The figures of countless giant beasts appeared behind him.

Those are the beasts known as the seventy-two demon gods. In the past, every time they appeared, they would directly destroy multiple countries.

But now, they are all out.

Facing the seventy-two Familiar Beasts, Su Han just shrugged.

Behind him, the half-rotten, generally prosperous divine tree began to appear.

========Dividing Line========

Nangong was in a very bad mood that month, very bad.

As the magician of Itogami Island, this witch has a work ethic that is a thousand times more reliable than the extreme eastern government in protecting the people.

Flame Night Banquet, a birth ceremony for the strongest weapon of war, the Fourth Primogenitor. At that ceremony, twelve peerless beasts that could ravage the entire Far East to ashes will appear if no one restrains them. .

No doubt, it was a disaster.

Once the ceremony is carried out on Itogami Island, there is a high probability that the island will be directly bombed into pieces by the tyrannical True Ancestor Beast.

If you want to stop that blood sacrifice for the Fourth Primogenitor, then you must find a character stronger than all the Emperor Chosen and suppress everything forcibly.

Nangong Nayue wished she was that person, but unfortunately, she was not.

All she can do is sign a contract with a monster in the group and ask him to end the ceremony.

Looking at the sky that has gradually become drowsy, and the archaeological team that has been dehydrated from the sun, a haze appears on the face of the girl who looks like a delicate doll.

Su Han did not follow the agreement to make peace with himself.

"Please remember to be punctual."

"Our promise, please don't forget it."

"Where are you?"


Like a poor girl dumped by a scumbag, the witch and Su Han's private chat page was already filled with such inquiries.

Of course, there was no reply from the other side.

The same goes for the chat page with Irena.

"So, among you, can anyone help me contact the group owner or Irena?"

She already understood that she was absolutely unable to contact Su Han, and she could only open the group chat and asked anxiously.

A monster that is absolutely superior to the vampire royal family, and can even be compared with the true ancestor, is missing in his own world. Such a thing is obviously too fatal.

"Did you mean them? Didn't you notice that their avatars were already grayed out? They were already offline."

"Unless you're a group member that's set to be a special concern, no matter what you message them, they won't get it."

In this regard, Dr. Romani, who is still relatively familiar with new things, was rarely bubbling out of the overtime hell, and pointed to a witch who did not seem to understand the group chat function very well.

Group owner (offline)

Ash Witch (offline)

Damn, are these two scammers not online at all?

Unexpectedly, everything before was useless. The Void Witch's already extremely bad mood became even worse.

To be honest, as a social person, she didn't think that after the group owner arrived in her own world, she would choose to make extra money. After all, the explosive rise of the group owner's strength is obviously related to how often he usually makes extra money.


According to the previous records, although the group owner is not very honest, after all, he rarely causes troubles, or he will quickly remedy the troubles and wipe his own ass. Because of these records, Nangong just tossed and turned for a long time that month. , followed Irena's suggestion and invited the group owner to come to his own world to solve a little problem.

As a result, now, the two have disappeared directly! !

Thinking of a monster that might even be equal to the true ancestor wandering aimlessly in his own world, a chill, could not help but rise in Nangong's heart that month.

After all, she can find those two talents as soon as possible!

"So, who is the person who is particularly concerned by the group owner."

As if asking for help, the unlucky witch hurriedly asked all the members of the group.

Then no one responded.

Although Su Han's relationship with everyone present was okay, but Su Han didn't often get in the water, so naturally there were very few people who were close enough to him to be a close follower.

The silent scene made Nangong Nayue's heart shatter.

"Could it be that the group owner only pays attention to each other with Irena?"

It was very difficult for her to ask such a question.

Such a question made the face of a certain elf lady who had not spoken all of a sudden turn a little unpleasant.

"My words seem to be able to contact Su Jun."

Almost forgot, that guy's real girlfriend is in the group.

Nangong couldn't help taking a deep breath that month, yes, if it was her, she would indeed know Su Han's whereabouts.

So what is that guy doing?

With some doubts, she opened her mouth and asked Kurumi Tokisaki a question.

"Excuse me, Miss Tokisaki, can you help me find out what the group owner is doing now?"

"That...probably helping me choose a present."

Picking a gift?

Such an answer made Nangong Nayue stunned.

Could it be that a certain guy suddenly disappeared because the jewelry store has very few items, so he bought it quickly?

This is too weird.

"what gift?"

Adhering to the spirit of smashing the casserole and asking to the end, Nangong asked that month.

"It seems to be from the blood that can increase the upper limit of vitality and magic power. He said that my ability requires a lot of magic power, and he helped me prepare a bloodline that seems to be stronger than that of elves."

Blood enough to increase the upper limit of vitality and magic power, what is that?

"Also, he said that when I get used to the bloodline transformation, maybe I can try to summon some summoned beasts to make up for the weak frontal combat power."

Raise the upper limit of life force and magic power...

Summon the beast...

Bloodlines are stronger than elves...

Like a puzzle, the three conditions outlined three figures in Nangong's mind that month.

As the figure was outlined, her expression became more and more rigid.

Chapter 44 Do you think I'm like a piece of paper?

True Ancestor.

The leader of the Night Empire is also an important existence in maintaining the balance of the world.

In ancient times, the relationship between humans and demons was extremely bad.

It is normal for the demons to recklessly **** human blood, slaughter towns, and use human beings as the lowest servants.

Correspondingly, the human warriors will also slaughter the villages of the demons without hesitation. As their medal of honor, the priests of the church will also send the captured demons into the fire without hesitation. send them to ask God's forgiveness,

It's like a cycle of grievances. Today, the demons slaughter human villages, and tomorrow the knights slaughter the villages of the demons. The endless slaughter continues.

What broke this status quo was the Sanctuary Treaty,

The first real ancestor of God in essence did not like this endless internal friction. With his extremely powerful force and the support of some peace lovers, he forced all races in the world to stipulate that “all races in the world need peaceful development, Signed on the Holy Land Treaty that no racial war shall be provoked at will.

Here comes the end of the old era shrouded in blood.

And now...

"He's probably helping me pick a present."

At first glance, it sounded like the words of an ordinary girl teasing her lover in private, and fell into Nangong Nayue's ears, making her expression stiff as if she was being watched by Medusa.

There are many bloodlines that can increase the upper limit of mana and vitality.

Orcs, sirens, giants, elves...

As a magician in the Demon Special Zone, Nangong could close his eyes and say nearly three-digit bloodline names that month.

There are also many races that can summon the beasts. Except for the blood race that has a negative vitality and is completely indebted, any kind of zombie, lich, or elves, giants and other immortal species can also be summoned.

However, if you add a precondition that is stronger than the "elf"...

It is generally understood that Toshizaki Kuangsan's species is a special species with per capita abilities and weapons that sell for more than 100,000 in the system mall, and even Nangong Nayue, a special species related to "God", feels his brain is dizzy.

There are basically only a few options left.

The ancient giants that are basically gone, the extinct high elves, the beasts (dragon, phoenix) among the orcs, and...the true ancestor who shares power through blood!

Heck, that guy Su Han actually went straight to the True Ancestor!

As if being hit by a giant hammer on the head, Nangong felt that his brain was already drowsy that month.

True Ancestor, that is the maintainer of the Sanctuary Treaty. The reason why the world's major races can ensure that conflicts do not exceed the scope of local wars is largely because they are afraid of the three True Ancestors.

If one of the three True Ancestors is suddenly missing...

It is obvious that what he is using now is just a phantom, but at this moment, Nangong feels that his body is still in the prison of different dimensions and his hands and feet are cold.

"Where is that guy?"

Nangong Nayue, who could not even take honorifics into consideration, hurriedly asked Kurumi Tokisaki directly.

"Su Jun's words are probably in the realm of the King of War."

The words that made Nangong's hands and feet cold all of a sudden that month reached her ears.

The king of the Battle King Domain is the biggest promoter of the Sanctuary Treaty.

To be honest, the True Ancestor should be close to invincible in theory. After all, he is the strongest blood clan, not counting the Fourth True Ancestor.

But as we all know, invincibility is a debuff.

Kaz is now working as an artificial satellite in outer space, Lord Dio has been sent to bask in the sun, and the boss of the chip has obtained "immortality", and even Yu Qiang has not escaped the invincible debuff.

In the face of the mysterious abnormality of the group master's ability, even the first primogenitor can easily capsize.

No, no, you shouldn't assume the possibility of "capsule".

Recalling the terrifying predictive ability of the group leader and the momentum of going to the Battle King Domain when he came, cold sweat kept breaking out on Nangong Nayue's body.

A person needs to be carefully arranged. If the group leader is in a weak position, what he should do is to first capture the beasts of the fourth primogenitor here, improve himself, and then go to the confrontation with the first primogenitor, not Without saying a word, he ran directly towards the Battle King Domain.

It is very likely that he is a bug that is stronger than the first primogenitor.


Now I can only send a message to that snake charmer, please contact his boss quickly, ready to run away?

An extremely bad feeling rose in Nangong's heart that month.

She took a deep breath, took out her mobile phone from her pocket, opened her address book, and found a certain vampire noble who had an extremely bad relationship with her.

Dimitriyah Vattola.

The Grand Duke of Vampires, who was second only to the True Ancestor because he devoured two elders, if it were him, he would definitely be able to contact the Forgotten War King, and then...

I hope that the Forgotten War King can listen to the persuasion and not fight that guy yourself.

Less than an afternoon has passed, and no matter how strong the group owner is, it is unlikely that they will find traces of the forgotten battle king from the huge battle king domain.

After all, that was originally a character who saw the beginning and the end of the dragon, and his strength was very high, and he was not an existence that could be inquired by the book of omniscience transformed by the angel of change. Therefore, unless they directly bumped into the opposite side, they are now It is unlikely that the war has already started.

Nangong took a deep breath that month and was about to activate the space control. When she got in touch with the snake charmer, she had to quickly transfer to the airport and go to the Battle King Domain to find the one who was the first to do anything. Lord.

She's going to try to convince that guy to stop attacking the Three Great Ancestors.

Honestly, it's hard to convince a monster you don't have a close relationship with.

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