In the face of Irena's complaints, Su Han did not refute anything.

He is indeed a slacker.

When encountering aftermath incidents, it is one of his few specialties to take a kitten to criticize his face.

"Boss, you are so active, I can only think that you are looking forward to this big purge."

As if feeling something, the witch narrowed her eyes and spoke of a possibility.

Ahhh, it was completely seen through.

Su Han thought.

The energy needed to climb the tree of life is not enough for the Eye of Darkness.

He was really looking forward to the big purge.

Among his abilities is the ability to turn those killed by me or those killed by me into relatives or fuel by hunting them.

In addition, if you want to usher in the differentiation of abilities, you also need a large number of dependents.

So, how many family members can I gain from this big purge?

The boy looked at the space in the distance, smiled and shook his hand.

The next moment, the extremely manic magic began to roar.

=========Dividing Line========

The first primogenitor was killed, the second, third and even the fourth primogenitor were all hunted by monsters from another world...

Extreme exhaustion rose in Nangong's heart that month.

Therefore, she absolutely cannot wake up.

The sinners in the prison barrier are too terrifying. If they are thrown into the world without the suppression of the true ancestor, the next thing will be **** storms.

The world is already extremely miserable, and there can be no more disasters.

Maybe someone is tired of playing, and the senses from the clone are not as exciting as they used to be.

So, go to sleep.

Nangong thought about that month.

All she can do now is to lock these prisoners at the apex of the criminal world here, and then pray for her own world.

Pray that they can restore order soon.

By the way, curse some scum who broke the order and prostituted his own innocence.

The witch's dream world that she thought about became more and more real.



It was as if an entire group army was firing on the same target, the huge roaring noise made the half-asleep Nangong Nayue suddenly lose sleepiness.

How is this going?

Confusion arose in the mind of the witch who set the prison in a different dimension.

This prison is absolutely reliable.

After all, no one would have thought that a prison isn't even in the real world.

In order to defeat this prison, apart from the possibility of waking up suddenly, some only destroy it from the outside world.


This is a different dimension away from the real world! !

So, what the **** is this! !

An extremely ominous feeling arose in Nangong Nayue's heart, who was enduring the humiliation and bearing the burden, and was even ready to feel "sexed" every day.

As the holder of the highest authority in this prison, even though Nangong was sleeping that month, he could still sense something.

Gotta find out.

With this feeling in mind, Nangong passed a trace of his thoughts to the outside world that month, just like when he created a clone, and passed it to the outside world.

In that ray of spiritual sight, the illusory island appeared in the sky under the action of magic that was too strong to be approached.

With that thought, she can see the outside world today.


The whole of Itogami Island shook as if it had been bombed, and the surrounding ocean became violent like a tsunami, like a scene of changes in the heavens and the earth.


Throughout the artificial city, the alarm bells urging those present to evacuate rang, the red alert light spread everywhere, and the noisy human voices roared in the night.

It seems like a mirage, an ancient island that has never been seen before gradually appears as the reflection in the water waves as the space fluctuates.

That's the prison barrier.

The prison barrier was forcibly pulled to reality! !

The terrifying scenery made Nangong Nayue's brain confused.

Why is this happening?

Why is there such a terrible magical reaction, appearing in Itogami Island.

With the appearance of a figure, all the answers were revealed.

The magic power far above the True Ancestor is centered on a human figure, roaring recklessly, tearing apart the space.

In the group chat, you can often hear the early group friends complaining. If the group owner's occult culture level is converted into culture, it is simply a slip through the net of the nine-year compulsory education.

However, today's performance clearly proves them wrong.

Just relying on the direction of magic, you can find the space where the prison barrier is located, and then use the ultimate magic to tear the dimension apart...

The group leader's mysticism attainments are very high! !

So, what is he here for?

"I think you need freedom."

Not long ago, a speech belonging to a traveler from another world rang in Nangong Nayue's ear.

It is probably the most hypocritical and most practical rhetoric in the world to do evil in the name of hello.

The purpose of this guy may be related to the sea prison enchantment.

As if to verify her conjecture, the next moment, as if announcing the end of the world, a huge roar sounded in the air.

The prison barrier was destroyed.

That terrifying scene made Nangong Nayue's heart feel like it was entangled by vines, making it hard to breathe.

"Free! Finally free!"

"Damn 'prison barrier'!! I'm finally out! Haha!"

"Those who dare to imprison me must take revenge!"

An uncontrollable burst of mad laughter with endless ecstasy resounded and vibrated in this area, as if it was about to overturn the world.

Since the completion of the "prison barrier", all the criminals who have accumulated over ten years have escaped from the "prison barrier"!

The world's most dangerous criminals are free.

Chapter 49 Answer 'Yes' or 'Wang'?


The dimly lit sanctuary collapsed, and the stone walls were piled high, which required people to look up. Unable to bear the load, it broke apart and collapsed like an avalanche. The violently shaking stones fell, smashing the debris on the ground and splashing, stirring up thick smoke and dust. diffused in the air.

In the ruins of the sanctuary, new buildings appeared, with majestic iron walls and barbed wire covered with black fortresses.

That's a real prison.

The prison of the world's criminals.

As the shackles of the outside world were broken, the dark, evil, and ominous auras that could not be covered spread out and permeated the entire heaven and earth, causing a region to fall into darkness.

Above the black fortress, a blurry figure gradually appeared. It was a beautiful woman with black and beautiful long hair reaching to her feet, holding a heavy book in her hand. Dressed in a noble kimono, gorgeous and complicated clothes, dyed in black and white. What is striking is that her crimson pupils shone with an ominous light.

With the appearance of the witch, six more figures appeared on the black fortress.

A scrawny old man in lama costume. Wearing a top hat, he exudes a gentleman who can't hide his powerful murderous aura. He wears short cloud and water hair accessories, and wears a brightly colored suit with jeans. He looks like a bad boy dressed as a street gangster. A young woman with violet hair and the smell of a prostitute. A slender-faced, elegant man wearing a pair of glasses. A man in armor with a giant sword in his back.

Xiandumu Aye, the 'Secretary Witch Notaria' who controls the LCO (leader of the library organization)

Wearing a top hat is a former special force member who was a top demon hunter who hunted demons.

The skinny old man dressed in lama costume is engraved with the flame elf spell in his body, and he is a real monster that surpasses the demons.

The young woman with the scent of a prostitute is a pure-blooded vampire of the 'old generation' linked by the blood of the third primogenitor 'Princess of Chaos', and has the terrifying title of 'The Diva of Tragedy'.

The delinquent teenagers dressed in bright colors and outdated clothes are descendants of the long-extinct 'Asian God', a person from the 'Tianbu'.

The sinner wearing a pair of glasses is called Xian Shen Ming Jia, a physique master who is not affected by any supernatural powers.

The man carrying the giant sword is the last descendant of the dragon-killing clan, with infinite power and immortality.


It's not over yet, and then the black fortress was filled with dense figures. They have all arrested the super criminals who have been arrested and detained in the 'prison barrier' over the years. Each of them has the ability to make a whole city panic Scary story.

Their existence is like dark clouds suppressing people's hearts, attacking people with a smell of blood, as if to herald the arrival of **** storms.

This world ushered in a second disaster after the first primogenitor lost contact.

The world's worst criminals are free.

A petite figure in the empty hall of the Castle of the Templar, sitting in a luxurious velvet armchair, wearing a dark red lace lace trim, a fluttering dress.

Closing his eyes, he seemed to have fallen into a perpetual slumber, and a little sadness flashed across his delicate, doll-like, beautiful and tender cheeks.

Suddenly, those tightly closed eyes opened, and sapphire-like eyes shot out. In the dark prison, everyone was anxious.

The situation has reached the most critical moment.

The group owner, who had no idea what he was thinking, chose to release all the criminals!

Damn it! !

The witch who had cursed Su Han many times clenched her fists and felt a little powerless in her heart.

If the appearance of the criminals is what the monster wants to appear, then no matter what happens next, these criminals will reappear in the world.

The witch couldn't help but stretched out her hand and gently squeezed her chest, feeling her heart that was trembling with extreme powerlessness.

It's a bit too ridiculous to think of a mere witch who wants to fight against the god-killing demon king.

The fact that he was able to live until now despite being hostile to that Demon King was entirely because he was a member of the group to some extent, and he was regarded as a member of his own side.

If he continued to stop him, he would probably be regarded as an enemy.

By then, he will definitely die.

will die.

must die.

The future of death without a whole corpse is already foreseeable.

Nangong lowered her eyes that month, not knowing what she was thinking, but when she raised her head again, there was relief in her eyes.

"Wake up, my guardian."

As if calling for something, a huge golden knight appeared behind her.

The witch has a guardian similar to the beast, just like the beast is the trump card of the true ancestor, the guardian is the trump card of the witch.

And once the witch calls out her guardian, the meaning of that representation is already extremely obvious.


Even if you can't fight, you have to fight.

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