She really wanted to help Theresia realize her dream, but monsters from other worlds also have their own opinions. If the two conflict, let alone Rhodes Island, it is estimated that the entire Kazdel will be raised.

So, the next step is to see if I can find my brother and send it to a blind date.

Huang Mao Mao is super energetic and a beautiful sports girl who can be a brother.

Blue Poison looks dangerous, but is a good child with a full wife.

And Jessica, this card is more effective than the black card. If it is really ok, I can use my savings to decorate my happy house...

Miss Su Xia thought, and then recalled her brother's habitual smile, which was actually very flat, and then her expression became solemn.

She suddenly felt that the kid might not be worthy.

But the matter of love, basically depends on fate, although the second goods are not very suitable, but what if you can meet the girls on Rhode Island?

I know quite a few good girls, as long as there is a blind eye to see him, it is a victory.

"I disagree with you, Doctor."

Most of the time, Kelsey, who would choose to stand on the same front as the Doctor and Amiya, frowned at the old man who was almost on the verge of lying down.

"For a monster from another world, our world is not his belonging, but a stepping stone to a higher level."

"Although he looks like a gentle person, it still doesn't change his identity as an outsider who came to plunder resources."

Speaking of which, the old cat, who had been running for Thearesia's wishes, looked at Amiya with a complicated expression.

Su Han can reach this world, in the final analysis, it is the pot of the little donkey.

Amiya is probably the best-tempered group member in the whole group, so she almost sent out invitations to everyone in the group with their own world, hoping that they would be frequent guests.

"However, the group owner seems to intend to achieve common prosperity through multi-world trade."

"A random domain technology from the elf world can cure Oripathy... No, time spells for almost all diseases."

Facing Kelsey's sigh, Amiya was silent for a while, and raised the positive meaning of the group members' arrival.

"You should understand that he doesn't have any feelings for the world. The reform and industrial upgrading of Ursus is just to obtain the resources he wants more efficiently. When the resources are exhausted, the world will be in his hands It will lose value in his eyes, and he will no longer care about this continent."

"And the country's political system that has been transformed by it, once it loses the support of the outside world and the overall planning at the highest level, there is a possibility that it will collapse directly."

Kelsey, who had no problem with thinking, spoke seriously.

"We should be prepared for the worst."

"So, what do you call the worst preparation?"

It was very abrupt, and a young man asked a question.

"Can you chat with me a little? I'm still quite interested in this topic."

The voice was very unfamiliar, but it had a kind of power that made people want to get close, making Kelsey instinctively associate with the male operators of his own faction, without any gesture of fighting.

However, that speech was too abrupt, causing the Lord, who paid great attention to etiquette, to frown.

It is extremely impolite to interrupt when others are speaking. Operators who interrupt their own speech at will should be thrown into the etiquette class to make up for basic social etiquette.

"Before asking someone else, remember to follow basic etiquette"

With this thought in mind, she turned her head toward the source of the sound, and stopped before the scolding was fully released.

The source of the voice is a teenager.

Black hair and black pupils, wearing an Ursus-style military dress, the corners of the clothes have the double eagle pattern symbolizing Ursus.

He chuckled lightly, with a calm smile, like a cheetah watching a sparrow flutter.

Coolness, directly from the soles of the feet to the Tianling cover.

That is the enemy!

Chapter 35 Only Kelsey's Wounded World Completed

Kelsey, an immortal old man on par with the Patriots.

In her long years, she is naturally knowledgeable, from the inner guard of Ursus to the black minion guard of the Yan Kingdom, the gun rider of Rutland, the deep sea hunter of Iberia...

Those monsters are all existences that can slaughter an entire city in groups.

Of those terrifying monsters, the one who impressed Kelsey the most was the pureblood Wendigo.

With three pure-blooded Wendigos, they can directly defeat a fortress and turn it into a purgatory on earth.

Without considering the so-called gods and apostles, the pure-blooded Wendigo is almost the ceiling of normal creatures.

This notion has stuck with Kelsey.

Even if she understands that there are stronger monsters in the so-called other world, she will still try to use the pure-blooded Wendigo as a unit of measurement to calculate the physical strength and battlefield maneuverability of the enemy.


The boy in front of him appeared.

"Don't you have something to say to me? Why didn't you say it?"

The young man who was completely different from the gods in this world stood in front of Kelsey casually, smiling, and his voice was gentle as if he was talking with his neighbor's senior about flower planting techniques.

Contrasted with the extremely gentle voice was the unbreathable cold.

As if the snow-capped mountains in the Arctic were suddenly moved in front of them, the chill was diffused in the air.

He didn't use the power similar to Originium Art, but just stood there casually, without even taking out his own weapon, just standing in front of him, he would feel that he was in the eternal ice, The biting chill blooms from the inside out, giving people the illusion that "perhaps the soul has been frozen"

Just a face-to-face, unprecedented fear hit Kelsey's heart, causing her body to tremble completely uncontrollably.

That is completely beyond common sense, a monster that is completely beyond the scope of normal people's cognition! !

Not long ago, she tried to tell her best friend and the leader of Rhode Island how to resist this monster, but when he really appeared in front of her, she realized one thing.

Perhaps, waiting to be killed doesn't seem like a very bad choice.


In extreme fear, Kelsey growled, calling for his ace.

mon3tr, the rare Originium life form in the world.

In many stories, rarity is often equal to power, and mon3tr is an existence that has both rarity and strength!

The huge dragon-like monster roared and charged towards the boy who was terrifying his master, roaring like a real dragon.

No one will doubt the combat effectiveness of mon3tr, just like no one will doubt that the raging Wendigo can directly destroy a city.

Not long ago, this dragon-like creature easily slaughtered an entire band of bandits!


In front of monsters from other worlds, is such a record effective?

"Ah, it looks pretty."

As if tasting handicrafts, the slender, white fingers of the young man pressed against the sharp claws of the giant beast, and the giant beast charged forward with a roar, but it was difficult to move forward a little.

"It seems to have the level of inner guard. It's a bit interesting. Let me see how the defense level of this thing is."

Very straightforward, the boy holding mon3tr's sharp claws smiled, his slender fingers exerted a little force.


The voice that made Kelsey's face pale, echoed in the air.

Like glass crushed by thousands of kilograms of boulders, the monster's sharp claws collapsed in a manner visible to the naked eye.

- Fragmented.

The body of the monster was also hit by its random kick, like a kite with a broken string, and disappeared directly from the end of the field of vision.

"Ah, is this thing so flimsy?"

Standing among the broken stones on the ground, the young man looked very distressed.

"I thought that the hardness of this thing should not lose to the pure blood Wendigo's horn."

A pureblood Wendigo's horn.

There is only one pure blood Wendigo in this world.

It is very clear that Kelsey, the last pureblood Wendigo in the world who has a brilliant record, is shaking uncontrollably, and even the captain will be proud of being broken in front of this monster. corner?

Even though it has long been known from Amiya that the group leader is a "monster" and encounters his enemies, he will only fall into despair, but the difference between hearing about it and facing it formally is too great.

Before seeing the Siberian tiger smashing his car window, every spiritual boy has a dream of a sliding shovel incarnating Wu Song.

"Flee! Amiya, and the Doctor!"

It was extremely difficult to get out of the fear that was like being stared at by a giant dragon, and the Catwoman who finally understood what horror was roared.

Just now, she revealed her intention to fight against it and was noticed, regarded as an enemy.

In theory, the Doctor, Amia, and even the entirety of Rhode Island would be considered hostile targets and at stake.


If you can escape, it is possible to survive after all...

In the legends all over the world, there has never been a shortage of arrogant demon kings and monsters because the enemy is too weak and boring, and they are too lazy to hunt down and let them run their own way.

Although the probability of such a thing happening in reality is very low, it is not impossible.

Provided that someone buys them time.

As if he was nostalgic for something, the doctor who always felt very weak crushed all the fear in his heart, turned his palms into fists, and slammed the monster's neck ruthlessly.

At the same time, the giant beast with its claws removed in the distance felt its master's will, turned into an arrow from the string, and made a comeback.

This is the combined attack of the master and the servant at the risk of their lives and will!

"You can't explode seeds without idealism skills."

Facing the one person and one beast like the protagonist of a hot-blooded comic, the boy sighed and moved behind Kelsey and mon3tr like a ghost.


In front of the fist with no special effect, the crystal let out a cry of near-death. After the beast named mon3tr was shattered, its hard shell was completely shattered.

The next moment, that powerful hand had already grabbed the Catwoman's slender neck from the side.

In just a few seconds, the game is over.

turn out to be...

Is this the gap?

Catwoman, whose whole body has been volleyed, has a blank mind.

"In front of that kind of mechanical seance-like monster, we have no chance of winning at all."

"The group leader is a warrior who usurped the power of God and then devoured God. No one can stop him at all."

Not long ago, the words of friends and juniors who made her sneer echoed in her ears.

As a person who has experienced long-term wind, frost, snow and rain, she has experienced countless "unable to survive" difficulties in her heart. She was dissatisfied with the psychology of the doctor's death without a fight, and also regarded Amiya's highly praised tone as a child worshipping her peers. exaggeration...

Now it seems that the funny thing is myself.

She should not question the statement of the "group owner" that "when extracting resources, use technology in exchange to assist the infrastructure of Terra countries".

Because he has such unstoppable force and ability to control his mind, he doesn't need to choose to use pretty words to wrap himself up because he cares about the resistance of others. His absolute force and ability to control his mind are enough to maintain his colonial expansion. .

He doesn't need to lie.

Next, the next thing is to pay the price called "death" for his own provocation.

Very calm, Kelsey accepted his "destiny".

In the face of absolute power, being crushed is not an unacceptable thing.

The only regret is that I couldn't buy enough time for the Doctor and Amiya to escape.

If I can be stronger, maybe I can fight for a few more seconds...

How far have they escaped now?

With the feeling of looking at the world for the last time as she was dying, her beautiful emerald green pupils turned slightly.


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