"Don't worry, the boss is just looking at a lunatic, not a real lunatic."

As if sensing Nangong Nayue's thoughts, the witch named Irena spoke very seriously.

Those words caused Su Han, who was sitting at the desk, to twitch at the corner of his mouth.

This girl, Irena, is getting more and more ignorant of respecting the boss.

Looking at the neuropathy is already a very serious thing! !

This is a cure! !

"I understand your intention."

Just now, the boy with a really bad image quickly looked in the direction of Nangong Nayue, and spoke under Nangong Nayue's complicated eyes that were difficult to describe in words.

"Let's talk about the price first."

As if he really intended to get paid, the boy handed a densely written note to Irena, and then handed it over to Miss Nangong.

Werewolf blood, mermaid blood, ghoul blood, orc blood, giant blood...

No doubt, that was a blood list.

For Su Han, who still retains the characteristics of Vishnu, the above blood list has the possibility to strengthen himself.

"If you don't want to provide the blood, you can use the magic books in exchange."

As if he was worried that Nangong could not pay the fee that month and the transaction would fail, the young man immediately warned,

Nangong's expression became more complicated when he looked at the boy who was a funny man at the last moment, but now has the face of a profiteer.

Damn, is the rescuer you found...reliable?

I can only hope that his combat power will not be flooded.


Like an appointment, the witch who couldn't find anyone else who could destroy the flame night banquet gave a positive answer.

Chapter 28 The whereabouts of the Rhode Island congregation


Longmen, the largest mobile city-state in the Far East, an Eldorado surrounded by opportunities and wealth.

There are not only morning tea and sunrise here, but also the coquettish fireworks bursting out in the dark night, the symphony music from the narrow alleys, and the red seal declaring sovereignty in the rain.

Of course, in addition to the symphony and fireworks, there are also guns.

A huge number of guns.

As a city, Longmen's history is short and glorious.

It is a mobile city-state belonging to the Yan Kingdom, but its former owner was the Archduke of Usaus, Cosice.

Wei Yanwu, who was born in the royal family of the Yan Kingdom, brought his sister to Longmen many years ago and met Edward Atelias, the Victorian royal family who had fled from Victoria. Cut from the gantry expelled.

"All in all, Longmen is a super invincible stitching monster cultivated by a group of big men under their respective countries and forces."

"Because it has received the favor of many big people, and it is backed by the Yan Kingdom, the development here is even comparable to Tokyo and New York, and it is even possible to establish a gold-Dragon coin system similar to the Bretton Woods system."

In the area of ​​the outer ring of Longmen, a woman in a black coat looked at the brightly lit world in the distance, and said words that made the aborigines of Terra confused.

"What is the Swordsman Tower talking about?"

Very cringe, a girl whose race can be seen as a mule at a glance is pulling a **** the side, which is very strange no matter how you look at it, and even makes people wonder if it is the figure of the investigator who came out of the Cthulhu studio and walked forward. Then, with the mentality of a seeker, he asked the doctor with light green hair beside him.

For this Chimera girl who was born in Terra Continent, the so-called Tokyo, New York, and Bretton Woods systems are undoubtedly not outside her intellectual blind spot.

"The Swordsman Tower is just sick every day, don't worry about it."

The woman whose real name was Kelsey, who was the Queen Mother in Rhode Island, spoke very plainly.

"Hey, don't call me by such a strange name."

"I have a name, Tu Su's Su, Xia Xia Xia, call me Su Xia, don't use that name that sounds like a curse on medical practitioners who lose their hair during their studies."

A voice that is quite young and can even be described as lively, came from the big hood.

"I still have some memories. If you continue to curse me for losing my hair, then don't blame me for exposing you."

Facing the danger of being childish, Dr. Kelsey sighed.

Doctor recovered.

When this guy was looking for boiled instant noodles in the middle of the night, he couldn't find the noodles. Instead, he was hit on the head by the cola in the refrigerator, and he fainted.

After waking up, the amnesia was half cured.

The memory of the Tower of Babel period is still vague, but the memory of the time when it was thrown out by the Ursus Imperial Academy in the past, and the memory of practicing medicine in Kazdel, are basically still there.

Now, she is a doctor who used to walk in Kazdel, not a strategist who has just been dug out of the grave.

Honestly, this is undoubtedly outrageous.

A Coke bottle that was frozen into icicles fell, and successfully attacked the world's leading military conductor, and then miraculously cured her Alzheimer's disease.

Fortunately, the conductor's talent did not become a little girl in an idol drama because of his memory recovery, and he still has excellent talent.


This talent is mainly manifested in discovering the talent of others, and then throwing it away to work overtime.

Looking at the dark circles under the eyes of Miss Amiya, who is only fourteen years old, and the screams and wailing from the Rhode Island ship as long as the doctor enters the dormitory, Miss Kelsey... um, Kelsey Auntie sighed involuntarily.

The Doctor's do-it-yourself character was developed when he was the commander of the Tower of Babel. At that time, Tracy, who had already won the reign of Victoria as a relative, showed the whole Kazdel that he used the sword as a card. The possibility of Zedell fighting for rights, so he got the support of most of the famous Casey Dells.

Rather than influencing the world with love and ideas, the short-lived and powerful Sarkaz prefer to use violence to forcibly carve out a way forward.

Under that circumstance, the living space of the Sarkaz orthodox Thearesia faction became more and more narrow, and a slight mistake would mean the entire army would be wiped out.

In that case, the doctor chose to do it himself, and strive to exchange the smallest loss for the largest gain. It is a weight that can affect the balance of war. In the eyes of Tracy, he is even more powerful than his own claim to Sarkaz. Sister Teresia is even more difficult to deal with.

Without a doubt, that is the best chess player in the world.

Wherever she stands, victory will tilt.

Up to now, Kelsey, who had suspected that the dissolution of the Tower of Babel and the death of the princess were just "necessary links" in the Doctor and the Princess' plan, looked at the Doctor who was looking around, and couldn't help but sighed. The image of the player holding the **** began to dissipate.

Now she is just a crumb for Operator 996.

"Oh, the rice rolls there seem to be good."

Just like a top student in a neurological hospital going out, the woman known as the Doctor pulled off her hood, and then confidently extended her hand to the Queen Mother Kelsey next to her.

"Kelsey, give me the money, I'm going to eat three!!"

"What about your own salary?"

I vaguely remember that Kelsey, who would draw a full 7,500 Dragon Gate coins every time the doctor organized an armed oppression, frowned, took out a card and a few pieces of cash from his bag and stuffed it in the doctor's hand, at the same time. asked.

As the most senior commander in Rhode Island today, the salary of Miss Doctor is not low, it can even be said to be very high, low salary plus various actions, as long as she is not proficient in human nature, Miss 42/Lamb/Chicken Wing/ If Diablo and others defrauded 18w one after another and caused assets to shrink, although she was not as good as Shi Huaiya, who was born in a famous Victorian family, or Jessica, who bought arms with snack money, she was also a rich woman.

"Are you asking about my money?"

Just like when shopping with Jessica, the doctor took the card of an old cat and put it in her pocket. Then, she stretched out her hand and tapped her chin.

"You also know that my Originium Skill consumes a lot of Originium, so I used most of my savings to buy Originium. As for the rest, I saved it for my brother to marry. Daughter-in-law."

"Ahhh-!!! Doctor, do you have a brother?"

As if encountering something very puzzling, the little donkey beside him widened his eyes.

In her impression, the doctor has always been alone, why did a brother suddenly appear?

\"Yeah, yes.\"

In the recovered memory, the girl who still had the memory of the past narrowed her amber eyes, as if recalling something.

"Although in theory, it should be impossible for me and him to meet, but my intuition tells me that I will meet him again sooner or later."

"Doctor, you... have a good relationship with your brother?"

It was the first time I saw the little donkey who took the initiative to spend money with the Doctor, his eyes widened.

"It can only be said that it is above the normal level."

Unsurprisingly, the Doctor nodded.

"If you have a younger brother and sister who is very compatible with your personality, you will naturally like it."

"Then, how do you communicate when you are together?"

Probably because there are no siblings, Miss Amiya, who is quite curious about how siblings get along, looks up at a big sister who has a brother, trying to understand the inside story.

"Unfortunately, I can't answer this."

"Although I am a person who doesn't pay much attention to image, people still pay attention to image in front of someone I care about a lot. In order to maintain a cold image as a sister, I don't talk much in front of him. of."

The speech that sounded like a lunatic made the little face of Miss Amiya, who was trying to ask how her brothers and sisters get along, suddenly turned into a "囧". Those words were heard even by Kelsey on the side. The corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

In order to maintain her sister's cold image, she chose to speak less, and only this neuropathy can do such a thing.

But even if the relationship is very good, it is not enough to directly save all the necessary living expenses and leave it to your brother.

Miss Kelsey was a little puzzled.

"With all due respect, Doctor, your degree of partiality is already doting, and it's not a good thing for you and your brother."

With this kind of question in mind, Kelsey said to his good girlfriend after a long absence.

"It's really inappropriate to directly cover my brother's marriage expenses."

In this regard, Miss Swordsman Tower couldn't help but sighed.

"However, there are only two people in our family. I am a single person. If he doesn't get married early, the incense of the old Su family may be broken at any time. I have to hurry up and prepare all the preparations in advance. , it will be easier to urge the marriage next, won't it?"

? ? ? ? ? ?

A series of question marks rose above Kelsey's and Amiya's heads.

Why didn't the doctor's younger brother get married sooner, and their family's incense might be broken?

Looking at the confused little donkey and Kelsey, Miss Doctor clutched her forehead and sighed.

"When that guy was thirteen and short of pocket money, guess how he made pocket money?"

Invariably, the omniscient Daxian Kai and the little donkey shook their heads.

They are not Su Xia's neighbors, how could they know such a thing?

"I took alum and flour to pretend to be some shady nerve drugs, and sent them from Jiangnan to the Yunnan-Guichuan area. The 'gentlemen' who need those drugs to get excited."

As if thinking of a real headache, Miss Su Xia couldn't be happy at this time, and Kelsey and the little donkey beside her were also stiff.

Turtle, what is this operation?

"To be honest, after learning about this, the family was terrified, and the whole family went into battle and criticized him severely, and then let him stop this course. In theory, as long as he is not changed by the limit One's will be safe and sound."

"Listen with an open mind and never change. This is the tradition of our family, and this character is especially evident in my younger brother. This kind of broken character, in case of hard stubbornness, it is estimated that he will die on the spot."

"So I want to find him a wife as soon as possible. In this case, even if he plays all the time, he still has a wife at home."

Miss Swordsman Tower complained.

"The choice of the sister-in-law is also very troublesome."

"I asked Nightingale, Red, Jessica, and even Kay... coming here."

Speaking of this, Miss Doctor couldn't help but glanced at an old cat next to her, and then closed her mouth wisely.

"I'm really worried about people I don't know, but the people I know are basically problem children. Nightingale and Hong don't understand at all. When Jessica heard about the blind date, she suddenly turned into tears. I also refused because I was an infected person."

Speaking of which, the doctor-in-law, who was in a bad mood, inserted her hands into her hair and scratched, looking mad.

"After this trip to Ursus is over, I'll have to find a more normal-looking unmarried female operator and ask."

"So, is it so hard to be a big sister?"

Listening to Su Xia's description, the little donkey could not help but cower.

"Her situation is exceptional."

Kelsey patted the little donkey on the head, corrected her wrong thinking, and then looked at the commander of Rhodes Island.

"The gossip is over, let's talk about business a little bit."

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