No one would expect a mere witch to defeat the real ancestor's demon king. She knows better than everyone that a mere witch is useless. No one knows better than her that once she declares war on the enemy, she will die. No whole body.


Some things are not just about the results.

Her duty, her dignity, would never allow her to take a step back.

If she steps back, then the dignity of "Nangong Nayuki" as a magician, a prison gatekeeper, and a resident of Itogami Island will be lost.

"Let's go."

Like Don Quixote rushing towards the windmill, the witch sat on the shoulder of the guardian and gave an order.

The guardian who read the master's order easily tore the space and took her to the outside world.

"It's that month of Nangong!!!"

"The witch in the gap - Nangong that month!!!"

"is her!"

"Tear her apart!!"

After venting the backlog of emotions for many years, the prisoners soon discovered that in the month not far away, emotions such as resentment, fear, panic... were mixed.

This is not difficult to understand, their freedom is restricted by the prison enchantment.

And that month of Nangong was the core of the prison barrier, the key and the gatekeeper! !

In the face of this gatekeeper who imprisoned him, how could he not be angry with the criminals who were already lawless.

"Looks like we've won the big lottery."

As if being hit by a pie in the sky, the descendants of the sky who looked like a bad boy cheered.

"Although I don't know how we got out and why the **** gatekeeper appeared in front of us, but—"

"It's a good thing after all, isn't it?"

The last descendant of that day looked at Nangong that month with resentment in his eyes.

The one with the same eyes was the gentleman beside him, the warlock who used to be Nangong's companion that month, with a hypocritical smile on his face.

"Calm down, Shutla, we were rescued by a friend, and we should express our gratitude appropriately."

"How to deal with this woman, it's better to wait for that friend to show up, and then deal with it."

Having said that, all the criminals present put on hideous smiles on their faces.

"Why wait so long, someone is willing to save us, it's nothing more than wanting us to help deal with some shady things. In the final analysis, the guy who broke the prison is the guy who wants to take advantage of us, why should you care about so much etiquette?"

Xiutra, the descendant of Tianbu, walked forward, grinning with hatred, raised his hand high, and showed the lead-gray handcuffs on his wrist.

As long as this pair of handcuffs still exists, the most people are not considered to be out of the "prison barrier" system, and they will be re-arrested at any time due to the reconstruction of the prison barrier. Only after killing the guards and keys of the 'prison barrier' will the problem be truly solved.

"The 'prison enchantment' that prevents the escape from prison is still alive, and we are not free. Only by killing the 'witch in the gap' can we truly be liberated!"

"Negotiate with the rescuers or something. It's too late to talk about it later."

"Kill the 'Witch of the Void'!"

"Kill her!!"

"Kill her, I want to be free..."

As Xiutra's voice fell, the overwhelming call came out, all from the vicious curse of the prisoners. After all, that month held them in the dark 'prison barrier' for so long, how could they not let their hearts feel resentment?

"Ah, it seems that everyone present is in a good state of mind, and it seems that they will be good corporate employees."

When a group of criminals surrounded the poor gatekeeper, the boy's extremely clear voice sounded without warning.

That strange name, and the hand suddenly pressed on his shoulder made Nangong Nayue's body froze.

She looked back with great difficulty and saw a familiar face.

That was the source of all the recent turmoil, the strongest vampire hunter who hunted down the True Ancestor, the Dengzi who turned the clone into a plaything, and the direct reason why these prison criminals can appear here today.

"Hey, that month, what's your expression? Do you want to catch up?"

The boy who was being watched felt Nangong's extremely complicated line of sight that month, and was stunned for a while, and then replied like this.

"If it is to reminisce about the old, then I have to wait for a while, and I have to wait until I have recruited the employees of the company before reminiscing about the old."

Corporate employees?

As if encountering something very surprising, Su Han's words fell, causing the entire 'prison barrier' area to fall into a brief silence, followed by an uproar.

This is not difficult to understand. Many of the members present are not fools, and they naturally understand their current situation.

A guy who was acquainted with Nangong Nayue untied the prison barrier, and then tried to bring himself and everyone into the sphere of control, that is, his subordinates.

"Who is that kid? It's such a big voice, he actually wants to accept us as his subordinates."

Su Han's words naturally aroused the dissatisfaction of these super-magic criminals, they are all prisoners full of evil. Ordinary prisons couldn't hold them, so they sent the ones in the 'prison barrier'.

Facing the cynicism of the criminals, the young man could not help but complain.

"Don't hold your breath, do you think I want to find you as a family member? Don't look at what I look like."

"If it weren't for the fact that I have too few family members and companions, and too many tasks, it would be exhausting to let them hunt a group of extrajudicial madmen, or do you think I would come to such a gathering place to recruit dogs?"

"Okay, let's not talk about it, I have a contract here... Cough, employee contract, you line up to come to Nangong to register here that month."

It could be regarded as a mocking speech, spit out from the boy's mouth, causing the expressions of all the criminals present to become distorted.

After saying this, the young man took out a stack of employee contracts from the space without warning, and stuffed it into the hands of Nangong Nayue, who looked blank.

"Are the little devils out there so arrogant now? Hahaha...!"

With a cloud-shui hairstyle, Xiutra, the street bad boy, raised the corner of his mouth to reveal a crazy smile, revealing a murderous aura.

"Even if you let us go, I'll interrupt your hands and feet!"

The irritated Xiutra grinned and jumped from the black fortress more than ten meters high, waving his fists and attacking Su Han.

Immediately, manipulating the power of the mind rushed past, and the invisible blade whistled and roared in the atmosphere, causing the ground to crack with the sound of 'sizzling', and the extremely violent wind turned into blades and gathered in his hands.

In the face of that terrifying ability, Su Han just tilted his head, as if he was looking at the electric fan changing from gear 1 to gear 3.

Treating with an indifferent attitude like Su Han, Xiutra's anger rose to a higher level, and a more powerful storm swept up,

Xiutra shook her shoulders violently and let out a cruel grin, as if she foresaw that Su Han would be turned into flesh in the Storm Blade, and not even bones were left.

The rest of the prisoners also showed cruel and cruel smiles. These were all ferocious criminals. They hadn't broken the fast and saw blood for a long time, and they couldn't help but feel happy when they saw it.


Will the truth really be what they think?


With a very simple sweeping kick, the storm blade that Shutla had gathered in her hand was lifted and scattered.

Xiutra's face changed greatly, and before he could react, the bones of his arm were shattered, and the unstoppable trend was heading towards his belly.

Xiutra's body was hunched over, her eyes were wide open, and her eyes were almost out of her sockets. Blood was spitting out from her mouth, and then it flew back like a human cannonball.


There was an extra human-shaped hole in the black fortress, and someone who was not human-shaped was forced into it.

Before the descendants of the last day climbed out, a black spear appeared without warning and penetrated his chest. Under the eyes of the public, the gods who were essentially the seven strongest men in the prison looked like a piece of burning paper. Like, turned to ashes.

A gust of cold wind blew up, and the ashes also fluttered, leaving only a black spear nailed in the human-shaped pothole, indicating that there was once a man who was dying there.

In the sight of the silent prisoners, the boy who always liked efficient methods calmly extended his hand to the black spear and took it back.

"I didn't ask if you would like to sign a contract."

"Give up the body and sign a contract to run for me in the form of a spirit body. This is not a negotiation, but an order."

"You can only answer, 'Yes' or 'Wow'."

Chapter 50 In this world, after all, someone is responsible for being a stepping stone

Shutla is dead.

As a criminal, Shutla is one of the seven most vicious people in the prison barrier, and is the leader of these prisoners.

It is undoubtedly extremely oppressive to easily deal with the extinct descendant of the 'Asian God', Shutra, the man of the 'Heaven'.

"Give up the body and run for me as a spirit, this is the order."

As if he were a dog lover, the boy with the gun spoke casually about the ultimatum to the prison inmates.

Power is like points, the more the better.

The ability to enforce Kabbalana's forcible control and the ability to use subordination differentiation will undoubtedly have a great strengthening effect for Su Han. For this reason, he needs to use the period when the true ancestor disappears to launch a cleanup.

And the big cleaning requires a group of good enough hunting dogs.

The extremely arrogant speech and the scene of slaughtering Shutla, who was a demi-god, made the prisoners present silent.

The opponent may be a monster second only to the True Ancestor.

"Is your answer 'yes' or 'wang'?"

"What the **** are you doing..."

Nangong Nayue, who felt that Su Han's behavior was outrageous, looked at the boy who asked the criminals to abandon their bodies, and couldn't help asking questions.

"Because of my ability, I have the ability to absorb the soul of the loser and transform it into a loyal dog."

Undisguised, the young man revealed part of his abilities.

"In the time when the true ancestors all disappeared, if you want to maintain order, a loyal and reliable armed force is necessary, isn't it?"

That speech made the faces of the criminals in the distance look gloomy like never before.

What employee, what subordinate?

This guy is going to deprive them of everything! !

"kill him!!"

I don't know which criminal roared, murderous, and then began to overflow.

The enemy may be strong, but he is not one of the three true ancestors, and he does not possess that overwhelming destructive power. Therefore, no matter how strong he is, he may be killed again! !

Dozens of sturdy orcs let out bloodthirsty howls, thinking of the young man who had just killed his own top fighting force and rushed over.

"It seems that your choice is to be my enemy!"

Su Han slammed into the air and jumped into the air, straddling the black fortress, waving the black spear in his hand like a joke.

The unconditional decomposition of things in the material world is the power of the spear.

As the spear was swung out, dozens of criminals who relied on their extraordinary orc physique had turned into ashes before they even had time to let out their wailing.

However, that scene was not enough to deter the desperadoes.

"Little devil! Go to hell!"

"Kill him!  …"

"For the **** freedom, it was decided that it was impossible to let him go!"

Seeing Su Han's "stupid" delivery to the door, many prisoners were in an uproar, and then they were overjoyed. Then he opened his action, and all rushed towards Su Han.

A flaming steed, a thunderbird full of fiery thunder, a griffon transformed by the gust of wind...

Those are monsters that can destroy an entire street with a single blow, and can only be disguised by a gas explosion!

"Boring, boring."

In the face of those terrifying beasts, the young man waved his spear to send the cannon fodder on the road, and snapped his fingers casually with his free hand.


The Frost Dragon appeared, a monster similar in appearance to Kelsey's mon3tr, but at least a hundred times larger.

It **** its wings and sprays cold currents. In front of the cold currents it spit out, the previous attack of the beasts was like toothpicks! !

Of course, those beasts and their masters were wiped out.


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