Keeping a reasonable distance is common sense for those with long weapons. It would be much easier for him to take a defensive stance and only attack enemies that come into range.

The best way to fight such an enemy is to rush into their gun enclosure to restrict their movement or use remote Originium techniques to kill them.

Coincidentally, Koscice, or Tallulah, has remote Originium skills.

The icy eyes of the Duke of Snake stared into the distance, like a beast that **** blood and kills like numbness.

When he steps into the range of his Originium skill, it will be his death.

The extreme high temperature and heat are enough to melt metal. After all, the human body cannot compare to the steel that has been tempered in a furnace.

As long as he steps into the range of his Originium Art, it is the moment of his death.

Koscice thought so.

But will everything work out as it should?


Without warning, the air let out a wailing, and the tragic wailing made Koscice's pupils shrink violently.

The target is gone! !

Before Koscice released the Originium Skill, the black spear had already entered Koscice's field of vision.

In just an instant, the pitch-black spear had already crossed thousands of meters, reaching directly in front of him.

That's extreme speed.

It is much easier to penetrate the foreign enemy that steps in than to attack rashly. This is the common sense of the spearmen.

However, the other party did not follow this routine at all, or in other words, there was no need to follow this routine at all.

That black spear easily tore the sound barrier, and it was like a comet quickly!

- Can't hide.

At the same time as seeing this blow, Koscice, the evil **** of Ursus, immediately realized it.

That kind of direct attack cannot be avoided.

The speed of the enemy is too fast, even if he is lucky enough to escape a blow, he will smash his ribs or be directly pierced through the chest due to the sweeping or thrusting that follows.

If you want to kill him, you must quickly close the distance, break through its gun circle, and chop off his head when it is not functioning well.

Instinctively, Corsice made a judgment.

The next moment, the dagger around his waist spun and unsheathed, he held it firmly in the air, and then quickly slapped the body of the incoming long spear.

The speed of the enemy is too fast. If you want to distance yourself from him and start the Originium Skills battle, you are simply dreaming. In this case, you can only choose to fight head-on.

Extremely hot flames entwined the short sword.

As a swordsman, Tallulah is undoubtedly the ultimate dish. He stabbed three people in the plot, one of them was a black snake who voluntarily cheated to death, one of the other two ran away directly, and the other was a rebel. Come and beat her up.

However, as the leader of the integration movement, she obviously cannot be a pure rookie.

She has an overwhelmingly powerful Originium skill - extreme high temperature and extreme heat, as long as she wants to, destroying the entire street with one sword is just a basic operation.

Today, Corsiche, who is attached to Tallulah's body, is using an extension of his adopted daughter's Originium Skill.

Aggregate the extreme high temperature on the blade and swing it out.

The seemingly simple attack contained enough power to wipe out the fully-armed heavy operators.

Even mythical creatures, in the face of such a blow, don't even think about seeking benefits.

This is Corsice's perception.

However, her expression changed as the gun and the sword met.

Above the black spear, there is also a layer of black mist.

Just like edible salt falling into the sea, the sharp sword in his hand is constantly decomposing! !

Your own sword is being disassembled! ! !

No, not just the sword, but even the flames are quenching.

Combustion is a chemical phenomenon as well as a physical phenomenon.

The things associated with the physical belt symbolize the power of "withering", which is ridiculously powerless.

Is this his Originium Skill? !

Like a scythe of death hanging around his neck, the unprecedented sense of fear caused Koscice's body to explode with amazing speed and retreat backwards.

The next moment, the place where she just stood was penetrated by the weird black spear, and the ground exploded directly.

The violent hurricane whizzed past in front of her, blowing her hair back violently, and the surrounding trees seemed to be impacted, breaking at the same time with a bang!

That scene, it is not an exaggeration to say that it was a small natural disaster.

However, compared to the damage caused by the black spear, the storm formed by the master's powerful strength can only be said to be a joke.

The black spear fell to the ground.

As if all existence had been wiped out, the terrifying black fog centered on the tip of the spear spread unrestrictedly, and everything it touched directly turned into nothingness! !

Except for the boy with the spear, everything was disappearing.

What power is this?

The unheard-of terrifying power caused a storm in the heart of Corsice, who was retreating.

Is that Originium Art?

No, is that terrifying power really Originium Art?

This incredible and overwhelming ability...

I seem to have seen it somewhere.

Feeling the pain in his arm, Kesiché was vaguely enlightened.

"Ah Ou, were you actually dodged?"

As if encountering something very strange, there was a surprised voice of a boy on the opposite side.

"I thought this blow should be able to disassemble your sword, and then abolish your right hand. In the end, did you avoid it?"

He was clearly fighting against the leader of the mob group that was one of the best in Ursus, but that guy just had an expression of picking up trash.

"It seems that I underestimated your level."

Rather than sighing, it was more sarcastic words spit out from the boy's mouth.

"In other words, your level is exactly the level where I will be killed when I turn on the rated power of Heiyuan, but it will be difficult to solve if I don't turn it on."

Heiyuan, rated power, what these words mean, the undead black snake does not understand.

However, the next moment, he knew another thing.

There was no joke in that voice.


The speed that was absolutely superior to oneself just now was only part of the goal, not even most of the power! ! !

Cold sweat lay down on Corsice's back like an open reservoir, soaking her underwear.

Like a ghost, the boy who was in front of him at the last moment has disappeared and appeared in front of him.

The next moment, as if he was playing football, the boy casually raised his leg, slammed into the black snake's chest, and kicked it.

For Su Han, it was not a flash in pursuit of speed, nor was it an extremely heavy blow.

Even if he didn't choose to devour the complete power of the primordial Demon King because of some scruples, he was, after all, the one who had killed the gods.

Just to deal with the black snake, he really didn't need to use all his strength. If such a kick appeared in front of Takamiya Mio, he would probably be ridiculed for being weak and inconceivable.


The so-called weakness is for Takomiya Mio.

Kosice's pupils contracted violently, and before she could make a defensive gesture, the kick from a half-assed demon king had already landed on her chest.

Of course, the beautiful person smashed to the ground like a kite with a broken string, and the diffused air pressure shock wave mixed with a huge amount of stones flew out around.

Not far away, the battle-hardened mercenaries could even hear the screams of their bones being broken due to heavy blows and stones.

That scene fell into the eyes of Miss W, who was a mercenary, and made her eyelids jump again and again.

This is a total massacre.

Although she had long known that this guy who was suspected of having something to do with the Doctor might be very strong, she really didn't expect this guy to be so outrageously strong.

The leader of the integration movement was just tortured and killed?

An unprecedented sense of absurdity rose in W's heart.

Chapter Eleven Let me establish a new king with me, Koscice

"Come out, Tallulah, or the undead black snake Koscice."

During the time when w's scalp was numb, the young man casually leaned on the edge of a crooked tree, looked at the big hole that made his teeth sour when he looked at it not far away, and opened his mouth.

"As one of the few existences in this world that can be called a god, I think you won't die so easily."


Such words fell in the ears of W on the side, making her expression unbelievable.

Su Han called Tallulah Kesice?

Isn't the Archduke of Corsice dead?

Also, why did Su Han call Kesiche a god?

Tallulah, Duke of Cosice, the undead black snake, God... A series of words were combined to form countless clouds of doubts. Countless doubts rose in W's heart, making her expression dignified. .

As a member of Sarkaz, her reason for joining the integration movement is actually quite simple.

--Earn extra money.

Sarkaz is an out-and-out fighting nation, and it is very common to earn living expenses and become mercenaries.

The integration movement paid, she followed the leader Olga...cough cough, Garson joined the integration movement, after that, the head of Garson was beaten to death by Dardalia, and she became the new leader, Continue to maintain the agreement with the integration movement and earn extra money.

It seemed that he was following the deceased head of the regiment to earn extra money, and it seemed that he had approached a very remarkable organization.

W, who had already smelled the conspiracy, became more and more solemn.

To be honest, she now wants to tear up and integrate the contract of the movement. God or something, it sounds super dangerous.

"How did you know my name, a traveler from a foreign land."

A very strange voice came from the giant pit, the sound was gloomy, like an ancient snake.


A creepy thing happened.

The tall "woman" climbed up from the pothole, blood on the corner of her mouth.

That scene made W and Irena on the side turn blue.

Just now, they all witnessed the woman in front of her being kicked and hit hard in the chest, making a cracking sound.

A simple sternal fracture is not seriously fatal.

However, the serious adverse consequences of chest fractures can lead to serious combined injuries! !

Violence acting on the front chest often leads to severe abdominal organ damage at the same time, and the occurrence of hemorrhagic shock, respiratory and circulatory dysfunction and other injuries is almost inevitable.

In theory, anyone with a fractured sternum is basically the same as being paralyzed.

However, in this case, the woman named "Tallulah" stood up with a relaxed smile and aristocratic demeanor.

"Nice to meet you, guest from another world."

It was obvious that the sternum had been fractured, but the woman still slightly bent her knees and saluted.

"You recognize it?"

It was less than three hours after arriving in Ark World, and Su Han, who was exposed faster than Irena, was taken aback.

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