With this thought in mind, she happily wrote a new sentence on the book "What is the boss's true opinion?"

"I really have a brain cramp, so I spent so many points to beat that guy."

"Boss, do you call this Emperor Ou?"

The witch lady continued to tease, her sapphire blue eyes kept squinting at the young man, smiling... To be honest, it was a bit cheap.

Perhaps, I should really shout "Prepare to catch the demon" now, and then push the witch's **** out and suppress it in the back mountain?

Seeing that ridiculous smile, Su Han suddenly became wicked and timid, and began to think about how to summon the unsealing master and began to think about where there is a suitable mountain nearby.

I always feel like going straight into Liwa like this - the route seems to be good too.

"Boss, when you are thinking about some dirty ideas, can you open the shield a little?"

With a polite but embarrassing smile, Miss Chip Witch pointed at the words of action that appeared on the book and said.

"Although I know very well that my charm is unstoppable, if boss, if you are in love with me all day long, it will affect your relationship with Tokisaki-senpai and the others."

Ah this.

In the face of this kind of thing, Su Han could only smile and urge his dark eye to make it active.

Soon, everything about Su Han in the book of omniscience was erased.

"I am a gentleman."

The boy stretched out his hand, took back the angel he had just lent to the witch to play, and then stretched.

"Speaking of which, shouldn't you be arranging the witches from Chernobog now? Why do you have time to come to me?"

Partly to change the subject, and partly to ask questions, the boy looked at the witch who was supposed to place the miners he brought from other places in Chernobog and asked.

"About the deed of sale... ahem, the land reclamation certificate and the permit have been signed a long time ago. Now, they are basically familiar with the mining tools, and they are trying to supplement the basic principles of source stone mining."

"The former was explained by Leiden Yayi, while the latter was explained by a mercenary who failed to seek care and a rabbit who had crushed several scales. It basically has nothing to do with me."

The witch who handled things with high efficiency spread her hands.

There is basically nothing to do with her next, and the rest is basically relying on Leiden Yayi, who is familiar with her own products, and Shuangxing, who grew up in the mine, to teach those fresh leeks their experience.

"I don't have many tasks, so of course I'm free now."

"In your spare time, is it weird to chat with someone of the opposite **** that you don't hate?"

Speaking of which, the witch girl winked at her boss playfully, looking really cute.

"Boss, although you are a guy who became a harem man by the girls for free, but after all, it is not a piece of wood. At this time, you should understand that you should quickly show the attitude you should have when pursuing a girl, and then start chasing wildly."

Speaking of which, Miss Irena very cutely stretched out her fair and slender fingers and stroked her cherry pink lips with an affectionate expression on her face.

"If it's a gift, I personally recommend the magic broom. It's really great, and no witch can refuse it."

Facing the girl who seemed to be really shy, the corner of Su Han's mouth twitched slightly.

"Do you think I'm like Otto's dead licking dog?"

Su Han, who felt that Miss Irena's speech could be directly translated into "I'm cute, please give me money" sighed.

Hearing this, the shy and timid expression on Miss Witch's face suddenly disappeared and turned into a slow disgust.

"You don't even want to spend money on chasing girls. Boss, how did you become a harem man?"

"Isn't that kind of thing all about attraction?"

To this, Su Han gave an answer.

"By the way, about the magic broom you mentioned, if you want it, it's not like I can't sell it to you. The price is 50,000 points. Do you want it? I also give you half a spirit crystal."

"Tut--, the wicked rich man."

The witch lady, who is not poor, but definitely can't get 50,000 points, once again made an unpleasant voice.

Chat with a guy whose income is completely different from his own, and feel the gap called class every moment.

"By the way, when will your sister arrive?"

Miss Witch, who no longer wanted to get entangled in the topic of money, seriously mentioned another point.

As a traveler, Miss Irena undoubtedly hopes to see more scenery.

Terra Continent has a lot of scenery, but considering that he may be looking after business in Terra Continent for a long time, this world is not the preferred area for travel.

She came here, in fact, out of curiosity about the next blood-devouring attack.

Technology and magic, humans and demons, this kind of cyberpunk-style world is very attractive to her.

And if you want to go to the blood-devouring world, the best choice is to accompany Su Han. Su Han's departure time depends on when his sister arrives. For this reason, she is very curious about Su Han's whereabouts.

In the face of Miss Irena's question, Su Han scratched his head, he didn't understand this very well either.

Fortunately, there are angels who symbolize omniscience in this world.

Thinking like this, Su Han quickly opened the book in his hand, and then a line of writing appeared in front of the two curious people.

"They have already arrived."

Chapter 34 Kelsey, you seem to have said something extraordinary

When Su Han and the chip witch were chatting, what were the people of Rhode Island doing?

The answer is simple.

- In the car.


The powerful off-road vehicle galloped on the not spacious and smooth road, making a violent roar.

On the off-road vehicle, the doctor who looked helpless, the underage girl, and a girl with sickly pale skin who looked like a sick child were sitting in the expensive-looking car, quickly Mercedes-Benz.

A group of weak and powerless women walking on this road where robbers are rampant will definitely make a kind person's face change greatly.

The mercenaries of Sarkaz and the bandits of Ursus who are roaming between the various trade routes will definitely swarm them and take them—

"mon3tr, don't leave any of the robbers at the top of the hill 1,500 meters ahead."

An extremely cold voice sounded in the car.

The next moment, a huge Originium monster appeared, like an eagle preying on a chick, reaching the hiding place of the bandits at a speed beyond ordinary people's understanding.

"Crack--, help!!, woo-woo-!!"

A scream like a massacre sounded on the hillside, and then disappeared within a minute.

Almost without affecting the progress of the off-road vehicle, the so-called robbers and robbers have completely disappeared from this world.

In this magical world, human strength is obviously not judged by appearances.

As the little donkey's escort, Lord Kelsey is a one-to-one level with the inner guard and the Great Yan Imperial Army.

In theory, if you can summon three Kelseys, you may be able to try to fight the Patriots who have completely destroyed their armor. Well, Kelsey, the unremarkable head of the medical department, can have no black snakes possessed. Period of Tallulah pressing the level of friction on the ground.

When the bandit met her, black smoke came from the ancestral grave.

As time went by, the sky gradually began to change, the dim light enveloped the world, and the off-road vehicle that was running in the wilderness also stopped.

"Doctor Kelsey, Swordsman Tower, it is expected that tomorrow we will be able to arrive at Chernobog, and then change to other means of transportation to go to the Imperial Capital of Ursus."

The girl with a pair of donkey ears that can make people ignore her cute face skillfully opened the trunk of the car, and then began to carry the camping equipment out.

Chernobog is a mobile city-state close to the Yan Kingdom. It is not far away from Rhodes Island, where the main battleship exists in the Yan Kingdom city-state—Dragon Gate.

In the case of a helicopter as a driver, you only need to change to an off-road vehicle in a mobile city on the way. After a day and a night of Mercedes-Benz, you can quickly arrive at Chernoborg, and then quickly enter the capital of Ussas.

"So, why don't we take the Longmen ride?"

As if unable to complain about something, the doctor who took off the big hood on his head took out a water bottle symbolizing hope and a pile of cans from the car and complained.

"If it was with Wei Yanwu and Officer Chen, we should have returned to Chernobog by now and have a steaming dinner there."

The expression of the little donkey on the side of listening to those words became a little drifting away.

In the end, the Rhode Island group who were received by Wei Yanwu, the chief of Longmen, did not choose to move forward with the people of Longmen, but chose to slip away, and formed a three-person team to go to Ursus.

The reason is also very simple.

"Because of Amiya, we and the people from Longmen are actually opposites."

It was very straightforward, the doctor who was setting up a tent against mon3tr opened his mouth with an indifferent expression.

"There is an antagonistic relationship between Rhode Island and Dragon Gate. This statement may not be accurate. A more accurate statement should be that the 'group chat' to which Amiya belongs has great contradictions with the Terra countries."

"According to the information given by Amiya, the leader of the 'group chat' she joined is a powerful monster with mind control and overwhelming combat power, but he is not a person who likes destruction very much. He seems to be more interested in secretly nibbling away at many kingdoms and turning them into areas he can control."

"Ussas has been controlled by its 'marriage' on the surface, and the industrial chain of factories around Originium has begun to unfold all over Usas. When the first set of processing procedures is completed, soon The whole of Ursus will be a factory for him to earn 'points'."

"Judging from his habit of being good at business, this group owner is undoubtedly a capitalist, and the most enthusiastic thing for capitalists is to expand production. It is not difficult to imagine that the group who acted as the shadow emperor in Ursus. Lord, what is the purpose of inviting royal relatives and even kings of many countries here?"

This doctor, who has always claimed to be omniscient, was talking to a doctor who was obsessed with the gantry plane.

"Amiya's actions...Although it's a bit irrational, she is indeed clearing her relationship with the Yan Kingdom royal family."

"However, you don't have to make the relationship so clear."

The girl known as the Swordsman Tower continued to sigh.

"It's just a swipe at the helicopter, and it's not tied to the old dragon. To put it rudely, the guy who is called the leader of the group is still fighting the idea claimed by Kazdel, who is still on Amiya. , From the analysis of general rationality, this kind of wining can be divided into 'violence' and 'gentleness', the former naturally brainwashes Amiya directly, while the latter is a peaceful route, and slowly win over Amiya."

"Since the group owner didn't directly attack, he is naturally going to use gentle means to obtain Kazdel's claim. Under such preconditions, it is unlikely that Amiya is with Wei Yanwu's family. come together, and treat them as enemies."

Those words, Amiya, who was boiling canned carrots in the water, looked more and more erratic.

She really didn't think much of it.

"This may be a wrong judgment, but after all, it is part of Amiya's growth."

Obviously also understand that Amiya's treatment is not appropriate, but Kelsey, who did not stop it, said.

"Convert the princes and nobles secretly into their subordinates, and then send them back to their own country. After confirming that the test field of Ursus is working well, many emperors will have a stroke like the first emperor of Ursus, and then support them. Your subordinates will be in the top position, and you will dye the new country the color you want."

The doctor, who was obviously also a player, shrugged and spoke his judgment.

"The whole of Terra is estimated to be a bank for the group leader who is said to have killed a god."

"When there is no shortage of points, just wait for the factory that you have nothing to set up to send him Originium to exchange points for him, and when there is a shortage of points, choose a country with an unfortunate child to carry out a coup, and then seize the treasury, hang the oligarch, and exile the nobles. ."

"After completing this set, 70% of the collected funds will be eaten directly, and the remaining 30% will be used for infrastructure construction, which is a large-scale sustainable development site."

"To be honest, I feel that Rhode Island is ready to be disbanded. With the help of that almost mechanical seance, Amiya can easily defeat Tracy and inherit it in the name of orthodoxy. Kazdel."

After saying this, the woman known as the Doctor looked into the distance, not knowing if it was an illusion, she felt that there might be something in front of her that had a great fate with her.

If only it was cold.

Miss Doctor, who had been looking forward to her brother's meeting, and then went on a blind date with his neck strangled, began to think about whether her current savings was enough for a wedding, and then prepared to go into seclusion.

Well, Miss Su Xia already wants to run away.

This sounds incredible.

The strongest strategist in the Terra Continent, after being dug up by his former companions, the biggest idea was to dissolve the organization and prepare to run away.

However, Su Xia's thoughts were like this.

The current situation is too bad, so bad that even her top strategist can't hold it up.

Su Xia's ability to control the overall situation actually comes from her Originium skills.


The character's character, ability strength, life number, the logistics index of the hostile forces, whether there is any public grievance, military morale, these things that are unheard of to ordinary people, can be directly seen by Su Xia.

Therefore, she can always get the greatest victory with the least price.

Because of this, she became the best chess player in Terra Continent.

A chess player is a profession who plays chess on a chessboard, and the chessboard can be overturned.

Obviously, someone from the 'group chat' is a chess player capable of overturning the board.

In front of the guy who seems to have rushed over from the set of the Godslayer, everyone can only do what he wants. Once he is completely angered, the next step will be a dimensionality reduction blow.

I'm sorry, Theresia.

The memory is still not very clear, but I still remember that Su Xia, who had an agreement with the woman named Theresia, sighed.

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