostbelt, the boy who forgot about Otto declared solemnly.

Those words of determination made the opposite Miss Rita stunned, and she didn't even have time to continue flirting.

This kind of speech that involves a major process must be explained to the bishop.

"I have recorded your remarks, but I personally recommend that you take your attention away from the sea of ​​stars and focus on the girls around you."

The maid replied in such a hurry, and then went offline.

"So, there is no Asura field at all."

The little donkey who was forced by the doctor to broadcast live here pouted and went offline.

For a time, only Su Han, Tokisaki Kurumi, and a famous physically disabled person in Academy City who hadn't spoken were left in the entire group chat.

"Dear, do you have such a good relationship with the girls of the Inextinguishable Blade?"

Thoughtfully, Tokisaki asked three questions.

"It's just that we practiced our hands together before."

To put it lightly, Su Han brushed over his affairs in Destiny.

"Speaking of which, why didn't the other group friend speak?"

With his excellent ability to change topics, the boy who solved all the crimson fantasies chose to try @ for a bit of psychological control.

"Miss Shokuhou Caoqi, won't you say a word?"

After speaking like this, the superhuman who had been silent for a while finally made a move and turned on the voice input.



There was a scream from the stomach.

ps: The Herrscher of Color was mentioned earlier, and some people guessed it was Alicia, which is understandable. After all, Miss Pink Leprechaun is indeed flying with anger.

But why are there still guesses about Paramecium and Otto? That's the Herrscher of the Pufferfish/Firefly and the Green One of Forgiveness! !

Chapter 54 It's too late, someone kidnapped a middle school student!

It's a dessert shop.

In the glass cabinet facing the outside of the dessert shop, there are also exquisite cakes and display samples of desserts.

Just in front of the glass cabinet, a young girl was standing there, leaning forward, staring at a cake in the cabinet.


Because of hunger, a rather indecent voice sounded from the girl's stomach.

So hungry, really hungry.

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