However, suddenly an unknown person grabbed his position before him, which was undoubtedly very irritating to the boss's old lovers, so he had to use some words to make them accept this fact.

Apparently, the witch who classified Miss Yayi as "the boss's old lover" caught the bewildered Herrscher of Rice, smiling like a gray cat who caught Xiao Yujian, but the next moment, it was like a chess player. The smile was replaced by a sigh.

"Madam, you have worked really hard."


What hard work?

Raiden Yayi was a little confused.

What does she have to do so hard?

In the collapsed world, she is the little princess of the Raiden family. Since her father came back, she has never suffered any grievances.

In Ark World, although she lost her status bonus and couldn't pretend to be the princess of the Raiden family, she didn't live a life of wandering.

"Boss didn't he tell you?"

As if encountering a very strange thing, the witch holding Miss Mei's hand frowned slightly, and then looked at her boss with a reproach.

"The boss may want to conclude a political marriage with the Queen of Ursus in this world."

Clam? ! ! !

Political marriage? ! !

In order to find out whether Su Han was her future husband's Miss Thunderbolt, she was dumbfounded.

Get married right here?

What about yourself?

Before Miss Raiden could think that Su Han might not be her future husband, Irena's voice sounded again, pulling it back to reality.

"Although this is just a formalistic marriage, it is entirely for the opportunity to better intervene in Usaus politics, so as to complete capital accumulation from this country and establish an Originium monopoly across Terra, but this kind of thing Anyway, you should discuss it with the boss first."

"It can only be said, Madam Boss, you are also unlucky to be my boss."

Miss Witch sighed, and as she spoke, the boss next to him stopped talking, stopped talking, and finally forgot what to say.

Is that so?

Probably because she was born in a noble family and was naturally sensitive to power struggles, Miss Thunderbolt suddenly understood something about Su Han's current situation.

The feudal country in the area where he is now is called Ursus, and the current leader of Ursus is a woman.

The Queen is probably facing a lot of problems and needs external help. Su Han's words seem to be in urgent need of a resource called Originium in this world, so he is willing to be that external force.

If nothing else, Su Han probably signed an agreement similar to the resource development agreement with Queen Ursus of this country, and gave Su Han a lot of power.

Recalling the previous names of Usaus officials and nobles to Su Han, Miss Leidian Yayi seemed to understand everything.

That power is even so great that it is difficult to convince the arrogant public in the court, and it can only be distributed in the form of "marriage".

"Are you choosing marriage as a form of alliance?"

The Herrscher Fan, who seemed to understand the form of power struggle unexpectedly, looked back at the boy next to him.

"Well, that's about it."

In this regard, Su Han nodded.

Ignoring the fact that she could replace Emperor Ursus at any time, the contract between him and Emperor Ursus was indeed the case.

"If that's the case, there's nothing wrong with that."

The girl Irena called the boss's wife thought for a while and gave her opinion.

Although this matter sounds very unpleasant, after all, it is only a superficial marriage.

Moreover, this marriage with a very low degree of authenticity can definitely bring great benefits to Su Han. Leidian Yayi recalled the order for mining equipment that Su Han had specially asked his father to prepare, and thought.

Mining the source stone should be very important to Su Han, otherwise, he would have long since left to fix other more valuable things.

"Okay, it's getting late."

Probably noticing the setting sun outside, Miss Raiden Mei, who was accustomed to preparing dinner at this time, instinctively began to look around, looking for traces of the kitchen.

\"Are you hungry? If you are, I'll prepare some dinner for you.\"

Soon, the cooking lady chose to drive the cook who was in charge of preparing the dinner out of the kitchen and went to take charge of it herself.

Only Su Han, who looked a little confused, and Irena, who was smiling, stood there.

"Boss, I helped you cut down the probability of the harem catching fire. Remember to give me a raise."

It was very brisk, which made Miss Leidian Yayi understand that the so-called "Zheng Gong" was actually a stranger, Miss Witch, and walked to Su Han's side briskly, patted him on the shoulder,

"Nangong that month... I won't mention it for now."

The boy looked at the witch who seemed to treat Miss Yayi as his old lover, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

"Thunder and Lightning Buds..."

"I said...I don't actually know her very well, do you believe it?"

Chapter 27 Nangong wants to run away that month

In the afternoon, there was a light rain in the sky, and then the rain continued.

In this kind of weather, the whole of Chernobog is a gray look.

Individual merchants got up early and worked hard for their own business. Social animals also held umbrellas and ran towards the location of their companies. If there is any difference from before, it is that there are many fewer unemployed people and people on the streets. Beggar begging.

The prince and the regent ordered the adjustment of prices and the construction of public facilities in the "other world style" of Roshizi, and provided some temporary jobs. Those jobs were hard labor, and the income was not too much, but it was enough to eat and live. In the place where they live, under the guarantee of the reputation of the empire, the vast majority of the unemployed and the homeless are willing to eat a full meal, take a hot bath, and be a laborer.

However, even though cash-for-work has been activated, today's Qicheng still feels desolate. However, compared to the previous situation where the city was like a black cloud and the city was about to be destroyed, today's Qicheng is barely functioning well .

The implementation of the decree will undoubtedly take time. Obviously, it sounds a bit outrageous to see the effect of the reform in a day or two.

Nangong walked on the streets of Chernobog that month, feeling the changes in the surrounding environment while walking forward.

As one of the members of the group chat, Nangong faced great distress that month.

——In her world, a ceremony called the Flame Night Banquet is about to unfold in her area.

Once the ceremony begins, the twelve beasts belonging to the Fourth Primogenitor will descend on Itogami Island one by one and start fighting.

There is no doubt that for the inhabitants of the island, it was a disaster, maybe even a disaster.

Normally, after knowing that your place of residence is about to be attacked by terrorists, you should naturally report it to the country. Whether it is a rabbit, an eagle or a woolly bear, it will not be ambiguous. In order to maintain sovereignty, go directly to A.

Rabbits have always fought for every inch of land, Eagle sauce has always been domineering, and the latter is a famous irritable brother. In front of them, even if the flame dinner party has already opened, they can use mushroom bombs to ignite the fireworks and blow them out. ——Whether the nuclear bomb can solve the fourth primogenitor is unknown, but there is absolutely no problem in solving the emperor elector corresponding to the twelve primogenitor clones.

If all the electors are dead, naturally there will be no so-called flame dinner.

But unfortunately, the country corresponding to Itogami Island is the good son of Taka-chan, the extreme east.

Just like when it faced the black ship, after the country faced the threat of the electors, it chose to admit counsel, and regarded the damage that the electors might cause as 0, and even sent the Lion King agency as the so-called arbiter. .

To be honest, this kind of thing can only be done by the people of the extreme east who relied on nuclear waste water to surprise Atlantis and then bowed and apologized.

Under such circumstances, Nangong Nayue, who was really worried about the safety of Itogami Island, completely understood that the extreme eastern government was unreliable at all.

For this reason, she was not allowed to find some people to help her.

As a person in the group chat, Nangong naturally thought of his group friends that month.

Thinking like this, Nangong stopped in front of a rather luxurious villa that month, and knocked on the door.


Soon, there was a servant dressed as a noble... Well, it sounds strange, but it was a servant dressed as a noble who opened the door respectfully.

"Lord Regent, I already know of your arrival and are waiting for you in his study."

"Next, please come with me."

It was originally the owner of the local mansion, but after the arrival of more distinguished guests, he naturally became a housekeeper.

The speech from the housekeeper made the love of the devil from another world suddenly become serious.

Next, is Shenlong the group owner who sees the beginning but does not see the end?

Is that the group master who stirred up the world in the collapsed world as a mortal, and usurped the authority of God in the world of elves, and turned into a demon king?

With such an experience, what kind of person would he be?

An unsmiling, deep-eyed wise man who seems to be able to see through time, a heroic, reckless young hero, or a bloodthirsty and belligerent similar to Dadalia, entering the battle mode is like an Asura. Like a Predator?

Thinking of this, Nangong couldn't help laughing out that month because of his own thoughts.

Then you can see the so-called group owner, why bother here?

With that in mind, she walked to someone's study under the guidance of the housekeeper and gently opened the door.

Through the gap between the door and the door, she saw...

A teenager was pulling two velvet pillows and smashing them hard at a certain white-haired witch. At the same time, a throw pillow was being slapped on the teenager's face.

"Irena, you screwed up for me, I will deduct your salary!!!"

"Boss bastard, don't talk to me like 'I trust you so much, so I let you communicate with Mei', it's just because Mei has feelings for you, so take it easy, or you can stop me completely Bar!!"

Miss Witch, who was fighting back, shouted angrily like a machine gun, pulled off another pillow from the sofa in the study, and threw it as a weapon.

"A lecher is a lecher, as soon as you find out that beautiful girls are interested in you, you will be shaken!!"

"How dare you contradict the boss, Irena, your courage is getting fatter and fatter! Eat my Heavenly Bull Meteor Fist!!"

The boy who was shouting Meteor Fist didn't show the gesture of throwing his fist at all, but grabbed the girl's face directly and kneaded it hard.

"Su, I'm not finished with you."

The girl whose face was pinched was also furious, and then pinched the boy's face with her backhand.

The two Supremes hugged into a ball and scuffled on the ground with great momentum. When they raised their hands, the dust on the ground was wiped away.


Miss Nangong Nayue couldn't help but closed the door with a blank expression on her face.

Is this the genius witch who broke the record in the witch world and the unparalleled devil who killed the gods?

It was only for a moment that the witch's conception of the group leader in the gap has been completely destroyed.

It must be the wrong way to open the door.

Thinking like this, the intervening witch turned her head with difficulty and tried to open the door again.

Sure enough, this time the door opened, it was a new world.

The young man dressed in aristocratic costumes sat in front of the desk, stroking the long spear full of "death", as if he was reminiscing about something.

His smile is lazy, but the dark eyes are indeed printed with a sharp edge like a thousand tempered sharp blades.

And beside him stood a witch with a quiet smile.

The witch was holding a magic book, carefully studying the readers, her expression was focused, and her delicate facial features were full of the seeker's devotion to the truth. She flipped the red book, as if she was comprehending some forbidden magic.

The demon king with a lazy smile but the sharp eyes of a famous sword and the witch who was addicted to the forbidden theory were just displayed in front of Nangong Nayue, exuding a suffocating sense of oppression and charm.

Such a scene is undoubtedly...

The sense of disobedience is overwhelming! ! !

Until now, she could see the gap with the pillow on the ground, the witch-san, pressing her forcefully against her.

These two funny comparisons, Ta Miao is the savior he has been looking for for a long time?

The monkeys in Huaguo Mountain are stronger than this! !

Nangong suddenly had the urge to turn his head and run away that month.

Probably also felt Nangong Nayue's dazedness. The young man sitting at the desk coughed, but Nangong Nayue had already turned to the body outside the door and turned back.

No matter what, this is a god-killing demon king, someone who needs to be respected...probably.

Recalling the previous scene where the pillows were flying around and the people mentioned in the quarrel, Nangong's originally perfect smile raised an indescribable look on that month's cheeks.

Why does the hero who kills the gods look so funny! ! !

To be honest, not long ago, she had absolute confidence in Su Han's ability to directly slaughter all the emperors. After all, how could a group of businessmen and vampire nobles be able to compete with those who slaughtered gods?

However, the current situation really made her have to start thinking twice about whether to put the important task of saving Itogami Island on this guy,

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