
There is no possibility of losing.


Ideas are always beautiful, and reality is cruel.

"...Well, as you can see, I sold my property and even owed the trump card in exchange for foreign debts. It's a scam."

Ms. Tohsaka Rin, who was in depression, felt the magic power in her body that was not half as good as before, and felt that her eyes were getting more and more sore, and she could only look up at the sky at a forty-five degree angle.

Don't bow your head, tears will fall.

"Although I don't know what the situation is, judging from the fact that my Command Spell has no effect on her, her magic power is at least A+. Judging from the consumption of magic power, the basic data may be the berserker's level. A strong and disobedient Servant is beyond my ability to deal with it."

This is the truth.

In the Holy Grail Wars of the past, the Master who was killed by his own servants was able to circle around the Church of the Holy Grail.

Now Tohsaka Rin has used up the reins of the Servant, the Command Spell.

Her current situation is actually very dangerous.

If her Servant appears now and is hostile to her, the first victim will come out before the Holy Grail War begins.

"I think you're probably the only one in the group who can try to tame that rebellious guy."

Tohsaka Rin, who still does not understand who his servant is, gave an explanation.

"This Servant, do you want it? If you want, I will bring Teacher Kenneth with me during the party and ask him to help transfer the contract."

Hey, didn't Kenneth's lemon essence get killed by his wife?

As if encountering something very outrageous, Su Han was stunned.

If he remembered correctly, unless Webber became a real man before Director Ken hiccupped, Director Ken hiccupped to make way for Weber, which seemed to be an inevitable trend.

On the world line where Rin Tohsaka lives, Director Ken is still alive?

And it seems that there is a feeling of replacing Weber and becoming the protagonist of the Monarch El-Melloi's event book.

"Just a little bit, Weber Velvet, do you know him?"

Su Han, who felt that the situation was a little bizarre, thought for a while and asked Rin Tohsaka.

It seems that aside from the fact that Shidou Gokawa is a girl, there are also interesting changes in the timelines of other worlds.

"Are you saying that the head of the modern magic department, who is obviously a modern magician, but is obsessed with serenity technology?"

Tohsaka-san, who knew the inside story of the Clock Tower very well, answered.

"He seems to be researching heroic spirit summoning technology."

"Like my father, he was a participant in the Holy Grail War. I don't know who his servant was at the time, but he does hold the mantle of the King of Conquerors now."

"With the concept of the Holy Relic, the King of Conqueror's cloak, 'The Legion of Chasing Dreams' as the core, calling on the heroic spirits in history who have struggled all their lives to pursue their dreams is his current task. In order to realize this task, Director Weber is still working on it. Trying to make money building a lab by investing in stocks."

"Two days ago, based on astrology and feng shui, he judged that China has a high probability of replacing the lighthouse country, so he judged that China's stock market has great potential, and now it is full of China A shares, waiting for A shares to follow Shenzhou took off together, and then established its own research institution."

Hearing those words, Su Han fell silent.

Weber actually studded A-shares and counted on making money from A-shares to establish his own research institute...

"If you saw the director of the modern magic department suddenly ask on the forum that which building in the clock tower is the highest and the windiest, please don't be surprised. This is just the daily life of stock speculators."

Seriously, Su Han spoke words that made her face full of question marks to a young girl who seemed to have also taken Weber's lessons.

"What's the meaning?"

"It's nothing interesting, just a shot."

Su Han, who was still quite interested in the so-called Heroic Spirit Servants, shook his head and skipped over the words that might have touched many people's pain points.

"By the way, having said that, regarding your Servant question, what price do you want?"

Among his abilities, Su Han, who absorbed the spirits of the defeated as his family, asked with great interest.

To be honest, after the ability was integrated and evolved, his idea of ​​capturing Heroic Spirits and Beasts as Pokémon became more and more intense.

What the Beasts can summon all depends on fate, but harvesting Heroic Spirits is a real deal.

Participate in the Holy Grail War, kill the servants used and turn them into vassals, and then force the Holy Grail to continue to summon the servants, then continue to kill the servants, and continue to summon...

The harvest of such a wave may even be greater than the direct kidnapping of the three True Ancestors, along with killing the prisoners in Nangong's prison that month and turning them into subordinates.

Before going to participate in the Holy Grail War and the Slaughter Singularity, it seems to be a good thing to buy a Servant to know in advance.

"Tohsaka, which price do you think is more suitable?"

It seems that because of his ability, the boy who was gradually developing towards chaos and evil looked at the girl who was chatting privately with him and asked.

This guy still owes him 3,000 points.

"Just give it to you as a present."

Very unexpected, Miss Tohsaka gave such an answer.

"A favor?"

As if encountering something very interesting, Su Han asked back.

" sister has to fight the Holy Grail War next."

In this regard, Tohsaka Rin did not speak to him here, and spoke out his situation very frankly.

"The Holy Grail War is very dangerous. Perhaps, in the near future, I may ask you to save my sister's life."

"Save your sister, not yourself?"

Facing Miss Tohsaka's speech, Su Han was taken aback.

"I am also a member of the group. When necessary, I can leave the battlefield through an invitation letter given by others, but my sister can't do it."

Recalling her little sister whose XP was different from ordinary people, Miss Tohsaka Rin's face had become a bitter gourd among bitter gourds.

That child is too lively, and liveliness is not a virtue in the Holy Grail War! !

Oh oh, so is it Sakura's business?

Su Han, who understood roughly what Rin Tohsaka was worried about, nodded.

This task is really not a bad thing for him.

Since Tohsaka Rin asked himself to save his sister's life when necessary, he would definitely send himself an invitation letter.

At that time, in order to protect Sakura, it would be very reasonable to kill a few waves of Servants.

Reverse Kabbalah, bring the target into the control range by killing, killing, etc., and turn it into one's own family. Of course, if you really dislike the ruled family, you can send the soul of the family to its opposite - Kabbalah. , as an energy supply, to climb the tree of life.

There is no doubt that with this configuration, Su Han, the most suitable path is actually the Demon King of Destruction.

However, Su Han himself was obviously not interested in such things as massacres for no reason.

Otherwise, when he was still a blood mage, he should have chosen to directly and unrestrictedly slaughter the city. As long as the slaughtered city is enough, he will not lose to Chonggong Mio even if he does not reverse the spiritual crystal.

However, at that time, he chose to open a meat factory, and then cook cattle and slaughter sheep for fun.

It is not good to arbitrarily take the lives of others.

However, if the looting is the soul that would have disappeared in seven days, there seems to be no moral problem.

He was very resistant to such things as slaughtering the city and looting souls for no reason, but there was a slight smile on the corner of the mouth of the boy who had no psychological pressure to plunder the dead.

Tohsaka Rin's request really made people dozed off, and then someone brought a pillow over immediately.

No, that's not true either.

To be more accurate, it should be that after Su Han's ability improves, he will be able to pick up some wool no matter what world view he throws into it.

Even if you are thrown into a desolate world, you can still collect the power of the leylines by means of elf spells, and rub some spiritual crystals out.

Perhaps, this is the primitive accumulation of capital.

Su Han thought.

Back then, he had to drag his group of friends to run around the world for a few thousand points, but now he doesn't do it, and his monthly income will not be less than 10,000 points.

After the original accumulation is completed, no matter what it is involved in, you can earn profits.

"Okay, I'll take over this matter."

Very refreshing, Su Han accepted Miss Tohsaka Rin's request.

"Give me the ownership of the slave, and then I will help you protect your sister from the Holy Grail War."

Chapter 33 The sister you want is about to arrive

Regarding the sale and purchase of Servants, it is undoubtedly unethical.

But if you consider that the poor Miss Tohsaka has been pitted by her servants and can't recognize her parents, it seems that Miss Tohsaka sold her, it is not incomprehensible.

"Boss, you are not qualified to say that others are unlucky."

As if she was complaining about something, the girl in a large witch's costume was complaining about the fake witch she borrowed from Su Han.

As an angel of change, this angel has the ability to transform into other angels, and as long as it is given an order, it can be transformed into an omniscient angel - 喫訙帙.

And this angel can inquire about the past of others just like Baidu, when faced with a non-excessive existence or an existence that does not mind revealing information.

"It took nearly 13,000 points to summon a waste wood with the same name as the Demon God of Darkness. To be honest, boss, your luck is actually worse than that of Tohsaka-senpai."

The witch turned the book over seriously and placed it in front of Su Han.

The search page reads "The strength and ability of the servants of the boss".

Answer: ——The floor tiles of Servants are useless firewood except for killing people.

Servant of the eighth class "Avenger". Her real name is Angela Manuel.

Absolute evil. The sum of evil in the world.

the oldest evil. However, Angela Manuel, who is the "Demon God", cannot be summoned by the Holy Grail. Since he can be summoned, it means that there is indeed a human being called "Angela Manuel" in history.

——In fact, it is only a young man who was tortured as a "symbol" of Angra Mainyu in a certain village Zoroastrianism.

This heroic spirit is just an ordinary person who is expected to bear the burden of the world's sins. He is not a powerless being, made up of the thoughts of the people around him, and impossible to exist. It has neither gender nor personality, and can't even be called a thing.

The only thing that can be praised is probably because there is no winner in the third Holy Grail War. When he was recovered, the villagers' wishes for it were fulfilled by the Holy Grail - you are the absolute evil who builds good, because you have the ability to fight with the demon **** Angra. · Manuel's similar characteristics, and the possibility of being a beast.

Aside from the data difference as a Heroic Spirit, this Servant's trump card, the Noble Phantasm, is also extremely hip.


Auxiliary Noble Phantasm that automatically records events around the owner, and something on the same level as an automatic typewriter, it is completely useless in battle, and the advantage is that it can record ineffable feelings or feelings that I have not found myself as sentences. It is an artifact to seduce girls, but considering that Su Han holds a fake witch himself, it is completely meaningless to simulate it as a confession.


It is a passive Noble Phantasm that can only be activated after being attacked. Its ability is to return the wounds suffered by the caster intact, that is, the original curse that is common to all injuries, and it is the simplest revenge-type curse.

Since this Noble Phantasm engraves wounds on the soul, as long as the wounds on the caster's body are not good, the wounds that hurt the co-owners cannot be healed or healed.

It sounds powerful, but the conditions for this thing to activate are that an opponent can only use it once, and the caster cannot die immediately. Compared, it is simply outrageous.

Undoubtedly, unless something really happened to Su Han's Servant, such as being possessed by a real evil god, or suddenly integrating with the evil of this world in the Holy Grail, otherwise, he would be a waste. firewood.

After being fused with Reverse Kabbalah as a raw material, there is no separate ability derived, as if it does not exist.

Does this thing really have beast adaptability?

——The question that someone would think of when referring to a Servant, who did not want to be named.

"The Servant is not a product of this world, so the information about the Servant can only be read from people who know the Servant in this world."

The witch who seemed to like the angel of Miss Seven Sins, looked at a young man who was laughing at Tohsaka Rin not long ago, and a mischievous smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"From the perspective of your boss, your servant is simply refreshing and earth-shattering."

"Shut up, shameless little thief, I am the Emperor of Destiny, how can you, a non-chief, understand my power?"

"Three points are destined, seven points depend on hard work, and the remaining ninety points are all European energy!!"

The corners of the boy's mouth twitched, and Irena became more and more unaware of the difference between a boss and an employee, and didn't take himself seriously at all.

That expression made the smile on the face of the witch lady on the side brighter.

Sure enough, the boss is the most fun when he is still flat.

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