"About Ursus, and about us."

Briefly, Kelsey said what he wanted to know.

Not long ago, the empire named Ursus lost their monarch, and after that, the nobility council quickly unfolded, held a referendum, elected their new emperor, and announced that the new emperor would be enthroned in seven days.

The death of Emperor Ursus is very suspicious. This is something that anyone with a brain can see.

The emperor died suddenly on the same day, and before he even had time for the state funeral, the next day the nobility council was opened, a new crown prince was elected, and it was announced that the new emperor was about to ascend the throne.

However, the dead are dead after all, and no one is willing to go to the new emperor who obviously has the support of the collective nobles because of a useless emperor. Therefore, at that enthronement ceremony, the heads of states and representatives of the heads of states from all over the world will attend. .

It stands to reason that such a grand occasion has nothing to do with a small organization like Rhode Island that only has a certain reputation in the medical field.


Very strange, not long ago, Rhodes Island received an invitation from Ursus.

Yes, a small organization that is not as well-known as the Integration Movement has received an invitation letter from Emperor Ursus. Such a thing is undoubtedly abnormal. An old dragon in Longmen quickly invited Rhode Island to go to a place. Syria, and then go to Ursus together.

Why did Ursus invite people like himself?

"Who can say that kind of thing?"

In the face of Kelsey's question, Miss Doctor was unusually free and easy. She didn't know anything about Ursus today, so she couldn't make any suggestions.

But no matter what, all the people on your side will go in the face of the invitation of the Ursus Empire, otherwise unless there are other empires to cover up, otherwise, the mere Rhodes Island will be directly under the wrath of Ursus. ash.

"It's good to look forward."

Miss Doctor looked in the direction of Ursus and said casually.

Chapter 29 Do you want to try to support w?

What was Su Han doing when Rhode Island and his party were in Longmen?

The answer is to write a letter to the current owner of the Sarkaz family, Tracy, in the name of Crown Prince Ursus.

As a person who just promised a certain Void Witch to solve the flame dinner party not long ago, he should be recharged.

After all, the abilities of the True Ancestor Familiar Beasts that appeared in the flame dinner party were quite bizarre, and at the end of the flame dinner party, the Fourth True Ancestor would also be resurrected.

In theory, he should be recharging his energy now, preparing for the next battle with the True Ancestor Familiar or even the true Fourth Primogenitor.

After all, the abilities of those guys are basically of the concept department, and the ability of the concept department has always been hard to guard against.

The concept department beat the physics department, it is rolling.

It is indeed easy to achieve random killings in the material world.

Physical defense is like a layer of armor with amazing water resistance in front of the ability of the concept system, and then it is thrown into the fire, and it is thankful that it is not burned to ashes.


The problem is that many of the abilities of the elves are also conceptual. It just so happened that Su Han could borrow the abilities of the elves.

Everyone is a system, what kind of garlic do you put on?

The competition between the concept department and the concept department is the competition between the output and the output.

Obviously, in terms of output, Su Han, who directly pressed Chong Gong Mio to fight, is not a few real ancestors who can touch porcelain. Besides, in addition to those conceptual abilities, he even has the idealistic skills Hu hi, Shan On In terms of being an orphan, Su Han is far above the true ancestor.

Therefore, he can directly ignore the dangers of the beasts of the true ancestor and the fourth true ancestor that he is about to face. He can choose to stay in the city of Qiecheng, urge the black snake to build infrastructure, copy the hometown of the nobles when he has nothing to do, and even have leisure time for his old man. After the sister has written the letter, she will write another letter to Tracy.

Here we have to talk about Tracy.

Tracy, the eldest son of the former king of Sarkaz, the leader of the hawks based on Frederick the Great, because he did not inherit the power of the devil peculiar to the Sarkaz royal family, the unfortunate person who could not ascend to the throne.

As an absolute hawk, Teresia and the orthodox heir Teresia, who believes in peace and hates war, started the Sarkaz civil war three years ago, killed his sister under unknown factors and became Sarkaz The only ruler today.

There is no doubt that this Xiongtai is a hero, an iron-blooded monarch who can revitalize the Sarkaz family and possibly push Sarkaz into the abyss.

To be honest, compared to the gentle and harmless Crown Prince Theresia and her successor, the little donkey, Tracy is a man with the virtues of a king.

For this man whom he admired very much, Su Han's choice was of course—

"When Tracy arrives, listen to me smash the cup and chop him into meat sauce for me."

Sprinkling thousands of words, the boy put down his pen, and then said to the emperor's inner guards who had a per capita combat strength of one Tallulah.

"Be sure to chop it up so that even his sister doesn't recognize it. If you remember it, go to General Herag and Captain Patriot to report."

A group of inner guards who had already been directly loyal to it could actually do it themselves, but the teenagers who were too lazy to do it saluted and then withdrew.

"So, are you going to kill the king of Sarkaz in the palace of Ursus?"

Beside Su Han, the woman named w looked at the boy who gave the order, her red lips slightly parted, and her expression was a little excited.

As Thearesia's single push dd, the American cockroach is undoubtedly extremely disgusted by the Tracys who killed Thearesia, and now, the guy who he temporarily encountered is suspected to be the doctor's brother, and he simply grabbed the The imperial power of Ursus was established, and then a grand banquet was set up for it.

Inner Guard - A super soldier created by guiding the unknown outside the domain into the soldier's body and then sealing it with armor.

Every inner guard is a monster who can ride a thousand, and the patriot is a vanguard who can fight against multiple inner guards by himself. Herag is one of the few soldiers in the Ursus army. The senior commanders who survived the great purge, dozens of internal guards plus patriots, and the general Herag who was dug up at some point, such a luxurious army, even the gods on the Terra Continent see it. When it arrives, it will also reveal the label of a dead parent.

As the royal family of Sarkaz, Tracys is of course not weak in combat, but even if he is not weak, he has to kneel on the spot when he encounters this group of troops that are completely aimed at killing gods.

"Aren't you afraid, will it directly cause the anger of the Sarkaz family?"

W-chan, who is also a member of Sarkaz, leaned her shoulders on the guy who apparently chose to chop off the king of the Sarkaz clan because of her elder sister's choice.

"The Sarkaz family followed Tracys entirely because this unorthodox prince, His Royal Highness, could bring a predictable bright future to their own nation, just find another heir and let her show that Tracys can show A brighter future, the Sarkaz family will return to normal."

In response, Su Han shrugged and said.

"It is not difficult for me to change into Tracy and return to the Black Iron Palace to find the body of Theresia and resurrect her. Considering that she is my sister's good friend, as long as she is willing to sign a few articles with me I don't mind giving her some free technology from another world in the cooperation agreement, so that she can bring new hope to the Sarkaz family."

Theresia is about to be resurrected.

This is something that is not hard to predict.

Su Han is the brother of Dr. His Highness's friend, and he also travels in different worlds, and during the journey, he has acquired the power to go back years or even decades.

Under this premise, resurrecting a dead person is a very simple matter for him.


Even though she already knew that Her Royal Highness had the possibility of being resurrected, the joy of the imminent return of someone who she regarded as the light was still like a heavy rain in the desert, causing W's heart to fall into ecstasy.

"I really love you."

During this period of time, the mercenary lady, who had become acquainted with Su Han, hugged the neck of a certain dreamer, full of laughter.

The plump bust just pressed against the boy's back, and the soft touch made the boy's expression stagnate slightly while sorting out the letters.

"Ehhh-, did the Prince Regent of Ursus show such a cute expression?"

It was like encountering something very interesting. When we first met, the mercenary lady, who was scared to death by someone, showed a small devilish smile on her face.

In response, Su Han rolled his eyes, tilted his head slightly, and said to the mercenary girl who directly showed his love to him.

"If you love it so much, then just wash it off at night and wait for me in bed."

"If you can't, shut up."

Those words made the mercenary who was wrapping her arms around someone's neck let go with an angry expression.

Obviously, the doctor's younger brother, like her older sister, is not a master of teasing.

However, it is much more reliable than that pit bull.

I vaguely remember that the mercenary lady, who had enthusiastically sold her brother to her by a certain doctor, was moved when she saw the decisive young man.

It doesn't seem to be that bad.

Although this guy is most likely unable to marry himself because of his marriage with Emperor Sarkaz, and if he succeeds in a blind date, he can only be a lover. It is undoubtedly a very bad thing to be a lover all his life, but from another perspective. If you come to see it, it is your own tauren who is the Queen of Ursus.

There is absolutely no shame in bringing an emerald crown to the queen who is at the pinnacle of power in this world, and it can even be played for a long time.

Miss W was thinking wildly, and then looked at someone with a little heat in her eyes.

"What are you looking at?"

Su Han, who felt that w's eyes were a little weird, suddenly became alert.

"You should know that I am infected."

"Treatment of ore disease is very expensive, and the cost is so large that I can't afford it, so I'm just thinking about whether I should sell it to you or not."

The girl who was an infected person with a short life laughed and said pitiful words like selling her body to bury her father. Even so, her delicate face was indeed the smile of a hunter.

It would be interesting if it ended up being a successful tauren taking down the most powerful woman in the world.

The Sarkaz have a bad reputation, not just from the ore disease, but also from their raiding culture.

Taking w as an example, the mercenary group she belongs to has looted on different trade routes, and especially likes to **** the Rutland guard guns for sale, and even keep them for herself. The grenade gun that w is using now is a certain Rutland clan. It was modified from the once guard gun of a big man.

As a robber, Miss W, who is undoubtedly the best, is really interested in things like Emperor Ursus, the tauren.

"Sell yourself to me?"

Faced with such a topic, the young man pondered for a while, and then looked at a certain mercenary lady very seriously.

"How much is the asking price?"

"About 500w Longmen coins."

In fact, Miss W, who is not short of money at all, casually broke out a figure that was only a small amount of money for the Regent.

"What, do you want to take care of me?"

The girl who looked extremely close to the succubus once again hugged the boy's head intimately, her warm lips pressed against the boy's ear, and she chuckled lightly.

Faced with such a temptation, Su Han quickly reached into his wallet and slapped a black card on the table.

"I am short of people in the mine. If you are willing to work as a mountain bomber there, I can give you 700w Longmen coins."

There is a shortage of people in the mine...the blasting mountain workers...

There is a shortage of people in the mine...the blasting mountain workers...

There is a shortage of people in the mine...the blasting mountain workers...

These two words made the air freeze as if there was a magic power circulating in the ears of W who was trying to seduce the man.

Annoyed red rose up on the girl's face.

"God **** it!"

Chapter 30 As we all know, this volume is the home of Mei and Tallulah

w, the head of an unknown mercenary regiment of the Sarkaz family, the survivor of the civil war in Sarkaz, the number one single pusher of the princess Theresia, a beautiful girl with many halos.

With super long black silk legs and a plump chest that made old immortal Fu Hua cry on the spot, with white hair and golden pupils, if the eyes were not red, then it would be a lore against the Chinese.

Such a beautiful girl expressing her goodwill in the form of seeking support is definitely something that can make people feel heartbroken.

If there is still no response in the face of this level of beauty asking for support, then the brothers of the non-responder need to be careful.

This Xiongtai is estimated to be gay.

Su Han, who thought about flirting with girls on the way to killing gods, was naturally not the former, but the matter of w begging for support didn't work out in the end.

It's not that Su Han really has no feelings for Miss W, mainly because—

Tokisaki Kuang three came.

"Dear, why don't you try to take care of that mercenary named 'w'?"

As if she had encountered something very interesting, the girl with black hair, red eyes, and uneven bangs elegantly poured hot water into the teacup that had already put the tea leaves, and took a sip as if judging the temperature, Then with a smile, he pushed the black tea that had just been brewed in front of Su Han.

As a fulcrum to maintain the business of the mine, Miss Tokisaki Kusan has a similar task to Miss Scraps Witch—to record the orders made in Anti-Entropy in the form of red envelopes, and then throw them out in a suitable place, so that they can be The graduate students who have come to start a business come out to hire people to assemble parts, then take out loans to rent land, recruit employees, and then go mining.

After Irena had been wandering the continent of Terra for so long, it would be strange if she hadn't finished her mission.

This is also the reason why Su Han chose to throw Miss W to Irena as a blasting expert.

Without the knowledge of the real girlfriend, it is already too much to directly marry the princess of another world. If you can't control yourself during this already dangerous time, you can directly press Miss W on the desk. If the Fa-rectification is done on the spot, then, it's really a bit of a pity for people.

"It's really inappropriate to keep it up."

Faced with a question from a certain elf lady who had been with him from the beginning, Mr. Su casually held the cup with a little lip print on it and took a sip. I wonder if it was a coincidence that when he was drinking tea, his The lips just happened to be printed on the previous lip print.

Looking at that scene, the corner of the elf's mouth representing time also slightly curved.

"It's better not to touch that kind of improper feeling."

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