
The girl's slender hand grabbed his arm.

Su Han turned around and saw the old sister who had spoken the words that made the little donkey shiver.

"Sister, what do you mean...?"

Feeling that something was wrong, Su Han's brain was running fast, and he told him directly that the next thing might be very ugly.

In the face of her brother's questioning, Miss Doctor smiled and took the bottle of blood from her hand, then poured it into the kettle she was carrying, shook it vigorously, shook it well, and then poured in sugar and salt, trying to mix it into a cup. Dark cuisine.

"Vampires have the urge to **** blood, and both themselves and being sucked by them will have an x-impulse..."

"Don't you think, as the only seedling of the old Su family, you should drink something?"

Chapter 37 Ineffective blood of the true ancestor?

"As the only seedling of the old Su family, shouldn't you have a bite at this time?"

Probably because he wanted to raise a nephew and niece, this doctor who fell into the world view of Shield Yong and would most likely get the title of Chip Yong looked at his younger brother with glowing eyes.

Vampires are a race that must drink blood to maintain their vitality. For vampires, drinking blood is extremely addictive, and even triggers a series of sexual desires. Under this premise, if the vampire party also enters the state, No matter how you think about it, it will be a one-stop hotel.

With such a fetish, it is simply stupid not to take it out and drink it sooner.

As if criticizing someone's brainlessness, Miss Su Xia snorted, deliberately adjusted the water bag with the blood of the true ancestor into an extremely unpleasant drink, and then slapped it in front of her close relatives.

"This stuff... looks awful to drink."

Probably because he had graduated from the profession of blood mage and did not dislike the smell of blood, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly when he looked at the blood of the true ancestor whose taste had been changed by honey, salt, and even pepper. .

"Don't hesitate, hurry up and drink it. How many generations of our family can last depends on how much land you can cultivate next."

Rather than urging marriage, the girl who was trolling her brother put the water bag in front of Su Han with a smile on her face, as if shouting at a child. the sound of.

"Ah, darling, open your mouth."

"After drinking, I'll take you back to Rhode Island for a blind date. Well, we have a lot of cute girls in Rhode Island, from musical girls to famous knights, even Snow Maiden and Jesse who can be used in all Terra. You can find the card."

That scene made the corners of Amiya and Kelsey's mouth twitch.

Like coaxing a child to coax monsters that can gallop across multiple worlds, and then use their own operators as bait, this kind of thing is probably only this crazy girl can do. ,

Facing the funny old sister who could be invited by Huaguoshan Monkey, Su Han sighed. When dealing with a neurosis, he should first notice that she is a lunatic, and then he should pay attention that she is his own sister.

When Miss Doctor was still thinking about who to find her next brother on a blind date, a group leader smashed her head mercilessly.

In an instant, the doctor, who was like a living treasure, let out a scream like a wounded beast.

The identity of the oppressed and the oppressor is rapidly changed here.

"First of all, Rhodes Island is a regular medical knight order, not a lion king dating agency, so, old lady, as one of the leaders of Rhodes Island, give me a good reflection, and think about arranging a blind date for operators all day long. What the hell?"

Next, there is a high probability that the teenager who will meet the Lion King marriage agency will say that compared to the commander of Rhode Island, it is really too many words, so that Amiya and Kelsey on the side can't help but point it out. nod.


It's like popularizing that one plus one equals two, the boy sighed and said.

"Sister, you must know that there is a theory of personality in this world. My personality is much higher than that of the true ancestor. This blood has no effect on me at all."

As fallen gods, the true ancestors are not inferior.

They generally control dozens of beasts with extremely strong destructive power, and even conceptual abilities. Once they get angry, they will tear everything that is hostile to them to pieces like a moving atomic bomb.

There is no doubt that the true ancestor as the source of the blood race is not low.

However, as we all know, the gaps are all comparisons.

In front of the primordial elves who have condensed the earth's spiritual power for thousands of years, and are even called "the only god", these True Ancestors, who are still at the level of the opposite country, are forced to fall.

Personality is a very hopeless theory.

The so-called fallen god, in front of the only god...even the monkey version of the only god, has nothing to support.

Unfortunately, Su Han is the primordial demon king corresponding to the primordial elves, and he is still an enhanced version of devouring the gods.

"If you want me to be infected with the vampire's disease, it is estimated that all the vampires must be killed, and then their blood will be collected and refined into something that represents the original power of the vampire, and injected into my body, it is possible. Let my life posture become close to the true ancestor."

Quite frankly, the young man told his own situation.

"It's a waste for me to drink this stuff."

"However, according to your plan, it won't take long for you to directly hunt down the true ancestors and use them as the ladder for the evolution of human life. At that time, this cup of blood will be even more useless."

The doctor, who is obviously still not giving up, said it very seriously.

"Now that you drink it, you can comfort yourself by spending a huge amount of points to get a little boost. After you defeat the Four Great Ancestors, then you will understand what cruelty is."

"The things you once bought with a lot of money are worthless!"

The words seemed to possess some kind of magic, which made Su Han freeze.

Version replacement is a sad subject.

Grandpa Lu, who was once worshipped by countless newcomers, became a fire-c combat unit in the Liyue version, and Amos, who was once known as the Bow of Pain, became a secretary in an instant after the appearance of Miss Secretary. Happy bow.

And today's blood of the true ancestor, in today's new version, just like the conquest gems of the year, was directly eliminated.

It's in even worse shape today than the Conquest Gem was back then.

Conquering gems is a high-energy unit anyway, which can be used to sell points. Although the blood of the true ancestor is very effective, it is not a high-energy substance.


Excluding the so-called bloodline optimization, it is actually worthless.

Bengbu lived.

The young man who spent a lot of money to buy the blood of the True Ancestor looked at the water bag that was his own efforts, his face gradually took on the wind, Xiaoxiao and Yi Shuihan.


Amidst the nervous and curious expressions of the crowd, the boy who seemed to be much taller than the true ancestor drank the blood of the third true ancestor.

A faint scarlet flashed in his eyes, and the white canine teeth broke through the lips under the action of unknown power.

"This is... the transformation was successful?"

I felt that my brother, now he might be able to come to the doctor of Duke Dracula, pondered, and then his eyes swirled around the two girls beside him.

I heard that after vampires **** blood, they will have X impulses.

However, none of the people present seemed to be very suitable for the next blood-sucking target.

Amiya is still too young, Kelsey is already an old man, and she is suspected of being old cows eating young grass when she mixes with her brother. As for herself... Although the body should be changed, it should not be related by blood, but after all Siblings, not suitable.

If I knew it earlier, I would take Huang and the others as guards.

Anxiety rose in Su Xia's heart.

"Let me do it."

It seems that he was interested in the change of the boy in front of him. The doctor named Kelsey rolled up his sleeves and sent it to the boy.

"Kelsey, you're not really hitting on my brother's doctrine, are you?"

That scene, in the eyes of Miss Doctor, made her look horrified all of a sudden. Although she looked like she was casting a wide net when she was looking for her sister-in-law, even like 'it's enough to be a woman', but, among them The blind date proposed by her is actually a joke! !

Her younger brother is still quite young. Although the third-year female junior holds gold bricks, and the 30-year-old girl gives away the country, if there is a rich woman who can take care of herself and her brother, she doesn't mind selling her brother.

However, 300 or even 600 for a female university is a bit too much! !

It was clear that Dr. Kelsey, who was close to the age of three Patriots, let out a scream.

"I don't have much interest in your brother. I am willing to donate blood only because I am interested in this kind of genetic modification that changes race through blood."

Not long ago, Hello Kitty, who had just been violently beaten by Su Han, almost thought she was going to see the princess, endured some kind of chill, and spoke with reason.

"The blood-sucking instinct and the **** generated by the blood-sucking instinct can be suppressed. I think, as the shadow emperor of Ursus, your brother's self-control should not be too bad, otherwise he cannot explain how he kills. The gods, and then seized the power of Ursus and even all of Terra."

It turns out that it is because I think my brother is reliable, so I think there is no problem?

Rarely, Miss Su Xia straightened up her face that would probably make the Shenzhou immortals burst into tears, and called out to her confidant's chest with a proud expression.


The speech from the Riddler made her look dull for a while.

"Without considering emotions, genetic inheritance should be given priority in nature, and his offspring will be very strong."

Rather than speaking normally, it is better to say that he was taking revenge on someone, the riddleman Mao Mao said to his good friend Ji.

"If this is considered a transaction, I will get a strong, intelligent, and possibly even inheriting father's ability. In terms of gains, I should be the one with the greater gain."

Ahhh! !

Kelsey, you old **** really intends to attack my brother! !

Like a mad dog jumping over a wall, or a tiger rushing for food, the doctor, who was very concerned about his brother, jumped up with red eyes, and then——

Trip over a stone on the ground, fell a dog and ate shit.

The extremely funny scene made Su Han, who has been acting as the background board, and Amiya, who was eating radishes, cover their faces, and reached a certain degree of consensus.

This guy is really humiliated and thrown home.

"Ouch, when I have time, I must level the uneven **** pavement in Ursus."

Grinning her teeth, the girl who can be said to be the world's number one tactical genius on this continent climbed up from the ground, her delicate face twisted, and she just felt a sense of horror.

"It looks fine."

As if feeling that his best friend was okay, Kelsey quickly turned his attention to a certain teenager who had just drank the blood of the true ancestor.

"Prepare for the experiment. After the experiment is over, please allow me to draw some of your blood as a sample."

"Then I'm welcome."

It was like a real vampire eating. Before that, the biggest similarity with vampires was that the boy who looked alike, with the doctor's slightly surprised expression, pushed aside the arm she had already handed in front of him. He wrapped his arms around her waist and stroked the doctor's hair affectionately with his face.


"You...what are you doing?"

Kelsey was suddenly hugged by Su Han, his body trembled all of a sudden, and even had a tendency to struggle.

For the Riddler who was beaten by someone just now, being hugged by Su Han was actually a kind of torture.

The slender and clean fingers can shred mon3tr's sharp claws, and the muscles that bully the arms that are not obvious, once they bring magic power, they can directly give death to all things...

Being embraced by such a monster, no matter how warm the temperature in the chest is, all Kelsey can feel is the extreme cold.

Unlike Kelsey's senses, Su Han's senses are very good. From that trembling slender body, I could vaguely feel the warmth and intoxicating aroma. The fragrance of clean and clean hair, the faint sweet body odor, and the smell of blood are all very good smells to him.

Canines - wrong, the fangs are twitching.

He instinctively opened his lips to reveal his two slightly longer fangs. In this way, he dropped a vampire kiss on the neck of the prey in a swift and polite manner, and the fangs pierced the artery slowly and accurately.

The boy's fangs slipped into the doctor's body.

The body being penetrated is undoubtedly painful.

The doctor, who was completely powerless to fight the attack of the most ferocious beast in the world, closed his eyes tightly, endured the pain, and a delicate breath came out of his lips.


Just like all blood-sucking creatures secrete anesthetized body fluids to stop the prey from resisting, after the stinging pain subsided, it was replaced by Shu Shu Ma Ma... an indescribable feeling.

Also, I don't know if it's an illusion.

In a trance, she felt that there was something more in her body...

Kelsey's body seemed to be shaking.

The magnitude was very light, and Amiya and the doctor on the side, not even the boy who was sucking blood, didn't notice it.

"There is no so-called sexual desire. It seems that it is invalid for me."

After a while, the boy who looked like a vampire picked up a handkerchief and wiped it at the corner of his mouth.

"Just as the blood of the true ancestor was ingested, it was swallowed up by the power of inverse Kabbalah. The so-called side effects were completely covered."

"So, the final result is useless?"

Just like encountering the great misfortune of the family, Miss Su Xia sighed as she looked at the boy whose expression was normal after drinking blood.

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