Miss Irena, who looked like a goose, widened her eyes, looking at the guy who was eating instant noodles in front of her, her eyes were dull.

Obviously, the sudden confession of this kind of thing is really beyond her thinking.

Calm down, Irena.

You have to understand the current situation.

Thinking so, she raised her head and stared at the boy in front of her with a look similar to that of a stallion.

Black hair like ink, dignified facial features, deep black eyes with a little charming red...

From the outside, the boss may not be as good as himself, but he is definitely excellent.

In terms of strength, his known abilities include infinite magical power of unknown origin, the highest-ranking Honkai Beast gene implantation, and the power of darkness usurped from the hands of gods.

There is no doubt that in the existence of people I know, the boss is an absolute T0.

As for wealth and power, let alone that, as long as this guy is willing, it is estimated that he can forcibly unify the entire Terra within a month.

To have such a man confessing to himself is undoubtedly a joy that makes people wonder if he is dreaming.

So, I am happy too...

shit! ! !

She wants to wander around the world like her own mother, record her adventures, and become a great witch in the collection of works! !

Where did this travel to?

The current goal is to travel all the time and become a witch comparable to or even surpassing her mother, Irena-san turned the table in her heart.

After losing the oppression of the enemy, the boss, after being serious and handsome for less than three days, has he become crazy again?

"Boss, if you are really busy, you can dig up the ancient ruins of Terra or find the way to the conferred gods of the wizard family..."

After thinking about it for a long time, I felt that my boss might be too busy, so Irena-san, who started to tidy up, sincerely put forward some suggestions.

"Didn't you suggest finding someone as cover?"

As if encountering a very unimaginable thing, Su Han took out two hams from the red envelope, cut them into diced hams, and poured them into his and Irena's rice bowls respectively.

"I thought, since you're looking for cover, why not find someone you know better."

Irena looked at the newly added diced ham in her instant noodles and fell silent.

Tokisaki Kurumi's favor will be shared with the clone, she herself is her rival in love, and she is also an indestructible rival.

Just a little use of the ability will cause the past self to appear, and then the group will discuss where to go on a date, what clothes to wear, what makeup to wear...

This congenital condition determines that her vinegar smell has long been consumed.

As for Yu Xiao Miku, her hobby in the past was to turn beautiful girls into her servants and use them as beautiful toys.

Although she is also rehabilitating and returning to justice, she still has some residual ideas from the past.

- Pretty girls or something, they're toys.

She is also the type who won't object to the person she likes provoking girls. In her subconscious, the scene is actually similar to seeing her boyfriend playing with strange toys.

Yatoshen Tohka is a pure natural type who doesn't understand anything at all. If the boss is willing to fool around, that guy can probably pull his friend to be the boss's lover.

As for Shiori Wuhe, the girl who has a lot to do with Mio Takamiya also seems to like the boss very much. In addition, in the follow-up incident, the boss ko Takamiya Mio forced the world to return to normal, and the favorability is estimated to have exploded.


Although the boss feels like a half-washed, growing boss who is addicted to fighting with a stage boss all day long, but in fact, the boss is actually a harem man.

As we all know, there will always be a woman in the harem who has a strong sense of presence.

That kind of female character is commonly known as "Zheng Gong".

The main performance is often to deter a group of foxes around, or directly mingle with foxes and become big sisters.

Of course, it doesn't matter if you can't be deterred.

At that time, the cheers of the audience will change from "Good A!" "Main Palace!!" to "Horqin Prairie Ahead", "I can't do anything".

At that time, the so-called Zhenggong will receive a new title.

- "The Lord of Bitterness".

Because everyone in the harem is sorry for the bitter master, most of them feel guilty, and they will feel a little guilty and weak in the face of it.

So, in this case, it seems that achievements such as "Peaceful Crystal Sky" and "A World Only One Green" can be achieved.

In theory, recruiting a person as a shield can indeed effectively reduce the Shura field.

"So, you buy me with diced ham and let me go to Dingqingqing Grassland."

Just as Su Han complained that he only had instant noodles for dinner, Miss Irena picked up a diced ham and shook it in front of Su Han, looking like she had seen a ghost.

"Boss, are you doing human affairs?"

"Do you want me to cook another hot spring egg for you?"

In response to this, some dude found two eggs out of nowhere, then threw them aside and started to boil.


Faced with such an answer, the corners of Irena-san's mouth twitched involuntarily.

Is this what you want to express?

Boss, do you really understand or fake it!

"Didn't you say that I think the best way to get rid of the predicament is to find someone to marry, and then make three chapters and play with each other?"

"Since you are looking for cover, you will naturally find the most reliable person."

Su Han, who quickly cooked the hot spring egg, threw the egg into Irena's bowl and said.

"Except for being discovered by the old black snake three days after your debut, and you can only call the cat car for rescue, other times, you are more reliable."

"Boss, I'm a country witch!!"

Probably witnessing the prosperity of modern society, Miss Witch, who consciously divided her hometown into the countryside, tried her best to complain.

"Since it's a marriage or something, it should be looking for a noble lady."

"You're right, don't you understand this matter?"

"Finding a woman of the right match is still relatively difficult for me at this stage."

Su Han, whose identity is very complicated now, sighed and spoke.

In the beginning, he was a useless mage with the eyes of darkness implanted, and standing with a female character with a name and a surname can basically be regarded as a high rise.

Then, he fused the hypermutable genes, dominated the power of blood, and became the branch head of the destiny.

Then, he, together with Kanizaki Kurumi and Honjo Erya, hacked to death Takamiya Mio and became the original demon king.

To be honest, if Su Han really ignored the pressure on the body after the Eye of Darkness absorbed a lot of energy, he would directly become a character similar to fgo2.4 Arjuna and fgo2.5 Zeus, or even better.

Cleaning the surface, it is not necessary to have hands.jpg.

Although the current Su Han has not completely devoured the spirit crystals, he, who has part of the power of the devil, is the current ceiling.

It can even be said that as long as the next group chat does not suddenly pull the box garden, the magic ban, the day of wrath and other worldview characters, he can even stay on the ceiling for a long time.

"If you are talking about fighting power, unless Qiyana awakens as the Herrscher of the End, there is really no one who will match me."

When necessary, the boy who can swallow the crystal of the original spirit and the crystal of the original reversed spirit at the same time, and turned into a "god" shrugged.

"Of course, in terms of fatalism, Takamiya Mio is barely the person I'm destined to be in contact with."

As if he suddenly remembered something, the boy added immediately.

"She is infinite light, and I am darkness born with light. According to the film and television theorem that men and women who follow light and darkness always love and kill each other, I don't have an ordinary relationship with her."

Irena's face twitched while listening to those words.

Men and women who follow each other always fall in love and kill each other is indeed the main plot in many stories. Just like the setting in old-fashioned stories, Su Han's fate is indeed connected with Chong Gong Mio...

However, Su Han, who is dark, and Mio, who represents light, in this group of CPs, have only achieved half of the development of falling in love with each other and killing each other.

- kill each other.

Chong Gong Mio was beaten to death by Su Han's Demon King of Nothing.

To be honest, it is obviously outrageous to hear Su Han listening to this here in the style of reminiscing about his ex-girlfriend.

"So, boss, who are you going to hire as a shield for you?"

Very angry, Irena said to Su Han.

"You should also understand that your reason is 'marriage'. If the woman can't bring you benefits, Tokisaki-senpai and the others may not buy it."

"So, just let you be the Queen of Ursus."

The young man opened his mouth and uttered the words that made Miss Irena stunned.

Throne, emperor, queen, prince, princess...

Queen, Queen.

When choosing a puppet candidate before, Su Han, who always felt that the candidate was not very suitable, finally figured out the problem not long ago.

The frozen soil of Siberia should be matched with a princess.

Although there is no Anastasia here, isn't there a white hair next to me?

Irena is white-haired, Anastasia is white-haired, and Anastasia is a princess, so, Irena rounded up is also a princess.

Therefore, Irena holds a strong claim (confidence) on Ursus.

"Since there is no way to find a woman who matches me in terms of strength and is willing to serve as a shield for me, then it's better to find a matching role from power."

"In order to consolidate the control of Ursus, I put my friend Irena on the throne, and marry you in name to become the regent who can interfere in Ursus' politics, but will not be completely bound."

"What do you think of this explanation?"

In fact, it was the national consciousness of Ursus—someone who was the ideal king of the Black Snake made up nonsense with great interest.

On the opposite side, Miss Irena continued to twitch at the corners of her mouth.

This guy actually actually made up a speech that doesn't sound like a big problem.

"Of course, this matter is not completely human, and I will pay a certain reward."

Having said that, he looked at the eggs and ham in Miss Irena's bowl, and seemed to have noticed that it was indeed trembling as employment funds, so he whispered for a while and said.

"It's not about adding money or not!"

Most of the time, Miss Irena, who can be solved with just one sentence of extra money, patted the table and leaned forward to bring herself to the closest distance to the boss.

Miss Irena can understand Su Han's thoughts.

After all, Su Han needs a character who looks full of strength, when the name is Zhenggong, it is actually a role of hat rack.

Rationally speaking, this character must be reliable, trustworthy, and not have too much admiration for him.

I just meet these conditions.


"I'm a girl, how can I not care about my reputation."

Irena's voice was maddening like never before, as if she wanted to open up how much water had entered the head of this guy in front of her.

"Although I don't plan to get married, in theory it won't be a big problem to play with you, but, later, people from my world will come here, if they know that I have become a queen in Ursus, Still trying to get married, my parents will follow soon!!”

The corners of Irena's mouth and eyes twitched at the thought of her mother's disdainful expression.

With similar personalities, same-sex repulsion and opposite-sex attraction, Irena's intuition told her that if her mother came, she would most likely happily accept that she had an extra "son".

At that time, it will not be acting, it will really be married off! !

\"Is the problem here?\"

Hearing Miss Irena's almost powerless voice, Su Han's expression also became distressed.

Since Irena, who can be rounded up to Anastasia, will not come, who will I find to be the Emperor of Ursus?

First, it has to be a woman.

Stupid goose, cross it out.

This guy doesn't look like someone who could be a queen.

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