At this time, the elf of time made a speech that surprised the little donkey.

"Anyway, it was just a marriage with a sign on it."

"Instead of caring about those things, it's better to think about how to arrange the party in the group next."

Apparently, he planned to invite the whole group to gather with the group members at the time of Miss Tallulah's enthronement ceremony.

There is no shortage of high-ranking people in group chats.

Dadalia is the direct subordinate of the Queen of the Winter Kingdom, and the doctor is also the current acting director of Chaldea. They more or less have a large number of special resources or academic resources. As long as there is a trade, the next No matter what is exchanged, it will be blood earned.

Especially Chaldeas.

The organization that was successfully built by relying on the thousands of years of inheritance of the Astronomical Department of the Clock Tower, the taboo technology of the Alchemy Institute, the materials of the spiritual tomb Albion, and even the Holy Grail, now it is estimated that everything is lacking, but there is no shortage of academic materials.

"It sounds pretty good, and it's time to discuss about cross-world transactions."

Whether it was intentional or intentional, Dadalia spoke first.

"My country - Solstice will not treat any friend who is willing to make a deal with us."

"Speaking of which... I may also need some excellent warriors or warlocks to support me here."

It was also generally understood that the doctor who proposed the party from the elf of time was completely standing on the side of his boyfriend and smiled bitterly.

"First of all, we are very short of materials here, and the payment can only be exchanged for research materials and academic books."

Only the little donkey was left with a bitter face.

As Rhode Island's elected leader, she certainly wouldn't be a business idiot who knew the benefits of transacting across the world.

However, her world was completely occupied by the group owner. As the group owner of the Shadow Emperor of Ursus, the Terra resources that can be mobilized by a small Rhode Island are completely incomparable. This cross-world transaction, she It doesn't seem to blend in.

"In my case, it seems that I can't join this cross-world transaction project."

This is the truth. With Rhodes Island's size and fighting power, he is really a muddy Bodhisattva in front of Solstice, Chaldea, and Ursus.

All she can do is to rely on herself in the group chat and hundreds of people under her command to pick up some leaks.

It was Tohsaka Rin whose face was even uglier than the little donkey.

"I'm the one who really can't get in."

This young lady Mu, who took a long time to learn to type, looked at the Command Spell that had been used up in her hand, with a mask of pain hanging on her face.

On the battlefield that is about to participate in the Holy Grail War, which is to maintain the dignity of the three families, she has suffered fatal blows one after another.

A few months ago, my father, who suffered from the disease in the last Holy Grail War, passed away. Before his death, he was holding a gold earring that could be used as a holy relic.

As you can imagine, he wants to keep fighting.

What is the reason, even Tohsaka Rin doesn't know.

But unfortunately, he did not survive the last winter.

The father must have wanted to hold the victory.

In order to maintain the reputation of the Tohsaka family.

Then, he should also penetrate his father's will and bring victory home to tell his father's spirit in the sky.

Thinking like this, she was then pulled into the group chat, and bought Hufu by saving and borrowing money, intending to use the two servants to gain an advantage in the next Holy Grail War.

With the two Servants, plus the power of the spiritual veins of Fuyuki City, there is no doubt that as long as the plan goes smoothly, the next will be a perfect start.

Who can defy himself with the power of two Servants?

When unfolding the call, Miss Tohsaka Rin's mood was as happy as Dio had kissed Big Joe.

However, the reality is like the chest of someone who does not want to be named Fu, which looks plump but is actually very skinny.


Her Servant went missing directly.

Thinking of this, the expression on Miss Tohsaka Rin's face reached an astonishing agreement with Goddess Wood.

Mana consumption exists, but Servants do not exist.

Tohsaka Rin felt that his eyes were a little wet.

Where did you call this uncle from! !

Tohsaka Rin's talent is very high, and the amount of magic generated is naturally large.

However, she didn't know what kind of **** she summoned. Even if the guy basically didn't show up, he would consume his magic power to an extremely terrifying level.

Rebuking the trump card that has been made with a lot of money, forget it if you can't help, the thief who returns Ta Miao can consume magic power, and the magic power that he can use now is even less than half of what he used to do...

Now, when a transaction that can be seen as a wholesale rich man is placed in front of him, he is indeed completely incapable of grasping it.

"If I can, I really want to sell that **** who only knows how to consume magic power and doesn't know how to work."

The poor lady kept using the ancestral gem printer, and quickly sent messages to the "master" who was missing the dragon and her cousins ​​far away in Finland.

She has no ability to control such a business, and now she can only see if she can contact her ancestors and her cousins ​​to earn some intermediary fees.

"This kind of business, the master and some of my cousins ​​may be a little interested, let me try to contact him,"

The poor eldest swears at her useless servant, then sneezes, and after she sneezes, she writes.

oh oh oh.

It seems that this group is quite capable.

Su Han, who found that the whole group chat became active after mentioning business matters, sighed with emotion.

"By the way, partner, although it is only a superficial marriage, the gifts that should be given are still indispensable."

It was as if he suddenly remembered something. Then Dadalia, who definitely wanted to do business with Su Han, gave out a red envelope in front of the crowd.

Su Han was taken aback, took it, and opened it.

What emerged from the red envelope was a red mask.

"That's my symbol as an executive. Well, it's my token. If you take that to my world, you can command the fools and the soldiers of the Winter Kingdom."

A soldier who orders the fools and even the solstice?

Su Han pinched the scarlet mask with a thoughtful expression.

This is not a promise that the Fool Executives are qualified to give.

"Dadalia, it looks like you're not in Liyue right now."

As if thinking of something, Su Han suddenly laughed, smiling at a certain foolish executive.

"Mate, you're still as smart as ever."

In response, the man kneeling on one knee in the extremely cold palace gave a new reply with a smile.

"I understand about you."

Su Han, who obviously understood that this mask was not what Dadalia meant, agreed very easily and happily.

"I almost forgot, this matter still needs to be congratulated."

Probably because of Dadalia's red envelope, the other group members present also responded and sent out red envelopes.

Dr. Romani's, Little Donkey's, Nangong Nayue's, Irena's...

For a time, except for a certain Tokisaki Kusan and a poor young lady, everyone sent out a red envelope.

The former is naturally unnecessary, she is mainly responsible for collecting red envelopes for Su Han, as for the latter...

Tohsaka Rin is actually so poor that he can't even give out red envelopes to express his intentions casually?

Su Han thought about it, feeling that it might be a little tricky if he wanted to get his three thousand points back.

This stuff is too poor.


A very unexpected message came into his eyes in the form of a private message, which made him stunned for a moment.

"Servant, do you want it?"

Chapter 32 Servants, four for one dollar, hehe

Servant, do you need it?

Su Han was stunned by such a statement.

Not long ago, Tohsaka Rin specially asked him to borrow a lot of points, and then went to buy a call symbol.

In Tohsaka Rin's words, the Tohsaka family, the Einzbern family, and the Matou family were all defeated in the last Holy Grail War, and the Matou family was even wiped out.

In this Holy Grail War, she wants to inherit the will of her parents and recreate the glory of the Yusan Family.

Said, I will protect everything in the Yusan family! !

As we all know, the Holy Grail War is also known as the Hunger War and the Drilling Basket War. If you want to protect the glory of the Yusan family, you can only choose to cheat.

Therefore, she did not hesitate to sell the property, and then asked Su Han to borrow a large amount of points to buy the most expensive store in the store at the time, and even Su Han, a big dog, was absolutely expensive to prepare for the Holy Grail War.

"Two servants, one on top of the three rides as a frontal cover, and another summoned to act in the dark. If necessary, the non-staff servants can pretend to be other servants, kill the master who the servants are fighting outside, and then frame the crime and marry him. Bring disaster to other masters and affect the war situation."

I don't know if there is a time line change, but Miss Tohsaka, who was responsible for the persecution most of the time in the original plot, unexpectedly showed quite good tactical talent at this time.

"If the enemy is extremely powerful, you can also sacrifice one of the two servants as a cover, and then enter the church to seek shelter, and ask another servant to assassinate the master of the powerful servant, so that he Lose the Master, then according to the rules of the game, make a contract with 'I have no followers' and enter the battlefield again."

"There is no doubt that as long as there are two followers, even if one of them is the most inferior assassin, it will be a great advantage."

The girl who had a high degree of confidence in her ability to summon the top three knights talked like this not long ago, with an elegant temperament and a calm expression.

"When this is done, I will hold up the Holy Grail and fulfill the long-cherished wish that my father has not been able to fulfill in his entire life."

To be honest, that speech is, without a doubt, extremely wonderful.

After all, if the participants were really unwieldy scholars like Director Ken, in front of Rin Tohsaka, who had become a scheming girl for some reason, it was estimated that they would be played as idiots.


Looking at the font in front of him that is simply the embodiment of resentment and suffering, Su Han's expression became more and more subtle.

Rin Tohsaka's plan had a flaw that wasn't a flaw.

That is--

She had to make her servants listen to her words.

Generally speaking, Servants come for the Holy Grail, and for their own win rate, they don't mind cooperating with their Master.

However, there are some exceptions that require their own Master to use a Command Spell to make them obedient.

And the heroic spirit that Tohsaka Rin summoned with the call sign was an exception among exceptions.

——Tohsaka Rin used up his Command Spell, and his face did not leak out. It is indeed a strange flower in the Servant world.

"Have you still not found your Servant yet?"

As if encountering something very delicate, Su Han said something that made Miss Tohsaka on the opposite side turn into tears.

As the head of the Tohsaka family, she would never be willing to give up a non-staff heroic spirit that could be used as a killer unless she had to.


The killer must be held in the hand to be worthy of being a killer! !

Miss Tohsaka, who only knew that her Servant was quite able to consume magic power, looked at the contract she signed with Su Han not long ago. rise in the mind.

That's usury, uncompromising usury.

This is not difficult to understand. In the early stage, points were a very precious resource. Even Su Han, who organized all the group friends to go to Cocolia's hometown to earn extra money, did not have more than 10,000 points on hand, and even was The stigmata, which it regarded as a life-saving straw, was only in the early 3000s.

Loaning 3,000 points out in one go, even if Tohsaka Rin had a certain kind of kindness to Su Han at the time, it would be difficult to give them out in the form of an interest-free loan.

Miss Tohsaka, who understood Su Han's difficulties very well, did not hesitate too much, and signed the loan shark bluntly.

As long as she can have two followers, plus a tacit agreement with her sister, as long as she doesn't encounter a target war similar to that with Twinkle as a combat unit, her next win rate may reach 90%.

If she wins the Holy Grail War, she will be able to hold the Holy Grail - the cauldron of omnipotence, with a mere 3,000 points plus a little interest, just sprinkle water.

As for losing?

Just kidding, how could Rin Tohsaka lose with two servants and the help of her younger sister?

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