He has been driven to a dead end. He didn't expect that at the end of the dead end, there would be a ray of evil spirit, and there was a slight smile on his face.

Although Su Han's promise was only a verbal promise, the greatest resistance Ursus could make in front of this monster was to hinder his mining troops.

Empty promises are promises after all.

Like a nobleman meeting a tsar, the **** representing the national consciousness of Ursus knelt down on one knee and saluted.

"I am willing to work for you, Master National Teacher."

ps: Regarding the quarrel with Koscice, I saw it was quite a headache.

Although Corsice is indeed a scumbag, the protagonist and Corsiche do not actually have a head-on conflict.

However, the follow-up about Corsice is indeed defeat, but the person who killed her was not the protagonist, but Tarua.

This is their grudge.

The black snake is indeed a villain. Someone should have swung a knife at it and cut off the black snake's head. However, that person should be Tallulah, Dad, Faust or even Mephistopheles. relation.

Chapter 14 Irena, let's go see the parents together

Emperor Ursus was named Fyodor.

In reality, the various countries of Terra have corresponding prototypes, and it is self-evident who the main nationality is Ursus, the bear.

In Russian history, the name Fyodor was a bit strange. During the Romanov Dynasty, only a few obscure early tsars used this name, but dating back to the Rurik Dynasty, there was indeed one Compare the "famous" Tsar Fyodor.

The reason he is famous is not because of his outstanding achievements as a king. It's because he is mentally handicapped even more mentally handicapped than Sima Zhong...

In 1581, the only normal child of Ivan the Terrible was beaten to death by the violent Ivan with a scepter because his father beat his wife and yelled at him.

After the orthodox crown prince hiccups, the heir naturally needs to be replaced.

But unfortunately, Ivan the Terrible was a syphilis patient, and several of his sons, except for the crown prince who was killed, were basically born with congenital defects due to their fathers.

—The new crown prince Feodor is a demented child.

A character influenced by the archetype, the current emperor of Ursus, Feodor, is also a waste.

"Instead of letting that guy stay in power, it's better to put him under house arrest, declare him a stroke like the death of the Emperor, and then launch a referendum on the nobility to cast the 'Godonov' Tsar, this is me and Koscice decision."

Su Han, who was familiar with the history of Tsarist Russia, was sitting in front of his table, speaking in a speech that could easily make people confused.

"Boss, can you speak human language?"

Miss Irena, who obviously didn't understand what Su Han was talking about, took out some instant noodles from the space red envelope, and then tried to boil water in the bonfire next to her to make instant noodles.

"Simply put, just wait for the black snake to organize a noble council, and then let me show my face and gain support."

"The next step is to announce that the Wang family has hiccups and vote again."

"Considering that the nobles will basically 'support' me, the next plot is that I will randomly choose someone to sit on the throne of Ursus and be a puppet."

To put it lightly, the young man made his own behavior that could turn the entire Terra Continent into a pot of porridge.

"Actually, you can do it yourself."

"Kneel down on one knee and kiss the back of your hand. The etiquette used by Grand Duke Corsice to you is what you used to meet the emperor."

Probably because the world she lives in is a medieval worldview, and Irena, who is still relatively familiar with noble etiquette, pushed one of the two instant noodles she just cooked to the boss in front of her.

"Obviously, he is willing to support you to become Emperor Ursus."

In response, Su Han just rolled his eyes.

The player of the Black Snake P Club enjoys the fun of cultivating this country, and it doesn't matter who the prince or general is.

If you can increase your civilization index by changing the king, then it will be a blast for A-P players.

As for the original emperor Fyodor?

According to historical records, Fyodor always had a smile on his face. He was responsive to the demands of his subordinates. He generously rewarded the church and ministers with land and property. He was truly a fighter among puppets.

But all the news about the tsar was strictly sealed by the Tatar noble Godunov, so there have always been legends about how Fyodor was benevolent and kind-hearted.

The Emperor Ursus, who is based on it, may be better than his prototype, but the ability is obviously difficult to compare with his neurotic father, otherwise, he will not be half-dead by the conservative hammer and act as air.

Considering that Fyodor was still the last emperor of the Ruris Dynasty, Ursus, who seemed to be flying up now, actually had a great danger written on his head.

If Miss Eagle is really narrating Ursus according to the process of Ivan the Terrible - the first emperor, Fyodor - the fool emperor, Ursus will have to crawl on the ground for the next twenty years.

Obviously, the best monarch in Koscice's ideal is Su Han, not Fyodor, who has three or four sets of civilization technology trees.

Su Han's advantage is too obvious.

The knowledge of five or six civilization systems is integrated, and even the tribes of Africa should evolve into Wakanda.

It's a pity that Su Han really has no interest in that kind of thing.

"I'm here just to make a fortune, to earn some points to allow my ability to accept the integration."

Su Han shrugged and said.

This is the truth.

His desire for power was far less than his distaste for troublesome things.

If he wants power, he can completely kill Otto and become the bishop of destiny, or in the world of war, he can directly appear as a "god" and make the whole world his church state. In the world of the Witch's Journey, integrate those wasteful and dying countries, and cos the first emperor plays a big unification.

But behind power is mission.

When you become a bishop, you must become the main force to fight against the collapse. When you become a god, you must guide all sentient beings who believe in yourself. When you become a cosmic emperor, you naturally want to have the same book, the same track, the same system, and the same class...

That kind of thing is almost impossible.

Su Han wiped the soybean sweat from his forehead.

So, who should be chosen as Ursus' puppet emperor next?

Feeling that if the current Emperor Ursas loses his mind, it would be okay to be a puppet, but Su Han, who has lost some taste, pondered.

But what's wrong?

Su Han thought about it for a long time and finally gave up thinking like the ultimate creature, and then took up his job.

Then, he saw that the bowl was just a bowl of instant noodles, without even adding ham.

"I'm here to save you, so you'll just invite me to eat here?"

In this regard, a certain Ursus national teacher who obviously does not like instant noodles sighed.

According to Otto's instructions, he should have a babysitter team of cute girls led by Rita.

The normal development, he probably took the beautiful girl **** team like an uncle, from Longmen all the way to eat, drink and play to the integration movement, then beat the black snake, conduct physical persuasion, and then eat, drink and play all the way to the Ursus Empire. .

As a result, because of Irena's rescue, he not only lost the opportunity to wander around with an entire **** of beautiful girls, but also had to eat junk food here.

"Boss, are you dissatisfied with this?"

It seemed that she sensed the disgust in Su Han's expression, and the beautiful eyes of the girl with silver-gray hair narrowed into rather dangerous thin lines.

Probably because instant noodles were the first food she ate when she was down and out. Miss Irena likes to use the way of giving herself a designated red envelope to save some instant noodles as dry food, and regard it as the most important storage material. one.

To be honest, those instant noodles were originally kept by her and eaten by herself.

"Of course not satisfied."

In fact, he also brought a cook, but because the cook was still in a coma, Su Han, who had no food for a while, slapped the table hard.

"What's the matter with pure boiled instant noodles, at least add two hot spring eggs and cut two hams for me!"

"Tsk—the people in the city are really particular about it."

In response, a certain witch pouted.

"The girl cooks by herself and cooks for you. Boss, your main point of attention is that you didn't add eggs and ham. Boss, you are really helpless."

Faced with such a question, a "Well" appeared on Su Han's forehead.

"First of all, I don't think bubble noodles can be considered cooking."

"Secondly, my peach blossom luck is actually good."

"Peach Blossom is so lucky that because she can't handle too many girls, she just picked up the plan that should have been abandoned, made revisions, and then went to Terra World to open up wasteland?"

The very heart-piercing words spit out from Miss Irena's mouth, making Su Han silent.

To be honest, he's not really good at dealing with girls who have a crush on him.

How to solve this matter?

Su Han, who was holding a bowl of instant noodles, sighed and ate the noodles.

"Do you think I should keep my real name or call myself Gregory Yefimovich Rasputin."

After a long time, in the steam of instant noodles, he opened his mouth and spoke to Miss Irena beside him with a serious expression.

"Why change the name?"

In response, Miss Witch, who was also sitting on the instant noodles, raised her head, her dark blue eyes filled with question marks.

"Because, I think the name is very interesting."

Words that were almost indistinguishable from no reason came out of Su Han's mouth.

"Or rather, this is my blessing."

"Although the Tsarist Russian demon monk didn't end well, but after all, the peach blossoms will continue throughout his life, and he has never faced the Asura field."

"Usas to use this name more, maybe it can make me feel a little bit of joy, and in the future life, I can deal with the peach blossom robbery more smoothly."

In this regard, the person who needs to deal with the Shura field next has a very serious expression, as if facing five Otto or three Takamiya Mio.

That look made Miss Irena on the side twitch involuntarily. ,

Good guy, the first thing after announcing that he wants to rule Ursus is to tangle on how to add a vest to himself, and deal with the Asura Field with a little joy?

The importance of an entire empire is nothing compared to a few women, the people of Ursus will cry!

"Boss, you should actually take the initiative."

As if she couldn't bear anything anymore, Irena-san couldn't help but toss her chopsticks aside, looking at a guy who actually had a good impression of her, and spoke.

"Seizaki Tokisaki has been numb with his own avatar, and won't care about your sweetheart. Miku-senpai likes pretty girls very much. If you confess something, she may be more excited..."


And this thing?

Su Han was lost in thought.

"Besides, boss, you are actually an aristocrat. It's a very common thing for princes and nobles to find lovers. It's not a big problem if you've figured out some things yourself."

Like a dog-headed military strategist who doesn't think it's a big deal, Irena said the plan with a bright face.

"The only one who has an opinion is probably the one who officially married you. After all, the green top of her head may be able to carry the entire Mongolian Empire."

"I suggest that you come to a political marriage, boss, and then make three chapters and use the other party as a cover."

"Find a cover?"

Su Han was lost in thought.

Thinking like this, he looked at a scumbag girl across from him, thoughtfully.

"Boss, what do you see me doing?"

The hair on Miss Irena's head jumped wildly, feeling that something was wrong.

"Irena, it just so happens that my sister is also in this world. Otherwise, you can go meet the parents with me another day."

With Irena's dull expression on his face, the boy opened his mouth and said.

Chapter 15 It's you next, Tarua

"Irena, it just so happens that my sister is also in this world. Otherwise, you can go meet the parents with me another day."

Like a thunderbolt from the blue, Su Han's words smashed directly on the top of Miss Irena's head, turning her whole body into petrification, like a Horlander.

Meow meow meow!

Could it be that you have a cat disease in your ears?

The boss wants to take himself to see the parents?

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