The mob is ready.

There was also an agreement within Ursus.

The next step is to capture Qicheng and then hit the Dragon Gate.

As a result, at this stage, a neuropathy jumped out and the whole integration movement was beaten, so I could only retreat, and left myself with frostbite that did not heal at all...

Thinking of this, Koscice's eyes flashed a little sullen.

Hopefully, Mephistopheles and Faust will be able to capture the doctor who is suspected to be capable of time.

Not long ago, Koscice thought that a character who was supposed to be a spy had appeared in the medical department.

That guy's Originium skill is time rewind.

If he can catch the guy whose origin stone technique is time-rewinding, his wounds will be healed soon.

Next, you will be able to take down the city in one fell swoop and start the plan.

Thinking so, he raised his head and looked into the distance.

Coincidentally, there, someone led the mercenaries and herds of Sarkaz who had left to return.

Mephistopheles, Faust and w they are back?

A smile floated on the black snake's mouth.

ask for leave

power cut.

I'm dying.

Take a day off today.

That's it.

Purple potato pudding, purple potato pudding, purple potato pudding, purple potato pudding, purple potato pudding, purple potato pudding, purple potato pudding, purple potato pudding, purple potato pudding, purple potato pudding, purple potato pudding, purple potato pudding, purple potato Pudding, purple potato pudding, purple potato pudding, purple potato pudding, purple potato pudding, purple potato pudding, purple potato pudding, purple potato pudding, purple potato pudding, purple potato pudding, purple potato pudding, purple potato pudding…

Chapter 10: The Old Black Snake Has No Misfortune

As for the holder of the Time-based Originium Skill who sneaked into the integration movement not long ago, Duke Koscice didn't really understand what she was here for.

Mephistopheles felt she was a spy.

This is a reasonable and self-aware inference.

Perhaps in order to cover up social contradictions, in the Terra Continent, many countries have learned to do what they can't, and forced a certain country to be the first to spontaneously divide the infected and the normal people into different classes.

Royal family, royal family, sacrifice - Brahmin

Nobles, great merchants, warriors - Kshatriya

Common people with normal income - Vaishya

People who live in poverty but are not infected - Sudra

Untouchables after being infected - Dalits

Such a division may not be accurate, but, in a sense, it is a true portrayal of countries other than Kazdel.

Such a division is undoubtedly wrong.

Even if the noble "Brahmin" and "Kshatriya" are infected, they are still noble.

Take Rhode Island as an example, where there are many members of the upper class who are infected by accident.

One of the typical representatives is "Cliffheart" Nshia.

She is an infected person, but her elder brother is the warlord Sherag, chairman of the Karan Trading Company, a military and political aristocrat who monopolizes the foreign trade of the entire country. The elder sister is the saint of Snow Country and the religious leader of Quan Sherag.

Whoever treats her as a "Dalit" will probably be stuffed into the Originium Reactor as extra fuel that night.

On the contrary, "Vaisyas" and "Sudras" are easily forced to contact areas with dense Originium dust due to special circumstances and extreme poverty, and become "Dalits".

However, most people in Ursus would not admit this, just as the life of "Vaisya" and "Sudra" is obviously similar to that of "Dalit", but still maintains inexplicable pride.

Therefore, other than idealistic young women like Tallulah, there are really few people who are willing to actively join the group of infected people.

That guy Irena doesn't look like Tallulah, so there is definitely something wrong with that guy, that guy is definitely a spy who needs to be tortured.

This is the cognition of Ino, who has been crippled by Tallulah who has been possessed by the black snake.

However, Black Snake Kosice doesn't think so.

after all-

Where in the world are there such savvy spies?

Joined as an infected person, volunteered to join the medical team to form a doctor, and then...

And then directly exposed his Originium skill is time rewind.

Will the holders of the ability to rewind time be infected?

Pull it down, the probability of this situation is lower than finding a double uglier than the Crimson King from the double.

Therefore, since a person intends to use his time ability to pretend to be a doctor and come into contact with the higher-ups of the integration movement, he must be disguised.

Therefore, in theory, she absolutely needs to control the limit of her strength before contacting her own people.

Back in time - that is the truth of her abilities that she must not reveal, because it is the key to hiding her identity.

However, in fact, according to the description of the medical team members, the reason why Irena showed his abilities was that he was blown away by the people next to him for a long time. Ability is overused...

exposed on the spot.

Is this what a spy can do?

Whose spy was blowing a few words to reveal the essence of his ability!

Too much.

It's so delicious.

Therefore, although a certain witch is obviously from the outside world, and has a certain purpose, but Koscice does not think she is a spy.


The ability to go back in time is really terrifying.

Recalling the infected person who, through the power of time, got rid of the life threatened by the mineral disease, the light in Koscie's eyes gradually became flickering.

Regarding the ability to rewind time, if you think about it, there are many ways to apply it.

Bring the dead back to life and start a new life.

There are many consumables and special research projects with extremely high cost, which can be restarted countless times and get the best answer among countless failures.

If she appeared in the era of the previous king, she could even use this power to forcibly continue the prosperity of the military country.

Irena is an elite with Originium skills that is even more terrifying than Mephisto's Originium catalysis ability. She should appear in the Imperial City of the Flame Kingdom, the Imperial Capital of Ursus, and the Kazdel's. Black Iron Palace!

The people in those places are qualified to make it work for it.

No matter what you think, a dignified time-capable person should not become a spy for a third-rate mob organization like the Integration Movement.

So, what the **** is that guy looking for to find the integration movement?

To be honest, such doubts have been haunting the Duke of Corsice throughout this day.

However, in any case, being able to catch a time capable person is a good thing for him after all.

After all, if you have that power, you will soon be able to return to normal, and then go to take over the city.

Thinking like this, Lord Snake used the dragon girl's body to look at the side.

There, Mephisto's herd and Sarkaz mercenaries were approaching the camp.

If nothing else, it should be W and Mephistopheles who returned—

Corsi is looking into the distance, her eyesight is very good, even people thousands of meters away can see very clearly.

Therefore, he could see with his own eyes that a man was pulling Irena, who had just fled, and walking forward, and was chatting and laughing with the head of the mercenary regiment.


Who is that man?

Doubt, the expression in Koscice's heart, and then, her complexion suddenly changed.

No Mephisto and Faust in that line!

Who is that guy?

Where did Mephistopheles and Faust go?

Why is w with him?

Many questions rose in Koscice's mind.

Extremely bad emotions rose in her heart, but she really didn't have time to think about it anymore.

There is no reason for him.

When she noticed the person leading the herd and the Sarkaz mercenary group, he also saw himself! !

"nice to meet you."

Because of the sight of others, the young man turned his head and smiled at himself, because the teeth exposed in the smile were uneasy.

"Archduke Corsice."

Does this guy even know his identity? !

An unprecedented sense of crisis entangled Corsice's heart like a vine, making him feel as if mercury was poured into the air.

Why does he know himself?

Is it the malicious betrayal of his opponents, or is there a traitor among the old nobles?

All kinds of thoughts rose in Koscice's heart.

In just an instant, the person on the other side had revealed information that was extremely deadly to her.

Waging war abroad requires righteousness.

This is basic common sense.

There was a war in Smecta, the famous loot country of World War II.

In that war, the world's No. 1 army was attacked by a group of bunnies, beaten all over the place looking for teeth, and was even mocked as a young soldier for a time.

However, the invincible legions of the Lighthouse Country in other regions are really a group of young masters? That is definitely a mockery of other countries that have been beaten all over the place.

So, how did a group of mud-legged men beat the Lighthouse Nation army, who was slaughtering indiscriminately in the major battlefields, to more than ten pages?

This question is not difficult to answer, it is belief.

The lighthouse country is here to earn extra money. If it is not for good military literacy, once it is defeated, it is basically not far from the pigs that can't be caught for three days and three nights.

But on the other side is an army of faith.

For Koscice, who is eager to give Ursus an advantage in the future Wuyan war, righteousness is undoubtedly needed.

A terrorist with the royal blood of the Yan Kingdom robbed the mobile city of Ursus, and then hit the Dragon Gate because of the family dog ​​blood drama. This is undoubtedly something worthy of anger for Ursus.

Their compatriots actually burped because of this stupid reason, and Yan Guo dared to come to Ursus for an answer?

There is no doubt that this is no less than adding fuel to the fire for the people of Ursus.

Righteousness, public opinion, and the secret support of the great nobles, in the next battle, Ursus' legion will undoubtedly become the most ferocious weapon of war.

However, if the Duke of Ursus occupied the body of an idealistic young woman who could be called the county master of the Yan Kingdom, in order to mobilize someone who would really kill the entire Qicheng and Longmen, that would be another matter.

As you can imagine, the situation would then be reversed.

You must not reveal that you are Koscice!

A cold light flashed in Kesice's eyes.

With that in mind, he grabbed the sword at his waist.

The opponent's weapon is a spear.

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