However, if he dies, unless he always hires a group member to stay in this world as a coordinate or does not leave this world, otherwise, it will be difficult for him to develop this world to a high degree and obtain greater benefits.


Maybe try to persuade.

Nangong Nayue, who corresponds to the blood-devouring worldview, held the phone and waited for an answer from a certain duke.

As for whether the world she lives in will become a cyberpunk style because of a guy who is keen on dyeing games, it is not something she can think about.

Soon, the voice of a young man came from the opposite side.

"Who are you?"

That exhausted voice made Nangong Nayue's heart suddenly lift.

"Snake charmer, I, Nangong that month, how is your situation there?"

It's very rare that the man who is polite most of the time close to hypocrisy doesn't respond politely.

"Your Majesty became interested because he felt the powerful magic, and took the initiative to go to fight..."

An extremely bad premonition rose in Nangong's heart that month, and the next moment, the answer fell into her ears.

"Your Majesty is now missing."


The phone slipped from Nangong Nayue's hand and hit the ground.

The worst thing happened.

==========Dividing Line==========

As if sighing with emotion, the handsome young man sat under a big tree that was half prosperous and half withered, sighing with emotion.

"I didn't expect that even if the magic power had an absolute advantage, I would be forced to use the angel's high-level skills because of my lack of combat experience."

"High-level skills - ahem, are you talking about these branches?"

An extremely weak voice came from above Su Han.

That's the Forgotten King of War.

The man who used to be extremely elegant is now being pierced by dozens of or vigorous, thin branches that run through his body and bound to the giant tree, with an expression like a suffering saint.

Beside him, all seventy-two demon beasts with national-level combat power were hung on different branches, trying their best to roar, but they were sluggish.

Those branches are like blood vessels, constantly gushing out magic power from their bodies, making these giant beasts that should roar to make the people of the whole country tremble into dying cubs.

"Branch Sword - the upper-level skill of Reincarnation Paradise and Eternal Tribulation Miasma Prison, has a very good ability to break defenses, of course, this thing can also absorb the vitality and magic of others, so that the target is highly weakened, causing a bond similar to bondage. Effect."

Faced with the question from the Forgotten Battle King, the young man did not raise his head, but just looked ahead.

There, countless vampires are running through the ruined streets, searching for the whereabouts of their king.

The nobles who were extremely rare in the past are now densely populated like college dogs in a university town. Many of them have Familiar Beasts with search ability, but those Familiar Beasts that were extremely sensitive in the past are at this time. Losing the search ability of the past, he just wandered around the city in vain.

A thin layer of "membrane" turns the world into two halves.

"Boss, what is this?"

The gray-haired witch was lying on the faint membrane, poking curiously. Beside her, Kelsey, who was essentially a researcher, frowned, thinking about what the **** was this.

"Angel of Law - A random field fabricated by Reincarnation Paradise. In short, it is a small different world. The main purpose is to reduce combat losses. Of course, when facing the low-level soldiers, this field can be used. Effectively clears all the miscellaneous soldiers."

The boy who seemed to be able to cover the whole world if he injected magic power shrugged and said.

"With the destructive power of the First True Ancestor and I, it will only take a few minutes to wipe out Wandu within a few hundred kilometers. The damage caused by that is too great, compared to fighting in a bustling market. , it would be better to fight each other in a different world where there are no people."

"I didn't expect you to care about this kind of thing."

Growing up, the man who felt the crushing violence for the first time coughed violently.

"Because, the purpose of my coming to this world is only the blood of the true ancestor and the extraction of spiritual power that does not affect the level of the planet's vitality, and give some spiritual crystals to others."

"They have nothing to do with my purpose, and it's not good for me to kill them for no reason."

"So, next, are you going to use the same clan to eat together to capture my beasts and magic power?"

The expression of the man hanging on the tree was unexpectedly calm at the moment.

Victory is victory, defeat is defeat.

History has always been like this. The vigorous and brave new king chopped off the head of the old and weak old king, wore a blood-stained red robe and ascended the throne, taking everything that belonged to the previous king for himself.

"No, I'm just interested in your blood, and I don't care about your magic power and beasts."

The words that shocked the First Primogenitor were spit out from the boy's mouth.

"what do you mean?"

The First Primogenitor coughed and asked, but received no response.

Su Han's interest in the three true ancestors is only reserved for the extent to which blood is drawn to allow the people who have destroyed the world view to complete the evolution and give Kazdel new power.

And these things do not need the cooperation of the true ancestors, as long as they are responsible for the blood drawn.

Compared with communicating with this uncle who sometimes wears military uniforms, sometimes wearing vests and pants, he actually cares more about the situation of his armament after the ability is integrated.

The young man sitting under the tree chose to walk towards his weapon—the root position of the giant tree that was half withered and half prosperous, and observed it carefully.

There was a girl-like tree spirit in the cracked part, and it seemed to be stretching its waist.

Is this an artifact?

Su Han felt that his armament seemed to have undergone some strange changes after he was born.

Is it possible that a garden **** Rinne will pop up here in two days?

If this is the case, then, won't a Wanyuli grow in the Vientiane Church next?

If this is the case, then who will appear in the last weapon that symbolizes "nothing"?

Questions rose in Su Han's heart.

"I always feel that it is not impossible for these things to appear in the form of artifact, or simply turn into human form."

The boy who was constantly drawing the blood of the First Primogenitor scratched his head.

"Boss, are you in estrus, do you feel like a beautiful girl even looking at a tree?"

In response, Miss Irena on the side turned back and complained.

"Personally, I suggest you to find a doctor early. This is a disease that can be cured."

"You can turn your weapon into a beautiful girl with a little yy, I don't think it's a disease."

The boy said confidently, which made Irena and Kelsey look contemptuous.

"Boss, you should have been sent to the emergency room now."

To this, the girl's answer was even sharper.

\"Also, don't you think that what you're doing now is a little bit like you're cheating on that month?\"

"You have now beaten the strongest combat power on the side of the world order, and you plan to drag the remaining three true ancestors here to bleed. If you follow, the power layout of this world will be directly messed up. There will probably be a lot of trouble down there.”

Speaking of this, her face also brought a little sadness.

Although she is a scumbag witch, in terms of the overall situation, Miss Irena has always stood on the side of order.neutrality and even order.good.


"Because of the three true ancestors, you don't dare to rectify the waste, do you think you can make a big mess?"

In this regard, the young man just smiled casually, his white canine teeth spit out slightly, flashing a cold light.

"I'm not a paper mush."

Chapter 45 Nayuejiang, you have to believe, I am a good person

"Do you think I'm a paper mush?"

Undoubtedly, it was a neutral boy between chaos, goodness and chaos. He spoke words that Irena-san couldn't refute at once.

This is the truth.

Su Han is a person who can hardly find any shortcomings in his body.

He has so many abilities that he doesn't even have time to discover them, so he can only obtain derivative skills by granting them to family members, and then after the abilities are differentiated due to the use of family members.

Whoever wants to make trouble, for Su Han, just uses the angel of change to simulate the book of omniscience, and it can be found out on the spot by Baidu.

Maybe there are some highly personal creatures in this world who can resist the investigation from the Monkey Edition Book of Omniscience, but, it doesn't matter, in another world there is a house girl who draws books all day, that house girl holds With the genuine book of omniscience, unless he is at the level of Mio Takamiya, or let that guy turn over the book, he can even find out what the target ate and drank today, and even a few sheets of paper to go to the toilet.

In this world where the ceiling is far lower than the world view of the battle, it is a bit like making small moves in front of Su Han, who can contact the two Adam detectives at any time.

I don't want to live anymore.

"Although I don't want to take care of things too much, I will maintain the order of the world before I draw enough... um, probably enough for hundreds of thousands of people to turn into the blood of the true ancestors of noble vampires."

In the look of "I'm dead" from the Forgotten Battle King, the young man stretched his back and complained.

"To be honest, I'm still quite curious, some crazy demons are still living all day long when they have been crushed by the true ancestors."

"It's clear that as long as they have a face-to-face with a true ancestor beast, they will be dropped by ko."

This is the truth.

If there is no secret, the ceiling of this world is Cain who is still sleeping and the fourth primogenitor who is developing normally, followed by the primogenitor transformed by the three fallen gods. Basically, except for Cain, t0 By t1, it's all on the lawful side, and Cain is still sleeping.

In this case, how did they think of the whole life? Could it be that they are all followers of Liang Jingru, the goddess of courage?

"Probably because they are very good at running, and they even have the confidence to continue running under the siege of the True Ancestors."

Irena-san thought for a while and answered like this.

"In my world, there are many people who fly too fast, forcing the Witch Association to give up the role of hunting."

I'm good at running?

Su Han was also taken aback by this.

In that case, it is really troublesome.

After all, even if the pigs are good at running, if the number reaches a certain level, he will not be able to catch them.

"If that's the case, then I'll have to run for you and call Erya over."

After thinking for a while, Su Han opened his mouth and proposed to the scumbag witch beside him.

"Hey, boss, are you looking for Senior Erya?"

Irena's heart skipped a beat when she saw the boy's rare choice to move rescue soldiers.

She hadn't seen that Su Han was going to look for someone. It was rare to find a second Ya with super-reconnaissance ability, which made her feel that something big would definitely happen next.

"Thinking about it, what you said does make sense. Those people can make small moves under the pressure of the three true ancestors. It is estimated that they have a lot of experience in escaping and concealment. Too much trouble."

Not exceeding Irena's expectations at all, the boy opened his mouth and expressed his thoughts.

"So, why don't I just check the list, and then just kill the group of harpies in advance according to the list?"

Those lighthearted remarks made Irena's expression suddenly horrified.

Although she guessed that Su Han might use the Book of Omniscience to do something, she really didn't expect that instead of using the Book of Omniscience to deter her, she would directly investigate the list! !

It sounds like the boss is planning to deliver peanuts to the Lubyanka Hotel without fail!

"Boss, after all, you are not the king of the night empire. No one is willing to run for you. Are you going to look for them one by one according to the list?"

"Hey, can you handle the workload?"

Irena looked at the slacker who would never do anything unless it was a last resort, with a somewhat hesitant expression.

This guy who directly pushed the tower Rua to the top because of the great responsibility of the monarch of Ursus, will take the initiative to run around in order to maintain order?

"You forgot, do I also have the ability to recruit relatives?"

As if encountering something very interesting, the young man laughed.

Irena remembered.

In addition to the blood-sucking transformation that his own boss is full of, there is another way to transform his family.


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