The girl in a coat comforted Amiya, then walked towards her.

The scene made her pupils shrink violently.

Why didn't the doctor run away?

No, not only did she not run away, she was even approaching her! !

This is self-defeating! !

Are you trying to save yourself?

Comfort and bitterness rose in Kelsey's heart at the same time.

If this is the catharsis of friendship, it is too bad.

It's better to live and die than to continue friendship underground, isn't it?

"leave me alone!!"

As if to exhaust all his strength, the big cat, who has always given a cold feeling, issued the most lofty warning.


"Xiaohan, have you had enough?"

In Kelsey's shocked expression, the Miss Doctor who kept leaning forward stood on tiptoe and tried to tug at the boy's ear.

In the face of the attack from the elder sister, the boy chose to retreat without hesitation, and swung Kelsey in his hand as a shield.

"Get Kelsey down for me! Her dress is easy to wear off!!"

Apparently, she caught a little spring, and the Doctor, who obviously didn't want her friends to disappear, stomped her feet.

"What's the matter with me?"

The **** spoke to the extreme and spat it out of the boy's mouth.


An even more outrageous answer came out of the girl's mouth.

"That's your sister-in-law I found for you!!!"

"Your wife is gone!!"


"Clam you big head fish, hurry up and release me!!"

The unreasonable words between the siblings are like Tom cat who entered the Romance of the Three Kingdoms studio, destroying the previous atmosphere of killing silence and entering the uncontrollable category.

Unprecedented daze rose in the heart of the dancing woman.

In the end, what happened?

Chapter Thirty-Six Neuropathic Patients Are Happy

The moon is sparse, and under the moonlight, the night is not dark.

Under the moonlight, as the four-person team sat around a bonfire, a pair of men and women looked quite similar.

Black hair, dark eyes, and a morbidly pale complexion due to long-term absence of sunlight or a former blood mage.

"So, is the group owner the doctor's younger brother?"

The little donkey, who took a long time to notice this, was nibbling on the carrots, with a feeling of panic.

Just after Dr. Kelsey finished speaking ill of the group owner, Mr. Kelsey appeared without warning. Then, Dr. Kelsey seemed to be frightened, and went straight to A, and was almost knocked unconscious. .

Apparently, it almost freaked her out too.

"If that book didn't lie to me, then it was."

Very blunt, Su Han released the book of omniscience transformed by the angel of change, and turned a page.

"Your close relatives, as the soul of the previous era, are wandering in this era."

On the Terra Continent, there is only one person who can be called the wandering soul of the last era, and that is the Doctor of Rhodes Island.

In this case, it is normal for Su Han to come over directly.

"It's kind of weird."

Amiya, who continued to nibble on carrots, looked at the group owner who clearly wrote "The Tree of Imaginary Numbers - Collapse" in the main world, and looked at the doctor who had hugged her when she was a child. The more she compared, more confused.

"To put it simply, I suddenly wanted to cook a dish, and then something went wrong. The natural gas exploded, so I was sent to this world. If nothing else happened, Xiaohan was probably affected and then traveled to a different place. of the world."

In Su Han's expression of "old man, subway, collection", a certain swordsman tower said so.

Does the transcendence of feelings belong to being affected?

This is really hell.

"Sister, you really seem to be doing a lot of harm."

Only now did I understand how Su Han, who had passed through, covered his face.

Emotional location promotion?

Get one for free yourself?

"By the way, and what happened to you helping me find a daughter-in-law before?"

Su Han, who rushed over to find someone to hear a stinky cat speaking ill of him, looked at the dark-faced Queen Mother beside him with a strange expression.

Ever since he decided to sign a nominal marriage contract with Tarua, the luck of the peach blossoms began to rise.

First, w suddenly had a brain cramp, asking for support, and then Irena encouraged herself to pursue her, and now the old sister came out and said that she had found a good wife for her...

Is it so popular to wear a hat to Tarua?

Su Han, who feels that the green color on Miss Tarua's head in the future, may be a little rich.

In the face of her brother's questioning, the girl blinked and spoke in the darkened face of the Queen Mother Kelsey.

"It's mainly Huang, Jessica, Lan Du and the others are a little too good. I feel that you may be a little unworthy. Let's just try to give you this old cat who has been unable to marry for hundreds of years."

"Let's make do with it. If you have the ability, you can go by yourself. Kelsey is busy with medical research all day long. Even if you mess around with her, it's hard to find out, and you may not be in the mood to care if you find out. Besides, she already has green hair, so it doesn't matter if she is greener."

"Doctor, can you be a little more serious?"

Facing the speech of a certain Dr. Chen, Kelsey, whose face was extremely gloomy, couldn't help but glared at the guy.

Just now, she was ruthlessly teased by this pair of siblings, and her mon3tr was directly smashed. This guy still has the mind to arrange a blind date here?

To be honest, if it weren't for the fact that the brother of the other party was really strong, and it happened here, the stinky big cat really had the urge to exercise his grip.

Apparently, Miss Doctor, who felt a little embarrassed in the atmosphere, chose to change the topic insincerely under the contempt of her good girlfriend.

"So, Xiaohan, what have you been doing recently?"

The traveler, who has been wandering in the world of Terra, looked at the guy who seemed to be able to rule the world by force, with an expression like a curious baby.

"Dye the map of Terra, a stable source of points on the whole, and earn some extra money in the name of accepting orders when I have nothing to do."

Probably because the people present could barely be called his own, so Su Han didn't hide too much.

"For example, I will go to another world to hunt the source of the blood race - the true ancestor, and with the help of the Holy Grail, I can summon followers without limit, and then convert them into subordinates."

"Well, my ability includes the ability to forcibly dominate others after defeating/killing them."

Hunting the True Ancestor?

Accept the obedient?

These two words were undoubtedly beyond the scope of knowledge to Miss Kelsey.


The other two girls are very clear about these two things.

Hunting the True Ancestor? Subduing multiple Servants?

This is too outrageous.

The little donkey's eyes were wide, and the blue eyes were full of disbelief.

If she remembered correctly, the call to summon a servant would cost at least 6,000, and the blood of the True Ancestor directly exceeded 10,000.

One cent, one cent, one can imagine how terrifying the so-called Servants and True Ancestors are.

And now, Su Han actually intends to hunt directly and subdue them in batches?

"Okay, amazing."

Instinctively, the little donkey praised very earnestly.

"However, I always feel that your ability as a group leader is very dangerous."

"Oh, oh, do you want to take one of the true ancestors you plan to hunt?"

The doctor, who seemed to be a nerd, thought about it and spat out a series of names.

"Elquite? Chi Ye Mengxiang? Shalltear? Or Evangelin?"

"If you can get them all, I feel that our family will definitely be very prosperous."

It feels like it is really serious with the doctor on the blind date bar, and said.

In response, Su Han couldn't help rolling his eyes.

Su Xia's wave has already made it clear that he is going to open the harem.

Does this guy think that girls are easy to deal with?

If nothing else, if Shizaki Kuangsan really wanted to fix him, he didn't even need to cry, make trouble and hang himself. One wedding night could make him need three bottles of kidney pills a day.

"To be honest, old lady, don't you think it's strange for a girl to encourage a boy to open a harem?"

Holding a little fear of his girlfriend, Su Han asked his old sister very seriously.

In this regard, the other side just returned a very surprised look.

"The eldest sister is like a mother, and the younger brother and the son are similar. Which mother doesn't want her son to have a good luck?"

md, absolutely.

"By the way, what exactly are you planning to hunt?"

Su Xia, who uttered a series of well-known character names but did not get a positive reply, once again returned to her curious baby appearance and asked.

"None of them, it's the group of Summoners in the Blood-devouring Raid, the ones who can't do anything and are the first in the group fight."

In response, Su Han rummaged through his red envelope warehouse as if he suddenly remembered something.

Soon, a test tube with red blood appeared in his hand.

The blood of the Third Primogenitor, the ruler of the "Chaos Realm", the Empire of Night in Central America.

The vampires of the third primogenitor faction are known as the T species and are confirmed to be only female. A living weapon in the shape of whips and spears that can transform subordinate beasts into whips and spears.

Theoretically speaking, as long as you drink it, there is a high probability that you will become a vampire, acquire the above-mentioned abilities, and then suddenly become an elder or even a royal-level vampire.

At the beginning, Su Han originally planned to use this catalyst to become the Earl of the Advanced Blood Prison, but because Chong Gong Mio really had to order food, the process of collecting blood energy was too smooth, so it was useless.

"This, do you want it?"

As if he suddenly remembered something, Su Han put the blood that symbolized the third primogenitor in front of his old sister.

"If you absorb this, you will be transformed into a direct descendant of the third primogenitor, with a physique, heart and brain comparable to an orc, a physique that will not be destroyed without being destroyed at the same time, and a physique that summons a beast to be a thug. talent."

Facing the reinforcement sent by her brother, Miss Doctor just threw the thing aside with a look of disgust.

"If I remember correctly, when the vampire of that world view drinks blood, it will activate the desire of x and the desire of the vampire. The old lady is a person who needs to be pure and enlightened, so don't be a lily!!"

"If you don't want it, then forget it."

Su Han, who originally wanted to see if he could exchange blood between Su Xia and Zhenzu, twitched the corners of his mouth when he heard the answer that was a bit outrageous.

After drinking the blood of the true ancestor, he may become a lily... He seems to have asked a very important thing.

"Okay, I'm here just to see how you guys are doing. Next, you can actually go back to Rhodes Island to rest."

"When I chop off Tracy, I will find someone to resurrect Theresia and help you get back to Kazdel."

It was very hasty, and the group owner, who asked very strange things, seemed to be running away in embarrassment.

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