In the midst of the cold snap, there was a touch of green that survived the extreme cold and stormed up.

It was a whip of vine-like thorns.

Soft, boneless whips like snakes. At the moment when Su Han killed the rest of the beasts, he suddenly flung it like a lightning bolt, and suddenly wrapped Su Han tightly.

"Arrogant little devil, what do you do now? You have to obey your sister!"

The woman with violet hair, the clothes in the long coat showing a high degree of exposure, exuding the smell of a prostitute, brushed off the long hair on her cheeks, revealing a sinister smiling face, her scarlet pupils stared at Su Han . Licking his lips, his tone was gentle but exuding a chill.

Giriola Lalti is a pure-blooded vampire of the "Old Generation", a vampire of the blood-linked clan of the third primogenitor "Princess of Chaos", and the beasts he holds are weapons with consciousness.

The ability of her Beast 'Rose-Zombie Maker' is spiritual control, and everything that is entangled must be controlled by her. It's like a parasite invades the flesh and body of others for spiritual control, and even the beast can be manipulated.

"Little Guitou, go kill Nangong Nayue, and then obediently commit suicide for the eldest sister!"

Gigliola held a true red covered with thorns like rose vines, showing a cruel smile, as if she was in control of everything, and gave an order to Su Han.

"Aunt, are you going to use this to control me?"

In response, Su Han, who had been hanging a red feather around his neck, turned his head slightly, with a complicated expression like Guan Gong watching Guan Sheng playing with a big knife in front of his door.

old man, subway, mobile phone.jpg.


Hearing this, Gigliola was stunned, and immediately burst into anger. : "Who is the aunt?!"


Gigliola felt inexplicably wrong, and stared at the scarlet eyes unique to vampires.

Suddenly, a question came to mind, why can he laugh at himself?


She couldn't help but raised her head and stared at Su Han, the boy's face was full of mockery.

The answer is already obvious, his own beasts have no effect on it.

"If you want to control me, please use Yu Duchen as the core and twenty Herrscher cores as the energy supply, and then start the ultra-limit mode."

Su Han stretched out his hand, and casually tore off the thorns that were wrapped around him in real red and covered with vines like vines, and vaguely heard the screams of the beasts.

Even the beast can be destroyed, what kind of monster is this!

The fear of falling into **** rose in Giriola's heart, and when she woke up and reacted, she immediately turned around and just wanted to take a step to escape.

In this regard, the boy just stretched out his hand indifferently, like a child playing a policeman to catch a thief, aiming at the running blood clan like a disguised gun with his hand.

Pure magic condenses, gathers at one point, and explodes.


Perhaps because of the pressure of fear, this vampire noble was extremely fast, and his body even escaped Su Han's attack range!

However, after running for a long time, my body quickly stiffened and I could no longer run...

The head had been smashed to pieces, blood was still gushing out from the neck, and then hit the ground heavily.

Although there was only one sound, Su Han fired two magic bullets.

Gigliola's death will not put an end to the battle.

When Su Han turned around, the man in armor holding the giant sword slashed out with the giant sword.

There is no dazzling gorgeous move, just an ordinary powerful slash, but it is a honed blow that can cut off the dragon's body!

That was Puerto Templegraf, the last descendant of the Dragonslayers.

Just like the legendary Siegfried, he was bathed in the blood of many dragons, with infinite strength and immortality.

The slash from the dragon slayer carried the momentum of moving mountains, but in front of the boy who had been bathed in divine blood, such a sword was still too thin.

"Good strength."

Under the shocked expression on the dragon slayer, the boy's hand without a gun firmly grasped the heavy sword that he had slashed with all his strength.

The next moment, the dark shadow of the gun tore apart his body, which was said to be invulnerable, the Herrscher's power was activated, and the disorderly decomposition began.

A gust of wind rose and powder flew, announcing the end of a dragon slayer.


"What kind of monster is this! How is this possible?!"

"...Even the True Ancestor can't do it!!"

In just a few breaths, three of the seven strongest prisoners were killed.

Seeing such an astonishing scene, many prisoners panicked, and the sound of panic was moving in all directions, echoing in the area of ​​'prison enchantment'.

Is there really a monster in front of you?

"He is not the true ancestor, and it is impossible to deal with so many of us!"

In the crowd, someone seemed to be shouting like this, cheering for the magicians who were already trembling in the back.

In an instant, the sky seemed to have become a world of elements, and the magic circles shimmering in different colors around Su Han slowly stretched out and took shape in constant rotation.

"Quite capable."

Su Han turned his head and looked at the magician who was performing magic not far away, with a smile on his face that seemed to be admiring.

In an extremely special prison like the 'Prison Barrier', all kinds of power users are the most indispensable, and naturally magicians are included in it.

Suddenly, magic of different attributes, such as wind, fire, thunder, water, etc., spread out from the magic circle, flashed with different rays of light, and crashed down.


Su Han indifferently issued instructions to the elements that were assembled into spells.

As an open magic world mage, he has almost all the adaptability of the five male magic professions, which naturally includes the element blaster.

As if they had received an order, those spells that were about to explode seemed to be frozen in time, stagnant in mid-air.


The world seemed to be quiet.

The remaining prisoners stared at this scene in a stunned manner, and their eyes rejected the color of fear, and even their bodies could not help but tremble slightly.

They looked back to see where their remaining leaders were, but found that the remaining prison leaders were gone!

They have escaped!


"That guy is definitely the true ancestor!"

I don't know who shouted such a voice, and everyone present began to flee frantically.

Although Su Han said he wanted to recruit workers, anyone with a discerning eye could see that the guy had no intention of recruiting workers at all, and he came here to kill!

The smartest group had already fled while their companions were charging, and the remaining prisoners were not fools, and they understood the motives of those who encouraged them to fight here!

They must flee, or they will absolutely fall like leeks harvested by a scythe.

This is not a battle at all, it is a one-sided slaughter!

"Su Han... Be careful, they may be running away!"

"Aye is a witch who can steal other people's time. With the ability of time, if she can activate the spell, even the true ancestor will face the possibility of death."

The scene fell into the eyes of the witch beside her, and she couldn't help but worry.

Although Su Han is very strong, his growth time is still too short, and his tolerance for time may not be high.

"Hey, are you caring about me?"

As if encountering something very interesting, the boy turned his head and asked.

Those words made Nangong Nayue, who seemed to have some strange feelings due to empathy still remain in his body, his expression suddenly froze.

Why should I care about this scumbag?

"Don't worry, they are weak."

"I won't give them a chance to escape and fight back."

Like a nuclear bomb being thrown into the Yellowstone Volcano, the boy casually responded to the witch in the gap, and the breath on his body was climbing infinitely.

- The next moment, the earth trembled, and a huge minaret appeared from behind him.

Reminiscent of the inorganic smooth surface of glass, a few clusters of leaves and dead branches stretched out like looking up at the sky, and then a part of the tree trunk is split longitudinally, from which one can see something in the shape of a girl that looks like a tree spirit. .

That's right, that gesture is reminiscent of a big tree running through the sky.

At the root of the tree there is a maiden-like tree spirit, and under the master's will, the tree spirit stretches out.

Everything on the earth seemed to be frozen in time, motionless, and then distorted into a monochromatic world composed of black and white.

The ground was neatly divided into pieces like graph paper, the square-shaped layers were continuous, and the pitch-black sky stared at everything on the ground.

That is the realm of Reincarnation Paradise.

A realm where creatures that enter it will lose their ability to move unless they have a personality rivaling the wielder and do not have permission from the wielder.

In just an instant, everyone who fled was sent to the giant tree with the distortion of space.

Perhaps because of the benevolence of the holders, they have not lost their ability to act directly, and already have the ability to counterattack.


Is this really kindness?

The prisoners who were teleported here raised their heads, and in their field of vision, a handsome vampire man was being penetrated by vines, hanging from a tree, and dripping blood was constantly dripping from his body...

Behind him, seventy-two giant beasts languished.

The iconic animal and appearance made all the prisoners present tremble.

"His Majesty Juran Barada..."

Among the crowd, there was a vampire noble, who couldn't help but exhale that name.

"It's your senior."

The boy smiled and waved his hand, and the divine tree behind him also glowed.

Chapter 51 I won, how about you be my maid?

"Huh, it really took me a lot of time."

Just as he used the same configuration to fight Diluqiu after finishing the 12th floor full of stars in the abyss, the boy clapped his hands casually and put away his weapon.

The black and white mottled world returned to normal in an instant.

However, compared to before, there are fewer people.

The prisoners in the prison barrier were all wiped out.

There is no resistance whatsoever.

This is not difficult to understand.

Nangong Nayue recalled the scene above the divine tree. The man who was respected as the strongest true ancestor was like a crucified Jesus. He was hanged upside down in the air and his blood was continuously drawn.

The seventy-two terrifying beasts that could destroy the kingdom in an instant were also dying.


Prison inmates initially thought that the goal was to use the time when the True Ancestor was away and lack of power, and chose to recruit themselves and others to establish their own forces as their subordinates, so they scoffed.

After he easily nailed the delinquent youth of the sub-protoss, they realized that the other party might not be an incompetent politician who relied on verbal guns and wooing people, but an extremely powerful dictator, so they chose to swarm him and try to kill him.

And then-

They found that the result of swarming up was to send people thousands of miles away, the ceremony was light and affectionate, and they felt that it was really bad. This guy is so powerful that it seems to be open, and people can't help but suspect that he is the true ancestor who claimed to be missing, and then changed to a trumpet to fry the fish pond and do some things that are usually not easy to do.

The former inference is denied, followed by a more dire possibility.

The three progressive conjectures made the prisoners face the abyss-like fear.

This fear, after escaping and being caught again, reached its climax.

In the past, the mega-king kings were hanged upside down in the air by sharp branches, with an expression like a crucified Jesus.

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