The witch, who was extremely uncomfortable with that line of sight, questioned her soul.

"I am very free now, and there is no such thing as unfreedom. The one who really needs freedom is the First Primogenitor who was arrested by you."

"You mean forgetting the King of War?"

"When I capture all four True Ancestors and collect the materials, I will return the freedom to him."

"Before that, I think you need freedom more."

The egoistic speech that reached the extreme fell into Nangong Nayue's ears, which made her feel uncomfortable instinctively.

Freedom, for Nangong Nayue, is undoubtedly an extremely beautiful word. After all, as a witch, her mission is to use her dreams to create a prison barrier.

As the core of that enchantment, her body will be in a deep sleep forever, unable to wake up.

Freedom in the true sense is undoubtedly very tempting for Nangong Nayue.


The freedom that is imposed on oneself, is it still freedom?

Besides, this action is all related to interests, and even because of interests, it will directly kill the monster that is the mainstay of the lawful side of the world, and will it save itself for no reason?


Absolutely impossible.

He must have wanted to do something.

The world is bad enough now, and if this man is allowed to do whatever he wants in the name of giving him his freedom, then the world will be even worse.

"I don't need freedom!"

Without hesitation, Nangong expressed his opinion that month.

This guy Su Han is really too bad.

If you obey this reckless guy, there will be more chaos in the future.

Ah oh.

Do you think of yourself as a total villain?

In the face of Nangong Nayue's extremely cold attitude, before that, the young man who said he was coming to apologize had a rare look of distress on his face.

He could understand Nangong's thoughts that month.

After all, as soon as he arrived in this world, he fell down on the strongest lawful character in this world, dragged him to force blood donation, and even planned to drag the remaining lawful bosses to donate blood.

In this case, even if he took her directly to his own neighborhood to see the Forgotten War King, and then explained his great cause, he would not be able to convince her.

After all, his operation is completely squeezing the true ancestor, which may not be a bad thing for the people who destroyed the world, but, in the eyes of people in this world, it is definitely a big evil.

Today, he can use the real ancestor to open a knife to the residents of another world to become a summoner. Tomorrow, he may let the orcs donate organs to help them become physical practitioners. The day after tomorrow, he may go to the scales of the pluck dragon or the sea dragon to weave armor for his friends. .

This kind of behavior is to treat the life forms of this world as a free material library for the human ascension plan.

Therefore, the success rate of persuading this kind of thing is really touching. Sure enough, I am a negotiator who is only suitable for using physical negotiation.

The boy yawned as if he had given up the materials.

The next moment, like a real vampire, the boy's eyes turned red, and his pale teeth broke through his lips.

Forcibly transforming others into Familiar Beasts, according to Kelsey, is a bad behavior that will cause estrus.

However, the prerequisite for estrus is to be sober.

So, as long as Nangong fell into a coma that month...cough, fell asleep, he could justly prostitute her ability for free.

"Sleep at ease for a while. When you wake up, you will find that the trouble I caused isn't really big."

Under Nangong's horrified expression that month, the boy clenched his fists.

And on the other side.

The 'prison barrier' is an extremely important secret on Itogami Island. Even most of the internal high-level people of Itogami Island and the man-made island management commune do not know its specific location.

It is said that no one has actually seen it, so it has become an urban legend, and the residents talked about it as a joke after dinner.

But its existence is real, and there are prisoners of international super heavyweights.

There are not only powerful demons, but also a large number of human attackers, the descendants of fallen heroes, and the witches of the secretary are among them. It can be said that there are various criminal occupations, and everything is included.

Once those criminals escape, not to mention the destruction of the small Itogami Island, it will also affect the entire world.

Of course, the prisoners simply couldn't escape.

Because the 'prison barrier' was an imaginary world constructed by Nangong that month when he fell into a deep sleep and used a dream, and was sealed in a different space.

In a different dimension space, the young girl fell into a deep sleep.

That was Nangong that month.

In other words, the body of the external avatar.

As the highest-ranking witch, even if she lost her freedom, she could use special techniques to "dream" herself into the outside world.

In the dream, she dreamed that she had become a magician guarding Itogami Island, joined a special group chat, and became friends with many of the group members.

This was probably the happiest time of her life.

Everyone in the group chat has a very thoughtful background. Among those identities, the witch who signed a contract with the devil is not a big deal.

Therefore, she can communicate and play as much as an ordinary person.

However, good days always have an end.

The end of a good dream is a nightmare.

The resurrection ceremony of the Fourth Primogenitor was launched on the island she decided to protect. In order to solve the ceremony, she sought external forces in the group chat to break this deadly situation.

However, the help that came was a more vicious being than the True Ancestor.

The God-killing Demon King completely ignored the contract with him, intercepted the king of the blood clan, and wanted to wake up the Fourth Primogenitor to stop him, but the final result was...

The severe pain in the head is especially hurtful even in a dream, followed by the pain of being penetrated by the body.

That guy, is he going to directly drain the blood of his clone?

The blood of the witch is an extremely good stamina supplement for vampires, but what is the use of that magic power for an existence that even surpasses the true ancestor?

The witch, who was sleeping but her mind was still sharp, was puzzled.


The indescribable feeling made her lose consciousness in an instant and turned into blank.

It was a joy she had never experienced before.

Even though the sleeping body couldn't help but wear a red like drunkenness, the body trembled slightly, and the small feet covered with black stockings curled up and relaxed with the strange sense...

"That guy, what did he do to his clone?!"

The sleeping witch, her mind was sober like never before.

Chapter 47: That month in Nangong, is your endurance enough?

The exploration of other-dimensional creatures is one of the long-standing subjects of magicians.

However, due to the lack of protection against other-dimensional forces, the research of the magicians has always been to no avail.

In order to be able to resist the power of different dimensions, some magicians have integrated all the power of darkness into the different dimensions, leaving nothing behind.

This almost crazy action finally allowed them to successfully enter the gate of the different-dimensional world, and they are called people who walk between dimensions.

Be extra careful with them. Because his madness, which can even eat away the shelter of the power of darkness, will completely destroy everything.

This is the last job transfer of the male law - the dimensional walker.

When they explore different dimensions and taboos, they have the talent to surpass their own kind.

"Is Nangong's talent so high that month? Can even this be activated?"

As if he had encountered something very interesting, the handsome young man casually threw the girl who had been knocked unconscious by himself and had sucked blood aside and stretched.

Among all the group members, Mr. Group Leader is undoubtedly a monster with outstanding talent.

It took him less than three months to transform from a weak blood mage to an alien that could be called a god.

However, in fact, Su Han's talent is not very high, at least, his talent in close combat and outside perception is really average.

He basically relied on various enhanced buffs to become a super genius in the eyes of people.

In terms of magic skills, his talent is quite ordinary, and he is still a husband. In this way, after activating the blood mage, the ice master, the wind rider and the element blaster one after another, he has never been able to complete the last transfer.

- Dimension Walker.

The reason is also very simple. Brother Dimension is a high-level intellectual who can find a magic school as a professor at will in a world where magic is prevalent.

He and the above-mentioned four brothers of Li Da Feizhuan are completely different from the same style of painting.

It is conceivable how difficult it is to change careers to a career whose output method is dubbed "wife save me".

"Then Yue-chan is really a high-level intellectual."

It can be felt that the young man whose space in his field of vision has mutated stretched out his hand and shook it lightly. The next moment, like a flat tablecloth being caught, the space is visibly twisted.

That scene was really terrifying.

The space is no longer the background that carries him, but the tablecloth that is kneaded at will.

As a family member, what Nangong got from Su Han that month was the power of the Eye of Darkness. With her extraordinary talent in space, she naturally transformed into a dimensional walker.

If you give Nangong that month a text of Lalaiye or the secret scripture of Xuanjun's seven chapters, maybe he can summon Niyali himself.

Looking at the talent that he copied from Nangong Nayue, Su Han fell into deep thought.

Or, go to the moon another day to dig up the Holy Grail, summon Marshal C and then rip off his equipment?

It feels like a bit of a mess.

"So, boss, are you forcibly changing jobs by copying Xueba's homework?"

It was as if she had seen something extremely outrageous, and the witch who did not know when she came here took the hand of a certain book painter and looked ahead.

That is Irena.

As Su Han sent out to find the secretary of the anti-revolutionary... ahem, the representative of the owner of the genuine book of omniscience, this lady did not personally go to the collapsed world to knock out a certain combat power who was complained as "paramecia-like" Erya, and then asked Tokisaki Kurumi to knock himself out and send it over.

She directly asked Tokisaki Kurumi for help knocking Erya out, and then sent it over, perfectly omitting the tragedy that she had to be knocked for running around.

The only thing that can be fortunate is that Miss Kuangsan's teleportation prelude is to achieve the teleportation condition by stopping the time and suspending the target's consciousness, not Su Han's physical silence.

Therefore, after a certain book painter woke up, there was no serious problem.

The nun, with short gray hair and blue-green eyes, looked around carefully as if examining the source of a book.

The room is biased towards women's aesthetics. The light incense and the exquisite black tea cup on the table, as well as the pink bed farther away, all indicate that this is a girl's boudoir.

If you care a little about someone who seems to be thinking about whether or not he can transfer his career by letting Nangong contact the power of the restraint system that month...

There, the petite girl in the dress was like a tired doll, casually thrown aside, with sweat and charming red on her delicate face...

"So, Susu, after you ran away from home, are you here to play with... girls?"

Even if he already knew that Su Han was looking for him for a serious business, and it was impossible to have time to clean up, the nun named Benjo Erya couldn't help but made a sharp and violent complaint.

"Are you really just prostituting Nangong's talent that month, instead of getting rid of the white prostitution?"

"In your eyes, who am I?"

Listening to the rant, even Su Han's expression became subtle.

Although his blood-sucking would indeed cause minor problems, in order to prevent mistakes, he specially knocked Nangong out that month ahead of time, and he had no intention of engaging in color at all.

But when it comes to color, if I catch the remaining three ancestors and let them bleed, I may have time to bring Tokisaki Kurumi and the others over.

On the grounds of sharing ability, if you sign a contract through blood-sucking, then you can engage in color in an open and honest way.

Thinking of this, Su Han's eyes couldn't help but start to light up.

"Huh... Boss, you're laughing so disgustingly."

As if she had noticed something, Irena looked at a guy who had prostituted Nangong Nayue's talent with a look of extreme contempt.

Her intuition told her that this guy had absolutely no good intentions.

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