Thinking back on the brutal transformation method, Irena couldn't help swallowing.

If she remembered correctly, that ability is to gain the dominance of others through killing, and the soul dominated by Reverse Kabbalah will become the boss's hound, hunting the boss's enemies endlessly.

Even if it is killed here, it will be resurrected because of the "backtracking" of the dark eye, and then it will be thrown into the hunt again. The hunted existence will also be deprived of ownership and become a new hound.

"Just find some criminals and turn them into relatives."

The young man who knew that Miss Nangong was the gatekeeper of a prison had a slight smile on his face, and then took out the angel of change from his pocket, and immediately transformed it into a book of omniscience, searching for the position of a gatekeeper.

"Speaking of which, I seem to have done something wrong to Nangong that month, so it's time to apologize properly.

=========Dividing Line==========

The flame dinner has been cancelled.

The reason is very simple, the First Primogenitor was defeated and even killed.

As a ritual for awakening the Fourth Primogenitor, that was certainly notable.

If it is said that there is no big person concerned or even involved, it can only be said that the big person may have passed through the tower of swordsmen. Because of the failure of the battle, when they ran away with Ami's donkey, their head was hit by a hoof.

The True Ancestors obviously didn't get kicked out of their heads by Amiya, so it was impossible to just watch the strongest weapon they created being carried away by a group of fools, and they all participated.

The essence of that thing is actually a ceremony prepared by the three primordial ancestors thinking about how to wake up the fourth primogenitor, and only some guys who can't see reality clearly will think that this is an opportunity to earn benefits.

In this game, the one with the highest degree of participation is the First True Ancestor, and now, this Xiongtai has already become a dead man after fighting with the warriors from another world.

The host is too old, and then there will be a flame night banquet with a hammer.

The Flame Light Banquet has been cancelled. If nothing else, no one will propose to open this banquet until the whereabouts of the First Primogenitor appear.

This is a good thing for Itogami Island. In a short period of time, Itogami Island does not need to worry about whether it will sink to the bottom of the sea for some strange reason.

However, as the guardian of Itogami Island, Nangong was really not happy that month.

As if he had suffered an unprecedented blow, Nangong sat in the residence he chose temporarily that month, and a dark cloud seemed to condense on his delicate face, as if water could seep out at any time.

The balance of this world has been disrupted.

The signing of the Sanctuary Treaty was established under the deterrence of the War King Domain and the oblivion of the War King by its owner.

But now, the monarch who is like a nuclear weapon in nuclear deterrence has been defeated by travelers from another world, and his life and death are unknown.

Under such circumstances, the races who would have been sneaking up on the whole thing under the high-pressure policy might have already started to revel.

The typical example here is the Black Death Royal faction.

Like white supremacists, there are orc supremacists in this world.

Although the most honored brothers with the ability to transform into gods can't even beat the beasts of the true ancestors, they are brothers and sisters in front of giants, elves and vampires, but they still believe that orcs are the most powerful in the world. Excellent race is really the same cerebral palsy as white supremacists or even black supremacists.

If nothing else, then the group of evil pens will quickly start to carry out terrorist attacks, massacre "lower races", and sing freedom.

There are definitely not a few races that have similar ideas with the Black Death Emperor.

However, since there are still two True Ancestors, they are unlikely to cause riots as blatantly as the brainless orcs, but the little tricks behind their backs are absolutely indispensable.

If the group owner will continue to attack other true ancestors, then next...


Just imagining the scenes where the conspirators wanted to tear up the Sanctuary Treaty and start a war, anger ignited in Nangong's heart that month.

The slender and beautiful hand clenched into a fist, and slammed it on the table with no ladylike demeanor.

"That guy in the group, what are you thinking about?"

"Don't he know that if he does that, the world will become a battlefield filled with gunpowder?"

She roared in a low voice, like an angry female beast.

But in addition to anger, there is more regret in her heart.

This is his own fault.

I shouldn't believe in the superficial harmony between the group members, I believe that the people in the group chat are close and reliable.

In the final analysis, the source of all mistakes is oneself.

You must make your own choice.

The twelfth true ancestor is in her hands. Perhaps, if she can resurrect the fourth true ancestor, there may be a turning point.

"Sure enough, can't you trust others?"

The witch murmured in a low voice, then stood up.


"That kind of thing, you can't say that."

Without warning, a voice that should not have appeared here echoed in her ears.

That very recognizable voice made Nangong Nayue's pupils shrink rapidly.

As if she met the enemy who killed her father, she whispered the name in a low voice.

"Su Han!!"

Update delayed

I went to the cat house to buy a cat. I didn't know if I didn't check it. I was shocked when I checked it.

The 799 compound puppet sold me for 2k3.

After that, there was still some health problems, and I also said that the cat plague will not return, and the **** told me to find fault, and also said that people in the circle would remember me and not sell goods in the future.

Now arguing with cat dealers.

That's it.

update delayed, update delayed

Chapter 46: On the Sharing of Senses between Avatar and Noumenon

"It's me."

As if being greeted by a close friend, the handsome young man responded with a relaxed and happy tone to the anger from Nangong that month.

"Long time no see, Nayue Sauce."

"You seem to have become a little haggard. I know a good beauty shop. I can help you adjust it. Do you need me to contact you?"

The sound was quite refreshing, making people think of the wind blowing through the bamboo forest, or the murmur of an orchestral instrument.

However, that voice fell in Nangong Nayue's ears, but it was like a devil's mockery.

It was the voice of the man who destroyed the foundation of world peace, and he was put into this world by himself! !

Without hesitation, her magic power surged like a torrent.

Under her will, the silver-white chain danced like a violent snake. It was the 'chain of discipline' forged by the gods. Even if the enemy was a noble among vampires, it could be easily bound. The transformed orcs will also be defeated by the tyrannical restraint ability.

A chain that even divine beasts can discipline, there is no doubt that this is one of the top weapons.

It was as if the space was torn apart, no, no, the sharp tip of the chain that directly tore the space was stabbing at the uninvited guest with the momentum of tearing everything in front of him.

Temples, eyeballs, throat, heart...

It was a furious attack full of murderous intent.

Every blow is aimed at the key point. If all of them are eaten, even the true ancestor at the top of the vampire will die because the center that controls the life force—the heart and the center that controls the magic power—the brain is destroyed at the same time.


In the face of beings that are closer to God than humans, and even related to the Lord of Armies, is such a chain useful?

The deadly edge roll with killing intent directly attacked the face of the unsuspecting young man.

Penetrating the eyeball and smashing the brain, that is the mission of the fastest chain.

Just move forward one centimeter and the mission will come to an end.


The slender and slender fingers easily pinched on the chain that came from the surprise. The next moment, the extremely cold freezing air was like a dead icicle in the polar region freezing fish and shrimp. Like a chain raging by a mad snake, it was forcibly frozen in mid-air.

"Is this a welcome ceremony for group friends?"

It is said that the boy who came to apologize was troubled by Nangong's extremely angry expression that month.

"If it's not me, but a weaker group friend, you will be killed, and the slapstick between friends, but you have to be careful, Nayue Sauce."

In that tone, there was not the slightest horror of being attacked, but only the distress of encountering a prank by a friend.

Not considered an enemy at all.

His own counterattack against it was even regarded as a joke.

The heart of the witch who lost all control over the Chain of Commandments in an instant. An extreme sense of powerlessness rose in her heart, and then spread like a vine.

Such a monster, even the legendary Fourth Primogenitor is difficult to match. His defeat of the First Primogenitor is not an accident, but an inevitable event.

This guy is a monster directly above the True Ancestor! !

The heart of the witch who had thought about the twelve bases that captured the Fourth Primogenitor in the past and resurrected them was filled with an unprecedented sense of sadness.

If you want to defeat him, you need a power that is also above... no, absolutely above the true ancestor. Perhaps, only by letting the legendary fourth primogenitor devour the other three primogenitors can it be possible to cause real damage to this monster.

after all--

It was a tyrant who killed God and then sat in the place of God.

So all the revenge he imagined is just a prank on him by his own members?

The feeling of powerlessness circulated between the limbs and bones of the witch in the gap. Just breathing would make her feel powerless like never before.

"Okay, the joke ends here."

"It's not good to treat the benefactor who will save you in this way."

The boy who didn't care about the change in the face of the girl next to him said happily.

Save your benefactor?

As if being amused by Su Han's speech, Nangong Nayue's mouth took on a sneering look.

The so-called salvation is to directly kill the pillars on the side of the world order for their own interests, and let the world go into chaos?

"I will give you freedom next, shouldn't you be happy?"

The boy looked at the witch whose heart was ashes, clapped his hands, and looked happy.

Nangong Nayue is a witch. The so-called witch in this world is a nickname for a woman who has concluded a contract with a demon. Through the "guardian" as a demon's family, they can use the same ability as a demon, but as a human, they can manipulate and even enough. Comparable to the magic power of the high-ranking demons, the magic skills can surpass even the highest-ranking magicians.

However, there is no such thing as a free lunch in the world, and making a contract with the devil requires a price.

The price paid for becoming a witch that month was the keeper's 'prison barrier'.

She must be imprisoned in another world and slumber all the time, and this huge empty prison will continue to be sealed until she dies.

Today's Nangong Nayue is just a clone she constructed with magic.

The gathering place for the hounds that Su Han wanted was the prison barrier, the area where Nangong's body slept that month.

To be honest, if Su Han is knowledgeable enough, he can find the prison barrier through the flow of Xianshen Island's dragon veins, and then use his extraordinary magic power to tear apart the space, break the prison in a different dimension, and then start hunting. .

However, Su Han, who has been in contact with the real world for less than three months, is a master of mysticism. He can't parse the pirated book of omniscience in his hand, and before the genuine Erya arrives, he can't make up for his knowledge through temporary evil. way to perform a hand torn prison.

Fortunately, there are still people who are proficient in space technology in this world.

As a vampire, Su Han has a beast.

His first beast was Kelsey, who was directly captured by him from another world. Because Kelsey was too weak, Su Han did not gain power directly from her, and was even attacked. wool.

However, that month was different for Nangong.

She uses the highest level of magic - space control, and is the most outstanding witch in this world.

If he signs a contract with her, Su Han can naturally acquire her abilities from her, and if she uses her abilities, everything that follows will be solved easily.

Just like a starving college dog looking at barbecue, the young man looked at an elegant and delicate witch, which made the witch feel extremely uncomfortable.

"Give me freedom?"

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