As if he could play a decent young chivalrous hero in a martial arts drama at any time, the young man had a decent aura all over his body.

"Don't touch illegitimate feelings?"

Listening to such a speech, the elf of time blinked her eyes very cutely, slender fingers caressed her lips, she tilted her head, and a little devilish smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"Is this the reason why you carried me, Miku, Shiori and even Niya to marry the princess of Ursus?"

"Flowers in the wild, are they so fragrant?"

Home flower fragrance or wild flower fragrance, this is a difficult question to answer.

Although there is no definite relationship, it can basically be said that the girl who is tacitly regarded as her girlfriend asks such a question. Mr. Su's expression is erratic and his eyes are scattered.

Miss Tokizaki didn't care that the boy she liked opened a harem, but it wasn't that she didn't care at all.

The range she can accept calmly seems to be elves and acquaintances she knows, and if the so-called candidate is someone she doesn't know at all, she will be unhappy.

"Do you need me to write a three-thousand-word review letter?"

Seemingly aware of the displeasure in Miss Tokisaki's expression, the boy thought for a while, and asked while lamenting like a misplaced student.

"About this error."

It was a bit funny, so Miss Time Elf couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"As you can see, the boss is dressed in peach blossoms. Whoever marries her is a grassland at one end, and he deliberately set up a different position, as if he is encouraging emotional struggle. The boss probably understands this, so, simply I caught a hapless **** who had no relationship with me as a green hat connector."

Not long ago, a certain witch had found her and explained to her what happened.

"For the so-called green hat connector, I personally recommend using it as a **** device."

"For example, after the big wedding, go to toast her until she faints, then throw her on the sofa, and then pull the boss to the wedding bed."

"Or help her weave a green fluff in the winter, and when she asks why she's giving this hat, flirt with the boss and reply with a message or something.

The rather violent words came from the mouth of the witch who seemed to be extremely clean and pure, which once opened the eyes of Miss Tokisaki. Therefore, she did not have so-called envy and jealousy of the so-called Miss Tarua, but only pity.

To be honest, she felt that Miss Irena's speech was a little immoral.

However, while being immoral, it also seems to be very...


I don't know if it was an illusion, but Tokisaki-san felt that her lips were a little dry.

"Okay, I didn't plan to ask you to write a review. Since Su Jun, if you take the initiative to ask Ying, then write 300 words as punishment."

The elf of time chuckled lightly, and the red eyes flashed, revealing a charming amorous feelings.

She then stood up, moved away from the position opposite Su Han, walked to Su Han's side and sat down.

"After writing, let's reveal this matter."

An Asura field, before it even started, has already ended with Miss Tarua's sacrifice.

However, that doesn't mean the conversation is over.

"By the way, my dear, I heard that your sister will come to Ursus recently?"

As if suddenly remembering something, the beautiful girl sitting beside Su Han suddenly asked a question.

Irena is really untidy.

Su Han twitched the corners of his mouth, thinking.

Su Han has an older sister, which is something that few people know about in the group chat. After all, Su Han only told Irena about this, but now, Miss Tokisaki asked curiously. this problem.

Obviously, she got the information from Irena.

For the sake of dozens of points, he spread his own information everywhere, such a subordinate should really be locked in the basement and sober up.

Su Han looked at the feathers hanging around his neck, and suddenly became wicked, and had the urge to incarnate as a male protagonist.

That girl's ability is indeed excellent, but, except for the necessary time, it is completely unreliable.

"Well, sure."

Su Han nodded and said his next preparations.

"I have already written to the people of Rhodes Island and the Dark Iron Palace in Kazdel, and it won't be long before the old sister who was in Rhodes Island will come out and join Tracy, the lord of Kazdel, to participate in the event. Tallulah's enthronement ceremony, appear."

"When the time comes, I can invite Tracy to the imperial study, and then three hundred knife and axemen will take him down, and then lead the head of that guy to find the old lady to play with."

Probably because of the oppression of the Eye of Darkness, the boy who didn't like to take action himself stretched his back and told his plan.

"Find anyone to turn him into the appearance of Tracy, and then you can return to the Black Iron Palace and take back the corpse of the old sister's good friend, Theresia, to resurrect her. After doing this, I can probably use the help of Tallulah's strong claim to Victoria, send the inner guard to control the out-of-control Victoria and take it down."

"In this case, in addition to seeing the old lady, I can probably dye three countries and get a lot of points."

Even after scavenging the treasury of Ursus, the boy who got the integration ability points said this with excitement on his face.

It feels really good to have a large number of points in the account without doing anything like this, and this kind of point income is not a one-off. After the infrastructure is in place, I will be able to receive regular points every month in the future. If you don't have enough points, you can still attack other countries and continue to come.

In the eyes of outsiders, the empires in the Terra world are powerful dynasties, but in Su Han's view, those dynasties are walking ATM machines and piggy banks.

Thank you for the gift of nature, thank you for the sacrifice of the previous group owner, thank you Amen.

"Nangong also agreed to lend me her world invitation letter that month. When things are sorted out here, I can go to the True Ancestors over there and have a good chat."

The goal has never been just a young man at a flame night feast who candidly tells his own desires,

"Vampires in that worldview are actually quite a perfect race, with a long lifespan, magic power that will increase due to lifespan, and aversion to sunlight, silver and garlic, but they are not harmed by those things, their bodies are not strong, but they are Beasts can be summoned as battle items."

"In addition to reproduction, the blood races in that world can also create lower-ranking races by giving blood or ribs to foreign races."

"I feel that building a ghost blood factory may allow struggling humans to gain more vitality."

"Isn't it a good choice to transform a dying human into a race whose vitality is inherently negative?"

I vaguely remember that in the Honkai world view, countless teenagers who had no resistance in the face of Honkai energy erosion sighed with emotion.

Su Han is not a person who likes to be a leader very much.

Willing is also very simple, troublesome.

The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, which is moral kidnapping.

The greater the power, the greater the responsibility, and this is the normal unfolding.

Being a leader brings great power, but with that power comes great responsibility.

In terms of personality, Su Han is actually very close to the scumbag witch. His favorite thing is to travel, see different scenery, and communicate with different people.

For Su Han, the identities such as the deputy head of the Destiny Extreme East Branch and the anti-entropy executor are actually more of a burden.

But, no matter what, she grew up with the power brought by these "burdens" after all. As a normal person, Su Han doesn't mind giving something to the organizations that have helped her to fulfill her responsibilities.

Well, vampire blood is a good choice.

There are a total of four True Ancestors in the world of Blood Devouring.

Keep one there to stabilize the situation of the demons, not to fry the pot on the spot, half give and half sell one to the little donkey or Theresia, stabilize the battle situation, keep one for yourself as a collection, and by the way, study what the summoning beast is. The thing is, throw another one to the collapsed world as the key to racial strengthening.


Four True Ancestors, one is not much, and one is not much.

If Nangong Nayue knew what this guy was thinking, he would definitely think that this guy was crazy.

True Ancestor, that is the backbone of the Empire of Night!

Missing one big event for the whole world can lead to changes in the world situation, Su Han actually intends to pack three of the four true ancestors and take them away.

No matter how big the influence of the Flame Light Night Banquet was, it was nothing but a matter of Itogami Island.

With three True Ancestors missing in one breath, this is enough to turn the whole world upside down! !

If Nangong knew that month, he would definitely go back to his own world next time, and then he would never send his invitation letter to Su Han, and he would never communicate with each other since then.


she is not here.

"I always feel... my dear, there are always some bizarre ideas in your mind."

Looking at the boy who seemed to be directly planning to kidnap the true ancestor of the fallen **** and the blood supplier, Miss Elf couldn't help but sighed.

Finding a true ancestor who was transformed from a fallen god, tying it up and drawing blood, as a prop to help a group's genes improve, this kind of idea can only be thought of by someone with a weird nerve like Su Han.

"Of course."

The boy who didn't think there was anything wrong with seeing it as abnormal stood tall and looked proud.

"It looks like you will be busy for a long time, and I want you to go shopping with me."

Not long ago, I had been watching my avatars discussing makeup and dressing issues, and the idea of ​​dressing up a little, and then dragging my boyfriend to go shopping.

However, looking at Su Han's performance that he may go to another world at any time to work hard, it seems that the so-called shopping plan is a waste.

"It's time to go together."

Seeing the girl who was unhappy because of shopping, Su Han also laughed, and then extended his hand to the girl.

"Also, before that Tallulah came to the throne, I was empty for a long time."

"What do you think, how about the two-person tour of Ursus before Emperor Ursus ascended the throne, and the tour of the Empire of the Night soon after, as the first and second choice places for shopping?"

Faced with such an invitation, the Elf of Time blushed slightly, and then couldn't help but smile, with a relaxed and happy smile.

"Remember to arrange shopping shows well, my dear boyfriend."

Chapter 31 Servant, do you want it?

The dimensional chat group is a very small group chat.

In a small group of no more than ten people in total, this group chat is, in most cases, dead silent.

This is not difficult to understand.

Su Han is now making a guest appearance as the shadow emperor of Ursus, the doctor is leading the master to fight monsters, and Dadalia is still discussing with Mr. Zhong Li how to win the heart of God...

Everyone is a serious person with a job, not an Internet mob whose career is the water group.

In this case, if nothing major happened, it would be very strange to be able to see Ninety-Nine Plus for three minutes.


That said, there are no major incidents.

"To sum up, the boss will probably marry the princess of Ursus, and then exchange for the right to mine the ore in the Ursus area and the right to dump goods in all Terra."

The gray-haired witch sent a message in the group chat.

"Do you or your forces have garbage that needs to be shot? If so, you can talk to the boss about the price. The boss will help you sell it, and then settle it with Originium or points."

"Materials include but are not limited to steel, firearms, special substances, and food."

"Ahh--, did you directly obtain the mining rights of an entire country?"

"This thing is too outrageous."

Not long ago, Dardalia, who had collected some pure Originium from the little donkey, could not help but sigh.

"The Originium thing is in the group recycling system, and the recycling price is not low."

"Huh huh——, so the change to the new emperor in Ursus is because of the group owner?"

Not long ago, the little donkey, who was still unable to predict the reason for Ursas to invite his own forces, also exclaimed.

Then, she immediately became suspicious.


The affirmative answer came from a certain witch's keyboard.

"The boss and the new emperor have reached some agreements, and then they will provide assistance as a so-called 'fiancé'."

"Does this matter... Tokisaki-senpai knows?"

The little donkey suddenly remembered another member of the group.

Although she seldom had time for the water group because of the overtime work all the year round, she still knew very well about Su Han and Shizaki Kusan.

Although the two of them have not made it public, the closeness of their relationship is completely abnormal.

"That kind of thing doesn't matter anymore."

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