Although he said that his relationship with the Queen Wan Fei is not very good, but after all, he is a colleague. With this status, he should not be like a certain white hair, performing live "battle, from entry to entry".

Then, her heart gradually brought some doubts.

As the royal commander of the princess, the doctor's fellow is undoubtedly a member of the direct line, who is tied to the princess.

Under her command, except for the last battle, the Tower of Babel was always victorious.

However, sometimes the cost is almost unimaginable.

So far, quite a few of the people who once belonged to the Tower of Babel felt that Thearesia's death and her deep sleep were probably part of the evil spirit's plan in the Tower of Babel, and it was the result of a certain victory in the future. "cost".

To be honest, although I don't like the Doctor very much, w believes that the war expert was just a doctor who behaved slightly in the beginning, not a war machine.

If she really has a brother who can influence the balance of war by herself, she will definitely not be like a chess player, constantly sacrificing a partner she knows in exchange for the slightest possibility of victory.

According to w's knowledge of that woman, she can be sure that if there is such a powerful and reliable character by her side, the plan she made is definitely not a great escape, but a direct way to bring Her Royal Highness back to Kazdel and explode directly Drop the head of the Regent's dog.


Is there any problem here?

w's brows furrowed slightly.


The crimson blood swelled and stretched unrestrictedly.

That's because the master's control ability is not strong, and the power that escapes when emotionally excited.

w have seen this happen to many people.

The sky fire of the King's Staff will directly burn the clothes once the Originium Skill is activated.

As if a drop of ink had entered the clear water, everything in the field of vision was gradually dyed with the color of blood, the breath of fear overflowed, and the air became cold and viscous, as if injected with deteriorated gel.

All together, the cold hair of the mercenary girl who was trying to get closer was turned upside down.

what happened.

This guy seems to be on fire all of a sudden! !

Before w could react, the boy's slightly cold hand grabbed the back of her fate's neck and forcibly twisted her head. To be honest, w Jiang felt that her head might be directly affected. was twisted down.

"My lovely W-chan, you're making a big joke. I do have a sister, but she shouldn't be in this world at all."

Smiling, the boy expressed his opinion.

"You should have met Dadalia, I am the same person as him."


This is the name of a man who will make the cadres of the rectification movement directly incarnate into tears.

Not long ago, they attacked the city in high spirits, but before they could break the city, they were stopped by a guy with a face that said that people are stupid and money is coming quickly.

"I'm sorry, everyone, I charged Rhode Island's money and want to stop you here."

"Everyone, can you take a detour?"

That's what the man with the strange gemstone said.

Then he got into a fight with the rehab movement.

To be honest, although the man is strong, he is only at the same level as the Patriots in his youth. With Tallulah, Froststar, and Patriots acting together, and with the support of the entire integration movement, it is impossible. Block the integration movement.


After that, the **** didn't know how to do it, and suddenly he started to feel cold, and he directly knocked out a leader and two cadres of the integration movement, together with all the shield guards.

Obviously, that one is over.

"I used the power of Her Lady Queen in this battle, and I lost all this battle."

"Since the victory is impossible, I won't kill you."

"My mission has been completed, it's time to return to my own world, everyone will see you again."

After that guy had beaten up the high-level combat power of the entire rectification movement, he said this, and then the whole person disappeared.

Thinking about it carefully, the appearance of that guy and this guy who looks very similar to the Doctor is really unusual.

So, this guy is from another world?

W's eyes widened a bit, and his heart suddenly became cold.

According to Su Han, he does have a sister, but her sister is also from another world, not from his own world...

If you think about it this way, he might just be pure and lookalike.

Heck, if that's the case, then you'll be cold.

The heart of Miss W, who is busy with relationships and wants to live a life, is cold, **** it, do you want to see Your Excellency the Queen today?

If that's the case, it's impossible.

During the time when w was in a panic, Su Han's expression did not change, but his heart was slightly different.

What's the matter with this guy?

The expression doesn't look like a lie.

At this time, I'm going to contact Erya and ask her to come and check?

Su Han, who never knew what Miss Erya, who was complained by Wuhe Qinli that "the dish looks like a paramecia," has been drawing in the apartment, fell into thought.

Forget it, don't call her anymore.

Probably because the Eye of Darkness is a metaphysical weapon. Since integrating that thing, Su Han seems to have acquired a very good sixth sense.

His intuition told him that if he brought the guy who had recently transformed in the direction of the book painter here, it would probably be a mess.

In the boy's body holding an angel that can imitate other angels, there is magic power surging.

"Damn, you didn't lie?"

In the shadows under the boy's feet, a broom suddenly floated out, and with w's unbelievable, gleaming eyes from Irena, he gave an order.

"Similar to. Announcement."

The next moment, the oddly shaped broom transformed into a book with a huge cross.

That's Baidu... ahem, the Angel of Books.

If you use its power, you can easily check the past and the present. Although it is a replica, the difference from the original is like Messiah and Mio Takamiya, but after all, it still has the ability to detect.

Search, Babel, Ph.D., w.

Very brisk, Su Han picked up the pen and wrote three key words on it.

Then, the history of the past is revealed in the book.

Three minutes later, he closed the book, his expression flat, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Why can a group of women make up such a strange story when the front line is so urgent.

Also, that guy from the Swordsman Tower...

I have to admit that Su Han's eyes flickered in the face of Swordsman Tower, who was a little familiar to him.

People from another world are summoned by special rituals, like

"Your joke, I will not take it seriously for the time being."

In w's confused expression as if thinking about "who am I, where am I, and where am I going", the teenager who had already read the history stepped aside, carried Leiden Yayi, who was in a coma, on his back, and then spoke to w.

It seems that I have to go to Rhode Island next.

After all, that face is really annoying.

However, Su Han looked at the surrounding members of the rectification movement who had become puppets and looked at a w who had an extremely deep love-hate relationship with the Swordsman Tower, and couldn't help but pondered slightly.

Now that Rhode Island is relatively stable, there is no need to rush to see the situation.

On the contrary, it is impossible for Lao Sao Snake to not notice the things on his side. If it is not solved as soon as possible, there may be some moths.

Thinking of this, he smiled and spoke to the American cockroach.

"Lead the way."

"Take me to Tallulah, if you can't find it, I'll take you to see your dear colleagues."

==========Dividing Line==========

Corsice, Duke of Snakes.

Corsice, this undead black snake is an evil god, but it is not the "ancient will of Ursus", nor is it the embodiment of the malice of this land.

In essence, he was no different from the Patriot, Froststar, Faust, or Mephistopheles: they were all pedestrians struggling on muddy ground, and they were all dried up blood on the tundra of Ursus.

Like all beings in Ursus, he loved the prosperous Ursus.

However, he is a **** after all, an existence that surpasses human beings. As the ultimate immortal species, his thinking is naturally unlikely to be the same as that of a normal Ursus.

He loves only prosperous Ursus.

He loves the giant bear under the rule of the late emperor that can make other countries tremble just by turning over, and loves the permafrost empire that swept across the continent.

In that Ussas, there are patriots, there are Herag, "The Witch King of the Tower, the Silver Spear, and all are victorious." From the tundra of the extreme north to the long lake of Casimir, everyone in Ursas is full and enthusiastic.

It was the most glorious era of Ursus.

However, from the comments of the Patriots and Herag, it can be interpreted that the emperor's era just played a trick that appeared in the history books many times, and the contradictions moved outward.

Everything seems to be thriving under extreme militarism, and the whole country is thriving. But this is all pathological, but internal conflicts are temporarily suppressed by the huge interests of outward expansion and continue to brew. The problem was pushed back, but never resolved.

This is like a crazy wheel, with high speed, running on the constantly collapsing floating road.

If there is no new fuel supply to maintain the high speed, sooner or later it will be buried by the constantly crumbling road.

Ursus, the benevolent emperor now, is unable to reform and change Ursus' military characteristics, and he is unwilling to continue to be crazy, so that Ursus can continue to use the flesh and blood of other countries and races to continue to prosper.

It was clear that Ursus was dying.

He needs a reform, or keep going crazy!

The difficulty of reform is obviously extremely high.

Compared with reform, it would be a better choice to launch wars to divert conflicts like the previous generation of emperors.

"So, Ursus must be plunged into war immediately, immediately."

Dressed in a very charming looking \"woman\" sitting by a bonfire, she whispered to a certain city-state marked with a dragon head on the map.

Bring prosperity through war.

This theory only applies to plundering civilizations, such as Vikings, Mongolians or Eastern Japanese, and it is too nonsense to put it on other civilizations.

No grass grows in the fields plowed by the violence of war. War brings nothing but destruction and pain.

Koscice he understands.

However, the giant bear named Ursus needs a poison called war to numb himself and maintain prosperity.

For this, Ursus now needs a war.

After a battle is won, you can nibble on the wounds of the losers and stabilize the wars of several eras.

The ancient evil **** was watching some godless country on the map.

In ancient times, a certain monarch of that country led an army, expelled the gods from his kingdom, and built a highly centralized empire.

Since then, the empire named Yan has been enduring for a long time.

It is a good fuse to let the city of Ursus collide with the Dragon Gate of the Yan Kingdom.

However, before that, he had to take care of his wounds first, and then go to take command of the city.

Kosice clutched his adopted daughter's arm, where, because of the power of God, the scars that were difficult to remove for a long time were very hideous.

Honestly, this injury is outrageous.

On the day he attacked Qicheng, the soldiers and policemen of Ursus had already left tacitly, allowing the integration movement to capture.

However, the medical department calling itself Rhode Island came to Chiecheng that day to find someone.

If it was just a group of guys from the medical department, as a result, there was also a neuropathy whose combat power flew directly, and he beat himself up.

Thinking of this, even the face of the undead black snake could not help but twitch.

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