"It's almost entirely possible to rub it down and draw it into the comics as a manga - the smile of the male protagonist after his trick succeeds."

In this regard, a certain Honjo Erya, who also draws a lot of Suther's essays in addition to the hot-blooded comics, also gave an answer that is very close to Irena.

"Wow - the male protagonist, it seems to be a good setting."

Facing the complaints of the two beautiful girls, Su Han not only didn't feel that something was wrong, but even raised his head high, with a contented expression on his face.

"Becoming a woo-fan male protagonist is the dream of countless men. If I can obtain similar abilities, no matter how I think about it, it will be a period of envy, jealousy and hatred."



Why would anyone be able to say such a thing righteously?

Miss Irena sighed.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but she felt that the boss seemed to be getting more and more disdainful.

"Boss, you are really helpless."

"If you are recorded like this and passed on to Tokisaki-senpai, she may have to accept some bright but unhealthy domestic violence next."

"Okay, okay, don't worry about those details."

Feeling that if we continue talking, we will design something that will not pass the trial. The young man waved his hand, indicating that the topic is over.

"The next focus is to hunt the second, third, and fourth primogenitors and find a suitable unit to clean up the unstable factors before I draw enough blood."

Under the influence of his ability, the boy who seemed to be more and more chaotic and evil walked up to a certain book painter and asked.

"Erya, can you lend me your ability next?"

"It's totally fine. As a reward, when you go back, remember to be a mannequin for a while."

Very brisk, Miss Erya, who has the part-time role of a book painter, agreed to the request of a certain boy who made her heart move, and she also had a smile on her face that made Irena beside her all of a sudden alert.

Will the list of anti-rebels come out soon?

The young man, who doesn't seem to have enough perception ability in some matters, nodded his head in satisfaction after listening to the affirmative answer.

So, just hunt down the second to fourth primogenitors and a bunch of stupid prisoners.

Then, you can try to be a harem king yourself.

A smile rose on the boy's face.

He waved his hand casually, and the next moment, the space in front of him was completely distorted.

The door to the Fourth Primogenitor's Awakening Ground was opened.

"If that's the case, then let's go directly to Itogami Island."

========Dividing Line========

When Su Han had acquired a brand-new spatial talent, Miss Nangong, who was the source of her ability, was not in a good mood.

In that environment at the center of the so-called prison barrier, the petite girl's body was curled up, and her delicate face had an odd flush.

So hot, so hot, so weird...

The last scene that came from the clone was the appearance of the characteristics of the blood race on the boy's body.

It is said that vampires have evolved the ability to relieve pain and give their targets pleasure in order to reduce the resistance of their blood-sucking targets.

That kind of pleasure is similar to x pleasure, and it is easy for the vampire to indulge in it.

However, this ability is actually a double-edged sword.

While acting on the prey, the vampires who are hunters will also be affected and produce X impulses, which is also the reason why most mixed-race vampires are born.

So, what exactly happened? !

In the dream, the witch with her skin reddened and her body trembling slightly clenched her silver teeth.

Just receive a moment of pain, followed by a steady stream of joy.

For a young girl who has never been recruited, that kind of feeling is too terrifying.

"Ugh, that guy, bastard!!"

The witch, whose consciousness has never been clearer than before, hugged her body tightly and snarled in a low voice.

The feeling she is receiving now is completely beyond the description of "the pleasure of being sucked blood" in books.

With such a result, it was difficult for her to think of something extremely bad.

The **** of the group owner acquired the blood of a vampire at some point and became an acquired vampire.

Just as people cannot be generalized, vampires and vampires cannot be generalized.

Vampires who were born vampires were taught how to restrain their blood-sucking desires from a young age. After ten or decades of teaching, most orthodox vampires knew that blood-sucking was an act of eating rather than an act of x.


Most of Su Han drank the blood of the third primogenitor or just drained the blood of the first primogenitor and became an acquired vampire.

Without the accumulated teachings, it would be difficult for him to tell the difference between the desire to eat and the desire to have sex.

I can no longer control my instinct as a vampire.

The unprecedented sense of humiliation made Nangong Nayue instinctively want to choose to release the connection of his avatar and turn it into nothingness.

However, the unknown contract was intercepted like a wall of sighs before his spell command, followed by a strange feeling like being thrown into the sky...


Miss Witch, who had completely failed, could not help but let out a cry like a cub.

She lost the ability to control the clone, but the feeling of the clone can continue to pass through the connection between the clone and the main body! !

That bastard! ! !

Just like all women with a sense of chastity, the sleeping witch's closed eyes trembled slightly in an unprecedented anger.

She's going to kill the **** who defiled her.

It's no longer a concern that one's combat power might be able to suppress this kind of thing with just one finger in front of someone.

There must be an outcome to this.

Even if he is powerless to fight against it, he will destroy his clone, even if he will die next.

Wake up.

Half asleep, the witch opened her eyes slightly.

As that action progressed, the dream world was also distorted, and in the sky above Itogami Island, there was a faint reflection of a huge castle.

That's the prison barrier.

The so-called prison barrier is a different-dimensional prison constructed with Nangong Nayue's dream as the main body.

If she wakes up from the dream, this prison, which is essentially a barrier, will fail, and countless criminals who have been imprisoned in another world will be released.

A witch who can steal time, a bloodthirsty dragon slayer, a warlock integrated with the flame spirit...

It is conceivable that if the monsters that appear alone are enough to cause social unrest, if they flee collectively, the unrest caused is absolutely no less than the disappearance of the first primogenitor.

The First Primogenitor has disappeared.

At this time of precariousness, if I still release these world-class criminals because of personal grievances...

That would be the biggest upheaval in world history.

No, can't wake up.

Nangong Nayue quickly closed his eyes as if he woke up suddenly, took a deep breath, and stabilized the barrier.


The next moment, as if something was against her, strange senses attacked her body again, causing her to instinctively let out a seductive scream.

Perhaps, his avatar is being played with as a toy.

An endless sense of humiliation and a great sense of mission rose in the witch's heart at the same time, making the petite witch can only grit her teeth.

Absolutely can't wake up.

absolutely not...

Absolutely can't wake up.

For the prison barrier, for the world...

Chapter 48 Congratulations, you are free and free

"Ah, so people in this world can survive like this?"

It was as if he had encountered something extremely strange. The handsome young man was sitting on the bed that belonged to Nangong that month, turning over the angel borrowed from Erya Benjo.

"The Black Death Emperor faction will declare responsibility for the death of the 'First True Ancestor', forcibly activate the ancient weapons, and declare war on the War King Domain."

"The Grand Duke of the Battle King's Domain—Vattola took advantage of the chaos to devour his clan, trying to sacrifice his elders to make himself a monster close to the true ancestor, then ascend the throne and declare war on the surrounding countries."

"The Speaker of the Hungry Ghosts decided to go to the Lighthouse Country to negotiate and reach an agreement with the Jewish people there, to start a local war while the First True Ancestor disappeared and earn war money."


"Good guy, one by one, they are all talents."

As if he had encountered something very interesting, the boy who had already arrived at Itogami Island was reading the names above, and beside him, his faithful son-in-law Irena was constantly copying the names of the characters mentioned above. identity.

"One by one, is it okay to live a good life?"

It was like encountering something that made people want to complain, the teenager who was tired of reading the list simply threw the book to Kelsey, and let the big cat who was familiar with his new ability record it. I'm going to change classes with Irena.

"In the beginning, people are inherently evil. After encountering a major event, it is normal for a large number of careerists to appear."

Although it looks like a waste, but in terms of human nature, Honjo Niya seems to be a master, holding a pencil and drawing strange sketches to restore his hand, ready to prepare for the next painting.

"In a cataclysmic situation, it would be weird if no one was doing it."

"Yes, after all, at the beginning of human beings, nature is inherently evil."

Just like Benjo Erya, the young man who believed more in nature's evil than in nature's goodness stretched his back and looked out the window.

The so-called space is an invisible and intangible concept in the cognition of most people or things.

However, for those with a talent for space, all this is visible and tangible.

The "Prison Barrier" is an artificial different world created by using the power of the dragon veins flowing in the "Demon Special Zone". Its existence cannot be seen, but it does exist, and it is hidden somewhere in the city of Itogami.

Therefore, because Su Han, who had prostituted Nangong's space talent that month, could see that to ordinary people, it was a "different world" that didn't exist at all.

The book painter stared solemnly at an extremely lazy boy.

Wearing a well-cut antique coat, the young man stared into the distance, with black pupils with a little redness looking into the distance, and his eyes flashed with the shrewdness that is unique to a knowledgeable person.

Ah, ah, sure enough, as long as this guy doesn't talk much, he's completely a handsome boy like a manga hero! !

Ever since his memory was awakened, the eyes of the book painter who had been very fond of someone lit up.

"Speaking of which, Susu, are you planning to maintain order here?"

As if he had encountered something very strange, the book painter looked at Su Han with a little doubt.

"According to your personality, shouldn't you run away to earn some profit from your appearance, and if there is a problem, you should temporarily find someone to top the tank and deal with the problem?"

"Are you possessed by something very strange?"

"Why don't you check on your sister and be healthy?"

Speaking of which, the elf lady, who didn't care about her image at all and only wore a red shirt and shorts, couldn't help but pushed the black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of her nose with a burning feeling in her tone.

"Could your real name be Benjo. Brother Jie. Erya?"

In the face of that strange speech, Su Han suddenly made a cat-like face and complained.

"Also, don't say I'm wicked, I will take care of the aftermath after I have a problem."

"But, you are a little too active."

Irena, who felt that the boss had not been so active for a long time, raised her head and added.

"Usually when you encounter the aftermath, you don't have much energy."

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