"Copy the nobles, check the treasury, kill the oligarchs, after this wave, will there be money to build a comprehensive source stone mining system soon?"

"Of course, ignorant plundering will cause the entire society to fall into chaos. If there is a riot in Ursus, the entire factory assembly line will also be affected."

"For this reason, I need to find a way to maintain the living standard and the national stability index of the entire Usas so that they do not decline. Such a thing obviously requires a large number of people with excellent morality or excellent ability to accept the ideological stamp. Improve administrative efficiency and reduce intermediate losses.”

Strong claims, weak claims...

Raid the nobles, seize the treasury, hang the oligarchs...

Thought steel, printing administrative efficiency and intermediate loss...

What the **** is this kind of face?

Boss, will you die if you don't do anything?

Irena, who felt that the plan that Su Han threw to herself before was a paper to wipe her buttocks, felt her scalp go numb for a while.

"So, Duke Koscice, are you going to be my helper?"

"After this is done, I will be the national teacher of Ursus, and you will be the prime minister of Ursus' empire."

As if discussing how much a pound of cabbage on the street costs, the boy discussed it casually, conspiring to usurp the throne.

That look, even the look of Corsice, the evil god, became extremely embarrassing.

"Don't you think it's really appropriate to say such words to a citizen of Ursus?"

Kosice stared at the young man in the distance who was clearly looking forward to integrating Ursus' power and plundering the Originium, and there was a rare hint of unhappiness in his voice.

"Please believe that everyone above this frozen soil loves this frozen soil. This is the most basic common sense."

The man who decided to keep Ursas prosperous by defeating Da Yan, his voice was soothing and full of tension, as if he was giving a soulful speech, narrating his love for Ursus.

"Do you, who count on war to bring prosperity, have the right to say that I have no common sense?"

"Or, is Ursus an uncivilized alien race?"

In response, Su Han just smiled and said.

The voice is not sharp, but the sarcasm is beyond words.

Bring prosperity through war, this theory only applies to plundering civilizations, such as Vikings or Eastern Japanese, it is too nonsense to put it on other civilizations.

Moreover, the plundering civilization has always been the country with the highest output and the most vegetables, and the country of the plundering civilization generally has no future.

They do not have a stable foundation, and the source of everything is plundered from the outside world. The result of forcibly developing the country by means of increasing force and hegemony will be short-term glory and violent reckoning in the future.

"The violence of war has plowed no grass. War brings nothing but destruction and pain."

"You don't know this kind of thing, do you?"

As if he was spreading historical knowledge to junior high school students, the boy looked at the duke in the distance who was trying to continue the glory of Ursus by relying on the war, the corners of his mouth raised.

He understands Koscice, but he is still obsessed with it.

after all--

That was the best way to continue the prosperity of Ursus.

"Or, as an evil god, you were also deceived by the first emperor of Ursus's method of diverting contradictions, thinking that as long as you continue to plunder the outside world, you can continue to maintain the glory of Ursus?"

Those words fell into Black Snake's ears, causing her face to suddenly turn blue and white.

The prosperity of Ursus is nothing but a false beauty formed by transferring contradictions to the outside world through war.

Herrag and the patriots understand the truth, how could she not understand?

There is nothing I don't understand, I just don't want to understand it.

"So, are you trying to sign a deal with me?"

Looking at the black snake that was obviously poked in the foot, a smile appeared on the face of the teenager who needed some temporary subordinates.

"An agreement about Ursus, an agreement that determines Ursus' future."

Chapter thirteen at your service, Mr. National Teacher

An agreement about Ursus, an agreement to determine Ursus' future.

Such words fell, and the expressions of the people around did not change.

The reason is also very simple. In the past few minutes, they have heard one after another that Sister Tazi is an old snake in essence, the integration movement is just a small chess piece, there are strangers who want to usurp the throne of Usaus, and so on.

Each of their faces was paralyzed because of numbness, and it was difficult to express more emotions.

The only one who can still react is probably the old black snake.

This man, who is simply the incarnation of the national consciousness of Ursus, stared at the young man not far away, and a strange light shone in his fiery red pupils.

It was the most powerful and terrifying existence of all the humans I had ever seen in my life.

He came from a different world, but he knew a lot about the situation in this world. He even knew exactly who he was possessing, which even his own guards might not know.

There is no doubt that the person on the opposite side either has a huge organization to provide it with information, or has the ability to survey the world.

The former is clearly negative.

Not many people even in Ursus know what they are doing. The so-called giant forces want to find themselves, it cannot be said to be a daydream, but it is also extremely difficult.

Sending out that kind of possibility can only mean that the opposite party has the ability to detect even himself.

No, not right.

And the purpose of his search for himself was to find a guy who could keep Ursus stable, at least, when he was mining minerals, he was very stable.

In order to achieve this goal, it is undoubtedly necessary to compare among countless officials and find the most capable one among them. It is impossible for him to collect information about himself alone.

In the real sense, a cold sweat oozes out from Koscice's back for a while.

So far, her biggest reliance is that she has multiple bodies, and as long as one is not destroyed, she can return again.

This is the mystery of the immortal black snake.

However, if the other party is really a guy with a power similar to omniscience...

Thinking of this, Kosice's face seemed to be covered with a cloud.

"Ah, are you afraid that I will find your other bodies, destroy them, and cause you to die completely?"

As if he sensed something, the boy holding a book smiled like a prophet.

Like a mud bull entering the sea, Kosice's heart sank completely.

He was completely defeated by the general.

"Since you have a thorough understanding of the situation, let's talk frankly."

For those who are useful, Su Han, who has always been very patient, opened his mouth.

"As you can see, I'm a stranger trying to get the best out of me by taking control of the central power in Ursus."

"As a capitalist, I'm really a half-ass, so I can't let the whole of Ursas fall apart for things like mining minerals."

"So, I need to find a suitable person to maintain the order and tranquility of Ursus while I stay in Ursus. After I leave, I can also make this country run normally, and don't die on the spot."

Su Han, who was half-hearted in many ways, shrugged and said.

"So, you chose me to maintain Ursus?"

It was roughly understandable why Su Han was looking for his black snake with a slight twitch at the corners of his mouth.

Su Han's request was obviously outrageous.

In the ark world, the source stone is like the oil in the real world, and it is the most basic energy source.

This guy's request is to let a big country that has been drained of oil not decompose on the spot, or even continue normally...

To be honest, even the old black snake, who was once considered to be the IQ ceiling of Ark's characters, felt that this was a **** international joke.

Drained Russia's oil, gas, and coal mines, and then forced a macho man to fall from the sky, allowing him to keep Russia's governance in an orderly and normal order...

Is this a **** task that anyone can think of?

To be honest, if possible, Koscice really wanted to knock out Su Han's head to see if there was a Homo sapiens brain.

"Please forgive my presumptuousness, your argument is basically untenable."

Koscice spoke slowly and said.

"No country can live long without the support of local energy sources."

"Who told you that there is only Originium in this world?"

As if encountering something very puzzling, the boy said to the evil **** who was probably the ceiling of Ursus's internal affairs ability.

In this world, apart from Originium, there is a lot of energy?

The words that shocked her to the extreme fell in her ears.

"Nuclear energy, wind energy, hydroelectric power in the normal technological world, the leyline power commonly used in the world of the original gods, the random field of infrastructure magic in the battle world, the collapse energy furnace of the collapsed world..."

"Removing the outrageously harmful Honkai Impact in Honkai World, the energy supply systems of other systems are completely reproducible."

The words that were like a scripture fell into the ears of Kosice, making the eyes of the indigenous conspiracy who have never been separated from Terra in this life widen a bit.

He seemed to understand why Su Han proposed to "maintain the existence of Ursus while most of the minerals in Ursus are mined".

Thinking of this, a little light flashed in her eyes.

Although it may sound difficult to understand, Koscice was a **** who loved Ursus deeply.

However, that kind of love is a deformed love.

In other words, the chicken farm manager's love for chicks.

The owner of the chicken farm gave the chicks the most "high-quality" care when they were still in the eggs. The optimum light, temperature and humidity ensure the healthiest chicks hatch. Then, hang all the roosters with a meat grinder, and in order to avoid flock fights, all chickens are \"beaked\" with a red-hot blade, then vaccinated, fed...

Substitute into Europa Universalis, and her actions are easy to understand.

As the incarnation of the national will of Ursus, Koscice is an excellent Europa Universalis player.

Love Ursus, but love only Ursus.

In order to increase the satisfaction of residents, the infected can be brought into their own territory, giving them safety, or they can be directly pushed into the fire pit because of the pretext of war, and when necessary, they can even massacre the nobles.

There is no doubt that he is a ruler whose views and so-called benefits to the country are all macro-level, completely ignoring individual feelings, and who loves high military skills.

But in the final analysis, it is for the country under its control to gain hegemony and become the first power.

Anyone who has played Europa Universalis knows that in the era of despotism, there is a national disaster "The Court and the Provinces", which is in the fourth phase of the internal rebellion of the empire, and the chaos in various places leads to the decline of the national economy and production.

There is no doubt that the patriotic guerrillas and the political struggles of the nobility are an intuitive manifestation of Usaus' deep immersion in "the court and the provinces".

Generally, in this case, players will choose to pay attention to the interior of the country and slow down the speed of expansion. Various forces within Ursus are competing for the right to speak with each other, and in the story of the Ark, it is shown as a centralized emperor and scattered armies.

What Corsice planned during this time was actually to accelerate the rise of one to overwhelm the other in this imperial cataclysm, and to end the event quickly so that the nation could focus on continued development.

As for the method he chose, through the event (the crash of the Dragon Gate in the city), he greatly increased the influence of the nobles and the military, so as to obtain a large number of military bonuses, so that Ursus could return to his preferred path of war expansion.

He was a militarist, but only because Ursus was a militarist country in its most glorious era.

Militarism is a shortcut, he wants to go this way, and everything he does is to bring Ursus back to life.

Now, another possibility seems to have appeared in this world.

A tree from another world.

The arrogant teenager in front of him is not a pure colonialist lover.

While collecting the source stone of Ursus, he will leave traces of other civilizations. If he can integrate the traces of countless civilizations together...

Thinking of this, it was as if an eighth-magnitude earthquake had occurred in Koscice's heart.

After the collision of completely different civilizations, the sparks brought by them can completely bring about changes to Ursus.

To become the strongest country, it only takes a while.

Hold on until Ursus can reproduce the traces of other civilizations.

"Your purpose is to make Ursus great again, isn't it? Evil **** who symbolizes national consciousness."

Su Han laughed, and there was a hint of mischief in his smile.

"Since you only want the result of 'Ursas Prosperity', then what's wrong with overturning the current framework and becoming my help?"

Yes, nothing bad.

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