"It's not useless, at least I seem to recall the past, the method of robbing the enemy's power through blood-sucking, and the characteristics of t vampires - turning beasts into weapons, although I still don't have any beasts. That's it."

The young man spoke in a speech that was almost as if he did not gain anything, and then gave an arbitrary conclusion.

"As a pastime, this game is not bad."

Chapter 38 Flame Dinner and Family Dinner

Chernobog in Ursus has been seeing a lot of weird stuff lately.

This is the consensus of the citizens.

It was a group of women who wore robes like astrologers, and also carried a small wooden stick, dagger, miner's shovel, and broom.

All of them are excellent doctors. Whether it is stab wounds, fractures or blindness, as long as they meet them within a day, they only need to wait until they use the origin stone technique called "magic", and then they can return to the normal environment. .

Among them, the leader, the existence known as the "big witch", can even heal the infection from more than ten days ago by wielding that "little wooden stick".

"So, in order to save some wages, do you go to the slums to perform time spells for the infected?"

It was like encountering a very troublesome thing. I just spent some time and arranged for a helicopter to send the trio back from Rhode Island. The boy sat in the hall and looked at a certain Irena who was the representative of the witch. sighed.

The guy in Rhode Island is indeed his old sister, so Su Han naturally chose to let the trio of Babel go back to pack their bags and prepare for the next trip.

Faced with the invitation of the new Ursas ruler, Tracy was naturally ready to move forward and came to congratulate him in person.

This is not difficult to understand, Kazdel and Ursus do not border.

As a militarist determined to use the sword to secure survival and development for Kazdel, the regent who had already seized control of Victoria would naturally wage war on the surrounding countries if he wanted to go further.

There are four countries on the edge of Kazdel.

They are the godless country of Yan (Ming), the frozen land of Ursus (Tsarist Russia), the anarchic and chaotic land of Syracuse (Italy), and the Polish donkey Letania.

The huge Usas is in line with these countries.

If he can unite with Ursus and start a war against one of the countries, it will undoubtedly be of great benefit to Kazdel.

He, who had been looking forward to a war, faced the friendly declaration of the ruler of Ursus, and naturally did not mind meeting and winning allies.

When the goods arrive, chop him up.

Use Feather Dust to make the servants who accompanied Tracy to obey his arrangements to go to Kazdel, welcome back Theresia's corpse, resurrect her, and return to the Black Iron Palace.

Kazdel Stain - get√.

The young man who obviously did not need to make a fortune through war or other means was thinking about it with little interest.

Although theoretically speaking, he now uses the zeroth rated power of the Seven Thunders to kill Tracy from 8,000 miles away. However, it seems that relying too much on strong power will make him develop some Bad habit.

Therefore, even if it can be directly obliterated by force, Su Han is still more willing to use some roundabout methods that do not require direct combat to solve the problem.

After Kazdel is in hand, you can arrange for witches to settle in Kazdel and open the second mine.

I feel that after having a resource planet, the boy who earns the points very well recalled some guys who performed on the street that cost more than the so-called circus, thinking.

So, what are these guys doing?

Su Han, who was still more concerned about what the miners were doing, twitched the corners of his mouth while flipping through the reports from Qiecheng about the witches' behavior.

What are these guys doing all day wandering around the slums where ore patients are densely populated and the schools where students are densely populated?

"Boss, you also know that the people who come to Terra to mine are not too rich witches or graduate students who are assigned tasks by their mentors. In the early days of the business, everyone was quite short of money and could not afford to hire too expensive employees."

The intermediary lady shook the red wine glass, and while admiring the strange red radiance of the precious wine under the light, she opened her mouth and gave an answer.

"Instead of hiring reliable workers, it's obviously to hire a miner master, and then use the conditions of 'food, shelter and inhibition of ore disease'. It is more economical to hire infected people as miner apprentices."

"What's going on around the school then?"

Su Han frowned and continued to ask.

"The reason is similar to wandering around in a densely infected place. It's to recruit some talented students and become your own apprentices."

In this regard, the witch lady simply exposed the careful thoughts of her colleagues.

"You also know that after opening a mine, you need to use magic power to maintain the machine, heal the injured miners, and count expenses and clean up. These things are very complicated, and one person can't be busy at all."

"Learning magic requires a certain talent and learning ability. The talent of the students is unknown, but the learning ability is very good compared to the social people, isn't it?"

"These processes feel a little familiar."

Su Han, who felt like he had seen a similar plan somewhere, rubbed his chin and frowned slightly.

"Of course you are familiar with this process. After all, at least one-third of the people who come to work here come here because of 'graduation work'."

In this regard, Miss Witch, who graduated at the age of fifteen, rolled her eyes and told the truth, which made Su Han's expression suddenly become horrified.

"Soon, the graduate student is trying to become a graduate student tutor!"

"The biggest dream of a miner is to become a mine boss, a graduate student's dream is to become a graduate student tutor, and an intern witch wants to become a witch. What's so strange about these."

As if she was used to it, the girl with gray hair shook the red wine glass with a lazy expression.

"How many students are called by the tutor, and they go away, don't you envy those tutors who seem to be eating rice?"

Su Han suddenly stopped in Bengbu.

"Recruiting infected people as employees at prices far below the market price, and trying to abduct students to become graduate students. In the presence of the current top leader of Ursus, is it really good to say that?"

As if thinking of something, Su Han looked at the woman sitting on the other side.

It was a girl in an Ursus military uniform.

Silver-haired, iron-grey eyes were a touch of red because they had been invaded by black snakes.

At this moment, she was standing by the window, looking at the area that was said to be represented by the Yan Kingdom in the distance, and her expression was a little disappointed.

That's Tallulah.

Today's Crown Prince of Ussas, and the leader of the world's largest organization of the infected - the integration movement.

Looking at the dragon girl who seemed a little absent-minded, Irena felt a little stunned.

Talking about violating the minimum guarantees of Ursus in front of the Crown Prince of Ursus is indeed a bit... out of place.


The dragon girl standing by the window turned her head and said something that surprised Irena.

"Infected people can eat and wear warm clothes, get medicines to suppress their physical conditions, and walk on the streets with confidence. That is a dream that I and my partners have struggled to achieve so far."

"Those witches have some bad thoughts when recruiting students, but they will also spread knowledge. When knowledge is popularized, the probability of the birth of infected people will be overwhelming, and it can also effectively improve the country. Even the level of medical care in this world..."

Speaking of which, Tallulah's expression also took on a complex expression similar to that of a student who worked hard to review for a week, but his grades were crushed by the gods who played all day.

"For those who are infected and for those at the bottom who are extremely vulnerable to Oribosis... everything is fine now."

"The only thing that may cause problems is probably the harm caused by the proliferation of magic. However, I think that since witches can become a cohesive force in a world, there should be rules and regulations as restrictions."

"To mobilize government officials to give powerful witches the status of lords and certain privileges to lure them. I think they don't mind maintaining the rules and regulations that are beneficial to them and the normal development of the witch group."

The very organized speech came out of the dragon girl's mouth, making Su Han beside him stunned.

"What's wrong? Did I say something strange?"

Seemingly aware of Su Han's strangeness, the dragon girl's face, which had been occupied by serious expressions, was bewildered.

"I originally thought... you shouldn't be very good at dealing with government affairs and the like, at least not like giving privileges to high-ranking witches in exchange for restraints on witches."

"In your opinion, am I actually an idiot who doesn't understand government affairs at all?"

The dragon girl blinked, her dignified face was broken, and she took on the vitality of a teenager.

In this regard, Su Han just smiled awkwardly.

The general reason he chose Tallulah as the Emperor of Ursus was that he felt that Tallulah should look good as a vase, and then this guy also had a strong claim to Victoria and a weak claim to the Yan Kingdom.

"Although I don't want to admit it, maybe my birth and growth environment have already been decided. I am completely different from some of my compatriots in the integration movement."

The dragon girl looked into the distance and spoke slowly.

During her childhood, her caregiver was her uncle, Wei Yanwu, the deposed prince of the Yan Kingdom. When she arrived in Usaus, her life was living in the plan of the evil **** Koscice.

In the case of raising top politicians all the time, it is almost a matter of course to learn the game between the powerful and powerful.

"I just hate the rules of the game where the powerful sacrifice the bottom in exchange for singing and dancing."

"If giving a few privileges that don't endanger the masses can stop a bigger catastrophe, I have absolutely no reason to refuse?"

The dragon girl who was born in the royal family, grew up in the duke's mansion, wandered in the snow field, and finally returned to the throne looked at her fiancé with a low gaze.

"It seems that you are much better than I imagined. No, you are someone who can completely change the world."

Hearing the words from Tallulah, Su Han couldn't help but applaud.

That came from Su Han's applause, which made the woman who looked a little too serious suddenly panicked.

"You, don't applaud!"

Like a shy little girl, the dragon girl grabbed the boy's wrist with a red face and forcibly stopped his cheering.

"In the matter of changing Ursus, it's obviously your credit."

"Have it?"

The boy whose hands were grabbed looked a little surprised.

Such doubts are not mixed with the slightest falsehood.

Because he really came to earn extra money, but out of personal love and hatred and his habit of not causing trouble for others, he chose to maintain the stability of this society.

Essentially, he's a jerk.

isn't it?

Looking at the boy's puzzled expression, the dragon girl also had doubts in her heart.

Yes, that was the source of the change in Ursus.

It is easy to tame the nobles headed by the black snake, confiscate all their ill-gotten property, declare that the infected are qualified to walk in the sun with absolute violence, and introduce the power of the outside world into this world, subtly bringing the "Origin Stone". The probability of "infection" is reduced to the extreme...

In the midst of playful time, save a decaying country.

It was also he who used a spell from another world to treat his terminally ill friend, Shuangxing, and her adoptive father, Patriot. Not long ago, his close friend, who had completely died, opened his eyes again...

It's really reassuring.

Thinking of this, Long Nu's heart trembled slightly.

She turned her head and looked out the window. At the end of her field of vision, it belonged to a annexe owned by a nobleman from the Yan Kingdom, which was very conspicuous.

That was one of the men she hated the most in her life.

It was he who abandoned himself, separated himself from his sister, and made himself the successor of Corsice.

However, she couldn't hate him now.

Sacrificing one of his nieces in exchange for the peace of a city is cruel to him, but it is right for Longmen.

He has always loved himself, but, compared to himself, he loves the gantry that carries the dreams of an unknown number of people.


How should I face that man next?

Instinctively, the dragon girl clenched the wrist that was being held by herself.

"You are—"

Probably because he didn't understand the current situation at all, the boy's expression was a little puzzled.

"Tut tut-"

The witch who was drinking red wine squinted at the scene and made a contemptuous voice.

Probably already used to the strange reaction of a certain witch, the young man did not ask "what do you mean?", but looked at the dragon girl who suddenly clenched his wrist.

"What's matter?"

Faced with such a question, Tallulah's silver eyes with a hint of redness surged with an incomprehensible emotion.

"Wait a while, Wei Yanwu and Jiehui may come back, can you accompany me to see you?"

"Is that all?"

After receiving the news from Nangong that month, the news of the flame dinner party might be ahead of schedule, and his expression became a little embarrassed.

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