He once walked the world in the name of Solomon and established the kingdom of God. He also acted recklessly, causing the world to fall into the shadow of the blood race. He finally chose to embrace peace and established a sanctuary that has maintained peace for all races in the world for thousands of years. treaty.


That is the king that all the blood races and even the demons in this world need to bow down to, the first true ancestor.

And the young man who was mistaken for the true ancestor stood under the tree and smiled, like playing a joke, picked up the wine glass, took a cup of blood from the wound of the undefeated true ancestor, and drank it.

All inferences have been pushed down.

He is not the true ancestor, he is the reason why the true ancestor disappeared from this world! !

Endless fear shrouded the hearts of those prisoners...

In the face of such a monster, how many people can have the desire to fight?

Waiting to be slaughtered is probably their true portrayal.

I had also thought that the witch who was waving her sword towards Su Han looked at the boy who was carrying a witch who was apparently half-dead, and her expression was completely covered by shock.

"Aren't you coming to see your friend?"

Like holding Kelsey by the back of the neck, the boy casually threw the witch, who was said to be Nangong's best friend that month, to the gaping witch who was probably less than half his age.

Like a short-legged but agile goalkeeper, Nangong jumped up suddenly, hugged his good friend Ji who was much taller than him, and then staggered to catch him.

That's her good friend, Ah Ye.

A witch who hates all magical things and longs to make magic, demons, and monsters completely disappear from the world.

She was the only criminal in the entire prison who was not penetrated by the branches of the divine tree and then obliterated.

"This is your good friend, so I'll let him go for the time being."

"Is this the group owner's mercy for the group members?"

Nangong, who had no idea what his group owner was doing in this world, murmured in a low voice that month.

This guy said he made an agreement with him, and let him be his subordinate for five years in exchange for the end of the flame dinner and the peace of Itogami Island. As a result, when the goods came, he directly knocked off the first primogenitor, and then again Snap off the entire prison barrier...

To be honest, Nangong felt that this product might be here to experience the unparalleled feeling.

"No, not every group friend can have your treatment. This is a preferential treatment for beautiful female group friends who have a good relationship with me."

In the face of Nangong's muttering that month, the teenager who had become more and more free of himself shook his head, using an analogy that would make Dada Duck and the doctor feel boundless in their hearts.

"If Dada Duck were in front of me, I would not hesitate to throw him into the nuclear waste water in the land of the rice wife, feel a bag of rice, but a bag of rice on a twenty-story building."

"If the doctor dares to stand in front of me, I will directly feed Merlin to the drowning fountain, and then summon the Queen of Sheba and Da Vinci, throw them into a room, and feel what it means to be a man plus a man."

"If you were a boy or an ugly girl, you would have been thrown into outer space by me to be a Kaz, how would you have time to talk to me here?"

As if making a conclusion, the boy clapped his hands and said.

It really is...

honest enough.

Nangong thought about that month.

So, is he able to stand here entirely because his parents gave him a beautiful appearance?

However, is it really good to have an overly gorgeous appearance?

The corners of the witch's mouth, who could already recall the feelings from her clone, were slightly bitter.

Is it the preferential treatment in exchange for the sacrifice of the clone?

It's really an unpleasant treat.

"What exactly do you want to do?"

The witch, whose brain was about to shut down, couldn't imagine the intention of the boy in front of her, bit her lip and asked.

"Of course, these guys who are quite good in combat will be organized as an armed force to maintain the order that may be chaotic in the future."

Naturally, the boy answered.

"Although he is not a good person, I think, unless it is a last resort, there is no need to destroy civilization in exchange for a little improvement."

"I will catch three true ancestors next. Before I get what I want, I will temporarily replace the group of true ancestors and maintain the Sanctuary Treaty."

Su Han is not a person who doesn't care about it after finishing his life.

Probably out of the leisure or sympathy of the superior, after plundering the resources of a certain place, he will throw in the technology of other worlds as compensation, and try to maintain the world order.

This operation has been staged more than once in Terra Continent.

However, the words that fell into Nangong Nayue's ears made her look deeply worried.

At first glance, this behavior seems fine.

After all, as the strong side, he could have directly plundered everything from the weak, but he did not choose to plunder directly, but rather left the "equivalent" decently, and even tried to maintain order.


We have no reason to expect people who formerly lived civilian lives to know how to give orders, unless they are men of great ability and intelligence.

Su Han does have considerable ability and intelligence, but his outstanding ability and intelligence are obviously not in governance.

The premise of his governance of the Terra Continent is actually that "there is no person in the management who can resist the mind controller", so that people with excellent intelligence can give up fighting and interests, and become tools to maintain order, so that the achievement should only exist in theory. efficient governance.

The demi-humans in Terra Continent have limited fighting power, so Su Han can quickly and gracefully obtain benefits while listening to the hymn of demi-humans in Terra World.

The worldview of Bloodthirsty Raid is different.

Yuduchen's piece of feathers and the fake Yuduchen might be able to make the people of Terra Continent surrender, but there are people who can resist that kind of mental damage in their own world.

And this world is rich in head iron baby.

Take the so-called Black Death Royal faction as an example, even though a large number of their compatriots are slaughtered by the attackers and vampires because of their death every day, they still believe that the orcs are the most perfect race in the world, and they should enslave the human beings and the vampires who occupy the land. other demons.

Obviously, in such a world full of fools, it is difficult for Su Han to make the world revolve around his thoughts after his mind control ability is unreliable.

"...Are you worried that I can't govern the world well?"

If the commander can only be converted into the leadership of the moon without using special means, the young man who supported the death of C+ was stunned when he felt the extremely complicated expression on the side of Nangong that month.

Nangong Nayue, who didn't know how good someone was at hanging up, was silent for a moment and nodded.

From Su Han's speech, she can guess that Su Han's next governance policy is to mentally control a group of government roles, and then maintain world peace by means of high-pressure rule.

Clearly, a sick and riotous society will follow.

Feeling Nangong's gaze that month, Su Han's expression condensed, and he felt that he, as the Fenglingyue Shadow Sect, seemed to be underestimated.

His leadership skills are indeed not good, but his skills are top-notch!

Check out the anti-revolutionary list.

Special forces, understand.

Su Han is indeed not good at managing batch after batch of ambitionists, but he is good at harvesting batch after batch of leeks... ahem, ambitionists, transforming their souls into fuel for his own evolution.

"If that's the case, then, that month, are you going to make a bet with me?"

Immediately, as if he had encountered something very interesting, the head of the Wind Spirit Moon Shadow Sect smiled.

Looking at the aristocratic witch, he suddenly had some interesting ideas.

For example, maid, maid, or maid.


Bet what?

Doubt rose in the witch's heart.

"If I don't govern the world well, I will go back to the past, stop 'me' and restart the world line."

The words that made Nangong Nayue's heart beat instantly made her delicate little face flash a little surprise.

"You blocked in front of me over and over again, being super unbehaved or something, wasn't it all because you were worried that I would screw things up?"

"Since I'm so worried, then let me put a little chip on it."

Like the temptation of the devil, the young man made an offer that Nangong Nayue couldn't refuse.

"So what if I lose?"

After a long silence, the witch's red lips slightly opened.

In Nangong's knowledge that month, he smiled and said to the young man who had done all kinds of bad things to him.

"I won, how about you be my maid?"

Chapter 52 It's too late, someone has joined the group to urge work! !

Itogami Island should belong to Nangong Nayue's office.

The handsome young man, Zheng Ge You, slumped on the luxurious seat, squinting. Behind him, the girl with long iridescent hair and eyes like fireworks massaged him like the most dedicated maid, under the care of the maid. Down, the boy looked like an orange cat that was sunburned and didn't want to turn over.

Nangong agreed to bet with Su Han that month.

Although she also understood that if Su Han really wanted to lie down and quit, the so-called gambling contract was meaningless, but she still chose to sign the contract, and then bit her lip, as if the old society had been sold. Like a little daughter-in-law, go to prepare the so-called maid outfit.

A promise is better than no promise.

And, in the worst case, it can blow some pillow wind.

"So, Susu, are you a maid with empty gloves?"

A certain elf lady who was temporarily serving as the president of the Anti-Revolutionary Committee was flipping through her angels and looking up the operations of some troublemakers, while complaining to a certain crumb on the side.

During the time when the three true ancestors were lying dead, things like maintaining the order of the world were actually not difficult for Su Han.

Although the criminals in the prison barrier looked like juniors in front of Su Han, they suddenly remembered the college students who took the fourth or sixth grade, but in essence they are first-class criminals, plus the ability to be allocated from Su Han , their strength has generally increased by 30%, and they have also obtained the immortality buff. Under these preconditions, it is actually very simple to quietly eliminate some war merchants and troublemakers.

"The tracking troop that won't get tired at all, plus my book of omniscience, under this premise, no matter how clever terrorists are, they will become Aqua or the Monkey King."

"You are prostituting maids for free!!"

"if not?"

As if encountering a very strange period, the boy who was enjoying the degenerate life of capitalism raised his head with a little surprise in his expression.

"Isn't this kind of betting brought up when the winning rate is over 95%?"

"Why gamble if the odds aren't 95 percent?"

These words made Erya on the side and Kelsey, who was studying his new ability, roll his eyes in disdain.

In response, Su Han just shrugged.

"Besides, don't you think that if the bases of the Fourth Primogenitor are made maids, they lack a head maid?"

The boy who said so turned his head and pointed to the two girls behind him.

The two lovely maids who are behind Su Han now are the spoils of this fishing operation.

"I always think, Susu, you are getting more and more outrageous now, obviously you were a fairly reliable man in the past."

Looking at the boy who was obviously full of cute maids, and even forgot to revive the Fourth Primogenitor by sacrificing the matrix, Miss Erya next to him couldn't help but let out a rather fatal complaint again, and his expression became sad. stand up.

When we first met, the boy was like a long knife made by a famous craftsman, elegant and dangerous.

And now...

Looking at the boy who was flipping the phone and seemed to be about to buy different styles of maid outfits for the fourth primogenitor and a certain unlucky witch, Miss Erya couldn't help but help her forehead.

Now it's a maid-controlled funny ratio! !

"Don't you think it's great to have a group of lovely maids as sketch models?"

"Or, you don't want a lovely maid to wake you up every morning and hand you a hot face towel and a toothbrush?"

In the face of this article Erya's question, the young man pouted and asked.

This question made a certain book painter's eyes suddenly drift away.

Maid controlled teasing...

So me too? That's fine.

"Anyway...is it really appropriate to use that kind of war weapon as a maid...?"

On the side, Miss Kelsey, who had been reading academic materials and contributed to Su Han's free prostitution technology, couldn't help sighing amid the two funny noises.

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