Just now, he was complaining about how embarrassing he was to be found out and even arrested for not even wanting Irena for three days, but he didn't even arrive for half a day...

To be honest, Su Han could even hear the laughter that Irena wanted to suppress but couldn't suppress.

Facing Su Han's doubts, Kesiche just smiled slightly.

As the evil **** wandering in Ursus, Koscice has seen countless warriors who can be called unparalleled in the world, and the model is the patriot.

Patriot Bodro Castil is the only remaining pure-blood Wendigo in Sarkaz.

Because the current emperor's policy against the infected made him lose his beloved son, he left Ursus to fight for the infected. Together with his subordinates, he turned into a guerrilla in the northwest tundra, specializing in punishing the Ursas who mutilated the infected.

Different from the useless World Cup football and Tallulah with "I need a social beating" written on her face, the Patriots are true combatants.

Wearing heavy armor, he slaughtered monsters with a hundred eyes and a thousand limbs, purified the vicious beasts, crushed Casimir's knight armor, smashed the cavalry of the Rutland Church, and defeated Victoria's warriors, all invincible.

Even in the weakest period, Rosemary's slash that can directly sever the building can't even tear off his armor. In the battle with the son of Dadalia, he was forced to use the power of the ice god. The main force is also a patriot.

There is no doubt that he is one of the most terrible men in the whole of Ursus. Even though he is old and frail, he still makes Koscice feel uneasy at times. If he finds out that he is not "Tallulah", he will be furious. It is entirely possible that he killed himself.

To be honest, excluding mythical creatures, he should be the ceiling of a normal human being.

No, not right.

Even if it is a mythical creature, in front of the patriots who were in their prime and supported by the army, only the top part has a winning rate.

Those warriors who can fight against the gods when they become angry are all famous figures in this world, and knowing their stories is a compulsory course for every politician in the world of Terra.

And now, there are indeed more vicious warriors than them, and they are not on the required textbooks...

"I just think that someone like you who is strong and willing to participate in various events should be famous all over the world."

"Your appearance reminds me of a guest I met not long ago. He is a traveler from another world."

Not long ago, the black snake who had seen a man named Dadalia looked at the boy with a strange light in his eyes.

The general idea of ​​the translation of this sentence is: You are so fond of rectification, but a person who can be beaten by a thief should be notorious and notorious rather than unknown.

Su Han roughly understood what the man in front of him meant.

As for the other traveler from another world, it is probably Dardalia, the man who is called a group of red envelopes/group wallets by all corners of the world. In order to practice his skills, he followed the security mission of saving the Swordsman Tower.

If Dadalia is a guy who basically can't lie and likes to expose some insignificant things to cover up other things, there is a possibility that he will give some information to the enemy.

Black Snake is not an idiot. Combining these things together, it is not difficult to guess something related to him.

"Just laugh at me."

On the side, a certain witch smirked in a low voice, her beautiful blue eyes curved into crescents.

Obviously, it was very interesting for this scumbag to watch a guy who was always in front of me and was absolutely invincible.

In response, Su Han just replied indifferently.

"Because of your mission failure, half of your points for this action will be deducted."

Like a goose being pinched by the neck, Miss Irena's jeering stopped abruptly, and then turned into a scream.

"It's really interesting to be known by Duke Koscice!"

In this regard, the young man Shi Shiran spoke of the woman in the distance, saluted, and said polite words.

That scene, falling into Irena's eyes, made her whole person's expression become puzzled.

She didn't quite understand why Su Han, a guy who had been chasing fast-paced levels, would actually treat a guy whose combat power was far lower than his own.

Could it be that the undead black snake was of great use to him?

It shouldn't be, according to Su Han's current ability configuration, he can directly torture the black snake to the point of exhaustion, and then forcefully seize its memory.

No no, considering that this guy has a changing angel that can simulate other angels, this guy can even directly call up all the information of the black snake through the book of omniscience.

Therefore, he should directly hang the black snake up and hammer it, and he has to obey his own arrangements and obediently summon the great nobles to come here to send their heads.

How could he be so polite to this guy?

I feel that Su Han is really hard to say that he is a good-natured person except for those who are on his side and those who are useful to him.

"Irena, go and treat the Grand Duke's wounds."

The boy who was the cause of Koscice's serious injury immediately made a request to Irena.

Irena was stunned for a while, then raised her wand and launched time magic on the dragon girl not far away.

In just an instant, the chest that was visibly sunken due to the heavy blow began to repair.

In that scene, Koscice was also taken aback.

To be honest, his current situation is actually very difficult.

The enemy is not good, and after taking a kick that can directly kick a normal person out dozens of meters away, the black snake's cognition.

In fact, her physical condition just now has reached the limit, and she can still talk to the guy on the opposite side until now, which is basically a waste of use.

——When Tallulah's body is not dead, ask some questions, and it is a good thing to be able to ask the results, and it is understandable that they cannot be asked.

"Is there anything you need my help with?"

He vaguely guessed that the boy on the opposite side might have a huge gap with the guy who looked like he was just here to fight, and Koscice chose to continue to salute the man in front of him, and then looked at him with a scrutiny. he.

There is no such thing as a pie in the world.

After the enemy hurts himself, the essence of such a thing is that he will help himself.

He is telling himself that his life and death are in his hands.

Really scary person.

A little curiosity arose in Koscice's heart.

What kind of thing made this man from another world come here and come to find himself?

"Some things do need your help."

Facing Corsice's question, the young man smiled and smiled brightly, but inexplicably made everyone around him feel a touch of discomfort.

"The current emperor is weak and incompetent, without the demeanor of the previous emperor. His existence will only make Ursus go downhill, doesn't it?"

Not long ago, in the conversation with Irena, the man who only said that he wanted to open a mine in Terra, and even said that he had no interest in inserting politics, bowed his hands and smiled sincerely.

"I want to ask you to join me in establishing another monarch and rebuilding the mountains and rivers."

Chapter 12 To sign a pact that determines Ursus' future?

"I want to ask you to join me in establishing another monarch and rebuilding the mountains and rivers."

It was definitely a speech like a chaotic thief among chaotic ministers and thieves, echoing in the air.

Koscice was stunned.

w was stunned.

Even the Sarkaz mercenaries on the side were stunned.

If there is anyone who is not stunned, it is probably Miss Leidian Meiyi who is still in a coma.

The only girl in the collapsed world who had listened to Su Han's nonsense theory of fate, at the prompt of her aunt, decided to go on a trip with someone directly, and use observation to determine whether a certain guy is really destined to her. Still just hilarious.

Unfortunately, the transmission of the chat group is not the comfortable transmission of Qianjie Yixuan, at least the red envelope transmission is very uncomfortable transmission.

Therefore, this lovely but sad young lady is still in a coma.

Apart from her, in the entire camp, the only people who were not shocked were the herds whose spirits were taken away by Mephistopheles and the fallen guards.

Of course, among so many people, the most confused is not the Terra people here, but the other person on the side.

The girl with azure blue eyes looked at her boss, and the expression on her delicate little face was as if she had seen Zhong Kui.

Meow meow meow meow! !

Could it be that I have a cat disease in my ears! !

Boss, didn't you say you want to build a mine in Terra?

Why did he suddenly turn into a thief?

I'm not interested in claiming that Ursus is only a mine owner in a mine, who said that! !

Seemingly aware of the change in his number one dog-legged expression, Su Han turned his head and explained.

"The main reason is to do a careful calculation. You have recruited too many witches. Ordering thousands or even tens of thousands of sets of mining machines from anti-entropy at one time is not a small expense. It also requires a lot of investment to build a mining farm credit-physical exchange system. , if all matter is provided by destiny and anti-entropy, I will owe a lot of favors.”

"Although I can hack the bishop to death, then imitate his appearance, inherit the destiny, and make a big death play another day, and directly give too much power to the real me, perfect black eat black."

"However, when I think that I will lead the main force to fight against the collapse in the future, I start to have a headache, so the way to assassinate Otto will not work."

Falling into the collapsed world is definitely a statement that can cause the entire inner world to riot, spit out from Su Han's mouth, making the expression of Irena beside him as stiff as petrified.

Speaking of which, he laughed as if he had thought of something extremely interesting.

Use Yu Duchen to read Kesiche's memory, simulating the appearance of Kesiche, and call the great nobles to a meeting to brainwash them. This was Su Han's previous plan.

Honestly, this is a pretty good plan.

After all, with low risk and low investment, you can get windfall money by raiding your home, or you can operate land and mines or continue to earn income.

This kind of plan, no matter how you think about it, is actually great.


A philosopher once said, "My lord, times have changed."

Just like the Conquer Gems can only be exchanged for points due to the version update, his previous plan to control the Ursus nobles by relying on Yu Duchen's Can Yu and Yu Xiao Meijiu's power was actually half-abandoned.

The reason for the abolition is also very simple. The plan of collecting Originium to exchange points was actually a follow-up to the defeat against Takamiya Mio.

After deciding to kill the gods alongside Tokisaki Kurumi, Su Han made a plan to kill Takamiya Mio.

However, plans are plans after all, and can be easily interrupted.

For this reason, Su Han, who was not 100% sure of defeating Takamiya Mio, immediately made a plan after the defeat.

Among the possibilities of defeat, the most fatal one is that Tatsumiya Mio, who was set up and hanged not long after he arrived in that world, caught the flaw and was killed without catching anything. He can only count on Tokisaki Crazy three cat car to save people.

If that's the case, obviously his combat power has not been greatly improved, and it is impossible to kill the Quartet directly. Therefore, if you are conspiring something, you need to do it slowly.

After all, there are some **** in many worlds who raise the level of the world's combat power. When he was just a half-hearted fusion warrior, Su Han obviously did not have the confidence to fight with those guys in the Ark World who sounded mysterious and went to school and guaranteed his own victory.

Therefore, his plans were confined to Ursus.

However, Chong Gong Mio's defeat was so smooth that Su Han easily became the original demon king, and then dug out her spiritual crystals, even if most of the original demon king was later cut off due to the Eye of Darkness Spirit crystal, he still retains the right to summon the devil.

Without calling the three demon kings, Su Han was only stronger than the fusion warriors of Su and Fu Hua, but once the three weapons were activated, he could tie the fusion warriors together and rub them against the ground.

Obviously, in front of Su Han, who has obtained the board-level power of the battle background, unless the so-called leather Cthulhu is directly turned into a genuine product, then he has no need to be afraid.

Therefore, the previous mine plan has actually become a semi-waste similar to conquering gems.

The most suitable plan now should be to directly use the book of omniscience to collect the positions of the heads of the world's countries, then sneak in and control them one by one.

This is the best way to make money.

What is missing is transferred directly from the treasury.

After that, it is not difficult for the witches who were mentored by the graduate students to be indebted, and they signed a contract with the World Snake Manpower Company, and then sent them to a suitable mine to be stationed as a doctor.

Need to say more?

Mine directly through the force of the military.

In a situation where a large number of time-related abilities do not need to be afraid of infection at all, Su Han believes that the soldiers of Ursus are definitely the best miners.

Casimir, Syracuse, Bolivar, Letania...

The same is true for these countries.

Of course, if the witch's hands are really not enough, Su Han doesn't mind transferring a group of people from the collapsed world.

Su, who is pessimistic about confronting Honkai head-on, has always been eager to find a suitable area that can serve as the birthplace of a new civilization.

If there are really not enough people, just drag them directly into this world, which may be good for humans, to colonize and...


"So, since everyone has decided to control the big nobles, why not just abolish the biggest nobles and find a strong claim or a weak claim to inherit his property?"

After thinking for a long time, the boy who decided to start with Ursas completely ignored the unpredictable face of the black snake beside him, Shi Shiran said.

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